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Chapter 81 The Target Appears

Although Li Zhen had doubts in his heart, the British merchant ships and opium in front of him were real.

At least, all opium is real.

Li Zhen looked at Lu Shaochuan and asked: "Big boss, how is this ship? Do you like it?"

"It's worth it, it's worth it!"

Lu Shaochuan's heart was shocked, his head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and he danced with excitement. Since meeting Li Zhen, he has had good luck. First, he received four artillery pieces and two hundred rounds of artillery shells as gifts from Li Zhen.

Later, the great enemy Wang Long was destroyed. Now Li Zhen actually had the idea of ​​​​giving him the ship, which made Lu Shaochuan almost fainted with joy. Although the deck of this British merchant ship was broken, the mast was broken, and the sides of the ship were devastated.

, but the ship as a whole is still there, and as long as it is slightly repaired, it can continue to be used.

For a moment, Lu Shaochuan felt happy, as if he had eaten honey.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

Lu Shaochuan was happy, but the British captain was angry.

The British captain looked serious and shouted loudly: "Let me go, I am a British businessman, you have no right to arrest me. If you insist on doing this, I will appeal to the consul in Shanghai, Aliguo, and let him send troops to destroy you."

There was a lot of chattering, but only Li Zhen could understand it.

Li Zhen said in English: "Sir, I am a pirate who roams the sea. Am I afraid of the Ali Kingdom?"

When the captain heard this, his expression suddenly froze.

Lu Shaochuan looked at Li Zhen, his head a little confused. The man in front of him was obviously a general of the imperial court, but he could speak foreign languages, which was really strange. This also made Lu Shaochuan feel that Li Zhen was very powerful, and he admired him even more.

The British captain's eyes widened and he was already frightened.

The vice-captain interjected: "We are willing to pay the ransom, please let us go."

Li Zhen shook his head and refused, and then ordered: "Zhu Wu, escort all the captains, deputy captains and other important personnel of the British merchant ships to our warship. All the crew members responsible for the ship's movement should return to their posts, and leave personnel to guard them to avoid them



Zhu Wu replied and ordered the soldiers to escort the important personnel away, leaving some soldiers to control the crew before returning to the original warship.

Lu Shaochuan was so excited that he already dreamed of installing four cannons on the big ship. In this way, Lu Shaochuan's strength could be further improved, and he would not be afraid even if he encountered British ships. Lu Shaochuan and Li Zhen

After getting off the ship, he took a small boat and sailed towards the main ship. Although Li Zhen also wanted to stay on the British merchant ship and return home, the British merchant ship was bombarded by artillery fire and there were sawdust and blood stains everywhere, so it was better to return to his own ship and take it with him.

"Dang! Dang!"

Just as Li Zhen and Lu Shaochuan were returning on the big ship, the harsh sound of gongs suddenly sounded.

Li Zhen looked strange after hearing this.

Lu Shaochuan's expression changed drastically, and he said hastily: "There is an enemy attack. Hurry, hurry, row back to the warship and prepare to fight." Lu Shaochuan has been fighting at sea all year round, so he naturally has a way of warning. The sound of the gong now,

It was when he encountered the enemy's warning sound. Wang Long had been eliminated, and only the British and French fleets were roaming the sea. At present, it seems that the probability of the British and French fleets appearing is greater. Li Zhen looked back and found three people appearing on the sea in the distance.

Small black spots.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a shrill voice flew across the sky.

A cannonball flew not far from the positions of Li Zhen and Lu Shaochuan.

Lu Shaochuan was so anxious that he pounced and directly suppressed Li Zhen.

In an instant, the cannonball fell into the water and exploded. A loud noise was heard, and the water flew up and splashed, setting off huge waves. The cannonball did not hit the boat where Li Zhen was, but the explosion caused by the cannonball

The huge waves rushing over were no less than a violent impact.


Huge waves rushed through and easily overturned the small boat Li Zhen and Lu Shaochuan were riding.

The boat turned upside down like a bowl, pinning everyone underneath. At this moment, more than ten people all fell into the sea. Lu Shaochuan had previously jumped on Li Zhen, dragging Li Zhen with both hands, and fell into the water.

