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Chapter 188 The Los Angeles Police Department is in action!

Chapter 188 The Los Angeles Police Department is in action!

Located in the heart of Los Angeles, Park Center, this is the headquarters of the Los Angeles Police Department!!

It was drizzling outside the window and the sky was completely dark. Logically speaking, it was already time to get off work.

However, tonight is a little different!

Throughout the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters, the lights are brightly lit, and a large number of operations personnel are constantly busy!!

You know, just now!

The phone numbers of the Los Angeles Police Department are being bombarded. This is unprecedented!!

There is no doubt that something big has happened!!

First it was the "enthusiastic people" who called, and then even some entrepreneurs and businessmen called!

And, inside and outside the words, there is one name that cannot be avoided!

Younger Ivanov!!!

The death of a man seemed to detonate the entire Los Angeles!!

"Is the news reliable?!"

"Ivanov is dead?! Are you sure?!"

"Okay, I understand, seal off the scene immediately!"

From the office on the top floor of the police station, the chief's anxious voice came from!!

However, as members of the Los Angeles Police Department who have the motto of "protecting and serving the public," they naturally have to stick to their posts.

Although, it’s hard to say how many people here are willing to do so!

It's a pity that at this critical moment, let alone getting off work on time, they will probably have to stay up all night for the rest of the day!

Unless, they can solve the trouble as quickly as possible!!

"Everyone, please take action!"

"Quick, quick, quick!!"

The director violently opened the office door and roared at the top of his lungs.

Therefore, the operators dare not show off their anger. If they offend the director at this time, they will definitely be doomed!!

"Yes, sir!!"

The laziest guy on weekdays became very agile now!!

Everyone is fully armed and wearing their own equipment!

What if Ivanov is not a big shot in Los Angeles?!

In less than ten minutes, the entire Los Angeles Police Department, except those who were left on duty, was mobilized!

Including, crime control unit, SWAT team, police dog training team, emergency operations unit.

The entire Los Angeles Police Department's more than 1,900 operational personnel can be said to have turned out in full force.

However, in this rainy night, they have only one goal tonight!

That is - Hill Rock Villa!

The location of the villa called Gintoki Master House!!

And, just when the Los Angeles Police Department took rare quick action!!

The other side.

Los Angeles TV station, news network, news express...

Reporters from various media and self-media anchors rushed to the "battlefield" like piranhas that smelled delicious food!

Los Angeles is destined to be unstable tonight, something happened to a big shot!!

Younger Ivanov!

That famous philanthropist, military strategist, and businessman!

He has countless assets under his control, with a valuation of at least tens of billions!

Moreover, some well-established media outlets even know Ivanov’s secret identity!!

The real controller of the entire underground world in Los Angeles, the real leader of the Russian arms organization that hides in the dark and networks the entire "City of Angels"!

But a big shot like this died overnight without any warning!


This is absolutely huge news like the sky is falling!!

If I could get an exclusive photo, it would definitely be...

Becoming a CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life is not a dream!!!

The media people who were qualified to get the news about Ivanov's death as soon as possible were so excited that they almost burst with excitement!

Their chance has finally come!!

Previously in New York, when Valon, the most vicious murderer of this century, kidnapped the famous playboy Tony Stark of Stark Industries, it caused a huge stir in the entire press!

Unfortunately, they are far away in Los Angeles and cannot make it there. They don't even know the subsequent details of the incident very clearly.

That's really a pity. Media people in Los Angeles are really envious of their colleagues in New York.

How come such a good thing doesn’t happen to them?!

However, God also opens his eyes sometimes!!

Now, their good things have finally come!!

At this moment, they have the opportunity as Los Angeles media people to become famous!!

Even though Younger Ivanov is not as good as Tony Stark in terms of popularity or financial strength.

But I can't stand this person's high status in Los Angeles. If only he could grab the headlines.

oh god

Then it will definitely become developed, right?

Now, the media people in Los Angeles are going crazy. They are fighting for their lives with long guns and short guns!!

Now, just two words!

Go for it!!!!

Hillrock Mountain Estate.

It was rare to act so quickly. At this time, the Los Angeles Police Department had already arrived at the scene.

"What the hell happened?!"

"A shooting?!"

"No, no, even a gang fight is nothing more than that!"

The members of the police station who cordoned off the scene were whispering!!

Now, what appeared in front of them was a mess!!

Even from a distance, they could see at a glance the poor manor that had been plowed by various explosives and firearms!!

At this time, the entire partition wall of the yard had been completely blown up, and the gray-brown marks on it showed that they were caused by explosives.

Even though some time has passed, the strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the yard is still extremely strong!!

There was definitely a big fight happening here?!

How much arms did the dead Mr. Ivanov invest? It was like fighting a small war!!

Oh My God!


All members of the police station were silent.

In this kind of gun battle scene in front of us, dangerous people who were hiding if they were not protected suddenly rushed out, took out a Scorpion submachine gun from their arms and attacked them!!

This is not alarmist, this kind of terrible thing is very likely to happen!

When the time comes, whoever the bullet hits will be unlucky!!

Everyone's heart was beating uncontrollably. As I said before, with such a small salary every month, you really can't risk your life!!

Moreover, more terrifying things are yet to come!!

As the distance got closer, the police officers' expressions became more and more difficult to look at.

The chill in the rainy night is getting stronger!!

Many members of the police station were trembling uneasily!!

The smell of gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, replaced by the kind of fear coming from the depths of my heart.

And the strong smell of blood!

The thick smell of blood, like rust, rushed straight into the nose, choking people and making them want to shed tears.

Waiting for the moment they actually stepped into the yard, everyone's eyes widened in shock, their mouths opened wide, and they were unable to say a word!


What happened?

The whole scene can only be described with four words: "chilling".

