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Chapter 353 The Power of Public Opinion

In half a day, senior people spread the news throughout Guangzhou about Li Zhenchao's request for a singer.

People are very enthusiastic about this type of gossip.

In this era, there was no electricity, no Internet, no coffee shops, no computers, not even TV, and there were not many entertainment activities. Chatting was the main thing to pass the time. Li Zhen took the initiative to ask the seniors for dancing singers, so that Many people who had nothing to do had something to discuss. On the streets, in restaurants, romantic venues, casinos, and even in the streets and alleys, you could hear about Li Zhen asking for a singer from the elderly.

In the north of the city, there is a restaurant.

In the lobby.

A scribe in Tsing Yi moved his eyes around, looking at the surrounding situation. Seeing more and more people in the lobby, the scribe in Tsing Yi changed his expression and immediately put on a look of contempt, and said impassionedly: "It is really the trend of the world today. Under the sun, morality has declined, and the dignified Admiral of Guangzhou actually asked the governor for a singing girl to have fun. It is really unbelievable. This man really knows people but not his heart. I didn't expect Li Zhen to be such a person."

"Yes, it is really an insult to politeness, an insult to politeness."

Next to the Tsing Yi scribe, another man holding a wine glass sighed repeatedly and echoed the Tsing Yi scribe's words.

As soon as the two spoke, the topic immediately arose.

"You sanctimonious scholars are full of dirty thoughts. If you have the skills, you go to the governor to beg for a few women to try. You yourself hanging around brothels to find women are called arty. Admiral Li begged singers to appreciate them, and that's it. I'm so damn unlucky to be scolded so badly by you, how come people like you exist in this world."

A burly man drank heavily, and the wine bowl in his hand fell on the table with a thud.

The man looked indignant and continued: "If you ask me, Admiral Li is a real man and a good man. Think about it, if Admiral Li wants a woman, as long as he lets out a little bit of talk, all the people in the city who want to curry favor with Admiral Li will People must have flocked here, not to mention looking for beautiful women, I am afraid they even dared to take out their own daughters. However, Admiral Li did not play such a trick and directly asked for it from the elders. If you give it, you will give it. If you don't give it, it will be fine. Wow, what a cheerful person, this is a good man."

"Well said, well done, Admiral Li."

"Brother wakes up the dreamer in one fell swoop. These words are on point."

The burly man's words immediately won the approval of many people.

However, most of the people cheering were not scholars, but ordinary people. This situation immediately angered the former scribe in Tsing Yi. He stood up in anger, flushed with anger, and shouted loudly: "Li Zhen is the admiral of Guangzhou. It is wrong to ask the governor for a singing girl. It is simply absurd for a Guangzhou admiral to not think about doing things for the country and the people, but to listen to music and have fun. I thought Li Zhen was a man of achievements, but I did not expect that he is a man who is full of pleasure. ,disappoint others."

"You must have become stupid because of your reading. You are full of shit."

When the man heard this, he stood up.

"The right way is that you can't be lewd by wealth, you can't move by poverty, you can't bend by force. No matter how big or thick you are, it doesn't matter. You are nothing more than a brainless barbarian. Come on, fight if you have the guts. I will never give in."

The scholar in Tsing Yi shook his head, with a look of disdain on his face.

"I'll give you a good beating first and see if you give in."

The middle-aged man got angry, rolled up his sleeves, and waved his fists, ready to hit someone.

"Okay, okay, don't argue anymore. Someone with knowledge in the Admiral's Mansion revealed the news. Admiral Li asked the elders for a singer, not to listen to music for himself, but because the generals under his command had no wives, so he asked for a singer. Now, Admiral Li's generals have purchased residences in the city and are ready to settle down. Admiral Li is kind-hearted, thinking that his generals are fighting in the battlefield but have no heirs, so he shamelessly begs for women for his generals. This is Such actions can truly be described as a manly man.”

"Well said, Admiral Li is truly a man."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. Seniority exposed Admiral Li's request for a singer, and wanted to frame Admiral Li. He judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. It's really abominable. The last time seniority asked Ma Mingde, who looked like an animal, to go to the hospital, the result was He was beheaded by Admiral Li, and now he is framed by Admiral Li. What a villain."

Continuous insults and curses are aimed at senior citizens, and the target of the attack has turned.

The scholar in Tsing Yi felt unwilling and retorted loudly: "Huh, this is all your conjecture. Who knows whether Li Zhen got the news from the outside and was forced to give the singing girl to his generals. He knows everyone but not everyone. Heart, who knows what Li Zhen thinks."

"You rotten idiot, I'm here to beat you up."

Not far away, a drinking man stood up and shouted: "Admiral Li did bring the singing girls back to the Admiral's Mansion, but within a quarter of an hour, all the singing girls left with Huang Shihai and other military generals. This will be Did Admiral Li give him the title of general under pressure? You idiot who has lost his mind in studying, I will deal with you today."

After saying these words, the rest of the people raised their fists and stared at the Tsing Yi scribe fiercely.

Seeing this, the scholar in Qingyi and another scholar did not dare to stay and left in despair. After the two left the restaurant, they walked quickly for fear of being followed by others. When they saw that there was no one behind them, they walked boldly towards the governor's Yamen.

On the way, the scribe in Tsing Yi said helplessly: "Brother Zhu, the spearhead is aimed at the governor, what should we do?"

The man called 'Brother Zhu' sighed and said: "What else can I do? Report it truthfully."

The two of them walked towards the governor's office, shaking their heads and sighing.

On the way, the two of them saw the people who came out of the governor's Yamen to stir up trouble one after another. After questioning, they all failed. They all pointed the finger at Qi Ling, saying that Qi Ling judged the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, and Qi Ling Taking the initiative to expose Li Zhenchao's request for a singing girl makes people think that the senior citizen has poor conduct.

Governor's Yamen, in the study.

The senior citizen had a gloomy expression on his face, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a deep chill all over his body.

Shi Shen sat below, but there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. Every time Qi Ling used gentle methods, he was frustrated again and again. This method was like scratching an itch, without feeling at all.

Shishen took a deep breath, with a flash of fanaticism in his eyes, and said: "Sir, ordinary methods are useless against Li Zhen. To deal with people like Li Zhen, strong medicine must be used. Your Excellency has already entertained Li Zhen once, why not do it again?" Invite Li Zhen and the generals in the army, and then order people to set up an ambush to kill Li Zhen in one fell swoop, and then take over Li Zhen's army."

Qi Ling shook his head and said coldly: "Shishen, there are official rules in officialdom. If everyone acts like you, it will not be chaotic. Even if Li Zhen is killed and the news reaches Beijing, the emperor will not let him go." I, and besides, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Ye Mingchen, will not sit idly by and watch, the fight must be under control."

Hearing this, Shishen said again: "Sir, what are you going to do?"

Qi Ling sighed and said: "According to the plan, we are going to contact Lu Shaochuan, control Li Zhen's soldiers, and evade Li Zhen."

Hearing this, a coldness suddenly flashed across Shi Shen's eyes. The elder still used the old method, but it was too slow. In order to encourage the elder to deal with Li Zhen, and to encourage the elder to break the rules, he had to make arrangements.

Shishen took a deep breath and made up his mind.

ps: Third update; let’s continue writing; break out, okay, I’m asking for votes and support.

This chapter has been completed!
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