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Chapter 469 The idea of ??transforming Wei Yuan

After seeing off Dai Yuanhua, Li Zhen strode into the hall.

At this moment, Wei Yuan is still waiting.

When he heard footsteps coming from outside the hall, he immediately stood up, with a smile on his face, and said happily: "Hongyi has returned to Guangzhou, what are the plans next."

Li Zhen waved his hand for Wei Yuan to sit down, and he also sat down above the hall.

Immediately, Li Zhen said: "Mr. Wei, guess what plans I have next."

Wei Yuan smoothed his beard under his chin, squinted his eyes slightly, and thought carefully, and then said: "The emperor asked you to come to Beijing to report on your duties. It is definitely not a simple matter. The little devils in the southeast are not worthy of the emperor, and the foreigners are the emperor." Those who dare not touch are left only by the bandits. I guess you are going to Nanjing to suppress the bandits."

Li Zhen opened his eyes wide and secretly said that the old man is really powerful.

Everything was in Wei Yuan's prediction.

Wei Yuan took a sip of tea and continued: "It is not difficult to guess the emperor's thoughts. Although there are a group of old ministers in the government and the public, they have all lost their energy. You are the only one who is young and energetic. As long as you think about it a little bit, The emperor's innermost concerns can be easily deduced."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "What the old man said makes sense. The emperor has appointed me as the imperial envoy to reorganize the Jiangbei camp. Moreover, the emperor has given me the right to kill first and report later. Next, I will lead the army north to Yangzhou to deal with the Taiping Army. "

Wei Yuan laughed and said with a smile: "The emperor values ​​you so much. It seems that you will become an auxiliary minister of the imperial court soon. From now on, you will definitely be the backbone of the Qing Dynasty."

Wei Yuan's eyes were full of expectations, hoping that the Manchu Qing Dynasty would rise.

When Li Zhen saw this, he shook his head secretly in his heart. After all, the old man had a pure heart.

However, Li Zhen was not reconciled.

Such a national treasure-level figure, such a person who has started to see the world broadly, is not willing to give up. The longer the contact time, the more Li Zhen wants to change Wei Yuan and let Wei Yuan help him. Li Zhen's face changed slightly and he said in a low voice: "Old man, Zhi Lan was left behind in Beijing and did not come back to Guangzhou with me."


Wei Yuan exclaimed, and his expression suddenly changed.

Li Zhen ignored Wei Yuan and continued: "Zhilan and I went to Beijing to report on our work. After arriving in Beijing, Zhilan found out that she was pregnant. The old doctor said that Zhilan was pregnant with twins. We don't know whether the child in her belly is a boy. Female, or twin, because of the emperor's order, Zhilan stayed in Beijing and could not follow me south."

After a pause, Li Zhen said in a deep voice: "When I returned to the house, my sister asked about Zhilan. I said that Zhilan was pregnant and not suitable for long distances."

Wei Yuan's heart skipped a beat, there was resentment in his words.

As the saying goes, don't be suspicious when you employ people, so why can't Xianfeng be more generous? Wei Yuan felt helpless and comforted: "Hongyi, you are already in a high position at a young age. Of course, the emperor cannot rest assured. Looking at ancient and modern times, The family members of important officials in the imperial court were all kept in the capital as hostages. This is a practice that continues to this day, and you are no exception, unless you plan to enter the capital as an official and hold important positions in the court."

Li Zhen smiled coldly and said: "Mr. Wei, you have read thousands of books and you are a person who has been through the officialdom. Don't you understand the principle of not being suspicious of those who employ them? Besides, Zhilan is pregnant with a child. How can I not Are you worried?"

After hearing this, Wei Yuan could only try his best to comfort Li Zhen, help Xianfeng intercede, and try to resolve Li Zhen's grievances.

Li Zhen saw Wei Yuan's expression and knew that the old man was also somewhat dissatisfied with Xianfeng.

What he wanted was this effect, so that the old man would gradually become disappointed with Xianfeng, who committed the banditry. In fact, Li Zhen did have a grudge against Xianfeng, and he suppressed it in his heart. He forced a smile and said: "Old man, I will wipe out the banditry as soon as possible. Because I promised to rush to Beijing before the baby in Zhilan's belly is born, I will definitely finish it as soon as possible."

Wei Yuan smiled and comforted: "Just do your best."

Regarding the suppression of bandits, Wei Yuan was not very optimistic about Li Zhen. Even though Li Zhen was already famous throughout the world, Wei Yuan was also not optimistic about it. After all, the Taiping Army occupied a corner and it was not easy to destroy them.

Li Zhen did not dwell on this issue and said with a smile: "Master, what's the matter with me?"

Wei Yuan nodded and said: "I came to see you, on the one hand, to secure my entry into Beijing, and on the other hand, to talk about the recent affairs of Jiuzhou Daily. After half a year of development, Jiuzhou Daily has spread all over Guangzhou, and its influence is getting bigger and bigger. It was limited to a single thing like articles, but it also inspired many other things and became a major feature of Guangzhou."

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Isn't this goal exactly what Mr. Wei had in mind?"

Wei Yuan nodded and said, "Indeed, that's true."

Li Zhen said: "Mr. Wei, you don't need to publicize my trip to Yangzhou to suppress bandits, lest Zhilan's matter be brought out and cause an uproar. At that time, I will quietly lead the army to leave Guangzhou, and the people's The attention is also relatively low, so Zhilan’s matter should be suppressed.”

Wei Yuan thought for a while and had no objection.

After all, if the people really knew about this, they would definitely be disappointed in Xianfeng, and their minds would change. After listening to Li Zhen's words, he recognized Li Zhen and completely regarded Li Zhen as a real and sincere person. It's a pity that the old man didn't know that Li Zhen had other thoughts and wanted to gradually change his mind.

Li Zhen said again: "Mr. Wei, I'm going to hold a banquet tonight. You can come along and join in the fun."

Wei Yuan nodded in agreement, then stood up to leave.

Li Zhen walked towards the backyard. There was no hostess in the backyard, because Gu Lina and Alice sisters were still outside taking care of business. Unknown to Li Zhen, Li Xiaotong was the only woman at home. Li Xiaotong saw Li Zhen and said with a smile: " Hongyi, how many months have the baby been in my sister's belly? How is it going?"

Li Zhen said with a smile: "It is similar to the child in my sister's belly. She was pregnant in December last year. She is already half a year old now and will give birth to the child in the second half of the year. The doctor who examined her said that the child in Zhilan's belly is The twins, I don’t know if they are a boy or a girl yet, but I would like a pair of twins, a boy and a girl would be best.”

At this moment, with time to chat, Li Zhen made the news clear.

Li Xiaotong said solemnly: "In that case, why did Zhilan stay in Beijing?" After a pause, Li Xiaotong looked up at Li Zhen and said slowly: "I'm afraid this is not your intention, but the emperor's intention, your own woman How could she be allowed to stay in Beijing when she's pregnant with twins? Tell the truth, is it the emperor's order?"

Li Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "Sister is so smart."

"The Dog Emperor."

Li Xiaotong cursed loudly and said: "You don't have any tolerance at all, you are really a fool."

When Li Zhen heard this, he immediately laughed.

This sister of his is really different.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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