Cruel, unprecedented cruel case!!

There were dark brown bloodstains everywhere, and broken corpses were piled together!!

There are drag marks on the ground, and there are horrified expressions on those poor heads!!

The scattered limbs were mixed together, and even...the hands and feet were holding the head, and there was an extremely bright smile on the head.

Weird, really weird!!

The corpse was mixed with the smell of blood. This indescribable feeling swept through everyone present, and everyone's spirit collapsed to the limit!!


Some newcomers who had just joined the job finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He covered his mouth and rushed out of the yard, holding the mailbox next to him and vomiting loudly.

But this time...

No one took this opportunity to laugh at the newcomer.

Even though they have experienced countless homicide cases, all the experienced old people have livid faces and cold hands and feet.

"This, this..."

Mr. Los Angeles Commissioner, who came with his troops, was completely numb at this time!!

From his scalp to his spine, the director was trembling all over!

There is so much going on in Los Angeles tonight!!

Someone had previously reported that a fierce gun battle took place near Olwera Street.

The person suspected of being the Punisher had a fierce exchange of fire with unknown forces, and it was even said that a monster and a heroine in red appeared at the scene!!

In short, it is a messy report in the opinion of Mr. Director.

He originally wanted to send someone to see what was going on, but as a result, he didn't have time to make arrangements!!

Ivanov is dead!

Oh my god, is there anything more important than this?!

Others may not know, but as the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, he naturally knows Ivanov's true identity in private.

Don't look at the bastard Ivanov. On the surface, he is a glamorous entrepreneur. He also has the reputation of a philanthropist hanging on his head and has socialized with the upper class celebrities in Los Angeles.

But in fact, behind the scenes, he is the leader who rules the entire east of Los Angeles. It is not an exaggeration to call him the "Emperor" of the Dark Kingdom!!


Just such an "emperor" who needed the Los Angeles Police Department to turn a blind eye died silently!!

This joke is really not funny at all!!

It’s so scary to think about these things!!

Thinking of this, Mr. Director feels numb all over!


Subconsciously, he clenched his fists, feeling a slight sting in his palms, which quickly brought Mr. Director back to his senses.

"Where's the forensic department?"

"Hurry up and let them do the autopsy!"

"Others quickly sealed off the scene and absolutely cannot allow those pervasive reporters to enter!!!"

"There may be dangerous elements hiding in the villa!!"

"SWAT team, charge with me!!"

Following the order issued by Mr. Director!!

The Los Angeles Police Department's action team all began to take action.

Then, forensic doctors wearing white coats, masks and goggles entered, and the entire scene quickly became busy.

"As soon as the news of Ivanov's death came out, it instantly caused a big shock in the stock market. Will this incident have a major impact on the overall economy of Los Angeles?"

"So far, the Los Angeles Police Department still refuses to communicate with the media and still refuses to disclose any information about Mr. Ivanov's death."

"This is the Los Angeles News Network. We are outside Hill Rock Hills. You can see..."

Los Angeles media people have surrounded Hill Rock Hills, and the attitude of the Los Angeles Police Department is rare and tough!!

"Sorry, I'm not accepting interviews right now."

"We are currently unable to disclose relevant clues about the case. We ask all reporters to cooperate with our work at the Los Angeles Police Department."

"This place has been cordoned off, and no one else is allowed to enter except for police station staff."

"Hey, what about you, can't you hear me? Get off the wall quickly!! No climbing or climbing over the wall, don't you understand?!!!"

The police officers, sweating profusely, stood outside the blockade to stop the surging reporters.

I don’t know what’s wrong with these guys!

One or two of them were so excited!


The police officers guarding the door were exhausted physically and mentally from dealing with the reporters, while the chief and SWAT team members in the villa were even more miserable.

They were about to overturn the entire villa. Except for a little kid with a hot dog box in his arms, the only one left was the silver-haired man on the second floor who was so drunk that he couldn't wake up.

This thing...

A little kid, a drunkard.

These two don't look like they can fight with Ivanov and hundreds of other boys!

Could it be that you expect a drunkard to fuck so many gang members armed with hot weapons?

No sci-fi movie would dare to shoot like this, okay?!!!

Just when he was at a loss what to do, two young police officers suddenly ran in from outside.

"We found a large number of bombs in the vehicles outside, as well as more ammunition and various firearms!"


Mr. Director was stunned!!

What the hell is Ivanov doing?!

Is he planning to burn the entire Hillrock Estate to the ground?


If this is the case, then he is definitely out of his mind!!


Wait a minute!

As if he had thought of something, the director, who was nearly middle-aged and had begun to gain weight and become balding, suddenly paused while looking at the small advertisement for Gintoki Master House, and his face became slightly condensed.

He came up with a guess.

The underground world in Los Angeles has not been peaceful recently. A force hidden in the dark is eyeing the throne of "Emperor" Ivanov!

Is it possible...

Ivanov discovered traces of this force, so he brought a large number of troops and thermal weapons capable of razing an entire neighborhood.

As for the Gintoki Master House?

This is just an unlucky guy.

It just happened that the battlefield was chosen here.

If this is the case, then all the clues can be connected in series.


The director let out a long breath.

Before coming, he originally thought that this matter would be difficult to end.


If this is simply a fight between gangs.

If Ivanov fails and ends up in court, then the matter has nothing to do with the Los Angeles Police Department.


"These were all found on site?!"

Mr. Director looked at the on-site evidence that was brought up and was a little confused.

"Yes, there is a lot of black hair left on the scene!!"

"Forensic personnel are conducting identification..."

The staff wearing gloves pointed at the hair in the sealed bag and said.


Forget it, gang fights, but what the hell is this hair?!

Mr. Director suddenly had some bad premonitions.

This chapter has been completed!
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