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Chapter 1164: Appear, hidden fairy tale monsters, join the hundred


This force of resentment never stops, moving from one place to another.

The resentment attached to the deceased evolved into a new curse.

And speaking of death.

Tomie Kawakami is the most familiar, and Miss Tomie will always become a part of being killed.


More Tomie Kawakami will grow again to meet the darkness in more people's hearts.

And when the beauty that is unique in the world, the immortal girl after constant death.

Come into contact with the black cat who was cursed and died unjustly.

The curse of Toshio Saeki and the unknown curse of Tomie, the two are strangely mixed together.

The effect achieved...

It is the Tomi River disaster that is happening in New York now, and the giant Tomi River in front of the Stark Group Building.

It was originally a part of Kayako, but under the power of the curse.

Fujiang became even more abnormal.

The only thing that didn't change was her beautiful tear mole, and...the anger that she couldn't accept being called ugly!


It seems to be responding to the black cat's shrill meow.

In the power of the curse that spans time and space, the connection of the curse made the giant Tomie clearly feel Toshio Saeki.

Little black cat...

Are you also hating the handsome boy in front of you?!


Tomie Kawakami should have been the most beautiful woman in the world, but...

What did he say?!


"How dare you say that word?!"

"You're blind, you are such an idiot, a handsome idiot!"

"Go to hell!"


This was a reply that was enough to make Tomie Kawakami go berserk.


Nura Rikuo was right in front of him, holding Miyaki Maru and slashing at him.

The fear that surrounds the entire city, the fear that permeates everyone in New York.

To look for that weirdness.

The Lord of the Night Walk of Hundreds of Ghosts went looking for the power of the curse, the mysterious connection...

Thus bypassing the giant Fujiang River.

To launch the attack of youki very directly, Nura Rikuo wanted to definitely target Toshio Saeki.

And such behavior...

Such direct disregard made the giant Fujiang even more intolerable.


Never allow anyone to think about other things after seeing themselves.

Only Fujiang should be the center of everything.

even though……

The other insignificant Fu Jiang is no exception. She should be the only one in this world.


Tomie the Giant behaves like an extremely angry girl.

But such a huge body is just a slight stomp of the feet, which is the result of the broken streets.


The Fujiang people who crowded under her feet also turned into a puddle of pulp amidst the chirping and angry yells.

“It’s so noisy!”

"She has such a loud voice, she is not ladylike at all, she is the ugliest Fu Jiang."

"That's right, that's right, Fujiang won't be that big."

"I am perfect...ah!"

That's it.

Tomie's hatred for each other will never stop.

And now.

The giant Fujiang is so eye-catching that it also attracts the hatred of all Fujiangs.


The combat gap caused by the difference in body size.

The giant Tomie was only angry because of Nura Rikuo's answer, so he could eliminate the other Tomies at will.

The insignificant Tomie could not enter the eyes of the proud giant Tomie.

She stretched out her arms, arms that could hug the entire Stark Building.

Heading towards Nuliang Lusheng.


Nu Liang was unmoved.

There is someone he cares about deeply in his heart, and that love is unshakable.

Whether it's a human being during the day or a monster at night.

As long as there is unforgettable love in your heart, your will will never waver.


The fear of the entire city is now continuously concentrated on Nuliang Lusheng.

The huge demonic power is blessed by Mimi Kirimaru.

Even if it is...

In the name of the Lord of the Night of Hundred Ghosts, the master of demons and monsters, the general who orders monsters.

The identity of it all.

If you are carried away by corrupt love, then you are not worthy.

"I can see it."

"Your other face hidden under the skin, you can evoke the darkness in people's hearts."

"And all these human fears will be borne by me."


"You can't fool me."

Nuliang Lusheng raised his head slightly.

Under his absolutely calm tone, what he saw in his eyes was definitely not the normal Tomie Kawakami.

She is not a beauty.


Only when Tomie Kawakami appears on the drawing paper or in the photo.

There are loving painters or absolutely wonderful photographers who captured the moments of Tomie Kawakami.


The evil daughter who makes people's hearts tremble with fear and all the horrible words imaginable!

