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Chapter 288 Come on, lets fight!!

Chapter 288 Come on, let’s fight!!

Heavenly soldiers stab!

Dazzling and gorgeous orange light!

It is a high-aggregation ray attack emitted by the Divine Tomb Arms and the Divine Demon Stick.

In the last battlefield in New York, Lan Tianyu used this move to stop the mountain demon, Tsuyoshi Yamanoha, who had swallowed the city!

At that time he was the hero who saved New York City.

But at this time...he showed an inhuman form that was even more terrifying than the devil.

Facing the rain of missiles projected by the New York military, this masterpiece of humankind's highest weapon exudes the beauty of death.

"Crazy Monkey" chose to fight back without hesitation.

Phew!! Phew!! Phew!!

The orange rays of light converged to form an extremely dense laser rain.

Twenty thousand sky-striking soldiers and arrows met the rain of missiles, and the collision between technological weapons and extraordinary power began!!

And at the moment when these two completely different forces meet.


In this brief moment.

The world fell into deafness, as if the scene was frozen, and everything fell into extreme silence.

In the military combat command room, the screens everyone was watching were like wax statues, all of them frozen.

What's frozen on the screen is Lan Tianyu's pale mask!



There was an extremely exaggerated laughter, and the laughter was extremely harsh. Even the roar of the explosion that shattered the eardrums seemed unable to stop this laughter that contained magic.

At this time, it was over the battlefield in the suburbs.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

A vigorous and grand explosion began. The attack of the heavenly soldiers' arrows detonated the missile rain. The superimposed power of the two produced an extremely dazzling smoke cloud.

Layers of shock waves spread into the distance, but in the midst of this explosion, the densely packed slender figures in the sky were not affected in any way.

Twenty thousand or twenty thousand, none of these "crazy monkeys" are missing!

On the one hand, the effect of the Hozen Mantang is that as long as the main body of Lantian Jade does not die, these clones will not disappear.

Each time the clone dies, it will be quickly replenished.

On the other hand.

These missile rains were intercepted by the arrows of the heavenly soldiers on the way.

Facing Lan Tianyu who has the title of [Thousand Killer Shinra], with so many passive halo skills superimposed on each other, it is just the impact of the explosion. Can it really kill him?!

And, with it, the military launches an unabashed missile offensive!!

The concussive impact, the flames rising into the sky, and even the wild laughter that was shaken by the magic power.

As people throughout New York were evacuating toward safety, no one could ignore this horrific scene.

It's so terrifying, even the depths of nightmares don't have such a scene!

A threat that is more extreme and more intuitive than the last time appears. This is a panic that no one can stop.

Everything is in chaos, everyone's emotions are collapsing, screams, prayers, and roars can be heard all the time!!

"Lord, Lord!"

"God, where is your angel?!"

"Whoa, whoa, save our child!"

There was no time to take away too many things, one family after another cried and howled, and with the cooperation of the New York Police Department and military soldiers, they began to evacuate New York.

And not just these devout believers calling for God.

Those... new sects are also emerging.

"Everything is God's instruction. Don't pay attention to the false God anymore. The God of the mountains is our real savior!!"

"Follow the instructions of the gods and let us merge with them. This is how you and I should return."

The magic stick in green robes was mixed in with the evacuating crowd.

Their bodies are painted with patterns of mountains and rivers, as well as the faces of giant gods with bright red lips!!

In the new whirlpool of New York, they appeared again, trying to call their gods to come again.

"Catch these guys in green robes!"

"Take them away by force and tell them to shut up."

"Hit his head with the butt of your gun, bastard. I'll be responsible if something goes wrong."

Old George was roaring into the internal communication channel.

What bullshit god, that’s the devil, that’s the devil.

Old George anxiously directed his men to use the toughest means to try to take away these lunatics who preached about the God of the Mountains.

He would never allow anyone in the evacuated team to spread these negative remarks wantonly.


If this continues, the people of New York, who are in a complete mental breakdown, will go berserk.

What is the mood of New Yorkers? The most clear person is actually the central figure of cholera at this time, Lan Tianyu!

With the opening of this copy, the harvest has also come.

[A group of unmanned combat aircraft formations of the New York military were "destroyed" by you, and you obtained a medium amount of ruby]

[The rain of missiles launched by the New York military was "defeated" by you, and you received a medium amount of ruby]

[People in New York fell into a great "panic" and obtained a medium amount of ruby]

[People in New York recalled the "nightmares of the past" and gained...]

[Great "chaos" has occurred in New York...]

The screen in front of Lan Tianyu began to refresh crazily, and his [Red Jade] was also constantly improving.

At the same time, as the battle progresses.

The influence of the Mad God Mask gradually deepened, and successive breakthroughs in the military's offensive made Lan Tianyu's desire to fight continue to expand.

Fighting side by side with 20,000 of them, this sense of invincibility has filled the mind of "Crazy Monkey"!!

If no one stops him, he will become more and more crazy until there is no end.

"Too weak, too weak!"

"This is an attack from the military. It is simply vulnerable."

"Hahaha, I am simply too strong!"

"So technology and the like are completely incomparable to the power of gods!!"

Pangu's divine power and the ultimate destructive power are vividly displayed here.

No wonder that in the original world, countless people wanted to dig out the secrets in the Tomb of Gods.

At this time, the Lantian Jade that finally had such power was only worth less than 100 million!

A player who has exceeded 100 million!!


"If there are enough [red jade], I can break 100 million!"

At this moment... I don't know if it's because the Mad God Mask is completely "crazy", or because Lan Tianyu has figured it out!

He wants to break through 100 million, he wants to successfully break through 100 million in this new world and become the pinnacle of Pangu's divine power!!

A sum of [Ruby] has been consumed!


Red name, white name, black name!!

Returner of Nature, Man of the Earth, Imperial Foundation!

Living in the underworld, Esdeath is bored...

Gin-san is drinking strawberry milk at Gintoki Master House...

On the battlefield in Houston, the little frog controls the wind and rain...

There is a small boat in the dim river water, and the hell girl is working...

Even a certain director who lives in the toilet and has diarrhea every day...

All in all, and many more...

All players, no matter where they are or what they are doing, five pieces of information suddenly flash in front of them!!

This is the first one, I don’t know if it will be the last one!!

Such arrogant players appeared, and Lan Tianyu actually issued a wide-area announcement to the three major camps!!

【Lantian Jade: Hello!!】

[Lantian Jade: I am the God of Thousand Killers, Lantian Jade!!]

[Lantian Jade: New York Copy!!]

[Lantian Yu: No matter who it is, I’m here!!]

[Lantian Yu: Come on, let’s fight!!]

This chapter has been completed!
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