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Chapter 847: The Sorrow of a Great Power

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, Yishan and the army led by Muravyov met.

The two armies faced each other, each with a different spirit.

The soldiers behind Muravyov were neat and tidy. All the soldiers were burly men, and there were very few skinny soldiers. Not only that, these soldiers had a proud look on their faces, and their eyes were sharp and fierce. When they saw Yishan With the army under his command, it was like a hungry wolf eyeing the docile little sheep, eager to pounce on it and take a few bites.

If Muravyov hadn't been there, these soldiers would have probably rushed forward and tore the soldiers under Yishan's command into pieces. Even so, the eyes of these Russian soldiers also showed disdain, looking down on Yishan's army.

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty had already ceded territory, let alone the soldiers.

Muravyov is neatly dressed, holds his head high, and is full of energy. Although he is old, he is full of vigor, just like a liger. No one dares to look down upon him even in his old age.

The morale of the Russian army was high, but on the other hand, the Qing army showed a cowardice everywhere.

In the army, some soldiers carry guns, some soldiers carry guns, some soldiers hold knives, and some soldiers even have empty hands and fold their hands in front of their chests. Putting aside the messy weapons, the soldiers have weapons. The clothes are not neat, there is no unified military uniform, and the soldiers wear clothes in various ways, each with its own characteristics.

At first glance, it is difficult to think that this is a real regular army.

When the soldiers saw the Russian army, they felt a sense of fear.

The look in his eyes was like a sheep encountering a liger, with a sense of turning around and running away.

The soldiers hesitated, and the army commander Yishan was also extremely timid.

Yishan was dressed in silk and satin, military boots, a saber hanging from his waist, and an official hat. He was well-dressed and looked quite decent. However, Yishan's big belly, which stood out as if he was ten months pregnant, made people feel awkward after looking at it, especially Yishan's fat body, round face, and head are like a ball, which is very funny.

Yishan is short, with a short and round body, and small eyes that move around, giving people a smooth but very sneaky feeling. He is neither fish nor fowl. When compared with Muravyov, there is a big difference. Although he is a year old One is old, but old and spicy, like a pine tree; the other is strong and fat, but like a big thief rat.

When the two armies met, the Qing army immediately lowered its head.

It has to be said that this is a sad situation for the Heavenly Kingdom.

Muravyov stood in front of the army, with no intention of taking a step. He just stood there with a cold expression. Yishan stood in front of the army, with a hesitant expression on his face, and his little eyes rolled around. Yishan wanted to wait for Mu Raviyov took the first step, then he took the step, and the two walked toward each other to show their sincerity.

Muravyov did not move, making things difficult for Yishan.

Finally, Yishan moved.

He took steps, moved his body that was like a hill, and walked forward slowly. Yishan was short, had a lot of flesh on his body, and wore a lot of clothes. He walked as if he was stooped. Yishan looked at Mu La When Vijov saw that the other party was still motionless, his expression was like ice that had never melted for thousands of years, his heart suddenly became cold.

Yishan felt quite uncomfortable in his heart.

At this point, he could only move forward. Halfway there, Muravyov still didn't move.

Finally, Yishan walked up to Muravyov.

Yishan looked at that cold and solemn face, and had already greeted the women in Muraviov's family and his eighteenth generation ancestors countless times in his heart. His voice was slightly deeper, and he said respectfully: "My Lord Governor, I have long admired your name. I have admired you for a long time. Long time admiration."

"Nice to meet you."

Muravyov smiled slightly, showing a long-lost smile.

Yishan flicked his sleeves and said with a smile: "Your Majesty Governor, let's set up camp first and discuss the strategy to attack Li Zhen. What do you think?" Yishan was tortured a lot by Muravyov just now, and he was also scared at first. Muravyov, therefore, spoke in a deliberation tone and did not have the confidence of a general of a great power.

Muravyov said: "Okay, let's set up camp first."

The two agreed, and the army immediately found a place to camp. Half an hour later, the army was stationed. According to the agreement, Yishan prepared the food, so Yishan had to supply not only its own army of 30,000, but also Muravyov's army. .

Military camp, in the big tent.

A rectangular conference table was placed in the tent. Muravyov sat at the head seat and Yishan could only sit next to him.

His status is one level lower than Muravyov.

Yishan felt resentful in his heart, but still did not speak.

Muravyov glanced at the people on both sides with cold eyes, coughed twice, and said: "Next, I will make unified arrangements for the war to attack Vladivostok. There is a three-story building three hundred miles away from here. Pavilion is the fortification leading to Vladivostok. To attack Vladivostok, three pavilions must be captured."

Having said this, Muravyov's eyes fell on Yishan and said loudly: "The battle to attack Sankou Pavilion was dominated by General Yishan's army. Our army provided artillery support and supported General Yishan's soldiers to conquer Sankou Pavilion. After arriving at Sankou Pavilion, the army went straight to Vladivostok. Both armies attacked together, but General Yishan's army was still the main force, supplemented by the Russian army, to attack Li Zhen."

The arrangement is very simple, with Yishan taking the lead.

Yishan was confused and stunned.

He tied Muravyov together and sent troops with the purpose of letting Muravyov take the lead and let Muravyov deal with Li Zhen. Now he became his soldier and rushed to the front. Isn't this reversed?

Yi Shan shook his head repeatedly and said in embarrassment: "Mr. Governor, comparing the combat effectiveness of the two armies, your soldiers are elite. Only if your army rushes in front, conquers Sankou Pavilion in one fell swoop, and then marches straight into Vladivostok, can we win. I The soldiers are waving flags and shouting for you, but you won’t be able to fight.”

Muravyov's face turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "General Yishan, we agreed at the beginning that I would be the commander and I would be solely responsible for the arrangements of the army. In this case, my arrangements are orders. If you don't obey the orders, then we will Everyone is responsible for their own business, my arrangements are for good reasons and are not random arrangements. I hope you will think about it carefully."

As soon as he said this, Yishan suddenly withered.

In an unpleasant atmosphere, Yishan accepted the arrangement, hoping to defeat Li Zhen in the end.

After the meeting, Yishan returned to the camp angrily. He roared loudly in the camp, banged the table, kicked the bench, threw brushes and books, venting his anger. Yishan was so angry that he never saw Mullawi. Since the beginning of Yov, he has been constantly embarrassed. Unexpectedly, now he is being shouted around by Muraviyov again.

"General, there is a man outside the camp asking to see you, saying that he is here to resolve the difficulties in the general's heart."

When Yishan was angry, the envoy who had gone to see Muravyov in the past spoke up. The envoy's name was Zhang Bu, and he was Yishan's confidant.

Yishan was furious and said: "No, no one."

"Yes, I went to get him back." Zhang Bu said.

"Wait a minute." When Yishan saw Zhang Bu leaving, he suddenly shouted: "Bring him in first and see what he is capable of. Hum, if this is a bluff, I will chop him up directly."

Zhang Bu heard this and bowed out.

ps: First update; on the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year and fun every day.

This chapter has been completed!
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