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Chapter 1009 Frank and Toshio Saeki, a different one


Peggy Carter's S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the Sentinel Command Center located at the headquarters, all systems have been lit up.

In fact.

After Peggy Carter used the Sentinel robot to annihilate a certain damn island of mutants.

This place is already closed.

after all……

Without the mutant threat in Peggy Carter's eyes, the world under her control is safe.


All changes came too suddenly.

Pioneer technology from another world took away Max Eisenhardt.

The last damn mutant king.


It started to look bad.

Also becoming chaotic is Peggy Carter's control of the world.


"Our original space-time positioning membrane has undergone some strange deflection reaction."

"A shift in energy that exceeded our expectations caused all of this to happen."

"Judging from the information collected by the latent sentry robots we dispatched..."

Logistics Science Department.

A doctor in the space-time combat planning department that was completely launched for another universe!

On the big screen in front of Peggy Carter.

Surrounded by stereoscopic imaging, more than a dozen doctors reported very bad news.

"Speak humanly."

The one-eyed woman used an unusually cold voice to express that she was very impatient.

She pressed her eyebrows.

In my mind, I thought about the superhero registration plan created by SHIELD in another world.

Anti-Mutant Discrimination Act.


Hell is coming, the devil's plan.

If we say that we have harvested a head named "Nick Fury" before, this is good news.


What is before us now is much worse and more troublesome than this good news.

Just on the other side.

On a fully unfolded large screen, there is a three-dimensional floor plan of New York.


But now this originally peaceful city is occupied by dense red dots.

And this is just the beginning.

Peggy Carter knows that for some reason, uninvited guests randomly appear in her world!

There would only be much more gravel and debris visible to the naked eye than the batch they found.


And the doctors who had high hopes were now obviously afraid of Peggy Carter.

Because they messed everything up.

"Our positioning failed."

"No, no, the time and space travel plan can still be implemented, but we..."

"I'm not sure which Earth I will go to."

Originally it was just a one-way channel.

It is the space-time membrane positioned with the help of the pioneering technology of another world last time.

Now the bubble has burst.

The dimensional spectrum displayed on the instrument has experienced unpredictable deflections.


The number of destinations suddenly increased, and no doctor dared to guarantee what the other Earth would look like.


"They invaded my world unscrupulously and took away Magneto, who was supposed to be locked up by me for experiments."


"It's like a lot of garbage thrown out in my city. There are monsters and undersea people among them."

"There are also mutants who should have all become specimens."

Peggy Carter laughed.

The woman wearing an eyepatch doesn't smile in any gentle way. On the contrary, it just shines through the virtual screen.

It can make these subordinates, those smart doctors, tremble one by one.

"I invested so much money from the beginning."

"I asked the World Security Council to spend all its budget."


"And now you tell me..."

"I can't find it, I can't find how to get to that world, that stupid world where mutants are regarded as superheroes?!"

"You bunch of trash."

Peggy Carter is furious.

With a smile, she said words that made everyone shudder.

No one is afraid of this woman.

There's also no one who doesn't know the horror of Peggy Carter, come to think of it.

Mutants with all kinds of superpowers.


Either lying in the cold storage, or in their laboratory specimen warehouse!

A S.H.I.E.L.D. director who committed a literal massacre of mutants!

One that can bring the World Security Council to its knees.

The whole world, all cities, all military and personal organizations must listen to this voice!

A woman who truly holds the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.


This one was also injected with some kind of super potion, but it hasn't changed at all over the decades.

A woman who has been cold from beginning to end, and who has always looked at the world with one eye.

So furious.

It’s really...

As every smart person knows, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Sentinel program has been relaunched.

This means that Peggy Carter is going on a killing spree again.

"We need samples."

"We need more positioning data, now that the other universe is real."

"We will always get through this."

He has neat short hair, and while he belongs to the combat department, he also belongs to the logistics and technology department.

One of Peggy Carter's confidants, Daisy Johnson.

She already knew about the other universe and had some limited information.

for example……

What the latent sentry robots collected was the destruction of Los Angeles in another world.


Calvin Zarbo!

Use "Hyde Potion" to turn the entire city into a monster of flesh and blood!

For others.

The advent of the Devil King, which may have destroyed Texas, California, and New York, is even more eye-catching.

But for Daisy...

"I really want to meet my father in another world."

"If he is still alive."

Peggy Carter admires Daisy very much, especially because her shock ability can effectively deal with Magneto.


Daisy's abilities did not come from the mutant X gene, but were the product of chemical experiments.

This made Peggy Carter like it even more.

Because they are the same kind of people, and they have evolved through science and experimentation.

Not the alien garbage like mutants.

"There will be a chance."

"And I want you to catch Magneto back to me with your own hands, hum!"

"As far as I know."

"Now in another world, there are two Magnetos."

Executing the double mutant king is definitely what Peggy Carter is looking forward to the most.

It is also the most milestone part of the SHIELD career she wants to complete.


"There are many now. The Sentinel helicopter has already gone to pick them up. It's up to you to use them as you please..."

A quote from Peggy Carter.

It has already laid the foundation for the superheroes who appear in New York and are about to be captured.

What kind of horrific shock will I experience next?

"Where are the others?!"

"Sentinel data shows that another superhero act was registered in another world."

"Some of them are not mutants."


"To a large extent, the ability of some of them is very poor, not even as good as the hot spots in New York."

