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Chapter 520 Framing Bai Shiyuan

Yang Xiuqing waved her hand and said, "Sit down first and let's talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the ground, leaning against a big tree, and breathed a long sigh of relief. After running continuously all night, Yang Xiuqing was so tired that her legs and feet were cramping. After sitting down, she never wanted to move again. After a while, Hong Xuanjiao sat down next to Yang Xiuqing, with a tired look on her face and feeling extremely tired.

Lars sat cross-legged, upright, and said slowly: "Your Excellency Dong Wang, judging from the situation of being chased last night and the fatal killing of the army, I think there are three suspicious things."

Yang Xiuqing said urgently: "Say."

Hong Xuanjiao continued: "Mr. Lars, the army has been destroyed and only a thousand of your soldiers are left. Our safety depends on you. I hope Mr. Lars can take more care."

Lars nodded and said: "Don't worry, Queen Xiao, I will do my best."

After a pause, Lars raised his right thumb and said slowly: "The first point of doubt is why there were fires from all directions in the city at night. Not only that, there were also successive explosions in the direction of the military camp in the city, causing All the soldiers in the military camp were killed and injured, what is the reason? The problems in the city are the easiest problems to consider."

"The second point of doubt is that Li Zhen clearly knew that we were going to pursue his army, but he sent troops to capture the empty and useless Longtan Town. Why is this, especially when Li Zhen led his army to capture Longtan Town and stayed there After a while, after the news of our pursuit spread, Li Zhen left quickly and hid his whereabouts. At first, I thought Li Zhen wanted to confuse Dong Wang, but now it seems that is not the case, and he has another purpose."

"Third, since Li Zhen has laid a fatal killing trap in the city, Li Zhen must know that we are going to fall into the trap. In that case, why didn't Li Zhen lead his soldiers to set up an ambush outside the city earlier and wait for our remaining soldiers? They wanted to annihilate us in one fell swoop after leaving the city, but they chased and chased us all night long, instead of killing them all."

Lars spoke in a low tone and glanced at Bai Shiyuan who was standing not far away.

This action was not hidden from Yang Xiuqing.

Hong Xuanjiao also noticed Lars' expression and looked at Bai Shiyuan.

The eyes of these two giants fell on Bai Shiyuan at the same time, making Bai Shiyuan feel uncomfortable. Last night, Yang Xiuqing did not ask Li Zhen about the process of taking Longtan Town. He was extremely happy in his heart, thinking that surrendering to Li Zhen was over. Now Lars's sudden doubts immediately pushed him to the forefront.

Bai Shiyuan felt wronged because he had never done anything to regret Yang Xiuqing. He had been imprisoned while Li Zhen was in Longtan Town.

However, no one believed him at all.

Yang Xiuqing withdrew her gaze and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lars, the three suspicions you mentioned are all excellent. I also agree with Lars' analysis. I vaguely understand something in my mind, but I don't understand it clearly. What do you think? Analyze it in detail."

Hong Xuanjiao looked at Lars with a look of expectation on her face.

Both people chose to trust Lars.

Lars pointed at Bai Shiyuan and said in a deep voice: "It was the order from Longtan Town. It was him who took refuge in Li Zhen and secretly helped Li Zhen, which led to the killing last night."


Bai Shiyuan was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt down directly.

Bai Shiyuan shook his head repeatedly and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Xiaguan is innocent and has not done anything to offend the prince. For several days after Li Zhen captured Longtan Town, Xiaguan was imprisoned and had no contact with Li Zhen."

"Shut up."

Yang Xiuqing shouted loudly, her expression cold and solemn.

When Li Zhen was mentioned, he became furious.

Bai Shiyuan sighed and looked at Yang Xiuqing eagerly. Seeing that Yang Xiuqing was unmoved, he immediately looked at Lars with an innocent expression on his face.

He wanted to impress Lars, but was disappointed.

Lars said coldly: "Let me talk about the first point of doubt first. After Li Zhen captured Longtan Town, Bai Shiyuan must surrender, otherwise he would have been killed by Li Zhen. With Bai Shiyuan's cooperation, he could easily set up a monstrous killing plan, and General Jiang could not be discovered. Just imagine, without Bai Shiyuan's cooperation, General Jiang brought two thousand soldiers into the city to check, how could he not find anything at all? Li Zhen's soldiers were able to hide safely in the city because of Bai Shiyuan's cooperation. "

"No, absolutely not."

Bai Shiyuan shook his head repeatedly, and when he looked at Lars, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

This person is so cruel and targets him everywhere.

Yang Xiuqing glared at Bai Shiyuan and ordered: "Stop his mouth."

After receiving the order, the soldiers who escaped from the military camp tore off the cloth arbitrarily and blocked Bai Shiyuan's mouth. These soldiers were grieving for their brothers who died last night. Now Lars's analysis is directed at Bai Shiyuan, and the soldiers are even more cautious when dealing with Bai Shiyuan. He was not polite and made Bai Shiyuan scream, with a look of pain on his face.

Lars continued: "The second doubt is, why did Li Zhen want to capture an empty city? I think Li Zhen's purpose was to destroy the Eastern King's army, because my soldiers were in conflict with the army, and in order to avoid disputes Staying outside the city and luckily escaping, the second point of doubt solves the first point and explains Li Zhen's purpose, and the third point is the key."

"Li Zhen chased but did not kill, leaving Bai Shiyuan alone. Why? Because Li Zhen had conquered Bai Shiyuan and wanted to force Bai Shiyuan under the command of Dong Wang. Just imagine, with Dong Wang's nostalgic temperament, plus Dong Wang Considering that Bai Shiyuan is a brother in need who fled together, we must reuse Bai Shiyuan."

"Once Bai Shiyuan entered Tianjing and became the pillar of the East King's command, Li Zhen planted a powerful nail in the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom. Through Bai Shiyuan, he could know the major events happening in the Heavenly Kingdom at any time."

"Only Li Zhen can come up with such a clever and cunning method."

Lars stared at Bai Shiyuan and said: "Everything was organized by Li Zhen around Bai Shiyuan and the annihilation of the Dongwang army. Li Zhen not only won, but also planted nails. He was so cunning."

After hearing this, Yang Xiuqing stared at Bai Shiyuan angrily.

He had believed Lars' analysis and had already tightened his grip on the steel knife in his hand.

Bai Shiyuan kept shaking his head, his eyes full of innocence, and he made a whining sound. He wanted to say that he was a victim, but his mouth was blocked and he couldn't make any sound at all. Yang Xiuqing walked toward him with a knife. Bai Shiyuan said coldly: "Bai Shiyuan, Bai Shiyuan, you are such a wolf-hearted thing, you caused the entire army under my command to be wiped out, you deserve to die."

Bai Shiyuan was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run away, but two soldiers held him back and prevented him from escaping.

"Go to hell."

Yang Xiuqing yelled and stabbed out with a knife.


The long knife pierced Bai Shiyuan's chest, penetrated directly, and pierced Bai Shiyuan's heart. In an instant, the steel knife brought out a stream of blood beads, which fell to the ground. Bai Shiyuan's mouth was blocked, and he could not make any sound. He could only bumble. After struggling for a while, Bai Shiyuan's body softened and he fell to the ground.

Yang Xiuqing stared at Bai Shiyuan lying on the ground, still very angry and feeling upset. He sat down angrily and asked: "Mr. Lars, what should we do now?"

Lars said: "It can only be withdrawn."

Yang Xiuqing sighed, nodded, and agreed with Lars.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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