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Chapter 943: Raise 10 Million

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the Presidential Palace.

At the gate of the Presidential Palace, businessmen came to the Presidential Palace one after another.

When most businessmen arrived at the Presidential Palace, they subconsciously arranged their clothes to make themselves more presentable. After all, this was a matter of meeting Li Zhen, and there were so many colleagues with them. They couldn't be embarrassed. The moment everyone entered the door, I immediately became nervous. No matter where you were in the past, no matter how much money you made, when you stood in front of the Presidential Palace, your aura was much weaker than before.

At the door of the reception room, there was an attendant standing.

Every merchant who enters will get a printed information about this arrangement.

Among them, the methods of raising funds and the benefits of new schools have been clearly written.

In addition, Li Zhen’s reasons for raising funds are also clearly stated.

After the businessmen entered the hall one by one, Li Zhen entered the living room after everyone arrived. The layout of the hall was based on the arrangement of classrooms in later generations. The most powerful businessmen sat in the first row, such as Qiao Zhiyong, Hu Xueyan, Wang Chi and others, followed by most of the businessmen who came to participate, Li Zhen's position was on the podium. After he sat down, he glanced at everyone present.

After a quick glance, I saw that there were about thirty people.

This quantity is quite good.

Moreover, these businessmen are relatively strong across the country, so it is quite good to have so many of them.

Li Zhen took a breath and said loudly: "First of all, I would like to welcome everyone. I am very happy that you can participate, and thank you for participating. The purpose of inviting everyone to Beijing this time, I believe you have seen the meeting agenda List, since it has been explained in detail above, I won’t go into details here. Here, I will digress.”

Immediately, Li Zhen paused for a moment.

After a while, Li Zhen continued: "After I established myself in Shanghai, then I went to Guangzhou, and finally in Nanjing, and finally pacified the world. Over the years, I led troops to conquer the east and west, driving away the British and the French. We defeated the Americans, defeated the Russians, and suppressed the Taiping rebellion. Speaking of which, the results were brilliant, and anyone who heard them would give a thumbs up and say they were awesome."

"But when it comes to money, you become a strangled person."

"The Great Bank of China is my source of funds and the capital chain that started the war. Now the banks are facing difficulties, which indirectly leads to difficulties for the army. There must be an injection of funds to alleviate the current suffering. As long as we get through this level, everything will be The problem can be easily solved, so I hope everyone can support it. I won’t force it, it’s all voluntary. If you are willing to donate money, I welcome it. If you are unwilling to donate money, let’s make friends.”

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen looked at the soldiers standing beside him.

In an instant, the soldier took over the words and shouted loudly: "The donation has begun. If you are willing to donate money, please take the initiative to ask."

Hu Xueyan had already made an agreement with Li Zhen and was the first to stand up. He looked around at the people around him and said loudly: "Hu Xueyan from Anhui, donate 1.5 million taels of silver."

Li Zhen said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Hu. I thank you on behalf of the country."

"Baifushui, Baijia, Hunan, donated five hundred thousand taels of silver." After Hu Xueyan finished speaking, a middle-aged man stood up and said loudly.

The soldiers nodded a few times in turn and expressed their thanks.

Immediately afterwards, there were donations of 100,000, 200,000, 300,000 and so on, but none exceeded one million taels of silver. At this time, Qiao Zhiyong stood up. He faced the people present and said loudly: "Every man in the world rises and falls. I have the responsibility. Today, President Li is fighting for the country and the people. Businessmen like us cannot go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but we can still use financial support. Qiao Zhiyong of the Qiao family in Shanxi has donated three million taels of silver and is willing to help the president tide over the difficulties. ."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately.

This gesture is really big enough.

Although some businessmen despised Qiao Zhiyong as a prodigal, they also admired Qiao Zhiyong's courage. Similarly, some businessmen were shocked. One of them stood up and said: "Duan Changhe of the Yunnan Duan family donated one million taels of silver."

"Qiu Rui of the Qiu family in Sichuan donated five hundred thousand taels of silver."

Because of Qiao Zhiyong's lead, another wave of craze started.

Everyone present more or less donated part of their money to give Li Zhen face.

After the soldiers counted it, they calculated a total of 10.5 million taels of silver. This figure had exceeded Li Zhen's original estimate. With this amount of money, it was enough to make the Great China Bank operational.

Li Zhen took a deep breath and said: "Thank you all, thank you for your generous help. I accepted this heavy sum of money, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. According to the schedule, for any family that donates today, your family disciples will enter the new era." If you study in school, as long as you are both good in character and academic, and can pass the assessment of the assessment team organized by me, you will definitely be awarded a real official position. Please rest assured about this. I hope that more talented people can serve the country."

The businessmen were extremely excited when they heard Li Zhen's personal promise.

It is undoubtedly good for someone in the family to be an official.

Li Zhen continued: "In addition to donating money, let me tell you one more thing. This is about the railway. Some people know about the railway, but some people don't, but it doesn't matter. Soon you will all be familiar with it. Now, the railway from Nanjing to Guangzhou has been opened. You can take the train directly from Nanjing to Guangzhou. The speed is fast and the round trip only takes a few days. Soon, I will go to Nanjing and take the train south to Guangzhou. If you are interested, you can temporarily Stay and wait for me to go south with you. As long as you go, you will not regret it, because it has huge business opportunities."

Hu Xueyan raised his hand and said: "President, I want a quota, and I will follow you to Nanjing."

"I'll go with you," said the Qiu family from Sichuan.

"I'll go too," said the Yunnan Duan family.

One by one the businessmen spoke, and finally they all expressed their willingness to go.

The reason is naturally the business opportunities mentioned by Li Zhen. Li Zhen looked at the faces of each businessman and was secretly happy in his heart. As long as these businessmen went to Nanjing and got on the train, Li Zhen would have the opportunity to benefit from these businessmen. The businessmen took out money from their pockets and began to continue building the railway. The current financial situation was tight and there was no more money to build the railway. We could only rely on these businessmen, so Li Zhen brought up the matter of going south and wanted the businessmen to join him.

After the meeting, Li Zhen stayed with the businessmen to have dinner together.

Anyway, they gave me financial support, and Li Zhen also made a symbolic gesture. After the meal, most of the businessmen who came to participate were already familiar with each other, and some businessmen even called themselves brothers. These businessmen are all well-rounded people. He is very good at dealing with people, and it only takes a little time to become very familiar with them.

Li Zhen provided a platform, and they all took advantage of it.

From this perspective, the businessman who only paid one hundred thousand taels of silver but got to know the big businessman made a profit.

ps: third update;

This chapter has been completed!
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