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Chapter 563 God Lord Doom!


This is the city of Doom, the capital of this closed country. There is no need to be surprised by this name.

Because in this country, there are too many buildings, streets, and cities named after the sacred Doom!

Victor von Doom!!

He is the god of this country, the great majesty who rules over everything, the absolute master of Latvinia.


The cyan lightning starts here!

The Gothic castle that always seems to be shrouded in dark clouds is the most conspicuous and central Fortress of Destruction in the city of Doom!

The thick, dust-covered cross-nailed door opened, symbolizing the awakening of Lord Doom, who had been sleeping for a long time.

"Your Majesty is awake."

"Look at the sky, the clouds seem to be swirling. It's Lord Dumu who has awakened, in the gloomy castle..."


"Don't talk about our great master, he can hear you!!"

The people who are fortunate enough to live in Doum City look at the Fortress of Destruction that was reopened today with admiration mixed with horror.

No need to say more.

Under the rule of Lord Doom, his people do not need to say anything. The entire country is under the supervision of the great lord.

All the people of Latvinia know that their every word and deed will be sensed by Doom!

Therefore, being cautious in words and deeds and living an ancient and plain life is their best choice.

Same thing.

In this country, there are no major international clothing chains or expensive luxury goods companies.

Internationally famous jewelry, food, and even all entertainment activities are rarely seen in this country.

If we talk about the hometown of Silver Sable next door, it is only because of poverty, because the country's finances are in perennial difficulties, and the people of Sirkaria live in poverty.

So in Latvinia, there is actually no poverty here. With the methods of Lord Doum, he can make everyone in this country rich.


There is no need for other voices here. This feudal country only needs one monarch.

That's the great Doom!

And the people ruled by this lord now live a simple and ordinary life.

It was what the great master chose, and this was the rule that he considered most suitable.


Wouldn't it be better to keep up with the trend of the times, let high technology enter thousands of households, and make everyone rich?!

Why do we still have to live a life of asceticism like in the Middle Ages, chopping firewood and plowing the fields, all in the most ancient way?

Even... some families in Latvinia even light oil lamps, which is simply unbelievable.

There is simply too much disconnection from the outside world.


No one dares to discuss Doom's decision. In this country, Lord Doom represents everything!

Even when he breathes, the sound of this great lord's breath represents the laws of Latvinia.

"Welcome to your Majesty's return. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

In the ruined castle, in the meeting hall lit with dim candlelight, the big shots who could be called the chief ministers of Latvinia were waiting respectfully.

And the arrival of a shadow is the appearance of the master of all of them. Everyone abandons their concentration and their attitude is extremely respectful.

No one even dared to look up and take a look at the armored man who appeared at the top!

His whole body was covered in armor, under a terrifying ghost-like mask.

The master of them all, Doom!!

"Ah, my sleep was indeed disturbed!"

The voice was hoarse, yet extremely thick, because it represented the majesty of Latvinia.

Doom took his seat.

Sitting on a thick wooden chair carved with ancient Sanskrit characters, leaning on the table with metal gloves crossed, he looked around at the so-called "ministers" in front of him.

at this time.

The bells on the castle of destruction are ringing.

Another national parliament was opened, but everyone knew that this was just to promote Doom's will.

In the laboratory deep in the ruined castle, Doom was indeed awakened.

But it was not like the people of Latvinia thought, the sleeping gods were awakened.

But Doom, who was studying the latest masterpiece of technology and magic in the laboratory, was disturbed.

"I thought that the Reed Richards family's interstellar travel would give me a boring time."

"But... this world has brought me great surprises."

Doom's tone was low.

Just when his former opponents were no longer on Earth, and he was about to have some fun and study something to pass the boredom.

So interesting.

There are some super unusual guys popping up in this world all of a sudden.

New York.

What a familiar city, but now it no longer exists.


New York, California, and Texas ceased to exist overnight.

"You already know what's going on outside?!"

Doom's voice was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but everyone present could not help but tremble.

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty."

"We, no, don't know how to decide, superpowers..."

"Ignorant trash!"

Before the "Chief Minister" could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Doom. Even though he was wearing a mask and could not see at all, he did not even dare to look at His Majesty's expression.

But with just these five words, several people present almost fainted. They were simply too scared.

Very strange.

They are not afraid of death. If Doom kills them personally, they will not have any fear.

But...if they made His Majesty angry, they would be scared to death just thinking about this possibility.

This is a kind of twisted mental state under absolute rule.

"Superpower person, such a shallow term."

"Magic, technology, some kind of magical energy, and unusual fire. I saw so many things that I didn't have before."

Doom recalled what he saw.

The so-called blockade between the world and hell, the isolation of the Three States War, cannot stop the snooping of Lord Doom at all.

As long as he thought about it, the battle between superpowers that really happened in this world would be like it happening in front of Doom's eyes.

That immersive sense of reality made Lord Doom tremble even more.



How is it possible, Lord Doom is angry!!

He was angry that he saw a familiar figure, the scarlet devil king, who dared to come to the world.

What's even more hateful is.

Due to some emergencies in the laboratory, Doom was unable to participate in the three-state battle in order to solve a certain magical dilemma.


It was so regretful that it made him angry.

Mephisto came incarnate, used magic soil to support his majestic troll figure, and even divided the three states of the world with great force.

What a great opportunity this is!

If Doom catches him, even the King of Devils will die in his hands, no no no...

That would be a devil's imprisonment worse than death!

after all……

"The hatred between me and the old devil can't be overstated. It's a blood feud. It's a pity, it's a pity!"

This chapter has been completed!
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