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Chapter 411

Inside the city, the Admiral's Mansion.

Liu Erwa hurried to the door of the Admiral's Mansion, looked at the soldiers standing guard at the door, and said in a deep voice: "There are Japanese pirates attacking the city outside the city. The matter is urgent. I want to see Mr. Liu."

The soldier guarding the gate was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "There are really Japanese pirates attacking the city." He only hesitated for a moment, and without waiting for Liu Erwa's reply, he said directly: "The matter is urgent, come with me to see Mr. Liu." The soldier guarding the gate led him. Following Liu Erwa into the hall, she found Ye Chengzhong and briefly talked about the Japanese pirates attacking the city outside the city.

Ye Chengzhong's heart skipped a beat, and he was stunned for a moment. Then with a serious look on his face, he solemnly ordered: "Don't spread the news to others for now. I'll ask my adoptive father to handle it immediately."

After saying that, Ye Chengzhong appeased Liu Erwa and immediately sent someone to invite Liu Taiping and Wang Xiaoyang.

Not long after, Liu Taiping and Wang Xiaoyang hurried into the hall.

Liu Taiping walked straight to the first place on the left side of the hall, looked at Ye Chengzhong, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on? What happened? I just heard the sound of cannons and intensive gunfire in the city."

Wang Xiaoyang also asked: "Xiaoye, what happened."

Ye Chengzhong looked serious and said quickly: "There are Japanese pirates gathering outside the city and they are attacking the city."

Liu Erwa interjected: "My lords, Admiral Li left Guangzhou with the army in the city. There is a lack of troops in the city. The Japanese pirates have already used artillery to attack the city. Once the artillery bombards, the soldiers stationed at the city gate will find it difficult to resist, and they will eventually be unable to stop it. "There are only two options now. One is to summon the soldiers in the city and call on the people to resist together and drive away the Japanese pirates. The other is to withdraw from Guangzhou and allow the Japanese pirates to rob Guangzhou."

Liu Erwa looked at Liu Taiping expectantly, hoping to stick to it.

Liu Taiping heard this and said decisively: "Guangzhou has the hard work of adults and countless people, so we can't give up. Wang Xiaoyang, you go to Jiuzhou Daily and ask Mr. Wei to write an article and let people deliver the news. Xiaoye, you go and mobilize the remaining people in the military camp." The few soldiers stationed at the Admiral's Mansion immediately prepared for the worst. I will gather the people and ask all the men in the city to stand up to resist the Japanese pirates. We have tens of thousands of men, how can we be afraid of hundreds of Japanese pirates?"

After Ye Chengzhong and Wang Xiaoyang received the order, they immediately went to prepare.

Liu Erwa cupped her fists and said: "Master Liu, there is still a fierce battle at the city gate. I am going to support you now. One more person will give you more strength. As long as we can temporarily delay the Japanese pirates' attack, everything will be solved when Admiral Li returns with his army." "

Liu Taiping nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Taiping also turned around and walked towards the backyard. He now wanted to settle Liu Die, Zhilan and others. As for Guiliang, Han Laiyu and others who were still in the city, he could no longer take care of them. He only hoped that they could take care of themselves. , Besides, the Japanese pirates are here to rob, so I wonder if Guiliang and others will notice these two people.

At the gate of the city, the fighting between the two sides became intense.

The soldiers defending the city suffered numerous casualties, with less than a hundred remaining.

Lao Zhou was covered in blood, and a long blood mark appeared on his shoulders and chest. The blood flowed and stained the skirt of his clothes. Mr. Qian was also injured and his body was covered with blood. However, most of the blood on Mr. Qian's body came from Japan. The blood of a samurai is not shed by himself.

There are still more than 400 Japanese samurai, and the casualties are not too great.

Tokugawa Iehong was covered in blood. He stretched out his hand and wiped the blood on his face. He grinned with a bright smile. Matching the blood on Tokugawa Iehong's face, his smile was ferocious and terrifying. The samurai brought by Tokugawa Iehong were all cruel. He has strong training in martial arts and superb swordsmanship. He is a master of battlefield fighting and the best among the best.

