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Chapter 645 The decisive battle is about to begin

Li Zhen's expression was solemn. After returning to the Chinese army's tent, he immediately summoned his generals for a meeting. Among them, Yang Banhou, Smith, Zhou Xiuying, and even Yang Luchan and Dong Haichuan also participated.

Li Zhen lowered his head slightly and stared at the conference table, not at the generals under his command.

His voice was low and he said slowly: "You all know the corpses of the soldiers sent by Xi Changzhen. Ninety-nine corpses, ninety-nine brothers' lives. Each of them was shot several times, and even some soldiers His body was beaten like a sieve, and there is no news except for the company commander Wu Youfu. The first group of soldiers sent to Zhennanguan have completely failed."

Yang Banhou said: "Commander, why not send a second group, this time with more people."

"What a fart."

Li Zhen slapped the conference table, raised his head, and roared loudly: "I don't know how the one hundred soldiers sent out for the first time died. I don't know anything about the situation inside Zhennang Pass. Isn't it just asking for death if we send them in? Xi Changzhen knows about the existence of hot air balloons. He wants to let soldiers ride in hot air balloons for the first time. Xi Changzhen must be prepared."

He showed a fierce look and said loudly: "Xi Changzhen killed ninety-nine of my brothers, and this revenge must be avenged. I can kill the enemy, and I can ignore the enemy's life, because they are enemies, but I cannot ignore my soldiers. Every The life of a soldier cannot be trampled on casually. They are not ants or reptiles, they are living people."

Li Zhen's voice was so loud that the soldiers on guard felt warm in their hearts.

Yang Banhou said: "Commander, at present, it is very difficult to attack Zhennanguan."

Li Zhen said in a deep voice: "I didn't say to attack immediately. I have been waiting for several days. Do you still care about one or two days? Smith, Yang Banhou, you urge the people who dispatched the cannons to transport the cannons as soon as possible. The more the better, damn it. Didn't Xi Changzhen think that Zhennanguan is a natural chasm? I let dozens of cannons fire at him. Not to mention that his Zhennanguan was made of stone, even if it was made of diamond. I also let it fall."


Smith and Yang Banhou nodded in agreement and did not speak again.

Yang Luchan and Dong Haichuan sat aside and did not speak. They just listened quietly. They followed the army and were only responsible for going into battle to kill the enemy and train the soldiers in the army. They did not care about other things.

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the soldiers came to report that the artillery transferred from the direction of Guangzhou was already on the way and would arrive at the military camp in another day. Li Zhen ordered the soldiers in the army to prepare and called Ye Chengzhong.

Ye Chengzhong said respectfully: "Commander."

Li Zhen picked up a letter in his hand. The cover of the letter had two big characters "War Letter" written on it. He handed the letter to Ye Chengzhong and said: "This is my letter of war to Xi Changzhen. In two days, we will attack Zhennan." Guan, you send soldiers to Xi Changzhen and see how he reacts."


Ye Chengzhong nodded in agreement, turned around and left the camp.

The soldiers in the military camp tied the envelope with a crossbow and easily called out the letter of war. On the tower, Xi Changzhen looked at the letter with the two characters "War Letter" written on it and read the content written by Li Zhen. The words on the letter were not the same. There were only seven simple words: "Two days later, the army will knock on the pass." Xi Changzhen looked at such a letter, his heart sank, and his expression became solemn.

Chen Zhengshi took the letter and read it again, and said: "Sir, Li Zhenkai is knocking on the door, why should we be afraid?"

Xi Changzhen shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "Why did Li Zhen choose to attack Zhennanguan two days later? You know, if Li Zhen had the strength, he could attack Zhennanguan immediately. I think there is a reason for this. ." After a pause, Xi Changzhen ordered: "Old Chen, send soldiers to investigate. We must find out the reason within one day and see what Li Zhen's intentions are.


Chen Zhengshi nodded in agreement and immediately carried out the order.

At this time, Zhennan Pass was already covered with a layer of dark clouds. Xi Changzhen did not hide the news about Li Zhenkou Pass. Instead, he spread the news and told all the soldiers guarding the pass. The so-called blocking is better than spreading, hiding and tucking He could only make the soldiers distrustful. He told all the soldiers the news and let them participate, so that he could mobilize the soldiers to a greater extent.

The next day, at noon.

Outside the Qing army's barracks, a man with unkempt hair and a face covered in dirt appeared.

This person is surprisingly the company commander Wu Youfu.

His face was covered with stains, and even the soldiers on guard could no longer recognize him. Fortunately, after Wu Youfu explained, the soldiers on guard hurried to report. Soon, Li Zhen ran out like a fly. When Li Zhen saw Wu Youfu's appearance For a moment, he was also stunned on the spot. After a while, Li Zhen strode towards Wu Youfu. Regardless of the stains on Wu Youfu's body, he gave him a fierce hug, then took Wu Youfu's hand and walked into the big tent.

Li Zhen met Wu Youfu in the big tent, feeling sour in his heart.

The generals under his command turned out to be like this.

Li Zhen adjusted his mentality and asked: "Company Commander Wu, what happened after you entered Zhennanguan? Why was the entire army destroyed, and how did you escape?"

"Commander, it's all my fault."

Wu Youfu said something loudly and burst into tears.

A grown man cried his heart out.

Li Zhen did not open his mouth to reprimand. He could feel the sorrow in Wu Youfu's heart and the bitterness in the loud crying. Li Zhen did not stop him and let Wu Youfu squat on the ground and cry loudly. He cried for a full three minutes before Wu Youfu sobbed. After a few breaths, he stopped crying. There were already obvious ravines streaked by tears on his stained face.

Li Zhen said: "Tell me what's going on."

Wu Youfu told the situation at that time, and said with self-reproach and remorse: "If I hadn't been greedy, I wouldn't have chased and killed the soldiers sent by Xi Changzhen, I wouldn't have been ambushed, and my brothers wouldn't have died tragically." Wu Youfu said. Youfu knelt down on the ground with a thump, and kowtowed repeatedly. The thumping sound resounded throughout the camp, and his forehead suddenly turned red.

Li Zhen didn't speak, and then heard Wu Youfu continue: "The sixth platoon leader gave me a map of a path leading to the outside of Zhennanguan Pass, so that I could escape smoothly." As he spoke, Wu Youfu came from He took out a piece of silk from his arms, on which was drawn the map leading to Zhennanguan Pass. It was the handiwork of the Sixth Platoon Commander.

Li Zhen read it again and asked, "Are you sure the trail is correct?"

Wu Youfu said: "It is absolutely correct. I have gone through it again and there will be no problem."

Li Zhen asked again: "Do you want to take revenge?"

"I think about it, even in my dreams."

Wu Youfu's eyes flashed with hatred, and his fists were clenched.

Li Zhen nodded and said in a deep voice: "As long as you want revenge, tomorrow, I will lead an army to attack Zhennanguan. Since you have found the trail leading to Zhennanguan, I will give you a thousand soldiers.

You take these 1,000 soldiers and walk to Zhennanguan Pass through the night. When I use artillery to attack fiercely, once Zhennanguan Pass is breached, you lead the troops to intercept Xi Changzhen's retreat."


Wu Youfu wiped away his tears and was ready to avenge his dead brother.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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