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Chapter 930 Bicycles will appear

Li Zhen picked up the pencil, then a piece of white paper, and drew a human-powered tricycle on the picture. He also drew a bicycle. Li Zhen put the drawing in front of Wang Chi, scratched his head and said: "In these two paintings, the bicycle is the prerequisite for the birth of the human-powered tricycle. You need a bicycle to modify the human-powered tricycle. Come here and I will explain it to you carefully. Then you can find a craftsman to make it after you return to Nanjing. "

Wang Chi stood in front of Li Zhen and listened carefully to Li Zhen's explanation.

From the use of bicycles to the manufacture of bicycles, Li Zhen briefly talked about it.

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "To make these parts, simple people cannot complete it. We need the support of Dai Yuanhua and others. After you go to Nanjing, you can send someone to contact Dai Yuanhua again to manufacture them as soon as possible. Domestic Selling, or selling abroad, is a way to make money, and this is your way to make money in the new stage."

Wang Chi said with emotion: "Teacher is really a heavenly being, I don't know how you came up with it."

Li Zhen said: "You can figure it out naturally if you rely on your brain."

In fact, Li Zhen only had the memory of later generations to have so many fantastic ideas. However, these things are actually very simple things in later generations and are almost not worth mentioning.

However, many things cannot be produced, after all, technology cannot keep up.

Wang Chi carefully put away the drawings like a treasure, then asked Li Zhen to borrow a piece of white paper, took a pen, carefully recorded what Li Zhen had just explained, and finally put them together in his pocket before sitting down. , said: "Teacher, there has been a problem in Guangdong recently, do you know?"

"Guangdong, what's the problem?"

Li Zhen was stunned for a moment, thinking that something happened to the bank just now, could there be something else going on.

Wang Chi said: "It's about the bank. The disciple got news that the bank was in financial crisis. The specific matter was caused by a British missionary. He leaked the bank's lack of money and spread rumors that the bank was about to collapse. There were rumors that officials Taking up money and running away, etc., countless people rushed to the bank to withdraw money, which almost caused the bank to collapse. Now, I am afraid that there is a problem with the bank's capital chain."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "I already know about this matter and am thinking about a solution."

Wang Chi said: "Teacher, this is very simple, just raise money."

Li Zhen said: "How can it be such a simple thing? Why should someone give you money for no reason? This is unreliable."

Wang Chi smiled and said: "Isn't it easy to get money from businessmen's pockets? When businessmen have money, especially when big businessmen accumulate money to a certain extent, their emphasis on money will decrease. What's in my heart? The purpose is to gain status and secure his money. As long as the teacher gives these businessmen certain status rights, everything will be easy to handle."

"No, if you open the example, you won't be able to control it in the future."

Li Zhen understood what Wang Chi meant and firmly opposed it.

Once the trend of businessmen using money to buy officials is established, the officials below will definitely follow suit and all will follow suit. By then, the consequences will be far beyond what a bank cannot operate. Li Zhen looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Businessmen must have I agree with the issue of status, but it definitely does not allow business people to use money to buy power. This rule must not be implemented."

Wang Chi said: "The disciples just put forward some reference opinions, and it all depends on the teacher's decision."

Li Zhen raised a smile and said, "However, your opinion is not without merit."

Wang Chi's eyes lit up and he asked, "What do you think, teacher?"

Li Zhen said: "As the old saying goes, lure with benefits."

Wang Chi said: "Even if you are tempted by benefits, there must be a way to seduce."

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Wait a while, you will know." After a pause, Li Zhen shouted: "Come here, please inform Zeng Guofan to come to the Presidential Palace to discuss important matters. No matter what he does, he will Get him as soon as possible."


The soldier replied and quickly went to deliver the order.

Wang Chi was confused and asked: "Teacher, this is a business issue, why did you get involved with Premier Zeng?"

Li Zhen said: "There is indeed a certain relationship."

Not long after, Zeng Guofan came to the Presidential Palace out of breath. After seeing Li Zhen, he stopped to take a breath, and then said: "President, come to me urgently, what can you do?"

Li Zhen waved his hands and said, "Sit down and talk."

Zeng Guofan sat down as instructed and looked at Li Zhen again.

The same is true for Wang Chi.

Wang Chi mentioned business issues, while Zeng Guofan was responsible for people's livelihood issues, or official promotions, etc. There was no direct connection between the two. Now, Li Zhen invited them both together. What happened? What's going on?

Li Zhen asked: "Brother Bohan, how is the matter with the eight-part essay?"

When Zeng Guofan heard this, he looked embarrassed and sighed: "This matter has become a big deal. Those who support the Eight-part essay have absolute support and even go on a hunger strike to resist, while those who oppose the Eight-part essay also support it to the death. People on both sides have become two parties." It is an extreme and difficult to regulate. The people who organize it argue endlessly every day, and no specific modification plan can be discussed."

Li Zhen said: "I thought of an idea that can solve this problem."

"How to solve it?" Zeng Guofan asked.

At this moment, Wang Chi was confused. Is this related to the proposal just now?

The answer is obvious, it doesn't matter.

Li Zhen did not speak to Wang Chi and continued: "The eight-part essay scientific examination for selecting officials will not be completely abolished and will continue to be retained. However, the number of people selected will immediately decrease, and the final selected people will no longer be classified as Jinshi or the like. Rank, directly allocate official positions after selection, weakening the influence of the Eight-Parted Essay. Regardless of the number of selections, the difficulty of selection, and the size of the official positions selected for officials, they are all suppressed by me. They are the lowest. We weaken the Eight-Part Essay, but Leave some escape route for those who write eight-legged essays."

"Secondly, regarding the creation of new learning, new schools can imitate schools in European countries and establish different subjects for students to learn, and then let officials from various provinces establish them in various places."

Li Zhenlang said loudly: "Anyone who enters the new school, as long as they pass the assessment after graduation, will be directly assigned to official positions. These official positions are of various types. Anyway, there are official positions. With this promotion channel, countless people will participate , including officials from various provinces, I believe these people will also let their relatives participate, so that a group can definitely be formed to counter the power of the eight-legged group."

After a pause, Li Zhen looked at Wang Chi and said: "Wang Chi, according to what you said, I will use this to induce businessmen. For those who are willing to donate money to help the bank, I will give a few places and guarantee As long as the disciples they send are good enough and can meet my assessment, and they will be directly awarded official positions after graduation, this condition is high enough."

Wang Chi's eyes suddenly widened, showing surprise.

If this strategy is implemented, it can connect banking and education reforms, which is quite powerful.

ps: third update;

This chapter has been completed!
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