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Chapter 483 Ximu and Oka, the outpost about to collapse!

Chapter 483 Ximu and Oka, the outpost about to collapse!


The savage undersea mercenary Oka emitted high-frequency shock waves from his mouth, and the group of killer whales surrounding the outpost suddenly rioted.

Those terrifying big fish in the deep sea are surging crazily around human metal creations, even trying to hit the special alloy walls with their flesh and blood bodies.

And at the same time.

Oka, who could resonate with the killer whales, became more and more violent at this time.

Tick ​​tock tick.

The unique blood of the people under the sea flowed slowly, and the strong arms twisted by Nishiki's rough bending brought a pain that he had never experienced before.

All of this... made Oka, who was supposed to enjoy the hunt, feel extremely angry.

"Go to hell!!"

Oka grinned and shouted.

The muscular arm like a rock seemed to swell even more at this moment. Oka used his free hand to grab Ximu!!

Broad and ugly knuckles covered Nishiki's shoulders.

If the people under the sea are naturally powerful, and as an outlier among the people under the sea, Oka can resonate with his favorite killer whales.

The power possessed by the killer whales will be continuously superimposed on Oka, which is why he is regarded as a trump card by General Krone.

At this moment.

Oka suddenly swung this blow, and the terrifying pressure was at least tens of tons.


Don't dodge or avoid.

Ximu will not let go of his sharp claws because of such a fool.

"You don't know what to call a fool, if you hadn't..."

If it weren't for the restriction of the righteousness curse in the body, the area would just be full of smelly fish-men.

Besides Bazaar, who would like this disgusting species.

At least to the sky demon Ximu, the Oka in front of him was simply disgusting to the extreme.

"Oka is going to punch you into the ground!!"

The savage big man under the sea roared regardless, always venting his power crazily.

"Who do you think you are facing, damn thing!!"


Since coming to this new world, Ximu, who has been limited by Xiaoyu, has no good temper at all.


The sky demon is furious, this price has dropped to the extreme.

It was just a blunt statement delivered from the camp channel, the mountain demon that swallowed half of New York at that time.

And...the Holy Lord from the Black Hand organization, and Bazaar who is planning something now.

The eight demons who once ruled the world in ancient times, look, look, each one of them is planning to reach the top again!!

Only yourself!!

Just the poor sky demon, what is it doing?! Fishing?!

It's simply a shame and a shame.


"I must want you to die!!"


Completely ignoring the subtle flashes of light that began to flow out of his body, the power of the righteousness curse began to backfire as Ximu exploded with demonic energy.


The other white human arm also disappeared at this time, replaced by the ferocious gray claws of the devil!!

Faced with Oka's punch, which contained dozens of tons of force, Ximu rushed forward without dodging.


In the confined space, an extremely strong conflict of forces ushered in.


The surrounding metal walls, and even the metal floor on which Oka and Ximu were standing, all collapsed at this moment.

The indentation under his feet was extremely hideous.

What was even more ferocious compared to it were Ximu's bloodthirsty pupils, and... Oka's pale eyeballs, which almost popped out of their sockets, were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Monsters from the bottom of the sea confront demons that existed in ancient times, and they are constantly wrestling with each other!!

The sound of metal twisting and breaking could be heard endlessly, but the two stared at each other, neither of them willing to step back.

At this moment.

It’s not just Nishiki whose desire to kill is high!!

The simple-minded undersea mercenary Oka is also filled with anger.

throughout the ocean floor.

Across the realms of Atlantis!!

With his savage strength, he is confident that he can tear apart any miserable prey.

And now.

The tiny little man in front of him actually hurt him.


From Ximu's eyes, he could see... hunting, this little thing dared to hunt the great Oka.

Even the King of Atlantis and Neptune Namor cannot despise him so much.

For a while.

Whether it was the stimulation of pain or the feeling of being insulted, Oka was like those injured big fish in the sea, full of random thoughts.

Want to vent.