The twisted and ugly head, connected to Fu Jiang's beautiful shell, is like a two-headed girl that is constantly being pulled apart.

So scary.

And as long as they can see the true face of Tomie Kawakami, no one will think of love anymore.


Falling into endless fear and confusion.


Nuliang Lusheng understands this fear, which is the fear of the unknown that humans have.

It is the source from which monsters are born.

And he.

After coming to this new world, in this city led by no monsters.

So-called becoming the territory of the Nuliang group, then...

"Whether it's war, monsters, or weirdos like you...it doesn't matter."

"All the emotions people have, whether it's anger or jealousy."

"Or maybe it's just trembling."


"Everything will be borne by my slippery grandson, and all these fears will be borne by me!"

Nura Rikuo announced loudly to the entire New York.

This is the decision of the Lord of the Hundred Demons at Night, and this is the voice of the Young Monster Master of the Nura Group.

This is……

The grandson of the slippery ghost who rules over all demons and monsters, the most solemn declaration of monsters.

The sword that has been passed down for a long time to exorcise demons, Miya Kirimaru serves as a witness!


It was an absolute tsunami-like sweep.

Yami Kirimaru responded to Nura Rikuo's power, while the entire New York was shrouded in night.

The black air flow formed by human fear surged into Nu Liang's body like a whirlpool.


This process has continued since the appearance of Nura Rikuo in the form of a monster.

Whether it was solving Bruno's attack or causing the Tomie disaster.

No matter how the scene changes.

The fear of a large number of humans in New York was completely gathered by Nuliang.

It remains the same from beginning to end.


This is what Nura Rikuo really wants to do.

Whether it's Tomie Kawakami or Toshio Saeki, the so-called power of resentment.

Since they exist, it is reasonable.

Nura Rikusheng never wanted to kill all the monsters, he... just wanted to make a point.

"You have to understand the rules of the night."

"That's the so-called monster rules, the rules determined by the grandson of the Slippery Ghost."

"This is also the rule of my Nuliang group."

"The beauty that humans can see and the ugliness that humans think of are not worth mentioning in my eyes."

"I can admit your beauty, and you can also admit my handsomeness, as long as..."

Before Nu Liang was alive, he was pointing at Mimi Kirimaru, facing the mole of tears of the giant Tomie.

A demonic aura swept through his voice.

Without caring about others, Nura Rikuo's words spread throughout New York.

Ordinary people in New York City, strong men at the center of the battlefield.

Whether it's other players or important figures like Frank and Tony.

Everyone can hear Nura Rikuo's announcement.


As a king.

As the master of demons and monsters, he can carry hundreds of ghosts on his back.

Nu Liang was not worried at all.

He even wanted everyone to know what it meant for the Nuliang group to take this city into its territory.

"Tomie Kawakami."

"You are willing to drink the wine of demon inscription with me and become the ghost behind me at night."

"The so-called Fujiang disaster, this fear that swept the city! The beautiful evil woman that humans fear!"

"I, Nuruo Rikuo, will carry it for you!"

The whole of New York fell into a kind of silence.

General Fujitora's appearance brought a meteorite from the sky, which was shattered into meteors by Princess Tsunade.


The mechanical insects flown out by the Stark Group, and Stark's thousands of engines bring false night.

The whole of New York was shrouded in the night sky.

And the central battlefield.

The golden bubbles waved by Kalifa and Kaito Kidd stimulated the energy of the Ten Rings, which was as powerful as the red wind.


everything that happened.

None of them stood like this under the night, sweeping all the fear in the city.

Speaking as his own Nuragumi, facing Tomie Kawakami as the master of the Night of the Hundred Demons.

Nuliang Lusheng said...

No matter what Tomie Kawakami is, no matter what she has done, as long as she drinks with him.

All cause and effect, all guilt, all fear.

He bears it all!

"How crazy, boy!"

Tony is the world's most outstanding adventurer, he dares to challenge all limits.

Facing Bruno's arrest.

A superhuman with strange abilities, so powerful that he cannot resist.

The feeling of being on the verge of life and death not only did not make Tony give up, but also made him continue to make breakthroughs.

