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Chapter 211 Perona: I dont need anyone to help me!

Chapter 211 Perona: I don’t need anyone to help me!

The extent that modern firepower can achieve is beyond the imagination of many people.

As the crystallization of human technology.

After the heavy firepower of various types appeared, the all-round bombing site and the ultimate destructive power were equally extraordinary.

For a time, Moria, who was somewhat demonized in the scene, took the limelight.

After all, the power belongs to itself, and every time the sword is swung out, it can have an exaggerated effect of sweeping an area.

Accompanied by the dark evil spirit, this visual sense is really shocking.


The firepower network of tens of thousands of troops was intertwined and coordinated, metal storms were coming, and there was a steady stream of attacks.

Even if Moria's demonic defense cannot be broken, the situation of mankind's total defeat has not happened yet.

However, when a man who looks like a beast appears.

The deadlock on the battlefield seemed to be broken at this moment.

Don't look at Absalom, its actual combat power is not as good as Moria.

But when an invisible and undetectable enemy blends into one's companions, the feeling of fear is indescribable.

To those heavily armed soldiers, Absalom was even more terrifying than the raging Moria.

And that 300 kilograms of wild power can give every soldier a fatal blow.

This is an extremely serious blow to morale.

The adjutant commanding from the rear could not get a complete answer from the chaotic reports from the front line.

He could only keep emphasizing, let more people rush forward, and use more firepower to suppress the opponent.

But he didn't know his subordinates at all, and he couldn't even find the enemy.

Compared to the adjutant who was extremely anxious, Lieutenant Edward on the side was in a quite relaxed mood at this time.

As the person in charge of Edwards Air Force Base, no matter whether he wins or loses this battle, he will ultimately pay for this war.

Whether it's the soldiers who died or this destroyed air force base.

You must know that Edwards Air Force Base is one of the most important flight test bases in the Air Force system.

Not to mention the research on the latest fighter jets in the laboratory, which involves top secrets of the military and is definitely an experimental project that can only be accessed by the highest authority.

But now that the laboratory has been destroyed, there is no need to mention any secrets.

No one knows what else can be found among those piles of ruins.

Just because something happened in the laboratory, Lieutenant Edward would inevitably be held accountable by his superiors. In addition, two teams of soldiers were sacrificed in the laboratory.

He was very distressed before, but now on the runway of the base, the foreign aid troops no longer knew how much they had lost.

The battlefield is in chaos and everyone is fighting like crazy. It is impossible to count the casualties now.

Moreover, the airport runway on the lake bed inside the base is known as the best in the world.

Unfortunately, now, the world's number one has become riddled with holes.

Under Moria's violent destruction, every cut was a rift, coupled with the military's own heavy firepower to clear the way.

The world's number one runway is now almost turned into a gravel road!!

Faced with this situation, if I had to describe Lieutenant Edward's mood.

He could only say that he was heartbroken.

As a lieutenant, he has finally come to an end. If General Ross shows some conscience, he may not have to go to court-martial.

Otherwise, he will definitely face a military trial.

"Assistant, where has my dear assistant gone?!"

"I still have a bottle of whiskey in my office. I want to drink it before I leave."

Lieutenant Edward muttered.

He still doesn't know that his assistant has been knocked unconscious by the Punisher.

No, he didn't even know that the Punisher had sneaked into his base, forced a breach of the base's authority, and copied a large amount of private information.

But what if Lieutenant Edward knew about it?!

The famous punisher, the most wanted criminal.

Maybe, by catching this guy, Mr. Lieutenant can have a good relationship with the superiors?!

This is not reliable at all!!

"Lieutenant, we can't go on like this."

"Think of a way, I think we need support."

The adjutant was sweating on his forehead.

The situation on the battlefield is not optimistic. The experimental subject has not been captured for so long, which is a double pressure on the soldiers' minds and bodies.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before they are defeated.


"What do we have..."

Lieutenant Edward originally wanted to say that he would have no support at all.

Even if he urgently contacts the higher-ups of the military now, when will it be until support arrives?!

