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Chapter 634 Dad, this is a long story. Let me tell you a little bit.

Chapter 634: Dad, this is a long story. Let me tell you a slightly complicated story about the demon Ximu!

Vostok Discovery Station.

SHIELD personnel quickly evacuated, the Quinjet took off in an emergency, and everything fell into the glacial lake together with the shattered frozen soil.

"This is crazy."

"Chief Rumlow made a discovery that shocked the world."

"In fact... this is not a lost civilization, but simply the discovery of underwater aliens!"

"We found the undersea people!"

Even for professional agents, the communication channel has completely exploded at this time.

"The heat exchanger is still working!"

"Our communication with Chief Rumlow cannot be maintained. Notify headquarters that we need support. We need support!"


In front of the monitor, watching the crystal-like city break through the ice, Alexander Pierce felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

He couldn't help but have some thoughts.

Maybe he was reckless in taking the position of director. If Nick Fury was still here, he wouldn't need such a headache.

There is no need to constantly refuse to receive communications from the Joint Council, which makes him look like he is taking the blame.


"Crossbones' Extreme Task Team, issuing a request for support!"

Communication came in quickly.


Support, now all SHIELD agents are too busy, where can we find support people?!

"Leave matters on the top of the ice to Rumlow."

"There are other tasks going on here. There is no way to give him any help. I believe him!"

At this moment, Alexander Pierce has no choice but to believe it or not.

As a legendary agent and one of the top mercenaries, Crossbones' reputation is equally resounding.

"Find out what's going on with this kind of communication that directly affects psychic perception?!"

"We heard them howling using satellite surveillance."

"These monsters!"

What came out of the water this time was really a monster.

Those "fish monsters" with twisted looks made up of various seafood are truly alien.

"Report, we can't contact Chief Rumlow, he is still underwater..."

He seemed a little anxious during the communication.

"If you can't get in touch, keep in touch. Instead of counting on foreign help now, you might as well hope that Old Antique will wake up now!"

"that's all!"

Crossbones skull logo!

Rumlow was in the middle of an underwater battle. As soon as he and his team rushed into the bottom of the ice lake, they were surrounded.

"Damn fish monster."

"What's going on in this world..."

A completely silent world.

In addition, being under the ice lake is like stepping into a completely empty world.

This is a battle that Rumlow has never experienced in his legendary life.


Only layers of foam could be seen splashing, and the headset communication had completely failed at this moment.

He gathered together with only a few team members, and faced an army of seafood beyond imagination.

Huge crab.

Writhing octopus.

as well as……

The unique technology of Ice Peak echoes in the soul, representing the angry declaration of the "fish monsters"!

The appearance of humans disturbed them.

The great King of Ice, Al-Eha, originally wanted to have a face-to-face conversation with the spokesperson of mankind.

However, a sudden visit from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rumlow's violent temper and subconscious offensive reaction to the abnormal species in the water.

Let everything lead to chaos.


An extremely accurate shot.

S.H.I.E.L.D. specially developed firearms for underwater combat, combined with Crossbones’ absolute shooting skills!

The seafood couldn't even get close to Rumlow and his team members, so they all died while wandering.

The brains of octopuses, the eyes of greenheaded fishes, and the terrible conditions happening underwater are unbearable to look at.

Thick blood contaminates water sources.

And under the unique mind control device on the top of the ice, a steady stream of ugly fish monsters emerge from the sarcoma in the ice crystal lair.

The situation became increasingly unfavorable for Rumlow.

"The ammunition and firearms I carry with me are not enough to eliminate all these disgusting things."

"And now we're stuck."

"Underwater is definitely not a favorable terrain for us. If we want to eliminate these monsters, we must return to land."

Rumlow's thoughts were clear.

These firearms can kill large seafood if faced with suppressed firepower from Quinjet fighters.

Even support from S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

"Don't say it's just some small fish and shrimp, it's the whole city of ice that is clamoring in front of you."

"I can blow it up for you."

