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Chapter 401

The vast sea, with blue waves, is endless as far as the eye can see.

Ten warships sailed majestically on the sea, moving forward quickly.

In the center of the fleet, on the flagship.

Li Zhen was wearing a military uniform and neatly dressed. He stood on the deck and looked into the distance. He looked at the endless ocean with a look of solemnity on his face. He was silent for a long time. Li Zhen looked at Lu Shaochuan standing next to him and asked: "Distance map Rishima, how long does it take?"

Lu Shaochuan made an estimate and said, "We'll arrive in half an hour."

Li Zhen nodded and waited quietly.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and ten warships appeared outside a small island.

Li Zhen reached out and took the telescope and looked at the trail.

There are no rocks or the like around Turi Island. It is very flat. There are four warships docked on the sea. As far as the eye can see, there are rows of Japanese soldiers stationed at the port entering the island. These Japanese soldiers wear helmets and armor and have sabers hanging on their waists. , holding a gun in his hand and standing ready, Li Zhen used the binoculars to look around, wondering what to do.


Li Zhen roared loudly in his heart, and his murderous aura spread uncontrollably. He pointed in the direction of the four Japanese warships and shouted in a deep voice: "Open fire immediately and sink the opponent's warships."


Lu Shaochuan grinned, his white teeth flashing with a cold light.

"Give me the order to fire in the northwest direction."

Lu Shaochuan issued the order, and soldiers immediately conveyed the order. When the order was conveyed to the cabin where the cannons were placed in the ship, the soldiers controlling the fort loaded the cannonballs and aimed at the direction at the same time. The muzzles of the ten warships were aligned and docked. Four Japanese warships on the coast.

"Boom, boom,,."

A rumbling sound suddenly sounded on the sea, and artillery fire continued.

The shells roared out one after another, drawing vague arcs in the sky. The distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters. The speed of the shells was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they landed on four Japanese warships. In an instant, one after another, Continuous explosions were heard, and the four warships immediately turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. The hulls exploded, sawdust flew, and it was already a mess.

"Okay, this is so refreshing, so damn refreshing."

Lu Shaochuan saw four Japanese warships being bombed to pieces, clasping his hands and laughing.

Li Zhen's eyes also flashed with joy, and he secretly clenched his fists.

He once again used the binoculars to look at the situation on the shore of Turi Island port, and found that the Japanese soldiers on the port were indifferent and did not take the warships to be bombed. Li Zhen's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes turned to the shore and lit up He looked at the four Japanese warships that were in flames carefully.

From this observation, Li Zhen discovered that although the four warships had been ravaged by fire, there was no one on the tattered ship, and there was only one empty warship.

Seeing this situation, Li Zhen knew that the situation was not optimistic.

The battlefield should still be on the island.

Li Zhen secretly said that the Japanese were cunning. They knew that they were defeated at sea, but they decisively abandoned the warships and chose to fight on land. Li Zhen's face sank and he said seriously: "The four warships were blown to pieces. The ship is empty and there is no Japs. Now we should concentrate our firepower to bombard the Japs stationed on the shore, defeat them all, and then land on Turi Island to prepare for battle."

The order was passed on, and a moment later there was continuous artillery bombardment.


In the blink of an eye, the shore turned into a sea of ​​fire.

When the artillery fire bombarded the shore, none of the Japanese soldiers stationed on the shore resisted, and they retreated in a swarm. When Li Zhen saw this, he frowned slightly.

If the Japanese don't offer any resistance, what conspiracy is there on the island?

This battle will not be easy.

Huang Qiang stood nearby and interjected: "Commander, judging from the current situation, the Japanese pirates have abandoned their warships and do not plan to station on the shore. Their focus should be on the small island, or the Japanese pirates have already controlled the people on the island. If you want us to use a rat weapon, why not let the special forces from the Jian Dao Battalion sneak into the island first to check the movements of the Japanese pirates, and then send out the army together."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Log in first and then talk."

As the Japs abandoned the port of Turi Island, the soldiers under Li Zhen were able to land easily.

Within half an hour, all the troops were stationed ashore.

Li Zhengang was about to lead his army into the island. He suddenly stopped, turned to look at Lu Shaochuan, and said in a deep voice: "The little devils put the main battlefield on the island, but they don't necessarily have no backup. The ten warships are ours." Fundamentally, there is no room for error. We must pay attention. Lu Shaochuan, please dispatch two battalions of soldiers to stay on the ship and pay attention to the water ghosts to ensure the safety of the ten warships. We are going to return to Guangzhou by ship. Not a single warship is safe. It cannot be destroyed."

When Lu Shaochuan heard this, he immediately became vigilant.

He nodded repeatedly and said: "The commander is absolutely right. The little devils are cunning and cunning, so we must be on guard." Lu Shaochuan immediately mobilized two battalions of soldiers to guard the ten warships docked on the shore. Not only were the ten warships guarded by soldiers, but Lu Shaochuan also placed secret sentries in the sea to prevent water ghosts from causing trouble.

Seeing that the rear was stable, Huang Qiang said again: "Commander, I think we should let the soldiers of the Sharp Blade Battalion go to the island first to find out the news."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "That's fine. You can lead ten soldiers from the Sharp Blade Battalion. You only need to inquire about the information, and no action is required. I will lead the army to follow. If there is any movement, you will fire three consecutive shots to signal the signal." , I will lead my army to catch up."


Huang Qiang saluted, summoned ten soldiers and left quickly.

Li Zhen led his troops forward slowly and did not rush forward quickly.

Huang Qiang led ten soldiers from the Sharp Knife Battalion forward. As he advanced, he carefully searched for any ambush set by the Japs. However, the road into the island was very smooth, without encountering any obstacles. There was no shadow of the Japs. They also passed six houses on their way there. Huang Qiang asked soldiers from the Sharp Blade Camp to knock on the door to find out what was going on, but found that every house was empty and there was no one there.

Half an hour later, Huang Qiang led the soldiers from the Sharp Knife Battalion to the center of the island.

This is a low-lying area, surrounded by hills and a basin in the center. You can see dotted houses, which are the people living on Turi Island. Huang Qiang was worried about being discovered, so he cautiously approached the area where the people lived.

However, no one was found outside.

Huang Qiang had a guess in his mind. It was probably the little devils who had taken all the people hostage.

When Huang Qiang found a commanding height and looked at the people gathered in the center of the basin from a high place, he finally discovered that there were densely packed people, including the elderly, children, women and children, etc., all being held hostage in the center of the village. The people in the village were very There were many, hundreds or even thousands, and next to the common people there were little devils with short stature.

The little devils were fierce, some were holding long knives, and some were holding long spears, and they surrounded the people.

Huang Qiang glared angrily, already furious.

This group of Japanese pirates were so inhumane. Huang Qiang also knew that now was not the time to be impulsive, so he immediately retreated with ten soldiers from the Jian Dao Battalion and returned to the main force.

Once we find out the situation clearly, it will be much easier for the army to arrive.

ps: Second update; this battle has begun, it is just the beginning, the next step will be more exciting.

This chapter has been completed!
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