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Chapter 409: An Incident in Guangzhou

As the sun sets in the west, a red disk-like sun hangs at the end of the west, about to fall.

Blood-red light burst out from the red sun, dyeing the entire sky red. The sky was blood-red. When the blood-red sunshine fell, it enveloped the bustling city of Guangzhou, and the entire city seemed to be covered in blood red. Wrapped up, as time passed, the noisy and lively city of Guangzhou became quiet.


The soldiers stationed at the city gate closed the city gate, and the soldiers on the city tower were listless. For these soldiers, with Li Zhen in Guangzhou, no one dared to cause trouble.

Didn’t you see that the foreigners were defeated by Admiral Li falling from the sky?

If you don’t see it, will heaven and earth be destroyed?

Haven't you seen that the Japanese pirates who were running amok along the coast were cut to pieces with thousands of swords?

A series of events made the people blindly worship Li Zhen. Likewise, the soldiers in the city all believed that with Li Zhen in charge, they would not dare to be invaded.

Therefore, the soldiers defending the city did not worry about being attacked.

"Erwazi, I heard that the Japanese pirates occupied Turi Island on the sea. Admiral Li led his army to go to Turi Island to destroy the Japanese pirates. Tell me, Admiral Li can lead his army and return in triumph within a few days." The speaker was a man. A veteran in his early forties, he was skinny, with narrowed eyes and shook his head as he spoke.

The person called Erwazi is a young man, probably in his early twenties.

Mentioning Li Zhen, a flash of enthusiasm flashed in Erwazi's eyes.

He subconsciously reached out and grasped the saber hanging on his waist, and said loudly: "Admiral Li will lead his army to the battle, and they will definitely return with a great victory. I think when Admiral Li arrives at Turi Island, the Japanese pirates will be scared to death, and they will rush there. The time on Turi Island, plus the time to return, even if Admiral Li is delayed a little on the road, he will definitely return in triumph tomorrow. Alas, he has been guarding the city on the tower with nothing to do. If he can follow Admiral Li on the expedition, his death will be worth it. "

These words immediately gained the approval of the other soldiers.

These soldiers all worshiped Li Zhen fanatically.

After hearing this, the veteran laughed loudly and said: "Er son, you want to follow Admiral Li? Hehe, the soldiers recruited by Admiral Li do not smoke opium, do not gamble, do not steal or rob, and must not have bad records. It is too difficult to pass the test. Well, let's make a bet. If Admiral Li can come back tomorrow, I will pay you to drink wine and sleep with women. If Admiral Li comes back only after tomorrow, how about you use the money you saved this month to buy me wine and sleep with women."


Erwazi shook his head and said firmly: "The monthly salary is for me to marry my wife in the future. Mother said not to use it arbitrarily, and I will not bet."

"Haha... I know you are a coward, and you won't dare to gamble if you are sure to make a profit without losing anything." The veteran shook his head and said, "With Admiral Li's ability, tomorrow will definitely..."

At this point, the veteran's voice suddenly stopped.

"There is a situation, be on alert,,."

The veteran opened his eyes, stared outside the city, and roared loudly.

This voice immediately woke up the other soldiers.

Erwazi looked around and shouted: "My mother, the Japanese pirates are coming." Compared with the veteran, Erwazi was young, strong and had good eyesight. The veteran could only vaguely see the situation outside the city, but Erwazi could not Qiu clearly saw how people outside the city were dressed.

Wearing wooden clogs, with a long and a short saber stuck on his waist, a bare forehead in the shape of a horseshoe, and a pig tail on the back of his head, coupled with his unique costume, he was clearly a Japanese pirate.

After Erwazi finished speaking, all the soldiers on the tower were on alert.

Erwazi said worriedly: "Old Zhou, Admiral Li led the army to Turi Island to exterminate the Japanese pirates, but the Japanese pirates appeared outside Guangzhou City. What do you think this is?"