"In the name of Crossbones, I send you to heaven, dead fish!"

Throne of Ice.

Al Erha is furious!

As the regent among the three races, I can definitely speak on behalf of Ice Top at this time.

Thinking himself to be the king of the sea and the true controller of Atlantis, Al-Ah feels that he has been deceived.

"I originally wanted to communicate normally with humans."

"We didn't want a direct war, but they came in and slaughtered our people."

The regent was extremely angry.

In the underwater world where sound has been lost at this time, they use a device for spiritual communication.

On the throne, the three kings communicated with each other.


They have accepted Nagato Yuki and given him pearls and gold, as well as the title of human ambassador.

But everything became a mess because of the intrusion of these humans wearing strange uniforms.

"They're S.H.I.E.L.D."

"This information was also given to us by that girl."

Nagato Yuki and Xiaodama did reveal part of the information to Ice Summit, but it was no longer important to them.

The invasion alarm has been sounded.

The murloc warriors who serve as guardians have been activated from their lairs, and Al-Eha believes that he should protect the dignity of the underwater race.

These invaders must be eliminated to show their majesty as kings of the sea and the strength of their three races.

And he is definitely not a coward who is afraid of humans.


In the main hall where the throne is located, the wooden door wall collapsed directly, and the person who broke in was the current Son of Revenge!

The King of the Sea who was seized from his homeland, the real Lord of Atlantis, Namor the Sea King!

His sister, Ikelia, followed closely behind.


Namor was soaked in water and had already gone to retrieve Neptune's Trident. The sacred trident radiated a light that could not be ignored.

The same is true for the beauty of the deep sea.

The brother and sister, with royal blood flowing through their veins, came directly to the throne to force the throne.

They have found their target.

Neptune Namor has determined where his flagship is, the moment he breaks through the frozen soil and emerges from the ice-top kingdom.

He knew it.

"Bad imitator."

"The country that belongs to me was stolen, and now everything should be returned."

Neptune Namor has been confirmed.

No matter what the top of the ice has, it has a unique thermal energy exchange system with the top and bottom of the ice layer.

Or those mutated fish monsters that serve as guards.

Even the psychic alarm as a warning device, the psychic voice used for communication, and even the psychic control system that controls the fish monsters.


They are all part of the supreme flagship owned by Atlantis's Neptune!

No wonder.

After living here for so long, Neptune Namor and Eklia could not find any information about the legendary flagship.

It turned out that there was no need to look for it at all, the revenge ship they needed was right at their feet.

And these damn bullheads and stinky crabs.

He is just a thief who stole the name of the great Atlantis under this frozen lake isolated from the world long ago!

All three races are.

And these sinners should pay the price now, because the real Neptune Namor is here.

Come and take over all of this.

"Take the sacred Neptune Trident as proof!"

"Whether it is SHIELD or the war of human invasion, everything in the deep sea is decided by me, the King of the Sea!"

"The false king who deceived the sea!"

"You are sentenced to death and will be executed immediately."

call out!

Neptune's Trident came out.


No resistance!

Facing the assassin of Neptune Namor, El Ha's chest was quickly pierced by a trident!

The king who had just declared to SHIELD and the entire world that he belonged on top of ice was directly nailed to his throne.

The gold shells on the cloak and the gold ornaments on the head were stained with blood, floating helplessly in the water.


The kings of the other two races just screamed.

Eklia has already taken action. She is also one of the strongest warriors in the deep sea, even because of the process of escaping from Atlantis.

Her legs were injured and she had difficulty moving in the sea water.


Facing the big crab and eel sitting on the throne, eating seafood is a unique skill for Atlanteans.


The death of the Ice Top Regent suddenly made all the Ice Top people excited.


It is a world that humans have never experienced before, and their king has made a spiritual declaration to the whole world.

And in the water.

Facing the man who killed their regent, what should the people of Ice Top do?!




The Neptune Trident flew back into Namor's hands.

And an unprecedented bright light burst out, and the aura of the King of the Sea returned under the entire ice lake.