I want to smash the Nishiki in front of me alive!!

"Broken, broken!!"

"It's terrible. This place uses the most cutting-edge military technology. How could the defense here..."

"It's all monsters, it's all monsters, the arms...how could it become like that?!"


The crew of the Plato covered their ears and looked at the scene of fighting in front of them with fear.

Oka and Nishiki have completely given up on their image.

Like the most primitive.

Like the most barbaric.

The undersea man uses his own power, while the devil uses his body.

Two completely disproportionate figures, one large and one small, with the devil's sharp blade and the undersea man's fist, wildly bombarding each other's body.

Ximu wants to completely cut the stupid big fish apart, while Oka wants to smash Ximu to death with one punch!!

Accompanying Ximu's furious mood, the demonic energy in the sky he was born with continued to surge.

And at the same time.

As Oka resonated with the killer whales, the power of this big man began to grow.

It even exceeded the output of one hundred tons at an extremely fast speed!!


Completely large-scale house demolition has begun.

Ximu pulled one of Oka's twisted arms with his claws, while Oka pinched half of Ximu's body at the same time.

Neither of them wants to let go.

From the corridors of the outpost to the adjacent rooms, it doesn't matter what the original functions of these rooms were.

But now they are all in a state of ruin due to the battle between demons and undersea people.


It was a desperate act, and the entire metal wall was dented, and even some weak points in the passage had begun to be penetrated by Ximu and Oka's offensive.


Castro and Nelson could still think of Professor Stein, and the two of them pulled up the professor who had been dragged away by Ximu.

The situation has changed now.

It is no longer time for everyone to seek death and life together, but when faced with the fight between these gods in front of us... we can't just watch it.


"I've seen the design drawings of the Mariana Trench outpost, how did they break it!!"

"The walls here, the floors... it's just horrible."

Professor Stein was also trembling a little at this time. He couldn't tell whether he was excited or because of fear beyond common sense.

"Ancient demons... should involve some kind of occult science. This is something I don't understand at all."

"But... the undersea people are humanoid creatures that evolved under the sea."

"It also has such destructive power, and its extraordinary existence is really difficult to summarize using theory!!"

"But if you think about the good things..."

When Professor Stein said this, he suddenly looked up and saw Castro beside him.

"This is what the military wants."

"In other words, the vague clues obtained by the military before and the unknown creature photographed near the black water area, I guess it is this guy who calls himself Oka."

"Simple words, rough mind, not the legendary Neptune Namor, but..."

"If I take him back, I guess the military will let me name him. What about the Steins?!"


This is really a stupid name. It would be better to call it Atlantis.

Although Professor Stein told a cold joke, Castro knew that being able to tell a joke meant that the professor had recovered.

And for the current members of the Plato, a scientist who has regained some sanity is definitely good news.

"Stop joking, Professor."

"Just now, you were worried about the future of mankind, but now... let's think about our future."

Nelson picked up Professor Stein from the side. This black guy no longer planned to let the professor run around at will.

Everything that happened before was too dangerous, of course... the scene of the fight now is not much better.

"Our future... we should ask the little girl."

"I'm not sure what happened to the land, but as she said, humans always have to find new ways to survive."

Professor Stein sighed.

His desire to die had completely disappeared, and what he was thinking about now was... If possible, he hoped to return to land to see how bad things could get.

And before your eyes.

This is the underwater man and the demon who are fighting crazily, exchanging injuries for injuries!!

"Oh, my God, it hurts to look at this."

Xiaoyu watched helplessly as Oka punched Ximu in the face, and then the sky demon brutally opened the chest of the undersea man!!

"Ximu, you are so rude!"

The little girl vomited mercilessly.

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Because of who, I am like this now!!"

Ximu's face was extremely gloomy.

With each fluctuation of the demonic energy in the sky, he could feel the uncomfortable righteousness spell in his body.

Think about it, the majestic Lord of the Sky is actually in this sea, in this airtight can... fighting one on one with a smelly fish!!