Daisy said as she typed a piece of information on the screen, which included a girl in a white and pink uniform.

"Spider Woman."

"And...our good boy, the lizard man!"


If there is no such thing as another universe, SHIELD will focus on the next step.

In fact, it should be Spider-Gwen and Lizard Peter.


This is not erasure.

When it comes to non-mutant superheroes, Peggy Carter prefers to have them work for her.

"Let the sentry robot screen carefully."

"I don't want to get mixed up with any scum. As for other people... I don't have the ability to register their identities."

"After effective observation, they will be released back to live in the city."

"As for the rest..."

"SHIELD does not allow superheroes to exist, but they have to enter our agent school for retraining!"

Peggy Carter will let the completely incompetent wastes live an ordinary life.

As for others.

Since they are not mutants, they do not need to be eliminated and want to retain the name of superheroes.

Then you must enter the S.H.I.E.L.D. special agent major to re-study and re-employ.

This is an absolutely rigid rule and no one can be exempted from it.


"I understand your instructions. The recycling program in New York is currently going smoothly."


"Chief Frank of the New York Police Department has protested our actions."

"And I desperately want to contact you."

Peggy Carter heard an annoying name.

"Ignore him."

"Daisy, help me alert the other crap in the science department that I need to hear good news as soon as possible."


"The head was recovered last time. I want to know the secret of his one eye as soon as possible."

New York City surrounded by Sentinel helicopters.

SHIELD's logo remained unchanged, but the warning came from the radio.

It is also accepted by most registered superheroes.

after all……

That's S.H.I.E.L.D.

If you follow the arrangements, there will definitely be no problems.

This is the thought in most people's minds, and they are back to another New York in a blink of an eye.

This makes many people unable to react.

The emergence of S.H.I.E.L.D. and its effective acceptance of them fits everyone's world view.


Under the supervision of the sentry robot, they boarded the helicopter in an orderly manner and left.

Little did they know that they were facing another world.

as well as……

A completely different S.H.I.E.L.D., with a completely different one-eyed female director.

at the same time.

Ordinary New York civilians have begun to evacuate under the management of the New York Police Department.

And on the streets and alleys.

Another group of combat-type sentry robots are dispatched, their purpose is to destroy those uncontrolled fairy tale monsters.

Werewolves, vampires, random tree spirits and so on.


The warriors of Atlantis jumped into it from New York Harbor and the Hudson River and left.

Regarding the priority of the underwater people, it is the lowest among Peggy Carter's instructions.

In fact, the monsters are not very tall either.

Just don't let them stay in human cities, other things...

After dealing with the mutant resurgence crisis, there's always time to figure it out.

"Manhattan area has been cleaned up and the team has begun to collect."

The glowing red metal skeletons passed through the chaotic and deserted streets one after another.

All shopping streets were closed and all people went into emergency evacuation.


The New York Police Department police car, with a few police officers, and Chief Frank who was roaring with a walkie-talkie!

"Damn it!"

"Is this the end of the world?!"

"Peggy Carter's contact was completely blocked. She was talking about emergency disaster response."


"Are robots going to rule New York? This is my territory, SHIELD?! What can SHIELD do?!"

Sheriff Frank is covered in muscles, and he has extremely strong chest muscles.

There is also...

Once on the battlefield, he was a super soldier who fought alongside Peggy Carter.


Sheriff Frank, who now has a happy family and children, just wants to protect his New York.


"Why doesn't George answer my call? How long has he been on leave?!"

"This old guy is just about to retire, he hasn't retired yet."


"Big metal guy, leave my jurisdiction immediately, otherwise I don't care what Peggy Carter says, I will blow your head off with the barrel of my gun."

Amidst the wails of all his subordinates.

Sheriff Frank got rid of the bullshit and called no one to get through.

Irritably, he pulled out the enlarged revolver from his waist, called for the Sentinel helicopter, and rushed up to the combat-type Sentinel robot that was about to return to the team.

at the same time.

On a deserted street corner, behind the trash can with plastic bags blown up by the wind.

"Oh, my God."

"I can't believe that the famous Punisher actually became the New York Sheriff."

"Is there anything more disastrous than this?!"

Kate's voice came.

Together with...

The pale boy, Toshio Saeki's dull little face, he was unhappy.


Now he has lost his mother and father, and is now alone again.


After the miserable meow, the black cat landed at Kate's feet.

"Don't worry, we will find Jennifer, uh...and Barton."

Kate sighed, what else could be done, no matter what happened in which universe.

They will not move according to their own ideas.


In addition to herself and Toshio Saeki, there is another powerful guy she is more familiar with.

The hot fire came.

The magical enchantment of Apollo's Wrath seems to have undergone random changes caused by the black tide.

At this time, the fusion with the man named Punisher has become even more profound.

The other end of the alley.

Some monsters that could not be avoided did not die in the hands of the sentry robot.

Has been burned to ashes by Frank the Punisher.

And now.

Thanks to Toshio Saeki for distorting the reality of the entire range area.

The power of curse.

Let the Punisher and Kate not have a fight with the Sentinel robot as soon as they come up.

"You saw..."

"Compared to your appearance, the other you looks much more popular."

Kate pointed into the distance.

Chief Frank was cursing and patrolling the streets with his subordinates from the New York Police Department.


"Another me..."

"The one who ended the war, had a family, had everything, and survived!"

This chapter has been completed!
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