Now with a casualty rate of more than 100, the more than 500 soldiers guarding the city cannot kill more than 100 people.

Among them, Tokugawa Iehiro killed countless people.

He stared at Lao Zhou and focused on Lao Zhou.

From the previous battle, Tokugawa Iehong discovered that Old Zhou and Qian Zong, who was guarding the city, were the most powerful people. The best way was to deal with these two people first. Old Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, He slowly raised the steel knife in his hand, with blood dripping from the blade. He pointed the tip of the knife at Tokugawa Iehong and shouted: "Brothers, we swear to live and die with Guangzhou and kill the Japanese pirates."

"Kill the Japanese pirates."

All the soldiers roared in unison, and their voices kept echoing in the city.


Mr. Qian's eyes turned red. He waved the steel knife in his hand and was the first to rush forward.

In this battle, he could not abandon the defense. There was only one battle. Even if he knew that he was in a certain death situation, he could only fight with the steel knife in his hand. Mr. Qian stepped forward to charge, and nearly a hundred soldiers behind him also started to charge. Lao Zhou is already a veteran, but his hand is not weak, his steps are quick, and he even catches up with Mr. Qian in a three-step charge and rushes to the front.

Tokugawa Iehiro led his army to attack, and more than 400 men rushed towards the more than 100 defenders.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, they started killing like crazy.

Tokugawa Iehiro approached Lao Zhou and clung to him, slashing repeatedly with the long knife in his hand. The sword was powerful and domineering. Every time he slashed, it was full of force and domineering.

"Dang, Dang,."

Every time the weapons collide, sparks fly.

Lao Zhou's cheeks were tense and his eyes narrowed into a straight line.

He is already in his early forties, and with injuries on his body, his strength is gradually failing to keep up. In comparison, Tokugawa Iehiro is at the peak of his physical condition. When the two of them fought, Lao Zhou slightly lost. In this situation, Lao Zhou's hands were injured. Every time he felt his hands were shaken, they gradually became numb.

If this continues, defeat is inevitable.

Tokugawa Iehiro was convinced that with ten more moves, he would be able to kill the person in front of him. If the opponent showed any flaws, he could kill him with one move. Tokugawa Iehiro swung his sword again and slashed down hard.

Lao Zhou gritted his teeth, his eyes firm.


Lao Zhou roared loudly, and moved his body forward to meet him. He actually used his body to block the long knife in Tokugawa Iehong's hand, but his chest was replaced by his shoulder. At the same time, the steel knife in Lao Zhou's hand poked forward and aimed at Tokugawa Iehiro's heart was stabbed. If this stab had hit him, Tokugawa Iehiro would have died and Lao Zhou would have been seriously injured.

Tokugawa Iehiro said coldly: "Don't even think about succeeding."

The force of his sword remained unchanged, but his body was as soft as a snake, shifting to the right.


The steel knife did not pierce Tokugawa Iehiro's body, but only stabbed Tokugawa Iehiro's loose robe, making a sound of the robe breaking. Lao Zhou's face changed, but he could no longer dodge the long knife. It had already reached the shoulder. Tokugawa Iehiro was a master of martial arts. The blade reached the shoulder, lay it slightly flat, and sharply cut it to the right.


The blade cut Lao Zhou's neck, and blood flowed profusely.

This knife failed to cut off Lao Zhou's neck, but it cut off Lao Zhou's life.


Lao Zhou shouted with a hoarse voice. As soon as he said the words, his vision went dark and his body fell to the ground. Tokugawa Iehong turned his eyes and looked at Mr. Qian not far away. He was ready to continue killing. He had no choice but to kill these two people. , Only in Guangzhou can you walk on the ground. Mr. Qian and Lao Zhou have been friends for many years. When Mr. Qian saw Lao Zhou being killed, he yelled: "Little Japanese pirate, I will fight with you."

ps: The third update, Xiaodong went to the city to get glasses in the afternoon, and also had to buy shoes. The following update will probably be very late, but it will not be short of an update, I believe Xiaodong.

This chapter has been completed!
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