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Chapter 653 The imprisoned Purple Man and Doctor Doom rush to the battlefield!

Chapter 653 The imprisoned Purple Man and Doctor Doom rush to the battlefield!



In this dim room, the two colors constantly intertwined and changed, making Zola feel...

No, her heart was pounding, and she couldn't describe this feeling at all.

"Zola, my loyal servant!"

"I found a good thing just before, called the Four Souls Jade, a demonic jade that can confuse people's hearts. It's interesting, isn't it?!"

Sitting in the shadows, Lord Doom spoke in a low tone.

The magic experimental bench in front of him was scattered with his hand-drawn blueprints, a magical instrument.

An evil plan capable of controlling people's hearts was devised by Doctor Doom in a very short period of time.

It's simply perfect.

"And in order to maximize the effectiveness of gems, I suddenly thought of him."

"A bastard who can also deceive people, Purple Man!"

Purple man!

A true bastard, a disgusting guy who can control people.


"Has magical powers, but he uses them to do some disgusting things. My destruction robot caught him in a manor in Italy."

"It can be seen that because of my arrival, that poor family was saved."

Lord Doom spoke slowly.

Although he did not explain the detailed process in detail, Zola had already made up everything in his mind.

The divine king of Latvinia came, and after solving one villain, he benefited more people.

"Your great majesty."

"This is all because of your grace and kindness. This imprisoned man has only brought it upon himself."

Zola said seriously.

As the Valkyrie of Latvinia, she is definitely not one of those flatterers, and what she says comes from the bottom of her heart.

Zola's loyalty is beyond words. This woman can be said to be the most fanatical follower of Lord Doom.

"Zebdiah Kilgrave!"

"I have heard of his name before, not because of his past identity as a humble spy."

"It's the ability he gained in an accident."

Lord Doom stood up.

The green cloak slid and he walked to the instrument.

"Ability what ability?!"

"Do you mean these purple lights?!"

Zola was a little confused.

"That's a bit correct."

"This purple man's body can emit pheromones, a type of volatile chemical hormone."

"And as long as you inhale this hormone, you will be controlled by Zebdia Kilgrave!"

"Hypnosis, fantasy, even psychological transformation, etc."

Lord Doom touched the base of the huge instrument. The magic engravings on it were all drawn by him himself.

It is used to amplify the purple man's ability and at the same time restrain this restless guy.

"This psychic device embodies his abilities!"

"You know, after my experiment, from a little bit of skin flakes to even a hair on the purple man's body, he can radiate his ability to seduce people's hearts."

"But don't worry."

"In this special glass ball, he, like these purple lights, cannot escape."

Lord Doom explained.

The purpose of this instrument is to extract as much of Purple Man's abilities as possible, and then pour them into the fragments of the Four Souls Jade together with the magical energy he provides.

The pink light of the Demonic Jewel is also getting stronger and stronger. Lord Doom wants to know what the limit of this gem is?!

"Damn it, let me out!"

Zebdia Kilgrave is feeling really bad right now.

He felt like he was being placed in a noodle machine, and the constant squeezing around him made his chest almost explode.

Difficulty breathing.

Head is dizzy.

And Zebdia Kilgrave didn't even know why the bastard in front of him was doing what he was doing, but he had never offended him.

Lord Doom did not conceal any identity.

The monarch of Latvinia captured Dr. Doom because of an interesting experiment.


What does this have to do with Zebdia Kilgrave? He believed that he had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Originally, he was in the manor, drinking red wine and being served by servants. It was a perfect pastoral daily life.


The destruction robot fell from the sky, knocked him down in one fell swoop, and then captured him.


"He sent a robot to catch me, but my abilities were never really released at all!"


Zebdia Kilgrave thought about struggling.

However, the purple magic power bound throughout his body turned into lightning, and every struggle caused him great pain.

And he wanted to roar.

The special glass cover firmly blocked his voice.

Zebuldia Kilgrave seemed to be locked in a death coffin, unable to make a sound or move.

At the same time, his abilities were forcibly extracted, and every inch of his body was being squeezed. It was simply too uncomfortable.

It was simply extremely frustrating.

"His Majesty."

"This bastard is not honest at all, why not let him faint, otherwise it will be an eyesore."

