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Chapter 891: Heading South to Beijing (Part 1)

At the end of March, although it was cold in the north, the sun was shining brightly. In the early morning, countless people rushed out of their homes and came to the city gate. Countless people stood on both sides of the street to see Li Zhen off from Vladivostok.

"Da da,."

The sound of horse hooves hit the ground, and a team came galloping.

This team was actually a battalion of soldiers who went south with Li Zhen.

Peng Yulin, Huang Hu and others followed behind to see them off.

Arriving at the gate of the city, Li Zhen looked at the people around him, his eyes fell on Peng Yulin, and said: "Old Peng, Heilongjiang is handed over to you, there is no need to send it away again."

After speaking, Li Zhen waved goodbye to the people around him, and then led the crowd to leave.

The people chanted one after another to persuade Li Zhen to stay. In the short few months since Li Zhen entered Vladivostok, Vladivostok had undergone earth-shaking changes. At least the people were freed from the oppression of the Russian army.

Amidst shouts, Li Zhen left Vladivostok.

The group headed south and headed straight to Beijing.

Heading south from Heilongjiang Province, after passing Qiqihar, we left the border of Heilongjiang and entered the Horqin Grassland in Mongolia. It was already early April. The grassland was green, with long grass and warblers flying, and it was very lively.

Seeing such a scene, Li Zhenxin felt indescribably happy.

The scenery of the grassland is so beautiful.

Lu Shaochuan was also attracted by the scenery on the grassland. He rode to Li Zhen's side and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's rare for us to come to Mongolia. Let's rest here for a day and take a good look at the beautiful scenery on the grassland."

There was longing in his eyes, expecting Li Zhen to stay. After all, Lu Shaochuan had never been to Mongolia. Seeing this blue sky and the boundless green land, he felt so happy in his heart.

The same was true for Zhang Zhidong, Yang Luchan and others. They all wanted to spend the day playing here.

Seeing that everyone wanted to stay, Li Zhen nodded and said: "Since everyone wants to rest here, it's okay. Let's rest here for a day and continue our journey south tomorrow."

When the order was given, the soldiers stopped and rested where they were.

Lu Shaochuan was so excited that he immediately took a company of soldiers to hunt.

It is spring now, everything is growing, the grassland is full of vitality, and many animals can be seen on the grassland. Lu Shaochuan, Zhang Zhidong and others went hunting, while Yang Luchan and Dong Haichuan stayed, and they wanted to protect Li Zhen.

Li Zhen and Shanapova stayed in the camp, admiring the beautiful blue scenery. Even if they sat quietly on such a wide grassland, looking at the endless grassland, they would feel extremely comfortable. At noon, Mr. Lu Sichuan, Zhang Zhidong and his party came back, bringing with them abundant prey such as hares, pheasants, and eagles flying in the sky.

Li Zhen distributed part of it to the soldiers in the army, then left some food for a few people around him, and said with a smile: "Take care of the prey, and I will roast it for you to eat. My level is quite good."

Li Zhen's barbecue skills are quite good. In his previous life, he performed missions and often slept in the wild, so he often grilled animals he hunted in the wild. His skills were very good. Li Zhen, Shanapova, Zhang Zhidong, Lu Shaochuan, Yang Luchan and Dong Haichuan sat together, while the other soldiers each got their own food.

Li Zhen came to cook, and Zhang Zhidong and others were flattered.

How rare it is to have the dignified King of Zhennan cook.

Li Zhen was quick with his hands and feet. As soon as he roasted a pheasant, it was immediately divided up. Lu Shaochuan grabbed a chicken leg and gnawed it with eagerness. He praised: "The prince is so good. I will eat it in this life." The things made by the prince are worth dying for. Looking at the world, who can have such treatment?"

Li Zhen shook his head and chuckled. This guy always had bad things to say.

Shanapova held a wing and ate it in small bites. She looked at Li Zhen with tenderness and sweetness in her eyes. She heard that men in the Qing Dynasty did not cook, but she did not expect that Li Zhen would bake something for her in person. eat.

Li Zhen kept making moves, people around him kept talking, and the atmosphere was warm.

"Da da,."

On the grassland, more than ten people came galloping on horseback.

The sound of horse hoofbeats sounded one after another. After Lu Shaochuan heard it, he ordered his soldiers to be on guard.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten people on horseback had arrived in front of Li Zhen.

The leader was a burly young man, wearing furs, with a bow and arrow on his waist, and a riding whip in his hand. He shrugged his nose, with a look of intoxication on his face, and said in admiration: "Smells, it smells so good." Immediately, the young man raised his head. He held his hand, his eyes fell on Li Zhen, and said in a condescending commanding tone: "Boy, bring your roasted meat to me."

His eyes rolled around, he pondered for a while, raised the corners of his mouth, and continued: "Oh, there is another beauty. Okay, okay, give me the beauty too."

The young man has a tall and muscular build, a Chinese-shaped face, single eyelids, and thin corners of his mouth, with a hint of sinisterness.

The riding whip was pointed at Li Zhen. Seeing that Li Zhen didn't move, the young man suddenly became impatient and shouted: "Boy, didn't you hear that? If you contribute your roasted meat and women, I will let you go today."

Li Zhen stood up, glanced at the people around the young man, and said coldly: "In my opinion, there is something wrong with your mind. Look at the people around you, and then look at the people here with me. Humph, I brought ten people with me." Just come and be arrogant in front of me. The people under my command can drown you with just a spit of spit. It's really unlucky. After finally resting, you encounter a shameless person, and your mood is not good."

"Untouchable, what did you say? If you have the guts to say it again."

The young man raised his riding crop, anger appearing on his face.

Li Zhen looked calm and calm and continued: "I really don't have the guts to say what I just said again, but I really want to say one thing, you are a piece of shit."

"court death."

The young man became angry, grabbed the bow and arrow at his waist, and prepared to shoot Li Zhen. Unfortunately, the moment the young man stretched out his hand, Li Zhen had already taken out his pistol, aimed a shot at the young man's right hand, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


There was a gunshot, and the young man screamed, losing his balance and falling from the horse.

"Surround me around."

Lu Shaochuan was interrupted while he was enjoying his meal. He felt very uncomfortable. He waved his hand and the soldiers under his command surrounded the more than ten people brought by the young man. The black holes of their guns were pointed at the young man and his entourage. Let the youth and followers dare not move.

"Asshole, bastard,."

After the young man stood up from the ground, he covered his bleeding and injured right arm and kept yelling and cursing.

Although he was pointed at the gun, the young man's expression did not change, and his eyes showed an unafraid look, and he shouted: "Who are you? You actually attacked me. Do you know who I am? I am from the Borzigit tribe." Heir, I will be the future king of the grassland. You have committed a capital crime by attacking me. Kneel down and beg for mercy immediately, and execute those who injured me. I can forget the blame."

His eyes fell on Li Zhen, with undisguised hatred in his eyes.

ps: Third update; continuing.

This chapter has been completed!
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