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Chapter 390 Eiji Sakata! Arrival!!!

Chapter 390 Sakata Gintoki! Join!!!

Commonwealth Bank Building.

More than three hundred meters in the air, at the sky airport where helicopters are parked, the battle between Yunying and Mr. Hyde continues.

And with Mr. Hyde's roar.

Just like Calvin Zabo's curse, the Hyde Legion will devour everything.

Completely activating the power hidden in the body, the monsters summoned by Mr. Hyde are violently impacting the tallest building in Los Angeles.

Towards the blue crown belonging to the Hydes, towards their common source, Mr. Hyde.



Destroy everything that is blocked by this violently growing physical power.



The whole building is shaking, and it seems that an extremely unexpected earthquake is coming.

This is not a metaphor.

But the wave brought by the monster is madly destroying everything in the Federal Bank Building.

From the bottom.

Spreading all the way up, these roaring Hydes, allowing their bodies to expand grotesquely, are turning everything into ruins.

And this...

This is exactly what Mr. Hyde and Calvin Zabo, the two beings in one body, are waiting for.


Faced with this matter, Yun Ying, who had already entered a state of fighting, had no power to swing their fists, but they were completely unable to kill each other!!

But as long as.

Those who climbed along the walls, those who spread their wings and flew high, and even those who broke through the floors and rushed straight up arrived at the battlefield!!


"Then it will be your death!!!"

Calvin Zabo smiled sinisterly, showing an extremely cruel expression.


The huge monster's face is distorted, his two personalities are constantly intertwined, and Mr. Hyde roars crazily.

He is not as calm and wise as his brother.

"Tear you apart!!"

"I'm going to eat you up one bite at a time!!"

In the night...

A behemoth several meters high, a ferocious beast with muscles as strong as a rock, let out a fatal roar towards the petite girl in front of him.


"If I could win just by shouting, I would have been invincible in a hundred battles!!"

The fire-skimming spear danced layer by layer, and Yunying's heart to eliminate evil was extremely pure.


What she is about to face is a tidal wave of siege.


She is about to enter an extremely difficult and dangerous battle situation with endless enemies!




The fiery red gun light is getting faster and faster. In the memory, when Xiao Yunying was a child, in Chang'an, that night, Xiao Yunying was moved when she first saw Lady Li's painting book!!

turn out to be……

That's the real hero!!

"Master Jin always said..."

"When you want to be a hero, you must first be determined and strong in martial arts, that's all!"

bring it on!!

The musket was buzzing, and Yunying knew that this was the resonance between the magic weapon in her palm and herself.

The intention of the gun is endless, and the spear point is endless.

This is the gun that belongs to Yunying, the gun that belongs to the hero in my childhood dreams!!


"Advance to attack, retreat to defend!!"

"Destroy all martial arts skills!!"

The childish voice echoing in the ears seemed to merge with the determined girl at this moment.

That’s Yunying’s voice!!

That was the sound made by her and her gun.


The tip of the gun was swung sharply, Yunying stepped forward, and amid Mr. Hyde's roar, he was shot through the throat!

"Eighteen thrusts, twelve reverse hands, all kinds of spear skills, every move, are all acquired through hard practice!!"

"You little monster!!"

"It was once able to match the sharpness of General Yun's spear!!"

In mid-air!!

The girl's hair flew around and she shot out, creating a grand scene of subduing demons!!

At this moment!!

No matter who the enemy is or how many there are, Yunying and her gun are unstoppable here!!

At this moment.

Yunying is full of fighting spirit, Mr. Hyde is being beaten, and Calvin Zabo is waiting for his Hyde army.

And the Hydes, the bastards who have turned into monsters and roared wantonly, are actively wreaking havoc and want to show off their glory.


Everything can only go so far.

It's in the Commonwealth Bank Building, located in the shadow of the high-rise facade.

Amid this chaos, a woman named Jennifer, who seems to have been forgotten by everyone, is hanging here.

Her hair has completely transformed. It is dry, dark, and dense like a spider web, filling the surrounding shadows.