But a certain culprit was still making sarcastic remarks on the sidelines, which really made Ximu furious.

"Ximu, don't think I don't know."

"Compared to the legend of Atlantis, the Sky Demon is more dangerous."

The little girl is not just making sarcastic remarks.

Xiaoyu understands how terrifying the eight demon monarchs are, after all, she has experienced them personally.

And the big undersea man in front of me... doesn't seem to even be the legendary King of the Sea, Namor.

Are they just ordinary underwater people?!

Then there is nothing to worry about... Go on, fuck him!!


"Oh oh oh, here I come!!"

Xiaoyu was not afraid of the fierce-looking Oka. After standing on tiptoes and posing, she planned to charge again.

And Nagato Yuki, who came to the side at some unknown time, suddenly said.

"Killer whale."

"There are 469 killer whales outside, sharing his injuries."

The killer whale is the source of Oka's power.

If we talk about General Kraang, the former warlord of Atlantis, he has the power to reach 5 tons in a single move.

Compared to ordinary humans on land, nature is much more powerful.

But Oka is different.

He is General Krona's strength to check and balance the Dragon Pirates. This three-meter-tall big guy's output of one hundred tons is just the beginning.

Power stacking, damage sharing, and Oka itself can withstand the strong defense of human heavy firearms.

This is simply a super big human shield that cannot be killed or chewed!!


At this time, he was facing Ximu.

Even though Ximu has always believed that he is a wise man among demons, a being standing on a high tower among demon wizards.

even though!!

At this moment, the sky demonic energy in his body was extremely thin, and the righteousness spell kept stabbing him in the back.

The sky demon's majestic posture only shows two arms.


Even so, Oka was still torn apart by the devil's claws and was covered in blood.


The high-pitched hum of the people on the sea floor echoed that of the killer whales. If it hadn't been for the help of the big fish, Oka might not have been able to hold on now.

And Ximu is equivalent to fighting Oka alone, and then adding more than 400 killer whales, this is quite frustrating!!

And what's even more frustrating is yet to come... During the frenzied attack between the two, the Mariana Trench outpost was the first to be unable to bear it any longer.

As the layers of metal walls were shattered, the inner and outer passages were blown apart bit by bit by the frenzied two!!


It was the scream caused by the twisting of metal, and...

Beep beep beep!!

The alarm sounds like the god of death chasing after your life!!

All the warning lights in the entire outpost suddenly turned on at this time, flashing a chilling red light and annoying sirens.

"This alarm...Nelson!!"

Castro's expression changed drastically. This time it was really time for their life and death.

"Damn, they breached the containment metal wall and the outpost is cracking."

"We don't have much time. Once the pressure becomes unbalanced and the oxygen circulation breaks down, then..."

Nelson doesn’t need to say the rest, Professor Stein understands that at such a depth... they will die miserably!!

"Although this is the ending I expected before."

"But now...the pod, go to the pod, that's our only chance."

Professor Stein shook his head, and then took the initiative to say that this was the only option.

Castro lit a cigarette. Even if he had a craving for cigarettes, he would not smoke them while in the cabin.

By now...if I don't smoke again, I probably won't have a chance.

"But...what if we enter that artificial coffin? We can't go back to the sea."

"As you said, without supplies, the oxygen circulation in the simple separation cabin is simply not enough for us to leave."


"Do you still remember our goal? That is our only hope now."

Professor Stein's words were astonishing.

It is true that they cannot return to the land, so in this case, it is better to head towards the bottom of the sea.

"It is said that in the royal city of Atlantis, those who are lucky...will be welcomed by the beauties under the sea."

"Isn't that what the legend of mermaids is all about?!"

Professor Stein pushed Nelson aside, and after he stood firm, he said to the crew of the Plato.

"We have seen the curse of the people under the sea."

"If, as the legend says, there is a mysterious country under the sea where humans can survive!!"

"Atlantis is our hope of living."

This chapter has been completed!
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