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Chapter 1115 SHIELDs Justice, Rob Lucis Meeting Gift,

The cuter they look, the crazier they will go crazy after being cut open.


This is an experimental site on a desert island, where a uprising of sentinel robots facing mutants is taking place.


The giant diamond soaring into the sky in the battlefield, and the incredible giant dog.

Accompanied by extremely fanatical declarations of justice.

The killing begins!

Compared to the attacks of sentry robots, the cute girl is more eye-catching!

"What the hell?!"

"Damn it, shouldn't our target be SHIELD?!"

"who is she?!"

"He's not on the same team as us, he's a liar agent from S.H.I.E.L.D., what the hell is that monster?!"


Something suddenly happened inside the chaotic interior.

The target of the mutants was originally the sentry robot, but...an unexpected situation occurred.


"You weird-looking people who have affected the existence of order should... all die."

"Justice Qin Guangqiu!"

A weapon system derived from the modification of Seleucid Eubiquitas in the Judgment of the Ten Kings.

Named after the Ten Kings of Hell, and now from Super Iron Ball Bash.


Those mutants with abnormal appearance.

Maybe it looked like a beast, or it was a hairy guy, and it was hit immediately.

In fact...

In another world, one can be attracted by the Mutant Anti-Discrimination Act in a short period of time.

As a result, they were recruited by Alexander Pierce and became mutants registered as heroes in 50 states.

Actually it's not very strong...

Most of them are aliens hiding in ordinary cities and living in the shadows.

I just waited for an opportunity.

And their hearts were moved, and they participated in the stage of hell.

after all……

A slightly famous mutant.

They are probably involved in Magneto's brotherhood or Professor X's academy.

And people like them...

It can only be said that I caught up with a good time, but now... unfortunately, I have fallen into another world.

And SHIELD here is killing all mutants.

By the way...

These sentry robots, which have destroyed more than tens of millions of mutants, are absolute mutant killers.

It is said that the mutants who were slaughtered were by no means ordinary miscellaneous fish like them.


There are existences with terrifying names such as Wolverine, Neptune Namor, Professor X, etc.!

at this time.

Under Daisy Johnson's command, the sentry robots were fully activated, as well as her own shock wave wide-area attack.

At this moment, the mutants who launched a riot on the desert island experimental site were struggling to their death.


Now a crazy girl sneaks in out of nowhere!


But for Seleucid Eubiquitas, her code of justice has just begun.


"Well done, Bit."

Seleucid Eubiquitas praised his companion.

She came to the new world from the empire, but... what remains unchanged is her determination for justice.

Evil will never be allowed anywhere.


This is undoubtedly a good word.

As a member of the Imperial City Guard, Seleucid Ubiquitas upholds justice.

He believes that justice must never yield to evil.

Make exercising the name of justice your principle of action and implement it to the end.


And about the emergence of this name.

as well as……

Seleucid Eubiquitas has already observed it secretly.

That’s right!

Including those giant robots, it is the order in this new world.

The order is correct.

And there are all these messy things around, those weird looking guys.

There are mutants with all kinds of special, Teigu-like abilities.


They are just mutated evil freaks, Seleu Jubiquitas has fully understood.


Daisy Johnson said the same thing during her broadcast.

Who is evil?!

Who is justice?!

Wouldn’t it be so convenient for Seleucid Ubiquitas?!

[Appreciation from Daisy Johnson, received...]

[Attention from SHIELD, obtained...]

[Special lock from the Sentinel system, obtain...]

at the same time.

A refresh screen has appeared in front of Seleu Jubiquitas.

In addition to the recognition from SHIELD, there are also cries about mutants.

as well as……


"You can get rewards even if you are hated by evil, and you can get righteous rewards by killing your master!"

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

"Why on earth do you freaks who influence normal people exist?!"

Big explosion.

Following Seleu Eubiquitas' instructions, the Warcraft transformed into a hundred-armed giant.

The biological dog-shaped Teigu, Xiaobi directly enters the violent transformation.


Even though there are many outstanding mutants, but...

These high-level beings were locked by the sentinel robots and did not even wait to get close to Xiaobi and Selyu Ubiquitas.

The energy light cannon fired from a long distance will vaporize all these mutants!

For a while.

It can be said that with the acquiescence of the Sentinel System and Daisy Johnson, Seleucid Ubiquitas went on a killing spree without restraint.

The system prompts that it keeps growing.

at the same time.

In S.H.I.E.L.D.'s appearance testing room, Daisy Johnson zooms in on the screen to fully enlarge the details of Seleucid Ubiquitas' battle.

"Mechanical transformation?!"

"And that dog that can grow in size. It seems like there's an interesting girl mixed in among the freaks we captured."

"The most important thing is that she is not a mutant."

Very satisfied.

The short-haired agent girl showed a sympathetic expression.


It is that kind of persistence for justice.

As for those dead mutant freaks, killing them is the right thing for this world.


"I want to give good news to Director Carter. We have found a good seed."

"It seems that these mutants are not useless."

"Their deaths have allowed us to welcome new companions. My intuition tells me... that you will be an excellent candidate for SHIELD."

Daisy Johnson looks at Seleucid Ubiquitas in battle.

Her senior agent authority in S.H.I.E.L.D. is enough for her to develop new people on her own.

Only one certificate is needed.

Seleu Jubiquitas can officially qualify as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


You will be able to exercise justice more happily.

"How nice."

"This world needs such righteous people, right, Jesse!"

Jesse Drew is ready to leave.

He has already called his own dedicated lunar surface return fighter, and there is no suspense about the battle here.

Those poor mutants can never defeat the sentry robots.


They just let the girl who suddenly appeared have more qualifications to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Then first I would like to congratulate you on finding a good choice."

"I'm going to New York."