This is the feeling of a breakthrough between life and death.


Even Tony, such a great adventurer, faced Nura Rikuo's speech at this time.

One more thing I have to say...

This is sweeping across New York, involving a war between superhumans and ominous creatures.

Things have gotten bigger and bigger.

When the Tomie Disaster occurred, this beautiful monster swept people's hearts.

SHIELD is about to show up.

Tony was already prepared to face the one-eyed old woman he hated most.


With Rikuo Nura's body shape, his smart butler Erwin used a high-definition camera to take images of Tomie Kawakami.


He also previously praised Kraven the Hunter's collection.


It was just a glance, and now Tony wanted to poke himself blind.

Beauty and extreme horror, the two mixed together create the devil of beauty.

Such a disaster.

So much was flushed out of the New York sewer system, and there was this giant Tom River.

He's just a kid with superhuman abilities who can transform at night.


Have you memorized every sentence?!


Because they wanted to help Frank, the Stark Group confronted the mayor.

It has already caused Tony's stock price to collapse.

He doesn't care.

Just because you don't care doesn't mean you can ignore the price.

Tony Stark dared to take risks.

And that was when it was just a war in the center of the city...


The emergence of the Tomie Disaster will inevitably involve SHIELD.

After facing the complete extermination of mutants, it became the governing body with absolute say in the world.

Tony has no idea of ​​confronting Director Carter in public!

And now...

A little kid with nothing, standing under the New York night.

He said that this was the territory of his Nuliang group.


Is this cowhide exaggerated a bit?!


Tony's reaction was violent.

Bulma's expression wasn't much better.

She still likes Nura Rikuo who wore glasses before, the human's dull look is really nice.

The monster looks like now...

He is indeed handsome to her heart, but...why did he also accept Tomie Kawakami!

And look at such a heroic meaning.

There are quite a few people who do not refuse comers. Behind the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, as long as Fujiang dares to come, Nuliang Lusheng will not be afraid.


"How could you do this, Mr. Nurao?!"

I was thinking about my Prince Charming, and now Prince Charming seems to have appeared.

Bulma began to enter the love brain state again.


"This is not the case at all. Please calm down, Miss Bulma."

Mr. Satan was panicked.

He always has some bad premonitions, just like little Wukong will also transform.


Why is it that every kid who can transform has such a huge gap between his and hers?

Wukong is a fighting maniac.

And in front of me...

Nura Rikuo declares that he is extremely domineering and is preparing to truly occupy New York as a monster.

Complete the division between human day and monster night?!


No one would agree to such a thing, right?!

"I don't want war."

"It's that this unprovoked war came to this innocent city, and I absorbed the fear of mankind."


"This city has always been more than just human."

Nuliang Lusheng said slowly.

His eyes swept across the lizard monsters with Tomie and the others.

These failed experiments were abandoned in the sewer.


Can we still be considered human?!

Without any sense and completely reptilian wildness, do they still want to become human?!

rather than people.

The reptiles hiding in the dark night might as well be called monsters.


Hidden in the darkness of this city, temporarily let go by SHIELD.

Came here with the extraordinary registered heroes of the fifty states from another world.

They want to find the passage to the underground again and enter the Manhattan underground metropolis that originally belonged to them.

It is the world of fairy tale monsters.


But completely desperate.

In a different world, there is no way to survive at all, and the monsters can only survive in hiding.

Werewolves, dryads, goblins, vampires, mud monsters...

The wars in the city also attract them, and human panic is also their nourishment.


They have seen SHIELD's Sentinel robots and know that this world is extraordinary.


Without the protection of Count Dracula, what should they do?!

There is no way to return to fairy tales without being able to integrate into the human world.

They are in pain.


Such pain ushered in the dawn when the night fell.


The Lord of the Night Walk of Hundreds of Ghosts has appeared, and the owner of the demons and monsters is accepting them...

Everything Nura Rikuo said was exactly when he was facing fairy tale monsters.

"Show up."

"No matter what your request is, you must appear in front of me in the name of the Nura-gumi."

"I will bear everything for you and become your new shelter." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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