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【34】Kick out a future

Seeing Gu Yu's dilemma, Lan Rui'er couldn't help but laugh. She didn't care whether Gu Yu wanted to or not, so she took Gu Yu's arm and walked outside.

Gu Yu didn't even struggle, and was just dragged to the playground by Lan Rui'er.

As expected, there was a sea of ​​people on the playground, and cheers came and went, but most of them were from girls.

But there were quite a lot of boys watching, and most of them came to watch the game with the intention of having an affair. After all, the Department of Business and Industry is a department dominated by girls, while the Department of Engineering is a department dominated by boys.

Many classes don't even have a single girl, so they are jokingly called monk classes.

The reason why the student union holds a fraternity competition is to establish a relationship between the two departments. However, the tragedy is that there are not many male students in the Department of Business and Industry. Gu Yu’s class is considered to be the class with the most boys in the Department of Business and Industry. Plus Gu Yu is only one.

There are no substitutes for the football team, but Gu Yu, a loser, can't actually play football. He has been in school for several years and has never participated in a football match. He just watched it and didn't bother to watch it. In the end, he had no choice but to let the second player

Sister Hong, a top athlete, came on as a substitute. Therefore, although Gu Yu and his class had a football team, it was the worst team in the school and was often the last in the competition.

Gu Yu was dragged all the way to the playground by Lan Rui'er, and he said helplessly: "Rui'er, let go, let go, how can you be so unbecoming of pulling and pulling in public?"

Lan Ruier gave Gu Yu a big look: "I'm not doing it for your own good. Participating in the competition will give you extra credits."

Gu Yu shrugged and said disapprovingly: "To me, credits are just a cloud. I don't want to kick out the future!"

Lan Ruier said with hatred: "Brother Yu, how can you think so? Your credits are related to your graduation. By the way, you said that if you don't fail this exam, your old man will

Should you freeze your source of funds? You should earn more credits now. Besides, it is a matter of honor for our entire class. You should focus on the overall situation, have a sense of collective honor, and play the game."

Lan Rui'er's words just spoke to Gu Yu's heart. He was not afraid of anything except that the old man at home would freeze his funds. At that time, the sky would not respond and the earth would not work.

Seeing that Gu Yu was a little melancholy, Lan Ruier said while the iron was hot: "Brother Yu, even if you don't think about yourself or the class, you still have to think about your senior sister."

Gu Yu frowned slightly and asked in surprise: "For Lan Ning's sake? How do you say that?"

When Lan Rui'er heard Gu Yu call Jin Lanning so affectionately, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart, but she still had a smile on her face: "Senior sister, isn't it going to leave next month? If you can pass all the exams, senior sister will leave."

You can leave with peace of mind, right?"

Gu Yu thought about it for a moment and felt that what Lan Rui'er said was reasonable, but what embarrassed him the most was that he didn't know how to play football at all. He said with a solemn expression: "Rui'er, it's not that I don't want to play, it's that I simply don't want to play.

You don’t know how to play football, so why don’t you go up and play soy sauce?”

Lan Ruier smiled slightly and said: "The rules of football are very simple. I will briefly explain them to you. Besides, if you play as a forward, there are no rules for a forward. You just need to kick the ball into the opponent's goal."

So he told Gu Yu the most basic rules of football.

Gu Yu was forced to go to jail because of Lan Rui'er's behavior.

"Department of Industry and Commerce Substitution..." A whistle blew, and a request for substitution sounded from the podium.

Hearing this request, the audience became a little silent, because they knew that this class has always been in this formation for three years, and there was no one to change. They couldn't help but craned their necks and looked at the bench, but under the rainproof canopy

Under the cover, they couldn't see anything at all.

Sister Hong, who was carrying the No. 11 jersey on the court, glanced at the substitution card held up by the linesman. It was her number. She frowned slightly. "Substitute, who is it? Although I am injured, I can still play."

, Besides, we don’t have anyone to replace, everyone in our class who can play football is now on the court. I am full of doubts and dissatisfaction...

Even so, she still looked towards the replacement number!

No. 7? Isn’t No. 7 the sealed uniform? Wasn’t it the uniform that was prepared for that bad moment?

Who will wear this jersey?

Sister Hong looked behind the lineman, and a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in her eyes.

It's him, the bad boy who can't play football, the bad boy who hasn't appeared on the football field in three years.

Seeing Gu Yu appearing outside the stadium, Sister Hong's eyes burst out with a burst of excitement, as if she were excited to see a thirsty person seeing a pool of spring water.

She limped to the sidelines and looked at Gu Yu, with a smile on her lips: "You are going to play after all. I have been waiting for you for three years..."

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer: "I'm sorry, thank you for the hard work. You can go down and rest first, and leave the rest to me."

