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Chapter 382

Wei Yuan left the Admiral's Office and returned to Guangzhou Daily to start writing articles.

At the same time, other celebrities in Guangzhou Daily also wrote and published articles, and all public opinion was directed at the Japs, especially Wei Yuan, who was old-hearted, sharp in writing, and the most violent in his words.

Wei Yuan's article mentioned that Japan was still an uncivilized and barren land at the time. When the Tang Dynasty sent foreign students to study, it was a student learning from a teacher, and he was a disciple. The Japanese pirates are now invading and committing treason. This is just a sin. It was already a serious crime. Wei Yuan also mentioned that the Japanese pirates killed people and committed all kinds of evil. He exposed every thing the Japanese pirates had done and declared that the Japanese pirates would be punished severely.

Without newspapers, the common people would do nothing more than talk.

With newspapers, more people read them and the response was greater, which aroused people's anger against Japanese pirates.

Privately, some people are already eager to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

Li Zhen spent a day inciting the people's rejection of the Japanese pirates. Early the next morning, news came out from the Admiral's Mansion that the captured Japanese pirates would be executed at the execution ground at noon.

Among them, Koizumi Hanjiro and Tanaka Koji are impressively listed.

Koizumi Hanjiro learned that he was going to be killed too, and regretted it to the extreme. He helped Li Zhen kill Onitsuka Shi7ro. In the blink of an eye, Li Zhen crossed the river and demolished the bridge to kill him too. Unfortunately, Koizumi Hanjiro didn't even have the strength to resist, so he directly Being taken to the execution ground, Koizumi Hanjiro was filled with resentment, but to no avail.

Tanaka Chicken and the other eight samurai leaders were also tied up and stood nearby. Tanaka Chicken looked at Koizumi with a look of remorse and asked: "Koizumi-kun, Li Zhen used you to stabilize the samurai at the port and then destroy the ghosts." Tomb, we have destroyed all the warriors, and now it is our turn. I am afraid our results will be even worse. Look at the people around you, they all seem eager to eat us."

Koizumi Hanjiro glanced at the people below, and when he saw the hatred flashing in the people's eyes and the clenched fists of some people, he was extremely frightened.

This time, he will definitely die miserably.

When the people below the execution ground were furious, the rumble of horse hooves could be heard.

"The Admiral has arrived."

A loud shout suddenly came out.

The people followed the sound and saw Li Zhen striding forward wearing a military uniform and a belt. Li Zhen's face was serious and his body was upright, like a green pine standing upright, giving people a sense of toughness and resoluteness. Huang Shihai, Qi Zhenhai and others followed behind him. All the generals were wearing military uniforms and looked serious.

All of them were in high spirits and exuded a heroic spirit. As the saying goes, a Taoist depends on his clothes. The generals under Li Zhenhe appeared in military uniforms instead of wearing loose official uniforms, which made them more eye-catching.

The effect is very different.

His heroic posture, fortitude and bravery made the people nod and praise him.

Such soldiers are the ones who protect their home and country.

Li Zhen, Huang Shihai, Qi Zhenhai and others stood solemnly after going to the execution ground.

Li Zhen stood at the front, looking at the people below. He saw some people holding children, or holding children, and even some children were looking at them. He frowned slightly. He withdrew his gaze and shouted: "Folks, today's execution is special. It may be very bloody. Children are easily frightened. Folks with children are asked to stay away temporarily to avoid scaring the children."

After the words fell, a scholar raised his arms and shouted: "The people who were killed on the execution ground were Japanese pirates and people who invaded our homeland. If they don't even have the courage to witness the killing of Japanese pirates, how will those children protect their homes and country when they grow up? Today, We need to let them see clearly, clearly see the plight of the Japanese pirates, and let them remember that when the Japanese pirates invade, they must also kill the Japanese pirates in this way."

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Zhen's eyes, he didn't expect there to be such a person.

Li Zhen did not dwell too much on whether to evade the matter. He pointed at the Japanese pirates beside him and shouted: "The Japanese pirates have committed serious crimes and have no conscience. Their guilt has been published in the newspaper, so I won't go into details. , I and the officials discussed it and decided to execute the punishment of 'death with a thousand cuts' to the Japanese pirates, so that the Japanese pirates will always remember today's punishment and dare not invade our country, China."

"Okay, well done, sir. These wolf-hearted creatures should be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts."

"Kill, kill as fast as you can."

The people roared one after another, with happy expressions on their faces.

However, the faces of Koizumi Hanjiro and others who were tied up on the execution ground turned extremely pale, and their legs trembled with fear. Both Koizumi Hanjiro and Tanaka Koji knew that the punishment of death by a thousand cuts was very cruel.

Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, also known as ‘Ling Chi’.

The execution method of 'Ling Chi' is very cruel. The general description is to cut off the flesh of the person piece by piece. However, the execution methods of the past dynasties are also different. Generally, eight cuts are made, first cutting the head and face, then the hands and feet, then the chest and abdomen, and finally Owl head.

In fact, it is more than eight swords.

The Qing Dynasty was even more different, with twenty-four swords, thirty-six swords, seventy-two swords and one hundred and twenty swords.

Among them, the twenty-four knives refer to: one and two knives cut both eyebrows, three and four knives cut both shoulders, five and six knives cut both breasts, seven and eight knives cut both hands and between the elbows, and nine and ten knives cut off The area between the elbows and shoulders, eleven or twelve knives to cut off the flesh of the legs, 134 knives to cut the calves, 15 knives to stab the heart, 16 knives to cut off the head, 17 to 18 knives Cut off both hands. Nineteen and twenty cuts on both wrists. Twenty-one and twenty-two cuts on both feet. Twenty-three and twenty-four cuts on both legs.

Compared with the Qing Dynasty, the Lingchi of the Ming Dynasty was more refined, and most Lingchi were more than a thousand swords.

This kind of punishment requires a specific person to be executed, otherwise the person will be dead before a thousand cuts have been made. The most typical example is Liu Jin, the great eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, who was cut alive for three days with a total of 4,700 cuts, which is even more shocking. The most terrifying thing is that after cutting on the first day, Liu Jin drank some porridge and continued on the second day.

Such a punishment is absolutely terrifying.

Koizumi Hanjiro and Tanaka Koji felt that life was worse than death, and they were extremely frightened.

At this time, I heard Li Zhen continue to say: "Today's 'Death by a Thousand Cuts' is different from the past. There is no executioner. In the past, it was an executioner. I have made the decision today and let you do it yourself, one by one, who wants to come up?" Anyone who wants to take action can use a knife to attack, but be careful not to stab him to death with one knife, otherwise you will give the Japanese pirates an advantage."

"Bring up the knife."

Li Zhen waved his hand, and ten soldiers came up with ten long knives and placed them in front of each little devil. Ten little devils, including Tanaka Koji and Koizumi Hanjiro, all had one in front of them. knife.

Li Zhen pointed at Tanaka Xiaoji and others and yelled: "They are the worst criminals among the Japanese pirates. If you want to do it, come up yourself. As long as you don't stab them to death, you can do it at will."

Li Zhen glanced around, with a vague expectation in his heart.

He wanted to change these docile sheep-like people, so he adopted this method to involve the people and make them no longer docile, because now it is a chaotic world of cannibalism.

ps: Second update, there are only two updates today, and there will be two updates tomorrow. Xiaodong will take the train back to his hometown tomorrow. He is busy at home, so he will go home to help. I hope that no layer of skin will fall off during the busy farming period. I will try my best to write the book and try to write it well. , sorry for the update problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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