The adults of Zhifu saw the strategies of their confidants, and they were pleasing. Of course, the adults of Zhifu were not the villain who could fight for the daughter.
The masters naturally praise the adults, because everyone pushes themselves and people, and they feel that if the wife can be seen by the adults of Zhifu, it is really a great event flying in the sky. The dreams in the nest must wake up with a smile. Such a blessing is coming.
If Zhang Qing does not follow, it is not worth everyone to be angry at all, but he should feel that his person is pitiful.
Of course, for the poor people, the master of Zhifu does not speak, and everyone must be saved sincerely. Therefore, the masters arranged for a bad service like a tiger.
What has been said in the military law, those who can change because of the enemy are God.
As a result, a master came to the Cross, and excused that the beef in Zhang Qingdian was marinated. He had to make a long -time care, so he paid the deposit of twenty money, so that Zhang Qing would enter Mengzhou City tomorrow and follow him.
Sign the contract.
Of course, today's twenty -twenty -fixed deposit selling beef, if Zhang Qing signed the selling wife tomorrow, it would become the deposit of selling his wife; in case the green did not depend on it, after turning to the middle plan, these twenty penetration, these twenties, these twenties.
It is the hiring money hired by the Master Fufu.
Zhang Qing didn't know it was a plan, and agreed. Early the next morning, she really picked the burden of sauce beef into Mengzhou City. When I arrived at the Gate of Zhifu, several masters tied Zhang Qing to wait for Zhang Qing.
The sauce beef, while filling Zhang Qingjiu, talking and laughing, in a very gentle tone, he said the meaning of the adults of Zhifu again.
Although Zhang Qing was a family member of Sun Erniang, when he heard this topic, his mood was still quite stable. He saw that he opened his eyes wide and asked, "What is the vision of adults in Zhifu? Can you see my family?
The people of Zhuanghu are honest, laughing at good faith, and explain early, so as not to be happy. "
When everyone heard it, there is a door! This Qingzhen goes on how much trouble is everyone. Maybe this person can still mix a fatal lack of fertilizer such as a housekeeper in the future. Now it may be better to cover it well. Therefore
Nearly with Zhang Qing, of course, the discourse reiterated the thirst of the wife of Zhifu in love with other people's wives.
Sacrifice the local interests in exchange for overall development, and from the time to the time to achieve a win -win situation.
Zhang Qing listened to his eyebrows, and asked if this matter was done, how many benefits can the villain be moved into the city from outside the city?
A happy life that is not worked?
The masters, like the golden bell shirt, patted their breasts, and Zhang Qing's future was all included on them. So Zhang Qing was grateful, saying that since he was a gentleman who knew the scholar, he raised the villain.
Although the villain is rough, he also knows the principle of knowing the grace. Today, you can't thank you, so you have to treat you with wine. Please drink one more drink.
Zhang Qing is so refreshing, all the masters are all happy. So they opened her campaign, and attracted the housekeeper on the Master's Mansion.
Zhang Qingdan sold his wife's deed, but just pulled the hand of the housekeeper's hand, saying that the housekeeper pointed out the avenue of Qingyun straight up to the villain today.
It is necessary to feel guilty too much!
The housekeeper knows that this is the ex -husband of the new aunt. As long as he is red, no matter the nature of the hat green, if he will be carried by the new aunt in the future, it will be a Shinto in front of the adult.
Push each other to change the cup.
Zhang Qing looked at the villain of the front and back, and he just fell to the ground without drunk; everyone looked at them all like a chic and elegant gentleman, but finally slipped under the table one by one.
Come on the literati?
At this time, it was even more missing. Zhang Qing pushed the door and listened to the movement of the four sideways. At the beginning, these gangsters were afraid that Zhang Qing was not reluctant.
The smiling Yan Yan was inherited. Those who were waiting for the fighters were swept away, and I didn't know where to go.
Back in the house, Zhang Qing looked at the drunkenness of the house and sneered a few times, tearing the curtains to bundle these people like crabs into a string, blocked his mouth, and touched the house behind Zhifu.
Master Zhifu still kept the door for the housekeeper! I didn't expect the housekeeper to come back, but Zhang Qing came in. Without saying a word, Zhang Qing went to the bright light place.
At this moment, the master of Zhifu was right to appreciate the Spring Palace at night. For the adults of Zhifu, there is a calmness of every major event.
Sitting in the Diaoyutai -if you shake the Taoism because of a beauty, how can you cultivate a good house?
While the Master Zhifu appreciated the lifelike graphic reading books, and restrained his own heart, to hone his strong willpower. It was grinding to the critical moment in full swing. As soon as the door opened, someone came in.
Don't look up, Master Zhifu knows that it is his housekeeper, because except for the confidant, no one can enter this place without knocking at this time.
The sound cavity asked: "The big things can be achieved?"
Then he heard a strange voice: "I am afraid of the worries of the grandson, but not in the small wall."
"Huh?" Master Zhifu frowned, looked up, and immediately scared, "You ... who are you?"
Under the light, there was a big man standing in front of the table. Although he had two hands empty, the cold on his body was more sharp than a knife.
Zhang Qing smiled and hugged his punch: "Zhang Qing is below.
Master Zhifu laughed: "Good Hanmo wants to laugh. I am the court official, where do I know the law and the wives of the people? Or the curtains under the account, carrying me with Hu Xing, there is also it! I must be sure
Check and punish them hard, and punish it fiercely, otherwise local customs will inevitably be corrupted in the hands of these rats! "
Zhang Qing nodded: "Adults have this ambition, and they will send adults to the next time, adding color to adults!" This is exactly:
In order to get a tiger in order to get a delicate tiger, he did not know what Zhang Qing wanted to send the prefecture to adults, and listened to the decomposition next time.