As if he couldn't bear it any longer, the sound of breathing that came out of his throat was not human at all.

The pupils were completely missing, and the eyes, occupied by the bloodshot whites, rolled up with difficulty.

"Tick tock, tick tock!!"

Obstructed by the edge of the higher-level obstruction, the battle between Yunying and Mr. Hyde could not be seen, and it was not clear what Kate's condition was.

But...it's raining!!

It seems that even God is feeling sad for this "City of Angels" while chaos is occurring.

The night becomes darker, and there seems to be a lot of moisture tonight, from Houston to Los Angeles.

Everything is covered in rain.

In the rain!!

The brightness of the entire city dropped again, and even the brilliance of the searchlights sweeping across the city was suppressed.

Just the piercing sound of sirens.

And the Hyde monsters who looked even more manic in the rain and darkness!!


I am not a monster.


Her whole body was trembling, and the desire in Jennifer's heart could no longer be suppressed, and she was about to burst into tears.

But looking at those roaring Hydes.


Facing these monsters, Jennifer actually felt better this time!!

She is the new urban legend in Los Angeles, saying that she is the bloody devil in this rainy night.


The woman hanging in the shadow laughed, and two lines of bloody tears ran down her cheeks that had become extremely pale.

Devils and Monsters!!

It's just too much of a match, I heard, that bastard named Calvin Zabo.

In the beginning, the whole city was emptied just to catch her, the devil.


Time is up!

There is no need to search or wait, the so-called devil will appear in front of you.

"bring it on!!"

"No need to be patient this time, let's eat freely!!"

Jennifer only had this concept in her head!!

And the moment she relaxed, that terrifying touch, as deep as a cold well, completely enveloped her.

at last……

Before sinking into the icy lake of death, Jennifer loosened all the hair connecting the building's exterior walls and jumped towards the surging Hydes on the lower floor of the building!!


Like a demonized spider waving its jet-black silk, a woman whose life was covered in white clothes fell from the top of the building at an extremely fast speed.

Without any deceleration at all, it headed towards the place where Hyde's army gathered and smashed down straight down.


The woman fell completely into the ground.


At this time, we shouldn’t say it’s a woman, but the devil incarnated by resentment in the legend of Los Angeles people.

The extremely unwilling spirit, Toshio Saeki's "real" mother, Kayako appeared through Jennifer's body!!


The twisted spine, the head raised like a snake, the twisted limbs of Kayako, and the terrifying whites of the eyes covered by black hair, the Hydes attracted attention.


This is really too strong a vitality.


How surging, how twisted, and a lot of flesh and blood.


That is a desire that has not been satisfied for too long and has been sunk in resentment!


A huge explosion in an instant.

The Hydes were not even given any time to react. These monsters, whose brains were filled with muscles, had not yet figured out what was falling from the sky.


The white clothes filled with resentment and the twisted black hair that spread continuously turned into an unbreakable chain of hatred!!

A massacre.

An extremely bloody massacre!!

In a very short period of time, hyders were scattered all over the sky, and bones were spread all over the ground like mud. Great terror and great resentment had arrived!!


Further away, more Hydes were rushing towards them in a steady stream under Mr. Hyde's call.

Black hair dances wildly.

Layers of mist seem to be filling the rainy night, the power of resentful spirits is spreading, and an irregular killing is about to begin.

But at this moment...

Kayako's body suddenly paused. In this body, the will of the real "master" is watching all this!!

Jennifer laughed!!

This woman's will controlled her body, and she reluctantly showed an ugly face.

She knows!!

The power of this resentful spirit is much stronger than that of a weak human being like her!!


This body belongs to her. As long as her body dies, the "possessed" spirit will cease to exist!!

May I?!

Completely caught in the fight of the huge Hyde Army, Kayako is very strong, but Jennifer herself will die!!

As long as you keep fighting with your will, you can continue to interfere with the body control of the wraith!!

A bad one…

"I'm really dead!!"

On the other side of the body, in the cold touch, I watched an extremely large number of Hydes surrounding "himself" with coconut palms!!


