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Chapter 882 Negotiations between the two countries

Alexander II's expression was very calm and peaceful. There was no hint of the embarrassment he had just opened. A smile slowly appeared on his face and he said unhurriedly: "Prince Li, I heard Long Ao said that you came to visit. Muravyov and the Russian soldiers, I don’t know what the situation of the soldiers is. I want to go and see the soldiers under my command."


Li Zhen did not refuse and immediately led the way.

Soon, Li Zhen led Alexander II and his party to the camp where Muravyov was imprisoned.

When Alexander II saw the captured Muravyov, his expression changed slightly.

Muravyov, the once all-powerful Governor of Eastern Siberia, lost his sharp and powerful demeanor and looked like a helpless old man. Muravyov looked haggard, with bloodshot eyes, wrinkled face, and gray hair on his head. His hair had turned the color of wind and frost, showing dazzling gray. When Muravyov saw Alexander coming in, his body froze for a moment, and then relaxed. With tears in his eyes, he knelt down and said: "I pay homage to your majesty. "

In a word, how bitter it is.

Alexander II was also filled with emotion, and immediately went to help Muravyov up and offered words of comfort.

Li Zhen said nothing, turned around and left with Long Ao and others.

A certain amount of space must be given to Alexander II. He had no intention of standing aside. After Li Zhen left with the soldiers, only Muravyov, Alexander II and the guards and soldiers who followed him were left in the camp. , the guard is a person who is good at observing people's words. When he saw Alexander II's emperor and ministers gathering together, he took the soldiers away with a wave of his hand, leaving Muravyov and Alexander II alone with each other.

Muravyov was about to kneel down, but was stopped by Alexander II.

Alexander II said: "I'm sorry for you."

When Muravyov heard this, he suddenly choked up and big tears rolled down from his eyes.

He did not expect that Alexander II's words were not words of reproach, but words of comfort. Muravyov was deeply moved, warm, and choked with sobs. He shook his head repeatedly, tears leaving along the wrinkles on his face, and cried. Like a child, Alexander II did not speak, but gently patted Muravyov on the back, silently comforting him.

After a long time, Muravyov calmed down.

Muravyov wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, calmed down his emotions, and said: "Your Majesty, I attacked Li Zhen twice in a row, and both times failed miserably. This time, I was captured alive by Li Zhen and gave him Your Majesty is embarrassed."

Alexander II took Muravyov's hand, patted it gently, and said: "There are no people in this world who can only win without being defeated. There are people who can stand up even after being defeated. As long as you are still here, everything will be fine." , the city is gone, we can attack again; the army is dispersed, we can reorganize and build up our army, but if you are gone, I have lost an important minister, as long as you are still there, everything is okay get back."

Muravyov nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of guilt.

The more Alexander II acted like this, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Suddenly, Alexander II's tone changed, his expression changed from gentle to serious, and he asked seriously: "Muravyov, you lost to Li Zhen twice, have you figured out the reason?"

Muravyov said respectfully: "When I was detained, I kept thinking about the problem of failure. Next, I will express my thoughts and ask your Majesty to correct me."

"Say." Alexander II said.

Muravyov and Alexander II continued to communicate, discussing issues about this war. At the same time, on the other side, in Li Zhen's camp, Peng Yulin, Lu Shaochuan and others gathered together.

Li Zhen asked: "Lao Peng, have you sorted out the arrangements for the army and various cities?"

Among the people who stayed in Vladivostok, except for Li Zhen, Peng Yulin had the greatest say. Although Peng Yulin's position was not clearly appointed, everyone reached a consensus and regarded Peng Yulin as the number two figure in Vladivostok. .

Peng Yulin smiled slightly and replied confidently and calmly: "Your Majesty, the army has Commander Lu, Lord Long, Mr. Yang and others. Everything has been on track and there are no problems. Regarding the official arrangements for Vladivostok City and the area north of Heilongjiang, I have also made detailed arrangements for officials, and now, people in each city have taken office."

Next, Peng Yulin gave a brief introduction to the official arrangements for the occupied areas north of Heilongjiang. Li Zhen listened carefully and then gave his approval one by one.

Finally, Li Zhencai nodded and said: "We must do a good job in the area north of Heilongjiang. After we negotiate with Alexander II and finalize the results, we will go south. The personnel here must be arranged to avoid any remaining problems."


Peng Yulin nodded in agreement.

The soldier walked in and reported: "Your Majesty, there is news from the Russians, please discuss the matter."

Li Zhen took Long Ao, Peng Yulin and others out of the military camp, and invited Alexander II to the conference room.

The people on both sides took their seats, and Li Zhen said straight to the point: "Your Excellency, Tsar, I won't beat around the bush. Regarding the matter of Muravyov leading troops to attack the city, it was Muravyov who led troops to invade the Qing Dynasty. This is not right. It is allowed. Secondly, Muravyov’s army was captured. Your purpose of coming here is to exchange for Muravyov. Tell me directly what conditions you can give.”

In a few words, let’s get straight to the point.

Alexander II said calmly: "Before talking about the conditions, I think it is necessary to correct one thing. The area north of Heilongjiang was ceded to our country by Yi. Three years ago, the area north of Heilongjiang belonged to Tsarist Russia. Now, it is You, Prince Li, led the troops to invade. It was not an invasion by us, we were just forced to fight back. Let me make this clear."

Li Zhen sarcastically said: "Who said that the area north of Heilongjiang belongs to Tsarist Russia? I have never admitted it."

Alexander II said: "I agree."


Li Zhen slapped the table, raised his voice, and said loudly: "Yi's words are always bullshit."

Peng Yulin, Long Ao and others snickered, and Alexander II's expression was ugly.

Li Zhen didn't care so much and continued: "Yi was wiped out by my army. He is nothing. Tracing back to the source, the area north of Heilongjiang has always belonged to the Qing Dynasty. From the Kangxi period, it was Tsarist Russia who invaded us. Finally, we were invaded by Tsarist Russia. Kangxi sent troops to defeat you, and you were driven back. A treaty was signed to demarcate the country's borders. Now, it's you who are invading again. Isn't it clear?"

Alexander II opened his mouth and retorted: "No, no, that's not what happened."

Li Zhen continued: "The truth is this. When Yi betrayed the country and lost power, I made a clear statement that I would not recognize any of Yi's actions. Moreover, the area north of Heilongjiang has always belonged to the Qing Dynasty. This is beyond doubt. The country’s territorial issues are non-negotiable and this matter is non-negotiable.”

The words were sonorous and powerful, and Alexander II's expression changed slightly.

ps: First update, working hard.

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