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Chapter 200 Carrying the dreams of partners and setting sail!!

Chapter 200 Carrying the dreams of partners and setting sail!!

Edwards Air Force Base!!

It’s only 150 kilometers away from Los Angeles, less than two hours’ drive away!!

At this time, the entire air force base is under martial law!!

However, in the large laboratory that was completely isolated in the base, dazzling warning lights kept flashing!!

In the laboratory, a big change suddenly occurred, causing everyone to panic.

Outside the isolated glass wall!!

On the steel plank road, Lieutenant Edward looked at the experimenters operating various instruments in the laboratory.

Listen to the panicked voice coming from the communication!!

Turning to look to the side, Agent Koenig from S.H.I.E.L.D., this agent’s expression was extremely serious!!

"If I'm not wrong!!"

"It seems like things are getting worse!!"

Lieutenant Edward raised his mustache and said to Agent Koenig.

He knew that this escort mission was not that simple!!

Before, General Ross sent a communication, but he had no actual experience.

Now, when I hear keywords like "New York Incident" and the huge thing in the ice in front of me!!

Lieutenant Edward felt a little bad!!

Combined with the warning lights that are now flickering on and off, this is really a good thing but not a bad thing. Sure enough, something happened!!


Agent Koenig fell silent.

As the person in charge of this escort operation, he naturally hopes that everything goes smoothly if possible.

Although they didn't know what happened, it was obvious that the seal of the "Miko" seemed to have failed!!

The monster named Moonlight Moria is about to awaken!!

This is the culprit who single-handedly launched the "zombie invasion of New York" during the "New York Incident".

If you wake up at this time!

Is there anyone in this laboratory who can subdue him?!

You know, there are no "Arch Mage" and "Witch" in Edwards Air Force Base now!!

"Mr. Lieutenant, we should prepare for the worst!!"

"The destructive power of this monster is beyond your imagination!!"

Agent Koenig turned to look at Lieutenant Edward!!

He could see the lieutenant's worry. He was worried that this special escort mission would fail.

However, we are not worried about the destructive power of the awakened Moria.

However, this is normal. Most details about what happened in the "New York Incident" are classified as special secrets.

Without the corresponding permissions, the relevant information cannot be queried at all.

Among the contents announced, such as the "zombie crisis" caused by Moria, all of these are attributed to Valon.

After all, for such a dangerous person, one is enough, and the public does not need to know about the others!!


"I just killed a monster!"

Lieutenant Edward seemed to have thought of something interesting.

He admitted that this Moria looked very fierce, like a demon from hell.

In addition, the military and SHIELD attach so much importance to this mission goal, it must be a troublesome guy.

Come to think of it, it’s not easy to subdue this monster!!


Lieutenant Edward just killed one of the evil wolves from hell!!

Now, his heavily armed soldiers and air units are ready!!

Once something happens to this Moria!!


Come to think of it, destroying him... shouldn't be difficult!!


Agent Koenig didn't say anything else!!

He didn't explain it to Lieutenant Edward either. After all, explaining clearly what happened in New York was a big project.

Besides, if the situation goes bad, Lieutenant Edward's fire support may really be needed!

Now is not the time to pour cold water on the situation.

bang, bang, bang

The clear heartbeat, although slow, is still accelerating.

Just as Lieutenant Edward and Agent Koenig exchanged a few words...

In the laboratory, in the low-temperature environment, the monster frozen inside even started to tremble slightly!!

The degree of awakening is becoming more and more obvious!!

"It seems..."

"It's time to activate a backup plan."

Looking at the expert team that has become a mess in the laboratory.

Agent Koenig picks up the walkie-talkie!!

"Professor Anthony Druid!!"

"Can you hear me?!"

At this time, it’s in the laboratory!!

Regarding the leader of the project team, his name is Anthony Druid!!

He holds a medical degree from Harvard.

I have always been committed to neurological research!!

As he has grown older over the years, although he has entered middle age, he still has many outstanding achievements in neurology.

In relevant circles, Anthony Druid is well-known.

Everyone says he is a neurological genius!!

Even this Druid professor has an unknown secret, that is, he is always very sensitive regarding psychology and spirit.

There were even times when he believed that he had telepathic abilities.

Well, how could this be true.

