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Chapter 534 Good news from Beijing

Huang Qiang said: "Commander, the person here is the eunuch Han Laiyu who came to Guangzhou the last time you got married. He came with a group of people on horseback. He is very urgent. I don't know the specific details."

"Han Laiyu."

Li Zhen's heart skipped a beat and he immediately said, "Let's go out and greet him."

For Li Zhen, Han Laiyu's arrival was undoubtedly a big event, because what would make Han Laiyu take the initiative to go there must be something major happening in the capital, or the emperor has a decree. However, Li Zhen naturally thought of living in Beijing. Zhilan, because now is the time when Zhilan is about to give birth, if something happens...

When Li Zhen thought of this, his heart was in a mess. He forced himself to calm down and told himself not to panic until he got the news, so he stood at the gate of the camp and waited.

Not long after, a group of people came running quickly.

The leader was none other than the eunuch Han Laiyu. At this time, Han Laiyu looked tired and tired. When he turned over and dismounted, his body shook and he almost fell to the ground. He staggered as he walked, as if he was shaking at any time. It seemed as if they were about to fall down, and the surrounding soldiers who followed Han Laiyu were also so exhausted.

Not only that, everyone's mounts were panting heavily and very tired.

When Li Zhen saw this scene, his heart became even more tense.

It was obviously a big deal that allowed Han Laiyu to travel day and night. Li Zhen took the initiative to greet him and said, "Eunuch Han, I'm tired from the journey from Beijing to Jiangbei Camp. Thank you for your hard work."

Han Laiyu nodded, said nothing, and led the soldiers to follow Li Zhen straight towards the camp.

Arriving at the main tent, Li Zhen ordered people to serve tea.

After Han Laiyu drank two bowls of herbal tea in succession, he took a long breath and said: "Admiral Li, after the Zajia family set off from Beijing with the accompanying soldiers, one person and two horses traveled day and night, even when they arrived at the inn , I just barely replenished food and water, took a short rest and then rushed on the road, and took a nap on the way when I was tired. This time I came from Beijing and I was really exhausted."

Li Zhen cupped his hands and said, "My father-in-law has worked hard. I wonder what happened to my father-in-law when he came to the Jiangbei camp."

Han Laiyu said: "I'm here this time to bring you good news."

When Li Zhen heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally thought there might be something wrong with Zhilan, but now that Han Laiyu said it was good news, it was obviously not a bad thing. Li Zhen thought about Xianfeng's reward, but thought it was impossible, so he guessed that Zhilan might have given birth to a child, and immediately asked He said: "Father, has Zhilan given birth to a child? Is it a boy and a girl, or two sons, or two daughters?"

Calculating the time, it has been more than nine months now. If Zhilan gave birth earlier, it would be possible to give birth to the child. If Zhilan gave birth later, it would still take some time.

Han Laiyu smiled and shook his head gently.

Seeing this, Li Zhen asked again: "Father, could it be that the emperor has given me a reward?" But Li Zhen thought it was impossible, because the reward from the emperor was not enough for Han Laiyu to travel so hard.

Han Laiyu said with a smile: "Okay, the Zajia family won't worry about you anymore. Miss Zhilan has not given birth yet. Everything is fine. Mother and child are safe. The Zajia family came to Jiangbei to convey the order. It is the emperor's special permission for you to return to Beijing and wait for Zhilan. Miss Lan has given birth to a baby, but after the baby is born, you will immediately return to Jiangbei Camp and continue to take charge of the overall situation."

After hearing this, Li Zhen asked seriously: "Eunuch Han, tell the truth, what is going on."

At this time, Li Zhen's heart was full of doubts and doubts.

Han Laiyu chuckled twice and said: "Admiral Li, please rest assured. This is not because the emperor is targeting you to let you return to Beijing, nor is it to deprive you of your rights. The reason why the emperor is so generous is to allow you to return to Beijing to wait for Miss Zhilan to give birth." , it was because Yi concubine spoke kind words for you in front of the emperor that the emperor agreed to your return to the capital."

Yi concubine.

Li Zhen blinked and immediately thought of Ci Xi.

This woman actually took the initiative to help him.

For a moment, Li Zhen didn't think clearly about the twists and turns, and was a little confused.

Seeing that Li Zhen was deep in thought, Han Laiyu explained: "Admiral Li, Yibin is pregnant with the emperor's child. We don't know yet whether it is a princess or a dragon son. If it is a dragon son, the child born by Yibin will be the emperor's eldest son. , is very likely to become the prince. At this time, Yibi is just a powerless concubine, relying only on the emperor's favor. He needs the support of the court, so you should be able to understand her purpose of helping you."

Li Zhen cupped his hands and said, "Eunuch Han, thank you very much."

Han Laiyu flicked the fly whisk, waved his hand and said, "No need to thank me. If the Zajia family needs anything in the future, I hope Admiral Li can help the Zajia family."

Li Zhen said seriously: "There is no shirking the responsibility."

After a pause, Li Zhen said: "Eunuch Han, time is urgent. I will deal with the matters left behind in the army immediately and then return to Beijing."

Han Laiyu shook his head and said: "Okay, you can make arrangements immediately. However, I definitely can't return with you. You can rush back day and night, but I can't stand it. This time when I go back, I will slow down a little. Take a rest or these bones will fall apart."

Li Zhen said: "Okay, I will take the people on the road alone."

Li Zhen asked someone to arrange a resting place for Han Laiyu and his party, and once again called together all the generals in the army. Li Zhen sat on top and said: "I just got the news that the emperor has allowed me to go to Beijing to wait for Zhilan to give birth. After giving birth to the child, I will definitely go to Beijing when I return to the Jiangbei camp. The problem is that Shi Dakai has led troops to attack again at this time, and someone needs to take charge of the overall situation."

Smith said: "Commander, you are worrying too much. You recruited us as generals so that we can march and fight for you. It is not that the army cannot function without the commander-in-chief. Besides, there is Brigadier Huang in the army who is in charge of the overall situation. There are also Commander Yang, Commander Lu and I leading our respective armies. If there is no commander, the army is scattered, and a few of us cannot defeat Shi Dakai, we really need to reflect."

After hearing this, Li Zhen nodded seriously. It seemed that he took himself too seriously, or that he was focused on too many things, so that he neglected to cultivate the ability of the generals below to take charge of their own affairs. Li Zhen nodded and said: " In this case, I will not make detailed arrangements. Huang Shihai, you will make overall arrangements for the army. If you are undecided, discuss it with the generals in the army. I have only one suggestion for dealing with Shi Dakai. I hope you will be more careful and cautious. .”


Huang Shihai nodded in agreement, his face full of excitement. After a pause, Huang Shihai said: "Commander, when you go to Beijing, will you still bring the Sharp Knife Camp with you this time?"

Li Zhen shook his head and said: "Now that we are fighting Shi Da, the sharp knife battalion will be of great use. I will only bring the thirteen guards of the dragon group directly under Brother Long, and the rest will not be used."

Huang Shihai nodded in agreement and began to think about how to deal with Shi Dakai.

Li Zhen ordered: "Everyone, go down and I'll pack your things."

After the generals left the camp, Li Zhen began to pack his luggage and prepare to leave for Beijing.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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