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Chapter 625 The trembling noble master, Master Sesshomaru!

Chapter 625: The trembling noble master, Master Sesshomaru!

Boston, Mount Auburn Cemetery.


The green magic cannon attacks, from the tip of Feng Jian Yuxiang's parasol, from the big light spot to the demon power bombardment that shoots across!

A wisp of smoke dissipated.

What was revealed was a terrifying scar that was more than ten people wide and incredibly long, and the entire cemetery area behind it had disappeared.

"No holding back at all!"

"I almost, almost really died."

A cold sweat broke out at the sight of evil.

Fortunately, the [Ruby] that Black Rose had always provided him came in handy. Otherwise, it would have turned into dust together with those poor tombstones at this time.

"Master Sesshomaru!"

"Thank you very much for your life-saving grace."

"Otherwise, if you see me evilly, I will never see you again, woohoo!"

Xie Jian cried with snot and tears.

"It's really embarrassing."

The noble young master who appeared at the scene with a stern expression had such thoughts in his mind.

Since having Ling, he seems to be becoming more and more gentle.

The evil view disappeared for some time, and although Sesshomaru didn't say anything on the surface, he did search for it.

After all, he is a servant who has been with him for a long time, so he can't just leave him alone.


Suddenly summoned to the new world, Sesshomaru slowly understood the situation.

I felt the surging evil spirit for the first time.

Silent movement.

It doesn't carry any breath, just the quick and elegant way of movement of a little bit of wind.

Even Youkai Naraku cannot detect the movement of the Great Sengoku Youkai.

In just a moment, Sesshomaru had evil views and two unsightly humans next to him.

Together they move out of the attack range of Kazami Yuka's magic cannon.


It was a woman's rather hearty laugh.

"A monster that can move so silently without noticing any breath at all."

"You must be the best flower fertilizer!"


And the unstoppable desire to fight in words.

Feng Jian Youxiang was extremely happy. He hadn't seen such a delightful monster for a long time.


She remembered the name, and just relied on the moment it arrived to dodge her magic cannon.

This man deserves to be a man.

"You are different from them."

"Such a beautiful dog demon, I think my little cutie will be happy to come."

The wind sees the fragrance and holds up the parasol.

The woman wearing a plaid skirt had a sweet smile on her face, but she didn't show the ferocity of the fatal attack just now.

And in front of her.

The silver-haired dog demon has a moon mark on his forehead, two red demon lines on his left and right cheeks, and hexagonal plum blossoms floating on his white kimono.

Her golden eyes are bright and noble.

The most powerful monster from the Warring States Period, the terrifying peerless noble prince, Sesshomaru looked at her quietly.

"Flower Demon."

"You have attacked evil views, are you ready to die?!"

No matter the reason.

There was no anger even visible under his calm appearance, but since he attacked his servant.

No matter what kind of demon she is, Sesshomaru only has the word "death"!


During the long years in Gensokyo, Feng Jian Yuxiang had not heard the word death for an unknown amount of time.

It has been too long since I have seen someone who dared to talk to her, who dared to resist her, and who dared to take the initiative to fight her.

And now in this new world.

Feng Jian Youxiang can finally experience other pleasures besides planting flowers and fight with all her strength.


Violent, violent, and even extremely surging demonic power emerged from Feng Jian Youxiang's body!


The open parasol closed at this moment, the pure white top of the parasol was embroidered with blossoming flowers, and the magic cannon offensive was gathering!


The wind howled.

The demonic energy brought up a surging air pressure, and Feng Jian Youxiang had not officially attacked yet, but was just preparing to attack.

It actually caused an exaggerated effect like a turbulent storm.

This woman is as strong as a monster, even among monsters!

"How scary!"

"Obviously she is a weak flower monster, why does she have such a trembling monster energy?!"

"Sir Xijian, I feel like I'm going to die."

Holding his own head crutch, Xie Jian was in front of Feng Jian Youxiang, and his whole body was trembling.

"What a familiar scene!"

"Listen to me, I feel like another earth-shattering battle is about to happen. I think we should retreat farther away."

Natasha felt a terrible headache.

She covered her temple with one hand, the duel between Kazami Yuka and Sesshomaru.

