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Chapter 798 Shelling the Russians (2)


Yang Luchan nodded in agreement and went to prepare with a smile.

The old face is full of smiles.

A smile appeared on Peng Yulin's lips. He guessed that Li Zhen would use force. With Li Zhen's strong attitude towards the United States, France, Britain and other countries, it was impossible for him to bow to the Russians.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Li Zhen looked at the translator beside him and asked, "What did they say just now?"

The translator said respectfully: "Your Majesty, they also planned to bombard us when they returned. However, these people did not expect that you would fire first." What Zhang Dequan did not expect was that there was also a translator beside Li Zhen, but Li Zhen did not let the translator just now. say.

Li Zhen laughed and said: "Very good, very good, let's see who is more ruthless."

He stared at Zhang Dequan who had already boarded the boat and started to sail towards the three warships on the opposite side. He said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about the Russians in the boat. Let me bomb the other one and blow up the three warships."

After a while, the sound of a cannon was heard.


The shells flew out, roaring towards the Russian warships.

"Boom, boom, boom,,."

Immediately afterwards, there was another continuous sound of cannons, and continuous shells flew out, heading straight for the three Russian warships on the sea. This sudden change made Zhang Dequan stunned.

Why, why did the businessmen who came to Russia to do business actually open fire?

This is unreasonable.

Unfortunately, everything has already happened and cannot be changed.

Not only Zhang Dequan, but all the Russians on the three Russian warships were stunned. They were still enjoying the sunbathing, but suddenly there were shells flying towards them, frightening everyone. After a moment, they were yelling. After running away, in a blink of an eye, the cannonballs had fallen and hit three warships.


Explosions were heard one after another, thick smoke billowing from the three warships, and they soon became a sea of ​​fire.

The soldiers on the warship were also caught in the sea of ​​fire.

Immediately afterwards, another intensive artillery fire came out. The firepower of Li Zhen's warship directly beat the three warships without the ability to counterattack. When Yang Luchan went to convey the order, he had already considered the situation of the opponent's counterattack, so he ordered the launcher to attack. The artillery soldiers must destroy the Russian warships in the shortest possible time to ensure that their own warships are not affected.

The three warships failed to organize a counterattack at all and collapsed completely. The soldiers on the warships fled for their lives in thick smoke.

At this moment, Zhang De was completely stunned.

It's over, the Russians are over, what should he do? Similarly, the Russian lieutenant colonel who was following Zhang Dequan was also stunned. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. At this moment, Li Zhen, who was standing on the deck, was the most chic and leisurely person. Extremely happy to see such a scene, even with a faint smile on his face.

Yang Luchan walked out of the cabin and said, "Your Majesty, the Russians are too hateful. Kill them all."

Seeing the Russian soldiers diving into the water one after another, Yang Luchan was even more eager to try.

Li Zhen shook his head and said: "You can't kill him for the time being, but it's still useful."

"What's the use?" Dong Haichuan asked.

Peng Yulin explained: "I think the prince arrested the Russians because he wanted to interrogate the situation in Heilongjiang. After all, it was our first time to arrive. We were blind and didn't know anything. It's easy to go wrong like this. We need to know more about the situation." , we can avoid detours next, and it would be better if we could ask about the situation of Long Ao and Lu Shaochuan."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "The one who knows me is Peng Yulin."

After receiving the order, Yang Luchan ordered the arrest of Russians at sea. Even Zhang Dequan and others were arrested because they could not escape. All Russian warships sank, and none of them escaped.

Not long after, there were Russians standing on the deck all wet.

Everyone had their hands tied behind their backs and could not resist.

Li Zhen stared at everyone with a smile and asked: "Who is the leader?" After he finished speaking, he looked at the translator beside him and motioned for him to relay it. Immediately, Li Zhen's eyes fell on each of the Russians. , they were caught by Li Zhen's gaze and couldn't help but shudder, because the smile of the man in front of them was full of coldness.

Zhang Dequan was even more frightened and had a deep fear of Li Zhen. This man gave him money in front of him and then gave him cannonballs one after another in the blink of an eye. His methods were too cruel.

After the translator relayed the story, no one stood up. Li Zhen's eyes fell on Zhang De and asked: "Who is the leader? If you can't tell, I will have you thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Zhang Dequan immediately begged for mercy: "I said, I said, don't throw me down." He pointed at a tall Russian in the crowd and said loudly: "His name is Rovsky, and he is the leader of the Russian army. "

Rovsky glared at Zhang Dequan, but had no choice but to stand up obediently.

Li Zhen's eyes fell on Rovsky, waved his hand and ordered: "Take him to the side and stand."

The soldier took Rovsky to the side and stood there, while Li Zhen stood up, walked back and forth, and said, "Tell me, how many times have you come out to rob."

After a pause, Li Zhen pointed at Zhang Dequan and asked, "How many times have you been out?"

Zhang Dequan glanced at Li Zhen and then at the Russian next to him. He thought that if he told lies, he would definitely be punished or even die after being found out. He took a deep breath and said truthfully: "Since I followed The Russians come out to work for nearly a year, on average ten times a month, probably more than a hundred times."

Li Zhen frowned and asked again: "Where are they?"

Zhang Dequan said quickly: "The latest recruits among them have been recruited almost ten times, some of them are the same as me, and some have been recruited no less than two or three hundred times."

"It should be killed, it should be killed."

Li Zhentie's face was green and he said in a deep voice: "It is because of you people that so many businessmen were killed and countless people were robbed. If I don't kill you, those who are killed by you will have no wives and children at home." If someone takes care of you, you won’t be able to rest in peace even if you die.”

As Li Zhen spoke, Zhang Dequan's heart sank to the bottom.

Especially Li Zhen's tone made him feel bad.

"You deserve to be killed."

Li Zhen turned around and said suddenly: "Kill everyone who comes."


Zhang Dequan looked like a frightened hare, with a horrified expression on his face, and said loudly: "Rovsky has gone to sea an incalculable number of times. I only went to sea more than a hundred times. I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

Li Zhen's eyes were cold and he said in a deep voice: "He is different from you. You have no value at all." After saying that, Li Zhen ordered to kill all the Russians. The soldiers who had been prepared immediately pulled the trigger. Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and everyone on the deck was shot dead, leaving no one behind.

Rovsky watched from the side, watching the soldiers fall one by one, their expressions were extremely pale, and they were extremely frightened. Unexpectedly, Li Zhen killed everyone.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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