, Lu Shaochuan also held Li Zhen tightly, fearing that Li Zhen would drown.

Lu Shaochuan's brothers were all good athletes in the water. After swimming under the boat, they tried their best to protect Li Zhen and Lu Shaochuan.

Li Zhen was grateful to Lu Shaochuan for saving him, but Li Zhen was also proficient in water.

Li Zhen suddenly exerted his strength and broke away from Lu Shaochuan's hand, then quickly surfaced and took several breaths of fresh air. Lu Shaochuan and the others also came out of the water. Li Zhen floated on the water and said: "

Big boss, the enemy is attacking, we must return to the ship as soon as possible, I will take the first step."

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen quickly swam towards the location of the main ship.

Lu Shaochuan was extremely surprised when he discovered that Li Zhen was like a fish swimming in the sea, agile and fast.

The general in front of him is not only proficient in foreign language, but also proficient in water skills.

Lu Shaochuan has been dealing with the sea all year round. He can be said to be a novice in the waves, and he is definitely a master in the water. But when Lu Shaochuan saw Li Zhen's diving speed, he sighed to himself.


Another cannonball fell, approaching the main ship.

Lu Shaochuan put his thoughts aside and returned to the main ship with the rest of his brothers.

Li Zhen fell into the water, and Huang Shihai, who was staying on the main ship, was alarmed and immediately sent someone to rescue him. But soon he saw Li Zhen surface and swim towards the main ship, and he felt relieved. Huang Shihai ordered the soldiers to put down the ladder and wait.

Li Zhen returned. Not long after, Li Zhen, Lu Shaochuan and the other ten soldiers had returned and stood on the deck. However, everyone's clothes were wet, like drowned rats.

Huang Shihai said: "General, please go change your clothes first."

Li Zhen shook his head and said: "We'll talk about it later. Let's resolve the current war first. What's the specific situation?"

Huang Shihai said: "General, the war is not going well. Because the enemy ship suddenly came out, and Guo Rou's warship was behind the British merchant ship, closest to the enemy ship, and was attacked first. It was hit by gunfire and was damaged.


Li Zhen looked around and found three ships coming.

Among them, the ship in the middle was flying the British flag. It was the flagship of the three ships and a merchant ship transporting goods. The other two were escorts. After Li Zhen saw it clearly, he immediately understood what had just happened.

Obviously, this was the opium transported by the Ali Kingdom. As for the merchant ship encountered earlier, it was just an ordinary merchant ship. It happened to be in front of the merchant ship under the Ali Kingdom, and it happened to be encountered by Li Zhen.

After Li Zhen figured it out, he immediately ordered: "Aim at the flagship in the middle first and sink it."

Huang Shihai and Lu Shaochuan entered the cabin and went to prepare immediately.

On the other side, Zhu Wu also returned to the warship and fired artillery to counterattack.

However, something heartbreaking still happened. The big ship Guo Rou was on was penetrated by a cannonball, seawater flowed into the ship, and the hull began to sink. In fact, it was precisely because Guo Rou's warship attracted the most artillery fire that

As a result, the big ship where Zhu Wu and Li Zhen were was not hit.

The price for this was that a warship was sunk.

Li Zhen was filled with hatred, and he also hated the British captain who had been captured earlier.

If he hadn't suddenly barged in, he wouldn't have been as passive as he was now. Seeing that Guo Rou's warship had lost its combat effectiveness, Li Zhen ordered: "Send the order, order all the crew members of Guo Rou to dive into the water and abandon the warship." He was responsible for conveying the message.

The crew member who heard the news immediately informed Guo Rou using a semaphore.

When the news came out, Guo Rou was already organizing soldiers to dive into the water and leave.

"Quick, quick, everyone get into the water and leave quickly." Guo Rou felt the sea breeze stirred up by the sinking hull, her heart was extremely urgent, and there was an anxious look on her face, and she kept urging the soldiers to get off the boat.

Ps: The third update is completed;

This chapter has been completed!
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