Let her dusty memories begin to be released to a greater extent.

New York!

A boy covered in fire and a dragon that spits lava.

Under the stimulation of the chip in his brain, the memories sealed by the Vongola Family Mist Guardian became increasingly clear.

In front of her, the Flower Demon and the Dog Demon, two extremely powerful monsters, were fighting each other, giving Natasha a sense that the city was about to explode.


The most confused person at the scene was naturally Black Rose.

As a retired killer, after getting to know the evil views of monsters, I really understand that the world has changed drastically.

But it turned into such a ferocious appearance... Looking at his hut, and the small grave pit he carefully dug out, everything was turned into a deep and curved valley under the attack of Kazami Yuxiang's destructive magic cannon just now.

Black Rose really didn't expect that the world would be so crazy.

And now...

The great monster in front of him, who is so handsome that it makes people's hearts tremble, seems to be the Master Sesshomaru that Xie Jian has been waiting for.

What do you say about the current situation?!

Their savior has arrived, and monsters have officially invaded the human world. He is just a killer. He can't understand it.

"Don't panic!"

"My young master Sesshomaru is the strongest, no matter how scary that woman is."

"Master Sesshomaru will only become more terrifying!"

"Kuao noise!"

Sesshomaru swept away the chattering evil views with his cold eyes.

The servant is no longer around, so it seems like there is something missing, but now that he is here, the evil views are still as annoying as before.


The demonic energy emerged from Sesshomaru's body.

The turquoise light, gorgeous and twinkling, enveloped the body of this noble young master.

Wrapped in demon power, Sesshomaru quickly approached Kazami Yuka with a ball of light flashing at extremely fast speeds.


Even with one arm, it possesses strange powers that ordinary monsters cannot match.

The sharp nails of the dog demon were directly clasped on the top of Kazami Yuka's parasol, creating a conflict between demonic energy and demonic energy.

Sesshomaru directly extinguished the flower demon's magic cannon.

Terrifying claw power.

And the palm gradually turned green, and the terrifying poison began to spread, it was Sesshomaru's Poison Flower Claw.

It is enough to dissolve rocks and metals. If it is an ordinary human being, just touching it a little will disappear in an instant.

And now...


Waving a parasol.

What was hidden under Kazami Yuka's slender arms was a terrifying power that was no less powerful than Sesshomaru.

The claws of the dog demon were instantly deflected.

The parasol in the flower demon's hand was like a huge force, and it was slashed hard towards the poisonous claws!


This is the most ridiculous thing for the flower demon.

Kazami Yuka's powerful monster body, coupled with the terrifying monster power that fills her body, no poison can be poured into it.


Kazami Yuka and Sesshomaru, the flower demon and the dog demon wrestled with each other for a while, and then separated.


Sesshomaru took advantage of the wind and looked down at the scent of the wind.


In the frenzy of the battle, the woman, who was gradually getting excited, let out an extremely exaggerated laugh.

call out!

Compared with the slow charging of power like a show before, this time the magic cannon is fully charged in just one breath!

Dazzling green flash.

The entire fan-shaped area covered by the tip of the parasol was completely within the attack range of Kazami Yuka.

Nothing fancy.

There is no skill evolution or any symbol of the spell card, it is the purest and most pure demonic energy!

This woman didn't use any skills, she simply wanted to use the most primitive way to overwhelm people.

"20% of the demon power is released, double magic cannon!"



Two dark green light groups were launched, directly penetrating the entire cemetery, followed by a deafening explosion.

And the center of the attack where the demon power gathered was Sesshomaru who was escaping in mid-air!

"Master Sesshomaru!!"

Xijian screamed subconsciously.


Strong demonic energy burst out, and the natural teeth on Sesshomaru's waist shone brightly.

Natural tooth barrier!

The will of this demonic sword was automatically protecting its master, and the attacks from the two magic cannons were completely absorbed.

Sesshomaru stood there without any damage.

The trembling noble prince from the Warring States Period looked calmly at the woman holding an umbrella.

He said in a calm tone.

"It's a good performance, the monster in the flower, but if that's all you do."

"Your death has come!"

Central Pacific Basin.

