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Chapter 868

In the woods, gunshots were heard constantly, snow slag was flying, and there was chaos. Under machine gun fire, soldiers fell one after another. It was like lumps of hail falling, falling hard to the ground, making a rumble. When Koniski saw this scene, he felt sad, but he had no choice but to rush down despite the hail of bullets.

There are enemy troops on the mountain, and the mountain road is rugged and slippery. Climbing is difficult and it is impossible to rush up.

The only way out is down.

Even if there are enemy troops at the bottom of the mountain, we can only go down.

Konisky ordered the soldiers to go down, but facing a forest of death intertwined with bullets, the Russian soldiers had no resistance. Soldiers died every minute and every second. The team of 3,000 people rushed down, and when they arrived At the foot of the mountain, most of the soldiers were dead and wounded, and only about 500 soldiers were left intact.

In an ambush battle, almost the entire army was destroyed.

"Brothers, Lao Maozi is right in front, kill with all your strength."

Lu Shaochuan's roar sounded, he grabbed a grenade, pulled the match cord and threw it out.

The person in charge on the mountain is Long Ao, and the person in charge of the mountain is Lu Shaochuan.

The grenade flew out, streaked through the air, and instantly landed among the crowd of Konisky's soldiers.


A violent explosion sounded suddenly.

White snow slag mixed with soil flew around, and the situation was chaotic. Then, grenades flew out one after another, all falling among the Russian soldiers. The sound of rumbling was endless. Under the fierce attack of grenades, Konisky's command The soldiers suffered numerous casualties and were hit hard again, and he had no ability to fight back.

Konisky wanted to rush out, and even wanted his soldiers to scatter in all directions, but Lu Shaochuan's soldiers surrounded the road down the mountain in an arc. No matter which direction the Russian army took to break out, they would be mercilessly attacked. In addition, Lu Shaochuan's soldiers had six machine guns, all of which fired at the same time.

Under the intensive fire attack, Konisky's soldiers had no chance and were constantly shot and killed.

Konisky's eyes widened and he yelled: "Rush, rush out to survive, rush..."

The roar was loud, but was instantly drowned out by the gunfire.

"Puff, puff,."

The moment Konisky's voice fell, two bullets shot into Konisky's body.

One of the bullets hit Konisky's heart, and the other bullet hit Konisky's neck. The two bullets took away Konisky's life. At this moment, Konisky had a sad expression on his face. , I didn’t expect that he would be dead as soon as he led his troops into battle. This was the first time he led his troops into battle, but the whole army was destroyed. How sad.


There was a muffled sound, and Konisky fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the surrounding Russian soldiers lost their fighting spirit.

Within half an hour, the entire Russian army was destroyed.

Lu Shaochuan led the soldiers to climb up the hillside. After climbing the hillside, they met up with Long Ao's army. Lu Shaochuan left some soldiers to garrison, then went back to Li Zhen and left with the soldiers. Half an hour later, a group of Russian soldiers arrived in the mountains and forests, led by the Russian First Brigade Commander Jefflin.

He came with his troops after hearing the gunshots coming from the forest. When Jefflin saw the blood that had condensed into ice on the ground, his expression was extremely solemn, and his eyes were even more cold.

He looked up to the top of the mountain, a trace of fear flashing in his eyes.

There must be Qing troops on the top of the mountain.

It's a pity that the opponent's firepower is too strong, otherwise he would lead his troops to kill him.

Jefflin ordered: "Search immediately to see if there are any survivors."

After a search, twenty soldiers who were not dead were found. Jefflin immediately inquired and received the news that they had been ambushed by the Qing army. There was no more specific information. Jefflin ordered the troops to withdraw and took the soldiers back to the military camp. , and then immediately rushed to Muravyov's camp and reported: "Your Majesty the Governor, Konisky and the brigade he brought have been completely destroyed."

Muravyov exclaimed and turned extremely pale.

At this moment, Muravyov made a rough guess.

It must have been an ambush, and Konisky's army was completely destroyed.

Seeing that Muravyov did not speak, Jefflin continued: "When we arrived, we found more than twenty surviving soldiers. These soldiers Konisky led the troops to the mountain forest. When climbing the mountain, they marched to the mountainside At that time, Qing soldiers appeared at the top and bottom of the mountain at the same time. The other side opened fire. Our soldiers had nowhere to hide and it was difficult to fire back. Countless soldiers were killed and wounded as soon as they met. Koniski led his troops to break through and go down the mountain. We were well prepared, but our men failed to escape and the whole army was destroyed."

Jefflin looked sad and lowered his head and said: "Mr. Governor, it was me who led the troops too late. If it had been earlier, it is possible that Koniski would not have been killed, and a brigade of soldiers would not have been lost. They were mine. For the reason, please punish me, the Governor."

Muravyov said: "It's not your fault, it's my fault. I underestimated the enemy. I thought I would find a mountain trail to sneak attack on Sankou Pavilion, but I didn't expect to be ambushed. Thinking about it, I thought of taking a trail. Zhang Zhidong also thought of the same method. Could it be that Li Zhen couldn't think of it? It's my fault that we didn't do things carefully."

Jefflin said: "Now, what should we do."

Muravyov waved his hand and said: "Let me be quiet and think about it."

Jefflin turned and left, leaving Muravyov sitting alone in the tent.

Muravyov sat with his face in his hands and choked in a low voice. This time during the attack on Sankou Pavilion, his son was seriously injured, and the regiment leader Pvov and a regiment of soldiers were killed. Now, Konis Ji and a brigade of soldiers were killed again, and everything went very wrong. On the other hand, Li Zhen was not affected at all by taking advantage of the geographical advantage of Sankou Pavilion.

He lowered his head and felt very depressed.

This all-powerful man suffered repeated defeats, and one can imagine his mood.

Qing-Russian Allied Forces, Qing Army Barracks.

When Yishan received the news that Konisky's army had been wiped out, he couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed: "Mr. Zhang, Li Zhen is so cruel. He actually laid an ambush in the mountains and forests and killed nearly three thousand Russian soldiers. It's so cruel. ." After a pause, Yishan said again: "Thanks to this old guy Muravyov, if it were someone else, his son would be injured, his beloved general would be killed, and he would have already lost his mind. It's a pity that this old fox can still be stable. live."

Zhang Zhidong smiled slightly and said: "General, Muravyov's son and beloved general were killed, and the army soldiers suffered heavy casualties. They must have been affected. Let's not mess with him and see what his next move will be. "

"Well, wait and see what happens."

Yishan chuckled, with a flash of joy in his eyes. If it were his soldiers who attacked Li Zhen, they would probably face the same result as Muravyov, and they would definitely lose their troops and generals.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhidong gave him advice so that he could preserve his own strength.

"Report," a soldier walked in and reported: "General, Mr. Muravyov invites you to go."

ps: First update; work hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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