Professor Druid has always been employed by a secret research institute with a military background!!

He also took this opportunity to establish contact with some military forces.

Originally, everything was going smoothly, but until more than half a month ago, he suddenly received a secret notice from the military.

Anthony Druid was asked to bring members of his research team to join a confidential effort.

Before coming, he had already thought about his job content!!

But, I never expected...

When he saw with his own eyes that terrifying sleeping figure!!

Professor Druid’s worldview is about to collapse!!

How could such an existence exist in this world, and what’s even more terrifying is that those in the military actually tried to pry into this monster’s thoughts?!

This, this is really... so exciting!!

People who have achieved something in a certain circle have some quirks after all!

As a senior talent majoring in neurology, Professor Druid became extremely excited after a brief shock.

If he can really study and understand the monster in front of him, then his life will be worth it!!

What a pity, that’s what I say!!

When, the experimental subject that was originally being studied was about to wake up right in front of him.

That kind of extreme oppression, that kind of fear that seems to be facing death, even Professor Druid can't bear it!!

Now, the identities of the experimenter and the experimented seem to be reversed!!


"I think our rescue failed!!"

"If there are no strong measures, the experimental subject's awakening cannot be stopped!"

Professor Anthony Druid said to Agent Koenig on the other side of the communication.


He was looking at the computer, all the instruments in the laboratory, and all the detected data were summarized in front of him.

However, according to the current data, the increase rate is very fast, so the value will reach the peak!!

By then...

The frozen experimental subject is about to wake up.

Although it is unclear, what will happen after the big monster wakes up?!

But judging from the alarms that are constantly ringing in the laboratory, nothing good is definitely going to happen.


Right now!!

The sound of ice disintegrating sounded!!

Anthony Druid's pupils suddenly shrank, it seemed that the end was coming!!

at the same time.

In the laboratory hall, the radio sounded.

"All experimenters, evacuate the first area laboratory!!

"Repeat, all experimenters, evacuate the first area laboratory immediately!"

Outside the laboratory.

Shrill sirens rang throughout Edwards Air Force Base.

All combatants are ready to go and enter the laboratory as ordered!!

At the same time, on the periphery of the laboratory, air troops take off, attack launch permissions are unlocked, and fire coverage can be carried out at any time.

"I'm ready and ready to attack at any time."

Lieutenant Edward's tone was serious!!

Looking at the big man in the glass window, I still couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

However, no matter what happens, facing the masterpieces of human weapons, the result will be the same!!

"Do it!"

Agent Koenig nodded, and then gave the final order to the communication machine.

A whole team of soldiers stepped into the laboratory.

They were carrying huge injections with extremely exaggerated shapes, which contained specially prepared and highly concentrated sedative drugs!!

In the past, only one drop was needed to anesthetize an entire herd of African elephants!!

And now there is such a terrifying dose!!

"These guys are just messing around."

"Do they want to use this method to make the experimental subjects fall back to sleep?!"

Professor Druid was following other experimenters and evacuating out of the laboratory at this time.

And when he saw the actions of the soldiers, he frowned.

This simple and crude method does not consider any consequences at all.

Injecting such a large dose of drugs is likely to destroy the upgraded structure of the experimental subjects, which will cause difficulties in their follow-up time.

It may even cause the death of the test subject.

After all, Professor Druid has never been exposed to such experimental subjects that are beyond common sense.

What a rare opportunity it is to be able to explore the neural structure of this monster.

If you miss this opportunity, you may never get another chance in the future.

So, even if there is one in a thousand chances.

Professor Druid still wants to keep the experimental body intact and continue the experiment!!


I haven't waited for these soldiers to approach.



It was like there was a sound wave sweeping through the air.

Then, a purple light visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared.

On Moria's belly, the five-pointed star suddenly appeared and became clear, blooming with purple brilliance.

That was exactly the Qingming Platycodon seal carved by Platycodon on the battlefield in New York!!

Now, following a certain demon who is familiar with the Kikyo seal, he breaks into the art of dreaming!!

Along with Moria's awakening, Platycodon's seal was also activated.

The purple light became more and more grand, and the Qingming Platycodon Seal suddenly expanded with the purple light.

Like a three-dimensional column, Moriah's huge body is completely enveloped in it.

"I, my body is out of control."

