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Chapter 613 Earth65!

Chapter 613 Earth——65!

California, inside the underground jail of the Paradise Hills Police Department.

Colton Hundley, who was originally trembling, slowly stood up from the prison corner.

No...not him.

It's the sentry robot born from his body!

The flesh all over his body suddenly exploded, and his mechanical organs were waving. Under the dim light of the prison, he looked like a monster that had descended into the world.

In fact, he is a monster, a monster that has been mechanically transformed!

On the chest, there are layers of mechanical skeletons, revealing the muzzle of the laser gun with a murderous intent.

Sentry robot!

A new model specially created by S.H.I.E.L.D., with a special model hidden under the skin of the human body, specifically designed to secretly hunt mutants.

Specifically used to create "siege" Magneto's trap.


The sound of mechanical twisting was heard endlessly, and Max Eisenhardt's face became a little ugly.

"Peggy Carter, you are such a cold-blooded woman."

Not just the homeless man in front of me.

at the same time.

Right next to them were the members of the special operations team who had just been killed.

At this time, everyone got up similarly.

And the only mistake Max Eisenhardt made was leaving them with a whole body.

Now the situation is completely reversed.

Dozens of special models of weapons specifically designed to deal with mutants and sentry robot modifications have completely surrounded him.

The siege trap of SHIELD Director Peggy Carter finally revealed its fatal danger at this moment.

The modified mechanical bodies emitted red light one by one and locked onto Max Eisenhardt.

Electronic sounds resounded in the dark underground cell!

"Sentinel activated!"

"Mutants are being identified..."

"Confirmed target: Magneto!!"

"Start executing the command: Destruction·End!!!"

Inside the Fantastic Four's spaceship.

Time and space fluctuate.

The most sensitive one to this was naturally Mr. Fantastic's detection instrument. Reed Richards, who was monitoring the entire earth at this time, was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"It's the guys from Pioneer Technology."

"Why do so many people always act recklessly at this critical time?!"

The elongated arm spun three times in the air, and a small amount of sweat was wiped on his forehead. Reed Richards' tone was very unpleasant.

"We haven't figured out what's going on with Doom yet. There are already so many random guys on earth. What have they done?!"

Nothing unexpected was done by those mad scientists, but now Susan just wanted them to calm down.

She was adjusting the remaining images of Houston, New York, and Los Angeles on the screen.

There is so much hype about the extraordinary battle, and it is really a headache to figure out the details.

This workload is really quite large.

"The space-time bubble has fluctuated, and our old rival has some kind of technology that has broken a space-time node."

"I don't know what they are going to do, but I'm sure something dangerous is brewing!"

"To retrieve the data...we have to know where they went."

Lord Doom is an old friend of the Fantastic Four, and Pioneer Technology is also their old rival.

The subversive weapons research and development department, at this time started the Magneto Project because of Dr. Folsen.


After breaking through the safety valve set by the Fantastic Four on them, the warning began to sound!

"Alert, alert!"

"Pioneer technology breaks through the space-time bubble and enters the numbered earth - 65!"

Earth 65!

In this time and space, the young Magneto, Max Eisenhardt, is experiencing the biggest crisis in his life.

Inside the Paradise Hills Police Station!

Dozens of implanted sentinel robots have completely surrounded him, with laser weapons at the ready.

"Can human life be like a consumable in your eyes?!"

Max Eisenhardt said slowly, knowing that Peggy Carter would hear it!

Even if she is facing her own subordinates, that woman can choose to reform without changing her expression or heartbeat.


He is really becoming more and more cruel!

"As long as I can catch you, but I can't kill you, the disappearance of Magneto will be the end of the mutants!"

"It's all worth it."


Peggy Carter's indifferent voice could be heard in the air. She was about to finally close the net for the insects that had fallen into it.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The Sentinel robots were fully activated, and a devastating laser offensive began to envelope Max Eisenhardt.


