After a while, the carriage stopped again. Wang Yue went up to the carriage, and after a text came out, after watching the surroundings, he hurriedly said: "Lord, come with me!"
The two of them got out of the carriage and passed through a hall similar to the practice field and entered a partial house. Wang Yue took out a piece of clothing in the palace and replaced Wen Yuan. After finishing all this, Wang Yue said with a breath: "The protagonist
Waiting here, when your Majesty practiced his sword later, his subordinates have their own ways to attract His Majesty to see you, but the protagonist must not delay too long, so as not to suspect the forbidden army outside the temple! "
Wen Yuan glanced deeply at Wang Yue. The latter saw sweat on his forehead, and his nervous fingers trembled slightly. Also, he personally led outsiders to meet with Dangzi today. If this kind of thing is crime, but the three tribe must be made!
Wen Yuan patted Wang Yue's shoulder and smiled indifferently: "Rest assured Wang Yue, I have a good job. Do everything you do today.
Wang Yue saw Wen Yuan so calm, wiped the sweat on his face, and made a calm color: "Thank the Lord!"
Wen Yuanmei sent Wang Yue out and looked at it for four weeks. This should be a partial house of the lounge function. There are several cases and bed couchs.
Wen Yuan just sought a corner of the window and sat down. From here, he could see the main hall outside the window. If the Emperor Han Xian was coming, it should be easy to see him.
As for being today, Wen Yuan is not as scared as Wang Yue. In ancient times, the ancients advocated the monarchy and deified the emperor.
At this time, the supreme existence of Tianzi in the hearts of Shimin, so it was normal for Wang Yuexin to be jealous.
However, Wenyuan's previous life is a modern person who lives in a democratic society. For the set of feudal society, the emperor is also a nose and two eyes, not to say that you add an emperor's name, what parts are more than ordinary people.
Afraid of a bird!
What's more, the little emperor Liu Xie is just an eleven or two -year -old child. Since he has been in the throne, he has been oppressed by the rape, Dong Zhuo.
Instead, there are some small sympathy.
"Da ... da ... da ..." Wen Yuan was thinking about it, and there was a sound of footsteps from outside. I saw that Wang Yue attracted an eleven or two -year -old child into the hall and entered the hall.
, This child wears a jade crown, drooping two bright yellow jade ribbons from the crown, wearing a black top, a chocolate shirt, and twelve chapters on the top of the embroidery, namely: day, moon, stars, mountains, dragons, Chinese insects, Chinese insects, Chinese, Chinese insects, Chinese, Chinese insects, Chinese insects, Chinese insects, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese insects, Chinese insects.
Zong Yi, algae, fire, pink rice, 黼, 黻. From the costume, I know that this child is today -Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie!
The young emperor Liu Xie was eleven or two years old, and he was very eye -catching, but his eyebrows were locked. The dark eyes were faintly depressed with age, and his eyes moved around from time to time.
Everything around you has a kind of distrust.
After Liu Xie, one or twenty waiters, the forbidden army, the palace maid, and the eunuchs also followed behind, and a large group of people.
Wen Yuan frowned slightly, so many people followed the little emperor. Among them, there must be Dong Zhuo's dark line. If they have been following like this, how can they talk to the emperor alone?
In the Silica, the Emperor Liu Xie began to practice the sword. The Confucianism of that era pays attention to the six arts and pay attention to many aspects of recuperation.
But Liu Xie seemed to be in a bad mood today, especially with a group of people around him. After practicing it for a while, his face showed irritability, and he was cold to the people around him at any time: "Wait to return to the back to the people.
Go outside the temple! "
The followers retreated according to their words. In the blink of an eye, there was only Liu Xie and Wang Yue left in the hall. Liu Xie practiced for a while.
"His Majesty has since he has a sideline heart today, and you must take care of the dragon body!" Wang Yue picked the sword on the ground from the ground, and went to the way in a timely manner.
Xian Emperor glanced at Wang Yue fiercely. Although the majesty of the emperor, although he couldn't hold the treacherous Dong Zhuo, he was still more than enough to deal with Wang Yue.
From Wang Yue's performance, Liu Xie seemed to have received a trace of comfort, vomiting a turbid air, Wen Yan said: "Wang Yue, you have practiced Kendo for more than 30 years, swordsmanship and even the realm.
Institute of security? "
Wang Yue didn't know why Liu Xie had this question, he was hesitant to answer. Liu Xie had already impatiently said: "I want you to tell the truth, what do you grind?"
"Xiaomin Yu Lu, please atone for his sin!" Wang Yue was busy thanks to the crime, but only Nuo Nuo said: "If both sides go all the way, with the power of the people, you want to deal with one or two hundred people." Speaking of his swordsmanship, king, king, king, king, king
The more they are quite proud.
Unexpectedly, the little emperor did not show admiration, but sneered at it: "You call the world's first sword division, but you can deal with one or two hundred people.
Useful? This swordsmanship is not practiced! "
"His Majesty's anger! Dong Zhuo's ears are outside, and please say cautiously!" Wang Yue was shocked, his head low -channel.
The emperor Liu Xie's body shocked, looking at Wang Yueliang for a long time, and said, "In this palace, I don't want to be like you who are loyal to the big man, Wang Yue, get up."
When Wang Yue saw Liu Xie Wen's comfort, he was moved in his heart. He remembered that Wen Yuan was still beside him, and he gathered the courage to make a look: "Thank the emperor, the emperor is worried about the state affairs. At this moment, it must be tired.
"Partial Temple?" Liu Xie looked at Wang Yue in doubt. He was smart and clever since he was a child. Although he was only eleven or two years old this year, he lived under the shadow of Dong Zhuo for a long time.
If you know what you need to avoid Dong Zhuo's ears.
Liu Xie watched four weeks, deliberately high -minded: "Well, there is a pure place here, I just rest for a moment, telling the followers to wait outside the temple, and no one is allowed to follow."
Wang Yue Voldemort worshiped: "Follow!"
Liu Xie strolled into the partial palace, and after Wang Yue ordered Emperor Xian's attendants, he quickly followed.
Liu Xie entered the partial palace, and when he saw a man in the palace people's clothing standing in the dark place in the corner, it seemed not surprising, but just frowned slightly, "Who are you?"