"It's impossible to move forward at all, we can't get in at all."

"Repeat, we can't get close to the experimental subject, these purple lights are blocking us."

This group of soldiers, who were responsible for injecting tranquilizers, began to report the situation in a panic.

The seal composed of purple light isolates the connection between the inside and outside, preventing outsiders from breaking into it.

And since they can't get in, the drugs in their hands naturally can't be injected!!

The so-called backup plan failed from the beginning.


"Everyone exits the lab."

Agent Koenig directed the troops to retreat.

The development of the matter once again exceeded their expectations. Looking at this situation, it seems that the "Witch" left a backhand to initiate it.

I don’t know if Moriah can be prevented from awakening.

If you can, it will really help a lot.

"What are those lights?!"

"The observation team paid attention to recording the data and did not miss any detail."

Agent Koenig noticed keenly.

Just above the purple cylinder that formed a thin film, there were some different rays of light that were constantly moving around.

The constant flashing of these lights seems to be the key to forming the seal.

Although they didn't understand what it meant at all, it didn't stop them from recording it.

The light compensation recorder is constantly scanning, these are clues about the occult.

When we bring it back to SHIELD for careful study, they will definitely be able to discover some secrets.

So far!!

Agent Koenig could only think so optimistically.

Moria doesn’t know what is happening in the outside world for the time being!!

Or maybe he doesn't care either.

At this time, Moriah was sitting on the banquet table in the hall, beside him, with his former partners surrounding him.

Singing, dancing, drinking and eating meat!!

They are all rude pirates, dancing around and talking nonsense, without any sense of cultural beauty.

But this scene is the most important memory that Moriah keeps in his heart.

Vallon has left.

Before leaving, Moria let him taste the Neptune species from the Western Sea, as well as the special wine of the Western Sea.

Although this place was just a dream, under Platycodon's spell, the taste in Moria's memory was perfectly restored.

To say yes is extremely true is not an exaggeration.

Walong, you can be considered as having tasted some delicacies from the otherworldly sea, and this trip is not in vain.


"If possible, I really want to be with you forever."

Moriah drank heavily and ate the endless meat on the table.

He thought about it and stopped here.

Stopping in this piece of the West Sea, with his companions, he will always stay at this most beautiful time in his memory.


"Perona, Absalom..."

In reality, there are people who Moria absolutely cannot let go of!!

They were still waiting for him, and he couldn't...


It’s the sound of wine glasses clinking!!

The laughter and laughter at the banquet suddenly stopped. It seemed that this sweet dream also knew that everything was over!


Moria looks up!!

He saw his former friends holding wine glasses.

"Tons of tons!!"

The pirates drank the wine in one gulp!!

The wine fell into the stomach, and the party was over!!

The pirates left the banquet and began to do their own things!!


"You bastards!!"

Moriah's eyes gradually became moist!!

He seemed to understand something...

"Lord Moria!!"



The mixed sounds are always like this...

"The goal is a new ocean that has never been seen before!!"

"For Lord Moria, for our common dream!"

"Yang Fan!!"

The pilot climbed up to the watchtower, and the sailor with his scimitar hoisted the sail!!


The sound of hunting is heard, and the familiar pirate flag is waving!!

It seems that a new adventure is waiting for them!!

Yes, from beginning to end, their dreams have never changed!!


Moriah has almost forgotten how long it has been since he heard the word dream.

Ten years, fifteen years, or twenty-five years?!

It seemed that after that nightmare, he no longer dared to hope!!

And at this time...

"Human dreams never end!!"

"Lord Moria!!"

The journey of these pirates has ended long ago, and Moria, who carries their dreams...

His voyage has just begun!!


Everything around is cracked like a broken mirror!!

It’s time to wake up from this dream!!

“It’s time for you to set sail!!”

"New adventures are waiting for you, Lord Moria!!"

His former friends are waving to him!!

Everything is becoming blurry, but Moria has never been so awake before!!

Be it Kaido or Pluto Ocha!!

In order to protect his partners and his common dream, he will not be weak anymore!!


The pink diamond-shaped gem exploded in my hand!!



"No matter what your plan is, I, Moria, will follow you in this round!!"


Pink light flooded Moria, and the response from the Four Souls Jade came!!

This chapter has been completed!
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