A familiar scene imprinted itself on his mind, and at this moment, he recalled the most painful memory in his life.

The past that he deliberately forgot is now all inspired by the bastards of SHIELD.


Take a deep, suppressed breath.

Max Eishart's pain and anger had reached its highest point, like a volcano erupting.

Keyu Island!

An island created by him, a country that belongs only to him and his compatriots.

On the sea of ​​freedom, mutants organized in the name of Magneto became a country.

They have the instinct to live in peace and live in this country no differently than anyone else in the world.

Everyone has a happy smile on their face, and they are working hard to build their own territory.


On that sinful night, the true predecessors of these implanted Sentinel robots, the Omega Sentinel robots that sneaked in... their destruction began.

The ultimate weapon against mutants, a robot that can block their abilities and carry out killings is here!


It's the disaster caused by the Purifier, and SHIELD must be involved, since that woman is involved!

The high-rise buildings that Max Eisenhardt and his fellow mutants had worked so hard to build were instantly destroyed.

The spacious streets were also covered by ruins, and a total of 16 million mutants were massacred under the attack of the sentries!!!

The kingdom of mutants is destroyed!

And King Max Eisenhardt once again became the cruel Magneto.

And Keyu Island.

This place was supposed to be a safe haven for mutants, but now it has become a huge tomb where mutants are buried.

"It's all my fault!"

"It's like these garbage hidden in the human body. I should have discovered it that night."

"It's all my negligence."

"It's me."

"Let you despicable guys succeed, so that the kingdom of our compatriots will be destroyed."

"You deserve to die, humans deserve to die!!"

Sixteen million mutants were ruthlessly slaughtered!!

With this thought filling his mind, huge pain surged in like a tide, drowning Max Eisenhardt.

behind him.

The entire Paradise Mountain Police Department trembled. Magneto was at his youngest, and his abilities were infinitely powerful.

The magnetism is trembling, the metal is cracking, and countless tiny dust particles are flying. He wants to destroy everything here.

Facing the Sentinel robot, Max Eisenhardt had a biting coldness in his eyes.


Peggy Carter's voice in the air was full of the feeling of winning.

"it's useless."

"On Giyu Island, your genes have been taken, and these implanted robots are specially prepared for you."

"Magneto will soon be a thing of the past, and the history of mutants will die here."


As the woman finished speaking, a special red current emitted from the bodies of dozens of sentinel robots!


Magneto's unique repressor begins to spread with the overflowing current!


Max Eisenhardt's expression is solemn, and he has always been controlled by the magnetism like his body.

Starting to get out of control!

Inside the space carrier.

Peggy Carter monitors the battle taking place at the Paradise Hills Police Department.

Worthy of being Magneto.

He is indeed a man who can win over tens of millions of mutants on Giyu Island and become the king of mutants.

"Even if it is a statin specially developed for you, can you still resist?!"

The electrical signals became disordered, the magnetic field fluctuated irregularly and abnormally, and even the monitoring pictures began to appear abnormal.

Metal dust creates explosions again and again, and the Sentinel robot continues to be damaged!

However, that's all.


"What a stubborn resistance."

In front of the monitor, Peggy Carter, the woman who rules SHIELD with ruthlessness, spoke as coldly as ever.

"You're done."

"SHIELD wins again, as always!"

She knew early on that it would be useless to face Magneto's clumsy deceptions. This genius-like figure would definitely see through them.


Even if some people see through the trap, they will get in without hesitation, and this is where their stupidity lies.

"In the final analysis, it is your arrogance that ruins you!"

Peggy Carter folded her arms and leaned back in her chair, knowing that the victory she expected had arrived.


Just quietly watch Magneto's death struggle and enjoy his final ending.

And that's the time.

During SHIELD's internal communications, Peggy Carter suddenly received a report from the logistics technology department.

"The inhibitory hormone against Magneto has worked. You have done a good job. I will personally praise you later."

She answered the call as always, and gave a very rare verbal praise.