If you can use the hands of these monsters to kill the resentful spirits, the resentful spirits will also try their best to kill these sears.

at last……

Monsters and devils will disappear, and the crisis in this city will be lifted. Jennifer thought, she should be liberated as well.

Everything I own is over, but...

"In this case..."

"Maybe this is the best ending I can think of!!"

Commonwealth Bank Building.

Located at the main entrance of the building, on a whole street, spreading out along the central street, an extremely terrifying scene is blooming under the rain curtain!!

Can you die by yourself?!

Can monsters and devils die together?!

Jennifer didn't know, she just thought so, and she did it now.

On the other side of consciousness.

Jennifer could see, no... or rather the perception of vitality, the desire for soul and flesh.

She could clearly sense that on other streets, more Hydes and more monsters were rushing towards her.


The relief she longed for was about to come.


"Such a scene, no matter how it is used as a snack, it is already too spicy!!"

Half a street away, at the coffee shop at the corner of the street, at the top of the third floor, a samurai wearing a white kimono with blue flowers was squatting on the edge of the roof, looking at the black hair in the distance!!

In fact, Yin Sang is really not familiar with ghosts!!

Moreover, one look at Junxiong's little devil's mother, she is a mother-san who is not easy to talk to. It is really troublesome to communicate with such an elderly woman.

But it happens that Sakata Gintoki hates trouble the most.

Although he never interferes in other people's life choices, Ginsang really doesn't want to say more about the entanglement between Jennifer and Toshio Saeki!!


He saw that woman's determination, he also saw the choice Jennifer made, so...


How to say it?!

"Rather than abandoning oneself and dying a noble death, it is better to live beautifully to the end. Even if it is a little dirty, it doesn't matter."


Standing up, the Jiraiya samurai sighed!!

Tonight, there was a good commission waiting for him, but unfortunately, he rejected the man named Punisher.

after all……

Now that he knows the girls' plan, he knows that a few silly girls are preparing to save the city.


The so-called assassination plan, what a stupid choice!!

Once successful, the city can be saved from the wave of monsters, but once failed, like now...

Sakata Gintoki looked at the Federal Bank Building from a distance, under the light swept by the searchlight.

Yun Ying is fighting monsters with a gun, and the embarrassed figure is swinging on a rope with an unknown man on the top floor!!

Take a look!!

Once you fail, your life may be at risk!!



The shaking in the street became more and more obvious, and what broke through the rain curtain was a new round of monsters surging in the front part of the street!!

Not for...

Helping Jennifer to stop the fighting on the central street is not to eliminate the trouble for the girls like Yunying and Kate!!

Sakata Gintoki never thought that he had such selfish qualifications to help others or save others.


"Sorry, I am not the kind of great being who can easily influence other people's lives, but..."

"If you have to take a gamble, then do it with my life!!"


In the drifting rain, a thunder struck diagonally.

In the dazzling white light, the Hydes who were running, flying, and climbing on all fours saw the warrior standing on the building!!


Take out Lake Toya!!

The warrior jumped high!!

That lazy look disappeared, and the tired look was never seen again!!

Fall with one knife!!

The round raindrops suddenly burst apart, and the ground in the entire street collapsed in large chunks!!

The samurai with the wooden sword slashed out a violent sword that cracked the ground and threw up a whole street!!



The chest, abdominal muscles, and the strong muscles of the Hyde were torn apart layer by layer, and all the monsters were cut in half in pain!!

Even... smash!!


The monster whose body was broken into pieces screamed loudly before dying.

And even louder is...

"Everything House!! Sakata Gintoki!!"

In the night, on the street, all the Hyde heard the voice of the silver-haired man!!


"Come on!!"

Amidst the rain, a silver-haired man holding a wooden knife charged into the ocean-like group of monsters!!

This night!!

On the battlefield of Los Angeles!


A knife cuts through the street, beasts fly into the sky, blood-stained hair, and cold face!!

Long time no see!!


Long time no see!!

Samurai Soul!!

It’s so chic to bloom like this!!

The impeccable white wild beast, the so-called White Yaksha, practices the way of a warrior, let you see it!!

This chapter has been completed!
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