Turn off the lights
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Chapter 862 Water falls from the sky

At night, the earth is extremely silent, with only the sound of the howling wind ringing in my ears.

Under the night, the surroundings were dark.

On the tower of Sankou Pavilion, torches are crackling and burning, releasing a steady stream of light, dispersing the darkness. With the light on the tower of Sankou Pavilion, one can see the surrounding situation clearly. However, looking out from the tower of Sankou Pavilion Look, you can see clearly within the light range, but beyond that it's completely dark and you can't see anything clearly.

On the contrary, if you stand far away from Sankou Pavilion, you can see clearly because there is a light source.

"Crack, click,..."

In the dark night, there was the sound of ice shards breaking.

Densely packed soldiers approached the Sankouting bunker under the cover of night.

Victor walked at the front. Although the cold wind was howling, his heart couldn't wait. He thought about taking down Sankou Pavilion tonight and rescuing Shanapova. The regiment leader led two battalions of soldiers to follow Victor and also A battalion of troops was left to provide security, so that if there was an attack, there would be a team to respond.

"Quick, keep up, keep up."

Victor whispered an order, ordering the soldiers to speed up.

After a short time, the group of people came to the bottom of the slope. Victor knew that climbing up from the front would be easy to be discovered. He looked at the regiment commander beside him and whispered: "Instruct the platoon leader to bring a platoon of soldiers and start from the three entrances." Climb up the side slopes on both sides of the pavilion. As long as we lurk under the tower of Sankou Pavilion, which cannot see the situation below, we can blow up the gate. Once the gate is blown open, we will have a chance to rush in."

The leader nodded and passed on the order.

Soon, a platoon leader led 30 soldiers, divided into left and right groups, advanced from the mountains and forests on both sides of Sankou Pavilion, began to climb up from both sides, and approached the gate of Sankou Pavilion.

Although difficult, it can avoid detection.

Soldiers kept climbing up one by one. Victor and his soldiers were hiding below, waiting for the platoon leader to advance. Now he could only hope to blow open the door. If he failed, he would have no choice but to launch a storm.

On the tower, Li Zhen sat quietly without going to rest.

After dinner, Li Zhen stayed on the tower and did not leave.

Similarly, Long Ao, Yang Luchan and Dong Haichuan, three martial arts masters, are also waiting on the tower. Compared with ordinary soldiers, Long Ao, Dong Haichuan and Yang Luchan have more sensitive eyesight and better hearing, so they can easily detect the Three-Kou Pavilion. Yang Luchan's kung fu has reached the level where a cicada can foresee the abnormality outside before the autumn wind moves. He can predict danger. When danger approaches, Yang Luchan is the first to sense it. This is the achievement of his lifelong martial arts practice.

"Your Majesty, there is something going on."

Suddenly, Yang Luchan, who had been sitting motionless, opened his eyes.

A ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Dong Haichuan also opened his eyes, nodded and said: "The sound of the wind below the tower changed and was mixed with messy footsteps. It must be Russian soldiers lurking over. However, although the footsteps are messy, they are not many in number. They should be A small number of soldiers came over, and as the prince expected, Victor launched the attack at night, and the people below should be the vanguard."

Long Ao said: "The preparations made during the day can come in handy."

Li Zhen said: "Get ready and leave a deep impression on them."

The order was given and everyone was ready.

The platoon leader led the soldiers along the rugged slope to the gate of Sankou Pavilion. He raised his head and looked up at the bunker tower. He saw that the lights above were on but there was no movement. A happy look appeared on his face and the platoon leader whispered. He ordered: "Time is urgent, hurry, hurry, hurry up and prepare gunpowder."

The soldiers were also very nervous. They quickly prepared gunpowder and placed the gunpowder one by one at the door.

On the tower, Yang Luchan noticed the movement below the tower.

He nodded and the soldiers took action immediately.

The Russian soldiers had just finished setting up the fire and had taken out the fire sticks and were preparing to light the fire, but suddenly they heard loud shouts coming from the tower, and a loud voice sounded: "Lao Maozimen, this is for you."


Biting cold water fell from my head.

The water was poured from the holes in the bunker. They took action after discovering the Russian army. The soldiers at the gate of Sankou Pavilion were just about to light a fire when cold water was poured down. Every soldier became a drowned rat. The prepared gunpowder was also poured into the cold water. The effect of getting wet was instantly lost. A steady stream of water poured down from the top of the head. The clothes of the thirty soldiers outside the gate were all wet and they were shivering from the cold.

"Ah sneeze,."

The leader couldn't bear the clapping and shivered.

"Ah sneeze,."

"Ah sneeze,."

One by one, the soldiers were trembling, and they sneezed one after another.

This weather is really too cold.

If your clothes get wet, you will catch a cold immediately.

At night, the weather in the north is not as cold as the daytime. It even reaches the point where dripping water turns into ice. The water poured out will freeze quickly. These soldiers are wet, and the warmth of their bodies cannot dispel the chill that penetrates their bones. The soldiers looked at each other with innocent expressions on their faces. They did not face bullets, but they faced such painful coldness.

what to do.

The soldiers looked at the platoon leader, waiting for him to make up his mind.

At this moment, the platoon leader was also in a dilemma. The gunpowder was wet, and the ignition stick was soaked. In addition, the soldiers were in poor condition and could no longer blow up the gate. They had lost their effectiveness by staying at the gate. After the platoon leader thought clearly, he ordered: "Withdraw." With the order, a platoon of soldiers began to retreat.

Yang Luchan heard the footsteps and said, "Your Majesty, they are gone."

Li Zhen laughed loudly and said: "It's cool, this feeling is much more interesting than shooting. I am now looking forward to these soldiers catching a cold and then spreading the infection one by one. It would be spectacular if all the soldiers under Muravyov caught a cold. ah."

In the case of ice and snow, the effect of cold water is indeed very overbearing.

Also, it saves weapons.

Long Ao looked through the holes in the bunker and said, "Your Majesty, we have let Victor's vanguard retreat this time, and the next wave may be a strong attack."

Li Zhen said: "Come on, come on, the more, the better."

There was laughter upstairs, and the Russian platoon leader reluctantly led the soldiers back. They all had runny noses and sneezing, and were very uncomfortable. The platoon leader was wet and had no clean and refreshing clothes to change, which made him even more miserable. While his nose was running, he said sadly: "Lord Victor, you saw what happened just now. We wanted to blow up the door, but we didn't know that Li Zhen was too cunning, too despicable, and too shameless. He actually knew that we were here, and happened to blow up the door. Pour the water down at this time."

"Ah sneeze,."

The platoon leader sneezed and sprayed Victor's face with saliva.

Victor looked helpless, took a deep breath, and then said: "In this case, if we attack by force, I don't believe that we can't take Sankou Pavilion. We will approach quietly first, and then launch a fierce attack."

The regiment commander responded and ordered the soldiers to start taking action.

ps: The third update, hey, let’s prank Lao Maozi; continue writing.

This chapter has been completed!
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