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Chapter 722 The Entrustment Before Leaving

In the camp, only Li Zhen and Zheng Zaoru were left.

Li Zhen sat in the main seat, while Zheng Zaoru sat at the top left side of the conference table.

There was a piece of rice paper placed on the table in front of Li Zhen, and he said: "As a national barrier, the importance of Taiwan is self-evident. Before this, I have talked with you about some things, but they were not specific or detailed. I Let me sort out your thoughts again and clarify the next governance policy. Taiwan cannot withstand the torment, so it must do a good job."

Zheng Zaoru said respectfully: "Please give me your instructions, Your Majesty."

As he spoke, he took out a small notebook with pen and ink beside it, ready to record at any time.

Li Zhen continued: "First, consolidate coastal defense. I asked Su Lei to station troops in Taiwan. On the one hand, it is to deter foreigners, but more importantly, to assist you. During your tenure, you two must build a strong navy and build a maritime For strength, you can contact Dai Yuanhua in Guangzhou and ask Dai Yuanhua to provide manufacturing of warships and establish maritime power."

"In addition to building a maritime defense force, we also need to build a machine factory in Taiwan. If there are no craftsmen, we also find Dai Yuanhua and ask him to send craftsmen to Taiwan to build factories, establish mechanical bases, manufacture cannons, guns and ammunition, and equip the army. Taiwan is surrounded by the Huaihai Sea. It is vulnerable to attack, so the forts such as Anping, Ma Gong, and Xiyu must be reinforced and equipped with powerful cannons. Everything must be aimed at strengthening armaments and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the Taiwanese army."

Li Zhen's speaking speed was not very fast, and Zheng Zaoru was a pen-wielding person, so his writing speed with a brush was also very fast, and he finished recording it very quickly.

Zheng Zaoru raised his head and looked at Li Zhen, waiting for Li Zhen to continue.

Li Zhen glanced at the outline on the paper and said: "The second point is to establish Taiwan's transportation system to achieve north-south transportation. Currently, railway technology has matured in countries such as the United Kingdom and Italy. Taiwan can definitely build railways to realize north-south interoperability. Yes, once the railway is built in Taiwan, the time from south to north will be greatly improved, which will be of great help to you in mastering Taiwan. The construction of railways has not been realized in China. I will start to deal with it in the next stage. Now I have proposed it. , you can execute it first."

Zheng Zaoru scratched his head, wondering what a railway was.

At the moment, Zheng Zaoru could only write it down honestly and prepare to ask an Englishman for questioning. In Zheng Zaoru's heart, he admired Li Zhen even more and started to worship him.

Li Zhen revealed too many things, which opened his eyes.

After Zheng Zaoru finished recording the second item, Li Zhen continued: "The third point is to build enterprises. If a place wants to develop and get rich, it is very difficult without the support of enterprises. Just relying on the people to farm the land will exhaust the people." You won’t make much money, but you can try it in a big way while you are the governor of Taiwan.”

"However, when I let you try, I don't mean to let you build factories. I want you to encourage businessmen to build factories, and even cooperate with foreign companies to develop the economy. In addition, you can also set up investment promotion bureaus and go to various places to attract investment. Taiwan is well connected in all directions. You can go to Singapore, Luzon, Saigon and other places to attract investment. Our compatriots are scattered in various countries. It is completely feasible to attract investment. I believe they are also willing to support the prosperity of the country."

After a pause, Li Zhen said: "As the economy develops and you have money, you will have enough confidence. When you have no money, I can allocate funds to you, and you can even raise funds from Taiwan, but this is not a long-term solution. Only when you have money in your pocket and can make money from money can you be most confident. I hope Taiwan's economy can develop healthily."

After Zheng Zaoru finished recording, he said: "I will do it bit by bit. If it doesn't take three years, it will take five years. If it doesn't take five years, it will take ten years. Within ten years, I will definitely build Taiwan into a strong and prosperous barrier on the Qinghai Sea."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "It is right to have this ambition."

After a pause, Li Zhen continued: "The fourth point is to appease Taiwan's local ethnic minorities and cultivate agriculture. Taiwan's economy has developed, but it must be supported by agriculture. If Taiwan's food is insufficient, it will also have a negative impact on Taiwan's development. Constraints, so in order to achieve mutually reinforcing development, both are indispensable. We must not emphasize agriculture over business, or emphasize business over agriculture.”

Zheng Zaoru nodded and quickly jotted it down.

"There are many Han people in Taiwan, as well as many local people. The Han people are large in number and may rely on their own strength to seize the land of a small number of local people. These must be dealt with without favoritism. However, a small number of local people come out to plunder. We must also suppress them forcefully, but we must use both kindness and force, move them with emotion and reason, and unite the hearts and minds of Taiwanese people."

"Hoo, ho,."

Zheng Zaoru breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that there was too much content.

Li Zhen continued: "The fifth point is financial issues. I think the most important thing in Taiwan's finances at present is the clearing of land taxes. At any time in the past, there has been no shortage of occupations of fertile land, and Taiwan is no exception. I think it is absolutely If a wealthy gentry seizes fertile farmland, you must clear the land and complete the clearing work step by step."

"The sixth point is the issue of education. If Taiwan wants to develop, a large number of talents must participate in it to develop Taiwan and achieve Taiwan's leapfrog development. Not only in Taiwan, but also in China, we will carry out reforms, build schools, and hire foreigners to teach English and French. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, surveying and mapping, history, geography and other courses, and then set up Chinese classics and history, so that our people can understand both inside and outside. The people we select and train can be helped completely free of charge, because they are our talents and the hope of the future. ."

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen drank several sips of tea in a row, so his mouth was not so dry.

It’s a lot of words and really tiring.

After Zheng Zaoru finished recording, he looked at the large contents in the notebook. His face no longer showed excitement, but instead had a strong look of worry. He felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

When Li Zhen mentioned the first and second points, Zheng Zaoru thought that according to Li Zhen's idea, he would create a brand new Taiwan. However, after listening to Li Zhen's detailed explanation, he only felt solemn in his heart. Relax, there are too many things to deal with right now, and the situation we face is extremely severe. Every implementation is a big project.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely implement the six key points you mentioned and govern Taiwan well." Zheng Zaoru said solemnly. He has already planned to take root here and completely change Taiwan.

Li Zhen said: "The idea of ​​​​working hard is good, but I want to give you a shot of vaccination in advance. These six points cannot be completed overnight. Don't rush, be steady. There will be countless difficulties in the implementation process. But I hope you will work tirelessly, not be afraid of dangers, not afraid of powerful people, and not be moved by interests. I will be your strong backing at any time. Just do it, I will support you."


Zheng Zaoru stood up and bowed deeply to show respect for Li Zhen. After Li Zhen made arrangements for Zheng Zaoru, he then made preparations for his next trip to Japan.

ps: First update; sorry for the late update.

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