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Chapter 347

The matter about Ma Mingde spread a lot within half a day.

Among them, Li Zhen naturally added fuel to the flames.

The news was flying all over the place, and it was already known all over the city. The people knew that Ma Mingde had molested Xia Yu, and also knew that Ma Mingde was sent to the hospital by a senior citizen. They all scolded the senior citizen for being blind and actually looking for a pervert to go to the hospital for treatment. The matter did not involve the common people. Sometimes, the people will laugh and watch, but when it comes to the people themselves, the people immediately show endless anger.

The voices of condemnation grew louder and louder than ever.

After what happened to Ma Mingde, the people in Guangzhou had a great loss of impression of senior citizens. At the same time, Li Zhen became a positive example. The people praised Li Zhen for not being afraid of power and killing Ma Mingde, which made people happy. After this incident , Qiling's reputation plummeted, but Li Zhen's popularity rose sharply.

Governor's Yamen, lobby.

Ye Mingchen was sitting directly above the hall, drinking tea and leisurely.

The British and French allied forces attacked Guangzhou, and Ye Mingchen abandoned his armor and was imprisoned. However, Xianfeng did not remove Ye Mingchen from his official post as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. He only gave a symbolic rebuke. After all, Ye Mingchen had massacred tens of thousands of uprisings before. The people who made great contributions to the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, Ye Mingchen continued to stay in Guangzhou and enjoy his happiness.

As for the two Taoist priests recruited by Ye Mingchen who believed in Chunyangzi Lu Dongbin, they had fled when Ye Mingchen was arrested, and now they have disappeared.

Ye Mingchen took a sip of tea and said calmly: "It's really interesting that Qi Ling and Li Zhen started fighting so quickly. But I didn't expect that Li Zhen was so decisive and ruthless. He actually killed Ma Mingde and Qi Ling in front of the people." Caught in a dilemma, this person who came out of the army should not be underestimated."

On the right side of the hall, a slender staff member said: "Your Majesty Governor, Qi Ling accidentally got the upper hand and was taken over by Li Zhen. Do you want to give Qi Ling a hand to prevent Qi Ling from being defeated?"

“Help the elderly.”

Ye Mingchen sneered and said: "This old boy Qi Ling is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even though he is a civil servant, he has a lot of thoughts. If you think that Ma Mingde is defeated when he is killed by senior people, you are totally wrong. Ma Mingde is only used by senior people." Let’s test one of Li Zhen’s chess pieces, then the two of them will fight each other, that’s the real show, I’ll wait and see.”

The staff member said again: "Sir, are we just sitting on the sidelines?"

Ye Mingchen shook his head with a deep look on his face and said: "In order to sit on the sidelines and add fuel to the fire to make the fight between the two more intense, you asked people to spread the news that Li Zhen killed Ma Mingde, even though everyone already knew it. , we can also add fuel to the flames, further expand the gaffe, anger the seniors, and force them to continue to take action."

"Yes, I understand."

The staff member nodded, turned around and left.

When Ye Mingchen thought that Qi Ling and Li Zhen were fighting, he could sit back and relax, and his heart was filled with joy. He couldn't help but feel a complacent look on his face. He waved his hand and hummed softly: "I'm talking about being a teenager, and I'm going to lead you to Huang. Holding the blue sky on the right, wearing brocade hats and mink fur, thousands of horses rolling around the hills, to repay the beautiful city and follow..."

The energetic voice echoed back and forth in the hall.

Governor's Yamen, study room.

The senior citizen was dressed in a black robe, sitting upright, with an ashen complexion, his narrow eyes slightly narrowed, his thin lips pursed, and there was a sense of coldness all over his body. The news of Ma Mingde's murder reached the senior citizen's ears. Qi Ling immediately anticipated the subsequent result and was so angry that he slapped the table repeatedly, but to no avail.

Seniors still believe in Ma Mingde.

This person's medical skills are not very good, but he can speak well. Only with a eloquent mouth can he make the best friends with people in the hospital and win over people who belong to Li Zhen. This is also the case. Ma Mingde used the influence of the elderly governor of Guangdong to With his identity, he had already won over a group of people in just a few days.

Unfortunately, before the senior citizen's happiness could subside, he received the news that Ma Mingde had molested a female patient in the hospital.

If Li Zhen hadn't been involved in this matter, it wouldn't be considered a big deal.

The senior citizen can settle the matter with just one word.

However, Li Zhen stepped in and treated Ma Mingde as a scum model, and the situation changed. Especially when the elders heard what Li Zhen said from the servants, they felt even more hatred because Li Zhen He killed Ma Mingde brazenly and pushed him out, putting all the blame on his senior. The senior didn't care about Ma Mingde's life or death, but Ma Mingde's death had an impact on him, which made the senior angry. .

"Sir Governor, although Ma Mingde is lustful, he can distinguish the occasion clearly. It is impossible for him to molest a woman in the hospital. In the view of his humble position, there must be an inside story about this matter. Li Zhen must have found someone to set up Ma Mingde, which caused Ma Mingde to fall into the trap. It’s a honey trap, my lord, would you like to send someone to check on that woman?”

In the study, a middle-aged man in his early forties said.

The middle-aged man's name is Shi Shen. He has a tall and thin figure, three long beards, eyebrows like swords, and eyes like morning stars. He is extremely handsome. He is a counselor recently recruited by the elders.

Hearing this, Qi Ling shook his head and said: "This matter ends here. There is no need to investigate further. Even if it is found that Li Zhen arranged it, so what? Could it be that I sent Ma Mingde to deal with Li Zhen's people in the hospital, and Li Zhenxin Unwilling to give up, he found another woman to seduce Ma Mingde. In the end, even if Li Zhen was exposed, both Li Zhen and I became the laughing stock. This matter ends here, don't bother with it, let it subside on its own."

"My lord is wise."

Shishen bowed slightly, with a humble expression on his face.

Immediately, Shishen continued: "Sir, Li Zhen killed Ma Mingde directly. He was arrogant and declared war on you. If you don't respond, I'm afraid Li Zhen will think that you are afraid. What should I do next?"

Qiling snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Guangdong can only have one master, and the same is true for Guangzhou. If Li Zhen doesn't obey me, he will naturally have to fight. The most important way to deal with Li Zhen is to divide and isolate him. Next , I will completely isolate Li Zhen and make Li Zhen's army disobedient. Without the army, Li Zhen will be a loner."

Shi Shen said loudly: "Li Zhen's generals are loyal, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Qi Ling smiled and said: "There is no such thing as loyalty, there is only the amount of interests. When the interests that prompt a person to betray are enough, he will definitely succeed. Shishen, if you send someone to the Admiral's Mansion to deliver a message, just tell me that I The officials held a banquet at the governor's office to celebrate Li Zhen's victory over Guangzhou, and invited Li Zhen and all the generals under Li Zhen to attend."

"Yes, I will do it immediately."

Shishen nodded in agreement and quickly went to make arrangements.

Qi Ling looked at Shi Shen's leaving figure, his eyes slightly wrinkled. I'm afraid this Shi Shen still has to think about it.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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