It was enough for the experimental subject to demolish the base.

But, he hadn't finished speaking yet.

Lieutenant Edward was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.


"Where did those damn mercenaries put the medicine samples they sent before?!"

Those mercenaries carried some Hyde potion with them.

There is also a large part that should be sent directly to them.

The lieutenant is planning to send it to his own laboratory for experiments, so as to test various aspects of the potion's performance.

"Maybe in the laboratory, or in your office, Lieutenant?!"

The adjutant's face looked a little ugly.

How did he know where those damn potions were?!

He is not Lieutenant Edward's assistant. Besides, he was not at the scene during the previous potion experiment.

However, since the lieutenant asked so, he would just deal with it casually.

Because, it is very likely that after this war is over, he will never see Lieutenant Edward again.

If there is such a big change in the base, someone will always take the blame. Obviously, the commander in front of him is the best candidate.

And when Lieutenant Edward leaves, it is very likely that his adjutant will become a full-time officer. If you think about it this way, it is really beautiful.

"Yes, yes, office!!"

Lieutenant Edward nodded, thinking about his whiskey again.

Then he stood up, turned around and walked outside.

"I'm going to prepare some things, and I'll leave this to you."

"All missile permissions are unlocked. When necessary..."

"I will be the only one to bear the losses caused by the use of fighter jets for bombing."

Before leaving, Lieutenant Edward paused for a moment and said to the adjutant.

Things are already like this, so it’s better to do something absolutely!!

Anything is fine, whether it's using missiles or... using monsters!!

In short, today, he must let that experimental subject die!!

However, the consequence is nothing more than a military trial, and Lieutenant Edward admitted it!!

Just when Lieutenant Edward temporarily left the battlefield to prepare something.

at the same time.

Something happened again on the battlefield.

Lines of white, transparent ghosts making faces appeared on the battlefield.

That's right, it's the kind of real ghost that's floating.

"Then, what is that?!"

"Ghost, ghost!!"

"God, am I dazzled?! Or am I already in your arms?"

"Shoot, shoot, what are you doing standing still!!"

The metal storm swept across, but in the face of these floating spirits, it had no effect.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!!

The spirits were hovering in the air, and then these small ghost-like things quickly passed through the bodies of the soldiers who shot at them.

Something strange happened.

The soldiers whose ghosts passed through their bodies did not suffer any casualties, after a brief period of confusion.

Bang, bang, bang!!

All the firearms in his hands were thrown down.

The soldiers all knelt down on the ground, crying bitterly and repenting with their heads on the ground!


"Perona, let me see it quickly!!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Moria's sharp laughter sounded.

He knew that Princess Perona, their little princess, had arrived.

"Lord Moria!!"

"Really, it doesn't make me worry at all."

Perona was holding a small burgundy umbrella and wearing a gorgeous gothic dress, slowly floating from the direction of the signal tower.

There was an unhappy expression on her little face, because she was worried to death about Lord Moria's affairs.

The specter of negativity hovers around her.

Under the power of this Princess Mononoke, these little ghosts can make people extremely depressed.

The depressed enemy naturally no longer has the ability to fight.

As Perona approaches, the ghost of negativity shuttles across the battlefield, and large swaths of soldiers kneel to the ground.

They had no casualties, but for them, the war was over.

It must be said that Princess Mononoke's ability is a unique advantage when it comes to clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

"Perona, this is so boring."

"Master Moria and I haven't had enough fun yet!!"

Absalom roared with dissatisfaction.

He is still enjoying the fun of fighting alongside Lord Moria.

But now, Perona only needs to circle the battlefield twice, and soon there will be no enemies left to play with them.

"You're a Leo man, you know how to play when you're old enough!"

"Really, you all don't let me worry about it. It's so annoying."

Perona hovered next to Moria.

Some soldiers with quick reactions tried to shoot Perona and kill this ghostly woman.

However, the bullet went straight through Perona's body and was unable to hurt her at all.

