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Chapter 47 Captive Allied Commander

Yang Nenge found out that those outside the camp were Li Zhen's soldiers, and he immediately became angry.

Fighting with the British and French armies, isn't this looking for death?

The soldiers in the camp will die if they die, but they can't offend the British and French forces! Yang Nenge is a typical coward, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, and only caring about his own interests.

British and French soldiers armed themselves with guns and charged outside the camp. They all looked surprised as they charged.

Fifty meters away from the camp, there were trenches on the left and right sides. Li Zhen's soldiers were hiding in them, exposing their heads and guns on the ground. These soldiers faced the British and French troops who rushed out of the camp.

The soldiers opened fire and bullets were fired indiscriminately. The British and French forces on the ground became gun handles, but the soldiers under Li Zhen were quite safe.

The gunfire continued, bullets flew everywhere, and screams came one after another.

In the trench, Yang Banhou and Huang Shihai were extremely excited.

Yang Banhou was in high spirits and asked excitedly: "General, how did you decide that the foreigners would attack the camp? It's like the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang, with a miraculous plan."

Li Zhen smiled and did not explain.

In fact, in history, when the Qing army encircled and suppressed the Xiaodao Hui, the British army once attacked the Qing army's garrison, threatened the Qing government, and intervened in the Xiaodao Hui's war. They also forced Wu Jianzhang, the then Shanghai Daoist, to sign an unequal treaty, which brought China's

Customs rights and the rights of the Shanghai Concession were seized.

Li Zhen knew history and knew that Ali Kingdom would not give up, so he had already made preparations.

He led the soldiers out of the camp to practice under the slogan of military training, but quietly asked the soldiers to dig trenches outside the camp at night, and then led the soldiers to hide outside the camp. When Li Zhen learned that the British and French forces were approaching the Qing army,

When the camp was in progress, he led the soldiers to quietly approach the camp. When the British and French forces attacked the camp, Li Zhen quietly led the soldiers into the trench.

Although Li Zhen gave up the soldiers under Yang Nengge, Li Zhen had no regrets. The soldiers under Yang Nengge were already cancerous, addicted to gambling, opium, and lazy, and it was difficult to save them.

"Hit me hard until the British and French forces surrender."

Li Zhen laughed wantonly and aimed at the people around Adams, killing them one by one.

When the battle started, the British and French forces were already in chaos.

Adams only led a thousand men, while Li Zhen had more than 900 men. There was not much difference in the strength of the two sides. At the same time, the firearms of both sides were the same breech-loading rifled guns with the same firepower. But the soldiers under Li Zhen

Hidden in trenches and covered by bunkers, the British and French soldiers were all exposed. The British and French allied forces suffered many casualties, but they did not affect the soldiers under Li Zhen's command.

Adams looked at the soldiers who fell one after another, and his heart was as sharp as a knife.

In this battle, the coalition forces were defeated.

"Your Excellency, Commander, our soldiers cannot rush through and cannot reach the opponent's position. Currently, more than 400 soldiers have been killed or injured. If we continue to fight, all 1,000 soldiers will surely be wiped out. Please, Your Excellency, Commander, think twice." Adams' staff officer

Seeing that the war was not going well, he immediately vaguely reminded Adams to surrender.

Adams sighed and said: "Raise the white flag and surrender."

The soldiers of the British Empire had never lost a battle on the land of China. Now they surrendered suddenly, and not a single white flag of surrender could be found. Adams looked around and found no white flag of surrender. In desperation, Adams actually ordered the soldiers beside him

The staff officer took off his coat, then took off the white shirt underneath, tied it with a wooden stick, and kept shaking it to express surrender.

The coalition soldiers were ordered to surrender, stop shooting, and stop attacking.

A smile appeared on Li Zhen's lips and he ordered: "Huang Hu, ask the foreigners to throw down their weapons and retreat into the military camp."