Neptune Namor's words echoed in the hearts of all the people of Ice Top.

"The chief culprit has been eliminated!"

"I grant the people of Ice Top the honor of being exempted from sin, in the name of my son of vengeance, in the name of my king of the sea, in the name of Namor!"

"I will control the top of the ice and take you back to the country of Atlantis, but before that..."

"To the human world, send out the voice of our underwater people!"

The key is activated!

Neptune's Namor has brought the key that can truly activate the flagship, and Neptune's Trident is the proof!


Unprecedented unrest, as Neptune Namor takes control of the top of the ice.

This is the thermal energy that has been converted and accumulated under this glacial lake during the long years of thousands of years.

The spiritual power brewed in ice crystals!

The power of water and the energy of ice belonging to Atlantis.

You can say these are magic, you can say these are lost technologies. In short, these are ancient technologies that originally belonged to Atlantis!

And all of this.

All converge towards the top of the one throne, the king who truly controls everything in the water.

Neptune Namor!

"Ah, this power has never been more abundant. I feel like I am in control of everything now."

"The sea is meant to be mine."

Just by raising your hand, the sea water turned into steps.

Namor took Eklia up in the water, all the way from the throne to the top of the crystal!

That's the top level of the Ice Peak.

Now that the blockade of the extreme permafrost has been broken through, above the ice lies a sky that underwater people have never seen before.

And the Quinjet belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"bring it on."

"O land people, I am the controller of Atlantis, I am Neptune Namor!"

"Do you still remember the name of this nightmare?"

As the sound resounded.

A huge ice wave rolls in, and the top of the ice floats in the center of the wave, with Namor, the King of the Sea, holding the sacred Neptune Trident.

On his flagship, on his throne, the Ice Tide City appeared, sweeping the entire world!


The three kings of the races on the top of the ice were quickly killed by Namor and Eklia who broke into the chaos!

This time no one came to disturb me.

Xiaodama and Nagato Yuki are not here, they are busy with other things now.


"Xiaoyu, you really don't want to let dad worry."

The world is spinning.

The whole room was shaking, and the little girl, who was also voiceless, looked at the old man in front of her in confusion.


"Why are you here?!"

Xiaoyu waved her hands repeatedly.

While opening his mouth, he expressed that he could not speak now.

The agent from above broke in, made a large instrument and threw it into the water, disrupting everything under the ice lake.

But it was a good thing that there was no sound. At least she didn't have to listen to her father's nagging.


The voice that blurted out was still so crisp, and Xiaoyu looked at Nagato Yuki next to her with a sad look on her face.

"Well, I can talk again, Yuki... I wish I could be quiet a little now."

All right.

Such a small thing can't trouble Nagato Yuki, it's just a small-scale information modification.

Noise is easy to fix.


"It's a long story. After you lost it..."


Before Xiaoyu could finish speaking, her father slapped her on the forehead.

"Dad didn't lose it."

"Dad is here to find you. He was attacked on the way. He also owes a favor to a Taoist priest. Dad..."

I haven't seen Xiaoyu for a long time, and I can feel that the scene where the little girl is is unusual.


In ice.

There were even a lot of big seafood around that Dad didn’t recognize.

Everything around is shaking.

Dad felt the killing, and some kind of king of the sea that kept roaring in his heart!


"Dad can't understand, what is all this?!"


"Now is not the time to be in a daze. Tell daddy your address quickly. Dad will leave his body and find a way to pick you up immediately."

Facing a series of questions from her father, Xiaoyu's little head had already gone wrong.


"Out-of-body experience!"

"It feels completely different from the Sheep Spell, which is so cool!"

Um...sheep charm.

When I mention the talisman, I think of the Holy Lord, and when I mention the fire demon, I naturally think of the eight demons.

Xiaoyu's face fell.

"Dad, I think we are in trouble."

"This is a story about the King of the Sea and Water Bazaar of Atlantis, as well as the poor demon Ximu."

"Um...Dad, do you understand what I'm saying?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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