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Chapter 808 Lure the enemy to go deep

Junlian Mountain, deep inside the mountain.

The more than 200 and nearly 300 people brought by Li Zhen have all been arranged.

There were less than a hundred soldiers beside Li Zhen.

Lu Shaochuan held a piece of grass root in his mouth and said with a smile: "My lord, according to your instructions, everything has been prepared. This time, we must kill the Russians and let out a bad breath, you son of a bitch, the first paragraph The time was so suffocating that it almost caused me internal injuries."

Li Zhen said: "Repay revenge slowly and settle the settlement slowly."

There was a sound of rustling footsteps, and a soldier from the Sharp Saber Battalion came over.

The soldier stood respectfully in front of Li Zhen and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the Russian soldiers came to the mountains to inquire about the news. They have discovered our location. Some Russian soldiers went to report the news, and some Russian soldiers stayed to monitor us." There was excitement in the soldiers' eyes, eager to try, and they couldn't wait to have a big fight with the Russian soldiers.

Li Zhen gestured with the branches and said with a smile: "Closely monitor the movements of the Russian soldiers in the mountains, and monitor the situation outside Junlian Mountain at any time. Once the Russian soldiers enter the mountains and forests, report the news immediately."


The soldiers turned and left, and the forest returned to tranquility.

Outside the mountain, a large army came galloping.

The person leading the army was a colonel of the Russian army.

The Russian colonel led two thousand soldiers and was determined to capture Li Zhen and others. Moreover, before the colonel led the troops, he also received Gilsky's order. If he could not capture the Qing thieves, he did not have to go back. Colonel He is determined to complete the task.

The colonel's eyes fell on the soldiers beside him, and he asked again: "The Qing thieves are hiding in Junlian Mountain. When you went to investigate, have you discovered their whereabouts?"

The soldier replied: "Absolutely not."

The colonel nodded slightly. There was still a trace of worry in his heart, fearing that the whereabouts of the soldiers would be revealed. However, the colonel's heart was more filled with hope, wanting to capture all the Qing thieves and eliminate the internal troubles in Vladivostok.

The army ran wildly and soon arrived outside Junlian Mountain.

As the army approached the forest, a figure disappeared in the forest.

This figure was a soldier from the Jiandao Battalion, who was responsible for inquiring about the situation outside the mountains and forests. When the soldiers saw the Russian soldiers coming, they immediately went back to report the news. The soldiers from the Jiandao Battalion rushed back all the way, returned to Li Zhen, and reported the news to Li Zhen. He stood up excitedly and ordered: "Give me the order to kill all the Russian soldiers who are watching us."

The order was issued, and the soldiers of the Sharp Knife Battalion who were monitoring the Russian soldiers immediately took action.

"Bang, bang,,."

A series of gunshots rang out in the forest. The sound was so loud that it startled many birds.


A soldier came to Li Zhen and reported: "Report to the prince, all the Russian soldiers monitoring us have been eliminated."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Let's go, we will evacuate immediately."

Li Zhen ordered all his soldiers to retreat.

When Li Zhen was withdrawing, the Russian colonel who had just entered the forest faintly heard the sound, but the distance was too far to be sure it was gunshots. The Russian colonel led the soldiers on their way because there were too many towering old trees in the forest and the roads were It was difficult to move, and it was inconvenient for a large number of soldiers to run around in the mountains and forests. The colonel led the soldiers to the place where Li Zhen stayed, but they had disappeared without a trace, and no one could be found.

The colonel froze on the spot, his heart feeling cold and cold.

"Where are the people? Where have the Qing thieves gone? Where have our people died?" The Russian colonel danced and shouted angrily, feeling like he had been deceived.

The news is certain, but the person is missing.

The colonel looked livid and shouted: "Search, search immediately."

The soldiers immediately started searching the surroundings. It didn't take long before they found the bodies of the Russian soldiers who had been sniped by the soldiers of the Sharp Knife Battalion. The colonel looked at the corpses on the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he cursed several times, "trash idiots" .

However, a very real question was placed in front of him, that is, where did the Qing thieves go? Junlian Mountain is extremely vast, especially the countless ancient trees that block the view, plus leaves, bamboo forests, etc., which increase the number of people. Difficulty of search.

For a moment, the colonel also felt embarrassed.

"Mr. Colonel, what should we do now?" a lieutenant colonel asked.

"Search," the colonel growled.

The lieutenant colonel was scolded and ordered the soldiers to search.

Three hundred soldiers dispersed to search, cast a large net, and conducted a carpet-like search. Within thirty minutes, the sound of crossfire came from the west of Junlian Mountain. The colonel perked up, thinking that he had finally caught him. After catching the thief, he immediately ordered a pursuit and led the soldiers towards the place where the gunshots were heard.

"Quick, quick, run for me, speed up, don't let the Qing thieves escape."

The colonel kept shouting, ordering his soldiers to hurry up.

At this moment, time is his future.

If he cannot catch the thieves, he will definitely be dismissed from his post when he returns.

All the soldiers ran quickly. In less than twenty minutes, the colonel came to the place where the gunfire rang out. As soon as he saw it, there was a fortification built of mud in front of him, and ten machine guns were mounted on it. The soldiers under Li Zhen's command, Everyone stood in the trench, and the soldiers screamed excitedly and shouted: "Foreign devils, take bullets."

"Thud, tug, tug,,,."

In an instant, dense gunshots rang out, resounding through the mountains and forests.

Ten machine guns fired at the same time, and fiery snakes breathed out. The Russian soldiers who rushed to the front brought by the colonel did not even make a sound, but were beaten to bloody pulp. Under the intensive attack, the Russian soldiers panicked.

The Russian colonel's heart skipped a beat before he remembered that the Qing thieves had very powerful weapons.

However, the Russian colonel was unwilling to fail and shouted: "Come on, charge forward. You can use the bodies of the soldiers who were shot to resist the bullets and charge forward." He gave the order, and the soldiers under his command immediately grabbed the dead soldiers. The soldier's corpse serves as a shield. With this layer of protection, the pressure on the soldier suddenly becomes much easier.

The number of dead and injured Russian soldiers was still increasing, but it was no longer as horrific as before. Moreover, the colonel led two thousand soldiers, which was sufficient strength. He believed that the number of soldiers under his command would be enough to overwhelm the opponent.

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

Lu Shaochuan held a machine gun in his hand and fired continuously.

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he yelled: "Take bullets, everyone. I have plenty of bullets. Let's see how many of you come to die. Come on, come on, I want to kill them all." you."

Dong Haichuan reminded: "Commander Lu, the Russian army is getting closer and closer, you can withdraw."

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Lu Shaochuan was satisfied with the killing and continued to shoot.

Dong Haichuan knew that he could not wait any longer, so he rolled his eyes and shouted: "The Russian troops are coming, retreat, retreat quickly." As soon as he gave the order, all the soldiers raised their weapons and retreated quickly and neatly without any delay. Lu Shaochuan saw the surroundings All the people ran away, snorted and said, "I'll spare their lives first, and I'll kill them later."

After that, he put away the machine gun, turned around and ran away.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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