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Chapter 357

Qiling received Ye Mingchen's assurance and felt relieved.

If Ye Mingchen disagrees and Ye Mingchen wants to stop it, things will be difficult to handle. Now with Ye Mingchen's help, everything will go smoothly. At this time, Qi Ling told Ye Mingchen his detailed plan to deal with Li Zhen, and the two discussed it carefully. After some discussion and finalizing the plan, Qiling stood up to say goodbye and left the Governor's Yamen.

Standing at the door of the Governor's Yamen, the senior citizen felt his breathing became easier.

All worries will be solved easily.

Although the important official position of Governor of Guangzhou was given to Ye Mingchen, Qi Ling believed that he had also made a profit, because Qi Ling and Li Zhen failed in their repeated battles and failed to win over Lu Shaochuan, so he could only retreat. He advanced and captured Li Zhen, and Qiling offered an Admiral of Guangzhou, which was regarded as a step back.

However, Qi Ling had the opportunity to win over the newly appointed Governor of Guangzhou. This was another opportunity for Qi Ling to move forward. Not only that, Qi Ling sold a good deal to Ye Mingchen, dragging Ye Mingchen into the trap. This was what Qi Ling valued most.

After getting on the carriage, Qiling went directly back to the governor's Yamen.

Governor's Yamen, Chen Qiankun's courtyard.

In the yard, Chen Qiankun was thinking about how to control Qi Ling. He had already convinced Qi Ling to deal with Li Zhen and gained his trust. Next, Qi Ling and Ye Mingchen teamed up to set up a trap to lure Li Zhen into taking the bait. They must capture him in one fell swoop. Yes, after Li Zhen's defeat, Chen Qiankun must control Qi Ling in order to further control Guangzhou.

Therefore, how to control the elderly faces Chen Qiankun.

"Tap, step,."

The sound of hurried footsteps was heard, and Chen Qiankun followed the sound, only to see the elder walking in.

"Shishen has met your lord."

Chen Qiankun immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

The elder strode to Chen Qiankun and sat down next to him. Then he waved his hand for Chen Qiankun to sit down too. The wrinkles on his old face relaxed and he said with a smile: "Shishen, you are injured, don't stick to these false etiquettes." , recuperating is the most important thing."

Chen Qiankun said gratefully: "Thank you for your concern, sir. My injury is not a problem. You can go to the governor's office to discuss with Ye Mingchen about dealing with Li Zhen. What's the result? Does Ye Mingchen agree to deal with Li Zhen together?"

The elder waved his sleeves and said with a smile, "I agree."

"Great, great."

Chen Qiankun exclaimed and stood up in joy, with a cheerful look on his face. He suddenly stood up and pulled the wound on his back. He grimaced in pain. Chen Qiankun was also carried away by excitement. After calming down, he looked at the smiling senior sitting in front of him. A look of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he bowed and said, "Sir, I got carried away thinking that I could deal with Li Zhen. Please forgive me for any offense."

Qiling waved his hands and said nonchalantly: "I can understand your actions, and I feel sorry for Bai Gui. It is really a pity that Bai Gui has such a loyal person like you but does not reuse him. Don't worry, you will follow me. Guaranteed you will be successful."

Chen Qiankun was happy to avenge the disciples of the Tiandihui, but the elders thought that Chen Qiankun was happy to avenge Bai Gui.

There is obviously an essential difference between the two.

Chen Qiankun sat down again and asked, "Sir, have you made any specific plans?"

Qi Ling nodded and said seriously: "I and Ye Mingchen have already discussed the countermeasures. On August 12, Ye Mingchen will invite Li Zhen and me to the Governor's Yamen. At that time, I will use Li Zhen The incident of sending someone to assassinate me was used as a pretext to ask Ye Mingchen to punish Li Zhen. When the time comes, Ye Mingchen will cooperate, and then directly remove Li Zhen from his official post as Admiral of Guangzhou, and then use the soldiers of the Governor's Mansion to arrest Li Zhen. Once Li Zhen Being controlled, Li Zhen's army is leaderless and easy to control."

Chen Qiankun rolled his eyes and asked again: "If we arrest Li Zhen, should we choose to imprison him or depose him to serve the people?"

"It should be detention." Qiling said.

When Chen Qiankun heard this, he immediately felt relieved. However, there were only a few days left until August 12th. If he hadn't thought of a way to control the elderly, it might have been difficult.

August 12, August 12.

Chen Qiankun thought of something. The wedding date was set on August 12, which was the day when Fang Su married Wang Rui. At that time, Wang Rui and Fang Su held a wedding, and he had to participate. Once he left the governor The Yamen can't deal with Li Zhen's matter, and it's not around Qiling.

Chen Qiankun frowned and his mind began to spin rapidly.

Seeing that Chen Qiankun was silent, the senior citizen asked, "Shishen, I see that your brows are furrowed. Do you have something on your mind?"

Chen Qiankun's heart moved and he said, "Sir, I do have something to ask of you."

"Let me tell you about it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you." The elder said with a smile. Chen Qiankun saved his life today, so the elder owes Chen Qiankun a favor. Now Chen Qiankun If he takes the initiative to request, the senior citizen will be happy to return the favor.

Chen Qiankun looked hesitant and said slowly: "Replying to your lord, I only have one daughter, so I have hired a son-in-law. The wedding is scheduled to be held on August 12th. I am wondering if I can let my daughter and son-in-law live in the governor's office." The wedding is going to be held, sir. Don’t worry, I will only hold the banquet in the backyard, so it won’t affect you. Moreover, I don’t have many relatives and friends, only about twenty people at most, and this courtyard is enough to accommodate it.”

Speaking of this, Chen Qiankun continued: "I only have one daughter, and I want my daughter to marry in a glamorous manner and get some glory, so I want to hold the wedding at the governor's office. If you find it difficult, I will still hold the wedding outside. Don’t dare to disturb the adults.”

Hearing this, Qiling laughed loudly and said: "What a double happiness on August 12th. On that day, I will capture Li Zhen. On that day, there will be another wedding in the house. It is a good day, and I will be lucky." To make the bride and groom happy, they don’t need to get married in your yard, just in the living room, to make it more grand."

"Your Excellency, Shishen will never forget your kindness."

Chen Qiankun showed a grateful smile on his face and said happily.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Wang Rui and Fang Su's marriage to bring in all the key personnel of the Tiandihui, the senior citizen and the governor's office can be controlled together. Especially since Chen Qiankun gained the senior citizen's trust and sacrificed his life to save the senior citizen. Things were also made known to the people under his command.

Even if people from the Tiandihui controlled Qiling and the governor's office, no one would doubt it.

At this moment, Chen Qiankun felt that victory was so close.

The elder looked at Chen Qiankun's happy expression, thinking that Chen Qiankun was grateful to him, but he didn't know that Chen Qiankun had already begun to design him. The elder stood up and ordered: "There are still a few days, you need to recover well, I still have something to do." , I’ll see you again when I have time.”

After saying that, Qiling turned around and left Chen Qiankun's yard and returned to his own yard.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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