Huang Hu nodded, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "All foreigners, listen, put the foreign guns in your hands on the ground, then retreat into the camp, and wait for my general to accept your surrender, otherwise we will shoot them all."

When Adams heard this, his face turned pale, but he could only nod in agreement.

The staff officer conveyed the order, and the coalition soldiers immediately threw away their guns and retreated into the camp obediently.

Li Zhen then ordered: "Huang Shihai, Yang Banhou, you take three hundred soldiers to collect the weapons on the ground, and then control all the coalition soldiers."

"The general will obey your orders!"

After receiving the order, the two men ordered the three hundred soldiers without hesitation and ran out of the trench towards the camp.

Adams looked at Li Zhen cautiously and secretly said that the defeat was not unjust.

After Yang Banhou and Huang Shihai confiscated all the guns and controlled all the coalition soldiers, Li Zhen and Huang Hu took the remaining soldiers out of the trenches and returned to the camp.

The war ended and the battlefield began to be cleaned up.

After the results of the war were calculated, 2,000 soldiers in the Qing camp were killed and 1,300 were injured, while the remaining soldiers were not injured. The invading British and French forces suffered 358 dead and 197 injured.

They captured 445 people. The dead soldiers were collected and buried, and Li Zhen led the lieutenant general back to the Chinese army's tent.

Sitting in the camp, Li Zhen crossed his legs, looked at the uneasy Yang Nengge and Lan Weiwen, and then looked at the embarrassed and frustrated coalition commander Adams, and asked: "Who are you, and what position do you hold?"

Adams replied: "Admiral Adams of the British Fleet!"

Li Zhen raised his brows slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect to catch a big fish. Li Zhen raised the corners of his mouth and asked with a smile: "Sir Adams, how do you feel about the failure of the coalition forces?"

Adams snorted and remained silent.

Li Zhen did not continue to entangle with Adams, and directly ordered: "Huang Shihai, find a British soldier and ask him to return to the coalition station to deliver a message and ask Aliguo to come to the camp to meet me."

"The general will obey your orders!"

Huang Shihai nodded in agreement, found a British soldier who could speak Chinese, and asked the British soldier to go back and deliver the message.

The British and French allied forces were stationed in the commander's tent.

The British Consul General in Shanghai, Aliguo, and the French Consul in Shanghai, Aitang, were talking calmly and elegantly. Aliguo said with a smile: "Dear friends, what will happen after the Qing army is defeated and Li Zhen is captured?"

Aitang said: "According to the practice of the Qing Empire, he will kneel down and beg for mercy."

"Kneel down and beg for mercy! Yes, kneel down and beg for mercy."

Ali Guo laughed and said: "Li Zhen is a hardliner and stubborn, and must be rectified. Anyone who does not cooperate with the British Empire should be punished."

The corner of Aitang's lips curled up, thinking what if France didn't cooperate with Britain?

This thought just flashed across my mind suddenly.

The two chatted with each other and talked about the arrangements after defeating the Qing army. They already showed that they were sure of winning. While the two were chatting and laughing, the soldier who came back from the Qing army camp to report the news ran into the commander's tent, panting heavily and gibbering.

After a long phone call, after telling the news about Adams' capture, he said: "Mr. Consul, General Li Zhen of the Qing Army invites you to come."

"What, it failed!"

Aliguo was stunned immediately, his mind was buzzing and he became confused and confused.

The same was true for Aitang. He did not expect that the British and French forces would fail.

Aliguo recovered quickly and said calmly: "Li Zhen is too cunning. He guessed that we would send troops, then laid an ambush and fought an ambush. Now Adams is captured and the soldiers are detained, so they have to leave. In order to

The captured soldiers have no choice but to compromise, otherwise the news will spread back to the country and the congressmen will find excuses to criticize me. It is really bad luck."

Aitang sighed and left the commander's tent with A Liguo.

At this moment, Aitang even wondered whether Ma Hui left because he knew he would fail.

Ps: one of three updates;

This chapter has been completed!
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