Sister Hong nodded slightly, raised her right palm and handed it to Gu Yu: "Come on, you must win, I believe in you."

Gu Yu grinned. I didn't expect that I would be given such an important task as soon as I came up. I don't know how to kick at all. I'm here to do the soy sauce!

But Gu Yu still high-fived Sister Hong and said solemnly: "I will work hard."

Sister Hong smiled happily, turned around and limped towards the lounge.

The whole audience burst into applause. This applause was for Sister Hong, the only girl in the audience, the girl who persisted for twenty minutes even though she was injured...

Gu Yu looked at Sister Hong's fading figure and felt that she was so tall and mighty.

That tenacious, mighty and unyielding figure had a strong impact on Gu Yu's psychology, making Gu Yu feel a surge of heroic spirit, a heroic spirit that wanted to defeat any enemy.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that nothing could stop him, not even the eleven people on the other side.

Gu Yu stepped into the football field with a solemn face, like a warrior about to go to the battlefield. In order to defend his territory, he would not hesitate to turn into a tiny drop of water in the torrent of steel.

The crowd of onlookers once again burst into strong cheers. This cheer was for Gu Yu. They were all too familiar with this man who was almost a legend with a stern face!

People gave Gu Yu cheers because they saw that the Department of Business and Industry was bullied by the Department of Engineering for most of the game. Now Gu Yu, a person who has never appeared on the court, finally miraculously appeared this time. They hope that this legendary man

To create miracles, they expected Gu Yu to explode, just like Fat Zhu Wan, trampling all the people in the engineering department under his feet.

Gu Yu trotted all the way onto the pitch, England's No. 7 shirt fluttering in the wind, and the black No. 7 lettering on the snow-white England shirt looked particularly dazzling!

Gu Yu knew that this No. 7 jersey had a great origin. It was the jersey of David Beckham, who had a full-moon scimitar and sharp footwork. Now that he wears this jersey, he is undoubtedly declaring that his skills are good.

He can be called Beckham. If he is embarrassed and conspicuous, he will not only lose his own face, but also lose the face of Beckham.

Although Gu Yu had watched action blockbusters like Football Boy before, and had some understanding of the rules of football under Lan Ruier's surprise tutorials, this was his first time playing football for real, so he was a little nervous.

Gu Yu faced the cheers from the audience. Although his face was expressionless, his heart was churning. He trotted onto the stage with a stern face, waving to the audience from time to time, which attracted even stronger cheers.

The expression is cool and the movements are handsome, but the consequences are tragic...

Gu Yu only felt his feet tighten, and before he could react, he had already fallen to the ground.


After a brief silence, an even stronger roar of laughter came over like a scourge!

"Damn it, Brother Yu is Brother Yu, and his appearance is extraordinary."

"Haha, he is so cute..."

"Even if he is a legend, he is still a human being..."

"Well, it's so embarrassing..."

"I wonder if he can play football. A person who can fall down while running can play football..."

"I realized that maybe my decision was wrong. I shouldn't have asked him to play..."

"This story tells everyone that the food must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be taken step by step. When you get older, it is easy to lose your eggs..."

Gu Yu slowly got up from the ground, and suddenly he remembered an even stronger roar of laughter in the stands. Gu Yu glanced at his teammates with black lines on their faces, smiled calmly, patted the grass clippings on his body, leaned down and pulled the

Tie your shoelaces, then rush into the opponent's formation and wait for your teammates to pass the ball to you.

But everyone looked at Gu Yu blankly as if they were seeing a monster, until Gu Yu felt uncomfortable all over!

However, there was a burst of laughter and strong boos from the stands that was stronger than before.

He was not afraid of laughter, but the boos made Gu Yu feel guilty. He glanced at the opposing players around him as if asking for help, and asked softly: "What's going on..."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched: "We have scored a goal, you should go back to your half and prepare for the kickoff."

Gu Yu suddenly realized and said with a smile: "Ha, that's it, haha, buddy, thanks, I'm going back, bye..." After saying that, he rushed back to his own half.

"Holy crap, is this guy going to kick the ball back? Why don't you know the rules of football practice?"

"It doesn't matter, all these idiots are on the field, we are already 3:0 in this game, we will win for sure!"

"Captain, don't say that, he is Gu Yuye!"

"Tch, what's wrong with Gu Yu? Isn't he a human? Besides, look at how powerful a person like this who doesn't understand the rules of football can be. You are all members of the school team. If you can't even defend such a rookie,

You don’t have to stay in the school team anymore.”

"Oh, got it!"

Gu Yu ran back to his own half and stood still. The referee blew the whistle and the game officially started.

This chapter has been completed!
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