"Well...it's an honor for you to say that, Director Carter."

"But actually we have something else to say, and just now our instruments detected some unusual signals."

"We're not sure, but it should be related to fluctuations in space and time, but you know, our current research in this area..."

Listening to the researcher's chattering voice, Peggy Carter's pretty brows wrinkled.

This woman doesn't like fake things.

Regarding space-time theory, fluctuations, etc., there are no projects that have produced any research results!

Peggy Carter disliked them all.

"Okay, don't talk too much about things you're not sure about. I want to write a research report. You'll have plenty of time later."

"Contact the New York Action Team. Regarding Spider-Woman and the Lizard Man, determine the traces of their actions as soon as possible, and then capture them. This is what you should do now."

"that's all!"

After a brief explanation, Peggy Catlisso hung up the phone.

She has many things going on.

If you want to prioritize, then naturally Magneto in front of you is the first one, and then below.

It's Spider-Woman blocking the swing in New York, and...a certain lizard-man who has been exposed and calls himself Peter Parker!

"Spider Woman...neither the surveillance nor the police system has left any real records of her."

"Who the hell is she?!"

Real Earth.

Subversive weapons research and development department, in the laboratory where Dr. Folsen is located.

The forward operations team has continued to send back data.

"Very good."

"Although the process was different from what we expected, the result was the same. They started fighting."

Dr. Folsen was operating in front of the instrument and checking the data of each item.

Abnormal fluctuations in the magnetic field.

Weird reactions caused by electromagnetic signals, and the collection of more pheromones.

That’s right!

The target character [Magneto] has started killing.

Next, we just need to seize the opportunity and Pioneer Technology's team enters the scene at the most suitable opportunity.

"Bringing this big man into our real world will trigger a new future..."

The success of the plan is imminent, and Dr. Folsen has also been prepared for his staged victory.

Together with the ace of pioneer technology, Murdoc, who is specially born for killing.

Killer brain!


Mentally strong and invincible in controlling magnetic fields, this is definitely the most perfect combination of Pioneer Technology under his leadership.

Dr. Folsen excitedly took out the communicator beside him.

"When will you come back?!"

"Well...still in Juno City, the gods...that's not our focus now, aren't we just going to have a look?!"

"Remember, I am leading the experiment now. Pioneer Technology will definitely be able to reach the top of the world this time."

Earth-65, California, Paradise Hills Police Department!


Max Eisenhardt noticed that things were somewhat different from what he imagined.

After leaving the island alive, after all his compatriots were killed by these "evil machines".

There wasn't a moment when he didn't want to completely destroy these damn robots.


No, these guys are just users.

What he really wanted to find was the designer of the original Sentinel robot, that is, the prototype data of all Sentinel robots.


He broke into the trap himself, and the appearance of the sentry robot should have been a rare opportunity.

"I just need to tear open their shell and get the code from their chip that can decipher the root cause."

"With the code, I can find the creator of the Sentinel robot... Finally, I can put an end to all this."

"The ultimate weapon for killing mutants, this thing should be destroyed by my own hands."


SHIELD's inhibin against Magneto has become an important node in destroying all plans.

Strength is fading!

The control of magnetism disappeared little by little, and even... Max Eisenhardt felt that he was getting weaker and weaker!

He can no longer control the battle situation, let alone tear these sentry robots apart. His plan... has been shattered!


The dense red lasers formed layers of prison nets, constantly oppressing the space where Max Eisenhardt could move!

He knew he had no choice.


Perhaps he was captured alive and allowed to be humiliated by Peggy Carter in a plastic prison, or...

"That's death!"

"Together with the honor of our compatriots, we will go to the stars!"

call out!

A strong magnetic backlash caused the young Magneto to fall from his floating state.

And that comes with it.

The entire Tiantianshan Police Department, from the upper floors to the underground, was blown up to the sky during his counterattack!

This chapter has been completed!
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