As the ghost of negativity swam, more and more soldiers fell.

The sound of crying could not be heard endlessly, and a large number of people were already kneeling on their knees in mourning on the battlefield that had been lively just now.

They are repenting of themselves, repenting of being as humble as insects and ants.

And more soldiers, seeing their comrades in such a state, which is more terrifying than death, are retreating in horror.

Facing the terrifying woman who came from nowhere, the soldiers completely broke their defenses.


"Perona, don't be angry!!"

"Absalom just wants me to be happy. Besides, aren't we okay?!"

Moria looked at Perona floating next to him. This was the closest person to him, that's right.

However, at this time, Moriah returned to his youth and returned to his peak condition.

But she was no longer the fat and confused person in the Devil's Triangle. The keen intuition of a great pirate told him that there was something different about this Perona.

He couldn't say it was different, it just didn't feel like the Perona he knew.

How should I put it, I am more mature and more sensible.

It was different from the little girl in Moria's impression, the Perona who liked cute zombies and acted like a spoiled brat.

The Princess Mononoke in front of her was more caring. In comparison, it was more like Moria who worried Perona.

In fact, Moria was right.

The Perona in front of her came from two years later, on the island of Klaikana of Jorakel Mihawk, and lived with a certain green algae head who loved to get lost for a long time.

During this time, Perona has not only grown in strength, but Princess Mononoke, who has seen more of the world, has also become more mature in mind.

She is no longer the little girl on the terrifying barque.

However, in Moria's eyes, no matter how she changes, Perona is still a little girl in his eyes.


"Perona, come and make a scene with me!!"

Moria stretched out her arm, which was a strong muscle, and Perona naturally fell on it.

Moriah dragged her with one arm, just like he did so long ago!!

"There is really nothing I can do against you, Lord Moria!!"

"However, as long as it is Lord Moria, I will come no matter what!!"

Perona showed a troubled expression.

She always couldn't understand what these men were thinking.

The same was true for the two rigid swordsmen in the past, and the same is true for Lord Moria now.

It's not enough to live a good life. She always has big dreams. It's strange, why doesn't she have any?!

Perhaps, in a spooky castle with flying bats, cook dinner with cute zombies, and then everyone can live happily together.

Is this Perona's dream?!


Moria laughed wildly and waved his knife.

With Perona accompanying him, he has a better grasp of his power.


Perona curled her lips.

I always feel that it is difficult to realize my dream, but who knows, this is Lord Moria.

What can she do? Just get used to it.

And now Lord Moria is young, handsome, and full of confidence.

This feeling is really great.

Fortunately, she was extremely worried before, so she already wanted to use her trump card.

In fact, she has even prepared [Ruby], but fortunately, there is no need to trouble Ace now.

They still have their own things to do!

Although when I left, I told them that I could always come to them if I had any trouble.


I, Perona, am not the kind of person who would trouble others.

Besides, I don’t know who took care of whom in the first place, so if possible, don’t bother them.

Perona thought so in her heart.

While controlling the negative ghost, he also clicked on his own system list.

Selected [Player Invitation Letter]

At the same time, a line of prompts popped up.

[Please confirm the inviter]

Princess Mononoke's social circle is quite narrow.

Only two lines of names appeared in Perona's sight.


"If you really want to invite, who would be better to choose?!"

"The green guy, his adventure isn't over yet!!"

"As for this..."

Perona twirled her fingers, hesitantly.

Thinking about it now, if you really want to find help, it’s really not a good choice!!

Just when Perona was deep in thought.



Two human technological crystals suddenly flew over.

It's obvious that the base military has gone crazy, and there is nothing they can do in the face of Princess Mononoke's strange abilities.

Now, since we don't want humanity to be completely defeated, we must directly blow them up regardless of casualties.

“Ouch, ouch!!”

"It's a missile!!"

Recently, Perona, who has been addicted to modern technology for a while, suddenly saw this scene.

Suddenly, I felt a little trembling all over my body!!

Then, um, my little hand shook a little!!

This chapter has been completed!
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