"Well, if something happens again, please let me know if you can."

The world began to turn into chaos.

The mutants who were supposed to have been eliminated suddenly appeared here in so many ways.

Although it will be cleaned up again soon.


Agents have a keen sense of smell, and Jesse Drew already knew something was up.

His only thought now is to find spider silk!

as well as……

If we don't give him the serum, he won't be able to control it.


"You have enough authority to know this and there is no problem."

Daisy Johnson frowned.

A spider superpower belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D., and the source of his abilities is related to an arachnid professor once hired by S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Agent Academy.


What's that name?!

Daisy Johnson no longer remembers it, after all, it has nothing to do with her.


She probably understood some of the problems.

Jesse Drew will be coming down from the lunar base for a while, and then he needs to go to New York.

The relevant filing within S.H.I.E.L.D. is that it needs to adjust the spider superpowers.

This wasn't really a thing before.


Today's New York is different from before, and it's because of Spider-Gwen.

Spider superpowers also become different.


"We are probably friends. Don't go astray, otherwise..."

Daisy Johnson watched the Lunar Fighter take off, and she said to herself...

"Don't blame me for personally enforcing justice when the time comes."


As the world's top controlling organization, SHIELD represents justice.

at this point……

It is not Daisy Johnson who is blindly confident, but countries, military and personal secret organizations around the world.

Confirmation from everyone.

And being able to do this is entirely because of Peggy Carter's control.

And the terrifying suppression power of the Sentinel system.

at present……

After the last world war, after SHIELD's war to massacre mutants ended.

Now that SHIELD has complete control over the entire world, no one dares to oppose this.

This is how SHIELD agents do things, don’t you accept it?!


Being evil must be eliminated, and the Sentinel will obliterate everything.

at the same time.

Regardless of whether SHIELD is on the Triangle Island, Captain Gwen is successfully summoned.

Or should I say...

Located in the desert island experimental base, Daisy Johnson witnessed the execution of justice by Seleucid Ubiquitas.

For New York.

The night passed quickly, the sun still rose as usual, and the mayor was in a good mood.

"Good morning."

The very spirited Mayor Jonah Jameson came with his mustache.

He has something important to do today.

Very important.

That's officially meeting the members of his Anti-Spider Squad.

I didn't even sleep well last night, I was always looking forward to the meeting this morning.

So he got up early in the morning and rushed to the mayor's chamber.

Miss Khalifa is already waiting for him.

"Good morning, Mr. Mayor."

Kalifa, who was dressed as a secretary, gently pushed her eyes.


"It's a really nice cloak. Do you want to change your image?"

Mayor Jameson was slightly startled.

Kalifa's outfit is slightly different, she wears a constantly swinging cloak.


The cloak looks very eye-catching, both in texture and in its movement as if it were alive.

But I don't get along well with my secretary.

"Feel sorry."

"Because some minor problems occurred, I am still familiar with the new equipment."

"But some of them can't be taken off."

Kalifa felt slightly helpless.

The night bird cloak has been successfully put on, and the mysterious energy emanates from the cloak.

I have been bonding with Khalifa since last night.

This is some kind of certification.

I want to fully master the power of the cloak and integrate it with my own fruit power and domineering power.

This will undoubtedly require a small process.

I do know that the uncoordinated look of a cloak and a secretary's outfit is not very suitable for my current professional status.


Kalifa doesn't have any good options.

I guess the excellent mayor wouldn't care. After all... there is a bigger surprise waiting for him today.


Khalifa is not the focus today.

The members of the Anti-Spider Squad are the top priority, and Mayor Jameson can't wait.

He didn't bring anyone with him.

Only I and Miss Khalifa entered the inner hall together, and here...

He met Rob Lucci for the first time.

Wearing a white suit, an extremely tall man carries a dove with him.

as well as……

The cow-like person with horns on his head, and... Gabra with a square nose and braids.


Comparing the last three, Rob Lucci can be said to be an outstanding talent.

Handsomeness and temperament coexist, which fits the definition of a strong man.

"Greetings to you, Mr. Mayor."

A very strange way of saying hello.

On Rob Lucci's shoulder, a pigeon named Hadley raised a wing.

Not only did he smile, he also took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, hello."

"Starting from the receipt of the batch of arms before, and the arrest of the gray orc Alexei."

"I've been looking forward to seeing you."

"Although the New York Police Department later proved that they are as useless as ever."


"I have great confidence in the Anti-Spider Team, and I am even more confident now."

This moment.

Under the leadership of Kalifa, we really came face to face with Rob Lucci.

Jonah Jameson truly felt that his long-held wish was about to come true.

A perfect New York.

A righteous city without chaotic masked elements and evil thugs!

He will become the best mayor, and in front of him is the best anti-Spider team.

"Spider Woman's disaster will be completely solved by me."

"New York……"

"No matter how chaotic it is, no matter how many warnings the SHIELD guys give, I have to tell them..."

"As long as I become mayor one day, there won't be any trouble."

You can see it.

The anti-Spider team formed by Rob Lucci and others made Mayor Jameson very satisfied.

And relatively...


"Give the gift we prepared to Mr. Mayor."

Rob Lucci maintains his style in front of outsiders, and his pigeons will speak for him.

"no problem."

"Gabra, where did you put your things?!"

Kaku stretched out his hand towards Gabra, and this move made the wolf dissatisfied for a while.

"Don't always treat me like your little brother. This kind of calling you back and forth is really annoying."


Gabra put his hands behind his back, and with a flash of white light, a sword with a unique shape appeared.

This is no ordinary weapon.


The sword that is alive, has life, and has eaten the devil fruit!

"Elephant Sword Fankfried!"

"The sword that used to be the accessory of our useless commander, now... can be used as a meeting gift." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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