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Chapter 565 The eight demons, the truth captured by Lord Doom!

Lord Doom's magical map.

Within the territory of Latovinia, as well as some small countries around it, there are also those places that have signed contracts with Doom.

It can be said that all countries that have established diplomatic relations with Ladovinia can appear on this magical map.

But now a change has occurred.

In the Caribbean Sea, on an inconspicuous island in a corner, dark shadows filled the air.

That strange aura undoubtedly attracted Doom's attention.


"You are so brave. Are you completely ignoring me, Latovinia, or are you being stupid enough to make people laugh?!"

Doom was laughing, but if Zora saw him like this, she would be trembling with fear.

This laughter is not joy.

But in my heart, I am even more angry at Zola who has neglected his duty...

When the female warrior who was gifted with excellent magical talent by him saw such obvious changes on the map.

Actually didn't notice at all.

Instead, he ran to Silkaria to find Tony Stark?!

"Moonlight Moria..."

Doom heard it.

The metal finger traced across the map, and from the mysterious call of magic, he felt the call of the dead.

In that different kind of atmosphere.

It contains some kind of ability to influence shadows, and the power to revive the dead.


This word was spoken by Lord Doom.

From the retrospective scene, he saw the Great Demon of the West Sea slashing out the Shadow Blade when facing the golden door lowered by Mephisto.

At the same time, some secret knowledge is being fed back to Lord Doom through the mysteries of magic!


With super strong magic perception ability, he is frantically reading keywords through this map.

Doom sees it again!

He saw the demon-killing arrows piercing the sky, which was the light that shone in people's hearts and dispelled the demonic barriers brought down by the scarlet devil in the world.

And then he saw Mephisto and wanted to take this holy soul with a wave of his hand.


Doom was furious for a moment and couldn't control it. He clenched his metal knuckles violently and at the same time, magic exploded in his hands.


Like an expanding pink bubble, infinite magic ripples bloom in the palm of your hand.


As if encountering an invisible barrier, the scattered magic rays cannot break through the fingers of Lord Doom no matter what!


That cold voice was like hatred squeezed out from between the teeth. This was how this old devil once took away his mother's soul.

As great as Lord Doom, he has always been looking for opportunities to get back the souls that fell into hell.

And take revenge on the Lord of Hell.


He once again saw the scene of Mephisto stealing the soul, and how could he not make Lord Doom angry.


His anger quickly calmed down, and the magic trapped between his fingers began to gradually dissipate.

Lord Doom is not a person whose mind is dominated by anger.


This place may be extremely difficult for others to enter, but it is indeed easy for Doom.

"Witch, since the damn devil wants it, then I won't let it get its way."


"It's time for me to let the doomsday robot go to hell, no... not just hell, but also Atlantis!"


To the world on land, this is an underwater legend.

However, to Doom, there is nothing mysterious about this underwater kingdom, and even Namor, the King of the Sea, is just that in his eyes.

As a son of the sea recognized by the sea, Doom once had a relationship with Namor for a period of time.


Between the land and the sea, Latvinia and Atlantis have truly reached a magical contract.

But now this contract has completely collapsed.

The maelstrom formed on the map proves that Atlantis suffered an unimaginable blow.

"Such a strong scent of the sea."

"Evil, blasphemous, filled with chaos covering the world of the sea."

Doom sensed Atlantis as drawn on the map, where everything was wrapped in some kind of dark blue.

A very pure aura, and also extremely violent and ferocious!


Atlantis behaved completely differently from when Neptune Namor was there. Did something happen to it?!

A devil-like existence, or some new devil?

At this moment.

Unlike when he sensed Mephisto before, Lord Doom showed a cold smile.

He is very interested in this element of destruction.

"bring it on!"

Doom pressed his hand on the magic map, and he just pulled it up slightly. The pink magic wave completely enveloped the symbolic area of ​​Atlantis.


A drop of dark blue liquid appeared, and the familiar smell in it turned out to be the demonic energy of water!

"Ah, I feel it."

Doom listened intently, and the water drops bound by the pink magic kept jumping in it as if they were alive.

And it keeps transforming, like a violent elf, and even shows the vague form of a shark.

"The new owner of Atlantis, the Lord of the Deep Sea, your name..."

In front of Doom's eyes, the broken underwater kingdom seemed to be reflected at this moment.

In the scene where the statue of Poseidon collapsed, the enslaved undersea people were building a kingdom belonging to the devil.

They shouted, they believed, and that thought was captured and transmitted to the ears of Lord Doom through a magical contract.

"Water Bazaar!!"


The water droplets ingested from the air suddenly exploded, and the demonic energy of the water disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But the great Doom already knew what he wanted.

"About the eight demons who ruled the world in ancient times, there is a legend that I have never heard of."

"The devil of water, the devil of fire, the devil of mountains, and the sky..."

The magical power of Lord Doom is fully unfolded in front of him. Within the jelly-like pink magic power, scenes are unfolding one after another.

The mysteries of magic begin to feed back knowledge.

Like a mirror across time, what happened in New York, the man who held up the sky versus the devil of the mountain.


Hidden under the phantom of fog, the hazy struggle between the dragon and the boy!

More than that!

The Great Master of Righteousness, Black Qi, Wa Long...the imprisoned sky demon.

"Inside here..."

"Sure enough, there is still something about Mephisto, which is the same as the Three-State Battle I saw!"

Fragmented images flew quickly in front of him, and Doom read the information in them.

What a drama!

Perfectly displayed in front of the Lord Doom.

From the legend of the Eight Demons, to the story of the Righteous Mage, and finally to Mephisto being sealed, and even Valon selling his soul.


Many new powers have appeared in this world.

And now.

With the help of the magical contract with Atlantis, the image returned through the breath of destruction.


This is also mixed with Mephisto, an existence that attracts great attention from Lord Doom.

Based on the power of the Water Demon Bazaar, a complete silk thread appeared in front of Doom.

Everything can lie.

However, the magic possessed by Lord Doom will not betray him.

"The Eight Great Demons!"

"The magic spell of righteousness that I have never seen before, hahaha, I am starting to look forward to other demons that have not shown up."

"No... maybe I should go see the demon's hell in the Sealed Mountain?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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