Veteran Zhou rolled his eyes and said seriously: "Humph, this is the little devil's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Admiral Li led his army to leave Guangzhou. There are not enough troops in the city, so the Japanese pirates dare to show up."

"Quickly, step up your guard and raise your guns to aim at the Japanese pirates below. Target them and hit them."

The generals guarding the city got the news and came out quickly.

When Lao Zhou saw the generals guarding the city coming out, he said loudly: "Mr. Qian, the Japanese pirates are coming well prepared. You must first report the news to the admiral's office. If you really can't defend it by then, you don't have to bear too much responsibility. "

The soldiers who guarded the city of Guangzhou still followed the official rank rules of the Qing Dynasty.

Commander-in-chief, Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief...

After listening to Lao Zhou's words, Mr. Qian nodded repeatedly and ordered: "What Lao Zhou said makes sense. Liu Erwa, you are a nimble kid. Go to the Admiral's Mansion to report the news."

"As commanded."

Liu Erwa was the Erwa before. After receiving the order, she turned around and ran down the tower.

Mr. Qian said: "Old Zhou, can you hold on this time?"

Seeing the Japanese pirates rushing in, Mr. Qian felt a little uneasy. After all, he only had a few hundred soldiers under his command to guard Guangzhou City. The troops and weapons were insufficient. There were so many Japanese pirates rushing outside. Based on Mr. Qian's eyesight, he must have There will not be less than a thousand people, and the Japanese pirates are coming well prepared, so Mr. Qian is not sure.

Lao Zhou's face suddenly became solemn, and he said seriously: "Mr. Qian, if you can hold it, you have to defend it, if you can't, you have to defend it. There are countless people behind us. This is our root and cannot be violated. We cannot let the Japanese pirates rob us. , Besides, your wife, children and parents are in the city, and you know Admiral Li’s attitude towards the Japanese pirates. If you abandon the defense without fighting, you will definitely be cut to pieces."

Lao Zhou is a veteran who has been guarding the city for many years. He has rich experience and is good at observing people's actions. With a glance, he can tell that Mr. Qian is guilty. His words speak to Mr. Qian's heart, making Mr. Qian dare not resist.

Mr. Qian shuddered and nodded heavily.

He had not seen with his own eyes Li Zhen's method of dealing with Japanese pirates, but he had also heard that if he really abandoned the defense without fighting, not only would he be affected, but his family would also be implicated. Mr. Qian yelled: "Brother Guys, the time has come to serve Admiral Li, show your courage and be ready for me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Qian, we can hold on."

"With Admiral Li away, we must defend Guangzhou. We would rather die than let the Japanese pirates enter the city."

On the tower, soldiers were shouting loudly.

As the soldiers cheered and cheered, the soldiers all waited attentively. A momentum of unity condensed on the tower, and the courage to die was lingering around them.

When Lao Zhou saw this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Qian Zong can command from the tower, so the soldiers will not be in disorder.

At this moment, the Japanese pirates outside the city were approaching Guangzhou City. The Japanese pirates had long and short sabers on their waists, but they were holding guns in their hands. The person leading the troops at the front was a middle-aged man. This man was extremely tall. With extraordinary might and slender arms, this man's name is Tokugawa Iehiro. He is a hero of the Tokugawa family of the Japanese shogunate. This time he led his soldiers to attack Guangzhou.

"Cannon ready."

The distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters, and Tokugawa Iehong stopped and yelled violently.

Immediately, all the soldiers following Tokugawa Iehong stopped. Then, two cannons were pushed out and placed outside Guangzhou City, aiming at the already closed city gate.

On the city tower, Mr. Qian saw this and shouted: "Follow me to the city, and you must hold on."

He had already understood the way Japanese pirates fought, which was to use cannons to blast open the city gate, and then rush in with a group of Japanese pirates. In this situation, he could only go down to guard the city gate.

ps: First update, let’s continue working hard today.

This chapter has been completed!
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