This area has always been an area prone to large-scale natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Located in an undersea basin more than 6,500 meters deep, a high-tech city is located here.


It is also a city of undersea people.

It is completely different from Atlantis. People living in this city are keen on researching high-tech precision weapons.

Just like humans living on land, apart from their different appearances, there is not much difference.

To put it bluntly, this is a scientific city under the sea, which is not too much.

"What's wrong?"

Jiraiya looked at Namorita with concern.

He could clearly feel that the little princess of the underwater kingdom was extremely restless.


As the group of them got closer to the city.


Namorita did feel very complicated.

Because of the error caused by the long-distance transmission of Neptune's Trident, they were sent to this underwater city.

The good news is.

The identity of the Atlantean royal family is still valid here.


But the bad news that comes with it is that Namorita herself is not very popular.

And this is all thanks to Neptune Namor and her mother Eklia!

"I didn't expect to meet my mother's old friend here!"


"It's a pity that the relationship between them is not good."

Namorita's tone was a little frustrated.


An extremely beautiful beauty from the sea of ​​Atlantis, she claims to be Eklia's love rival.

But now she is the queen of this underwater city, Lemuria.

Love rival!

Namorita didn't know that her mother had such a rich emotional history until now.

She actually had a beautiful love story with the prince of Lemuria.


"At least it has some relationship with the royal family here, New~"

Xiaoba said while shaking his arms and legs.

"Fortunately among misfortunes, we can only think about the good things."

Jinbei nodded aside.

In the deep sea, if you don't want to bump around like a headless fly, it's best to find some connections.

It doesn't matter if it's an enemy or a friend.

"But this woman must have murdered the former prince to reach her current position."

"Lila didn't even try to hide it at all."

"She was absolutely disgusting, she went too far, and she even asked the guards to chase us away."

"She is definitely not a good person!"

Namorita pouted.

This can be said to be the greatest grievance she has ever suffered in the sea, except when she went to the human world.

It was quite a dark day.

As the jewel in the eye of Atlantis, when had she ever been taken out by guards? These guys were simply trying to rebel.

There is no respect at all for the Atlantis royal family, which has great blood flowing through it. It is really abominable.

Especially Lila.

Mentioning his mother's love rival, the woman who also took the throne of this undersea city.

Namorita was so angry.


Namorita took a slow, deep breath.

There was a hint of solemnity in his eyes as he looked at Lemuria, as if he had made some kind of determination.

As the beloved princess of Atlantis, she was carefully taught and trained by Namor!

And now!

Once upon a time, Atlantis, a city controlled by the Undersea King, fell into the hands of the Sea Demon.

Lemuria in front of you.

This high-tech city may allow them to cultivate and recuperate for a period of time.

After accumulating enough power, he took back the lost city of Atlantis from the demon's mouth again.

"If we want the undersea creatures to live humbly, harmoniously and equally, this requires constant compromise."


"Now, on behalf of the Atlantis royal family, I want to negotiate with that hateful woman."

He nodded vigorously.

Namorita thought that she had grown up, and this might be the heroic growth mentioned in story books.


"Now that you have made a decision, I will support you no matter what."

Jiraiya nodded.

He won't stop Rita's decision because it's not important.

Having been saved from death and serious injuries by Namorita, this toad sage from Mt. Myoboku had already thought about the future path clearly.

"That's right, do whatever you want."

Jinbei also nodded.

Their current actions are united in the name of this little princess.

And negotiating in the name of the royal family is reasonable and reasonable, and there is no reason to refuse.

"Let's go."

"I'm a little hungry. I really want to eat takoyaki, New!"

And the only thing he was thinking about eating was Xiao Ba, who was rubbing his belly.

"Beep beep beep!"

As Namorita and her party entered Lemuria, they were surrounded by harsh sounds.

Jellyfish detector activated.

"All right……"

"We have been discovered by Lila a long time ago."

Watching the floating sirens suddenly appear in the streets and alleys.

Lila, who has high-tech detection equipment, may have discovered the traces of her group long ago.

And at the same time.

Echoing in the water was a sharp female voice.

"Little princess."

"I told you to leave immediately. This is my last kindness to you. It seems..."

"You didn't take what I said to heart at all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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