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Chapter 946

On the twenty-first day of the first lunar month, Zuo Zongtang’s residence.

In the study, Zuo Zongtang and Liu Jintang sat opposite each other. Zuo Zongtang was wearing a black robe, stroking his long beard, his eyes fell on Liu Jintang, and said unhurriedly: "Jintang, this time the president

Going south to Vietnam, you have been selected to fight with the president."

"Okay, it's time to fight again."

Liu Jintang was gearing up, his face full of excitement.

Zuo Zongtang continued: "This attack on Vietnam is the third war you participated in with the President. The first time, you followed the President to participate in the Battle of Vladivostok; the second time, you followed the President to pacify

Shi Dakai, the first two times, you were not qualified enough to be promoted, but this time is different, you have enough qualifications, you must seize the opportunity."

Liu Jintang said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, Commander Zuo, I will fight hard."

Zuo Zongtang looked serious and said solemnly: "The President has a hobby in fighting. Once he captures an important location, he will leave people to garrison and attack Taiwan. The President left Su Lei and Zheng Zaoru behind; when attacking Japan, he will leave behind

They captured Li Hongzhang and Yang Jianhou; they attacked Vladivostok, leaving behind Peng Yulin; they attacked Sichuan, leaving behind Zhang Zhidong and Zeng Guoquan. Any fool can understand that if Vietnam is captured, people will definitely be left to guard it. I hope you

Stay in Vietnam and become an important general on Mu Shou's side."

Liu Jintang frowned and said: "Don't worry, Commander Zuo, I will definitely work hard, but having said that, staying in Vietnam doesn't make much sense. It's better to follow the president on an expedition here and there, which is more interesting."


Zuo Zongtang yelled and cursed: "The world is at peace, how can there be so many people for you to fight?"

Liu Jintang shook his head repeatedly, twirled his fingers and said: "There are many more. In addition to Vietnam, only within our country, there are the Mongolian grasslands in the north, the territory of Tibetan lamas, and even the border land of Xinjiang, which was not annexed by the Manchus at the time.

After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, they started to stand up for themselves one after another and refused to obey the president. I believe there will be countless battles and the president will not let these places go."

Zuo Zongtang said angrily: "Can you fight for the rest of your life?"

Liu Jintang said: "I like fighting. The wanton feeling is intoxicating."

"It's beyond stupid."

Zuo Zongtang said solemnly: "In troubled times, when fighting, military commanders and counselors are the most important, which is the fastest way to promotion. However, in peaceful and prosperous times, ministers who govern the country are the most important. The Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. you mentioned may be

A war breaks out, but currently, the overall trend is to focus on governing the country, and a large number of generals will change their status. If you stay in Vietnam and accumulate political achievements after staying in Vietnam for a few years, you can then be transferred back to the country and enter the center.

If the talents trained to become the president only focus on fighting, their future will be limited and it will be difficult for them to become important ministers of a country."

Liu Jintang scratched his head and said: "What you said is too profound. I don't understand it and I don't want to understand it. I don't care about it. As long as I can fight, if the president doesn't want to fight, I will remove my armor and return to the field. Besides, as long as you are here,

It’s impossible for me to starve to death.”

"You kid... come on, get out, I don't want to see you."

Zuo Zongtang only wanted to do good for Liu Jintang, but this guy simply didn't understand.

Liu Jintang chuckled and said, "Thank you, Commander Zuo, I'm going back."

Shi Dakai's mansion and study room.

After Shi Dakai got the news from Zeng Guofan that Li Xiucheng and Chen Yucheng were going to the expedition, he immediately invited Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng to his house. Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng sat opposite Shi Dakai. They looked humble and respectful. All of them were demoted generals, but among the three, Shi Dakai held the most prominent official position. He was second only to Zeng Guofan and could be said to hold great power.

Before the surrender, Shi Dakai was the famous Wing King. Li Xiucheng and Chen Yucheng both respected Shi Dakai, so the three of them were led by Shi Dakai under Li Zhen.

Shi Dakai said: "This time, the president went out and ordered you two personally. He did not bring with him generals such as Huang Shihai, Long Ao, Zuo Zongtang, etc., so you have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. You must seize the opportunity. You must Make a great contribution in this battle."

Chen Yucheng said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand."

Shi Dakai frowned and said: "You still call me Prince, are you looking for death? I am no longer the King of Wings I used to be, and I am not allowed to call you that anymore. Although the President is broad-minded and does not care, it does not mean that we can do whatever we want and follow the President. I I have no regrets. I even feel happier than I did in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Here, I can do things to my heart's content, work for the people and the country, and the president has a group of people who do practical things, so I cherish the situation in front of me and don't want to lose it. , I hope you will pay attention to your wording and don’t go out of your way.”

Chen Yucheng said: "I understand."

Li Xiucheng nodded and said: "Vice Prime Minister, Yucheng and I must unite and strive for success."

Shi Dakai said: "Unity is necessary, and striving for merit is also necessary, but this is based on a major premise, that is, we must unite with everyone in the army, even if we face Liu Jintang, we are surrendered generals, It's like being born from a stepmother, you have to perform well in front of the president, this will be beneficial to your future career."

"Remember two points in the military: first, you must show your abilities as much as possible and let everyone know; second, you must show your magnanimity. With these two points, I believe you will definitely get the president. reuse.”

"You are talented people, don't be buried."

"For yourselves, and to show that the former Taiping Army was not bad, I hope you will work hard and seize the battle in Vietnam."

Shi Dakai looked serious and placed his hope on the two of them.

Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng nodded heavily. They both felt a lot of pressure, but they felt more motivated.

Presidential Palace, official residence.

When the news came out that Li Zhen was going south to Guangzhou, Zhilan, Li Xiaotong and others sighed again and again. Li Xiaotong rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother, I am also preparing to go south. After all, your brother-in-law is still in Guangzhou."

Gu Lina then said: "Husband, I am also going south. The business in Guangzhou still needs me."

Alice said: "I am also going south, and my sister and I also want to do business."

Zhou Xiuying said loudly: "Husband, this time I want to join the war and go to Vietnam with you."

After Li Zhen heard this, he thought that each of these women was more ruthless than the last. When he arrived at Zhou Xiuying's place, he directly asked to go south together. He looked at Zhi Lan and heard Zhi Lan say: "Husband, I will stay in Beijing with my children and wait for you to come back. In the past few years, Ama has become older and older, and his health has been deteriorating. I am afraid that it will only be a year or two, so I will stay to take care of him."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Okay, Shanapova will go with you to live at the old father-in-law's house, so as not to stay at home in the desert."

Zhilan nodded, feeling very reluctant to give up.

I'm afraid this separation will last for several months, but luckily I'm used to it.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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