Zola didn't think it was a mistake to imprison the other party.


According to His Majesty, this guy was originally a villain, and now this is his punishment.

And looking at Zebdia Kilgrave, who was twisting in the instrument, with a ferocious expression, and even roaring silently.

This guy is simply extremely ugly and an eyesore.


"I don't mind his resistance. If he can fully cooperate, then this psychic device will be able to perform better."

"But it seems that he is not convinced."

Lord Doom laughed.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Zora, and a magical shield appeared on the Valkyrie's body.

Doom's magic protected her.

at the same time.

The will of Lord Doom penetrated the glass cover and asked the Purple Man.

"Zebdia Kilgrave, I can see that you are not convinced by being captured by Doom."


The purple man in the mental device suddenly raised his head.

"Can you hear me?!"

This device should be soundproof and also isolate his ability from venting to the outside world.

This is the result of Zebdia Kilgrave's attempts. Whether he yelled or tried to use his abilities to control the guys outside, they all ended in failure.


"Dum naturally knows about Doom's magic."

"It's just a matter of psychic detection. What you're thinking about Doom is equally clear."

The opportunity has come!

Zebdia Kilgrave knew his chance to make a comeback had arrived.

This arrogant and arrogant guy has no idea how powerful his ability is!

And now you actually dare to ask him if he is convinced?!

"The Monarch of Latvinia."

"God Lord Doom, Doctor Doom, no matter what your title is, if you dare to release me..."


Zebdia Kilgrave hasn't finished speaking yet.

Under the steel mask, with a deep voice, Lord Doom agreed without any hesitation.

"His Majesty……"

Even Zola was stunned.

The man with mind control finally managed to get hold of this instrument, is he about to be released?!

What if something unexpected happens...

"Doom gives you a chance."

"You can open the glass cover that blocks you, but... if you lose."

The momentum of a great dictator.

Lord Doom just raised his hand slightly, and in the corner of the laboratory, a destruction robot had already pulled down the valve.

The master control connected to this psychic device was turned off, and suddenly, a series of magical sparks began to appear.

The circular glass cover that had been sealed throughout the ceremony still cracked a gap in the middle and slowly opened to both sides.


"You have to pay the price for your arrogance and become the garbage at my feet!"

Zebdia Kilgrave felt it. He felt that the blockade that had been squeezing his abilities disappeared.

at the same time.

Within this mental device, he felt that the hormone ability he controlled was unprecedentedly powerful.

And right above his head.

I have always noticed the pink light before, but could not see its true appearance at all, but now I finally understand it.

It is an exceptionally beautiful pink fragment.

But the spiritual temptation caused by it made Ziren have the illusion that this thing should be his.


In the microscopic world, the pheromones controlled by the Purple Man ushered in a big explosion.

And like a swarm of bees, they are swarming thinking of the Lord Doom in front of them!

"It's done!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zebdia Kilgrave smiled maniacally.

There is no need to worry anymore, even if the opponent's guy is wearing armor, there is absolutely no way to resist his own hormones.

He can feel it.

All the abilities he had unleashed with all his strength had invaded the body of Lord Doom.

The dictator of Latvinia is simply vulnerable.

Next up!

Just turn him into your own puppet. This time, it's not just as simple as controlling a manor.

It's not as easy as just one or two servants.

This whole country, this whole Latvinia, will become his paradise, Zebdia Kilgrave!

"Ha ha ha ha."

Endless joy filled Ziren's heart, and he issued an order to Lord Doom.

"Now remove your spell and put your master down!"

"I am your ruler, I..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.


This nightmare-like sound was the sound of the master control of this psychic device being turned on again.

The magic inscriptions on the base of the instrument began to glow, and the huge glass circular device began to close.

The purple man will be imprisoned again.

"The joke ends here."

"Doom is your master now. If you cooperate well with the experiment, you may be freed."

From beginning to end.

From the time when Purple Man's power exploded, to when he was locked back into his mental device, Lord Doom remained motionless.

The eyes behind the mask just stared at Zebdia Kilgrave coldly.


"This is absolutely impossible. You have obviously been affected by my ability. I..."

The purple man roared crazily.

He couldn't accept this result. It was clear that Doom had nothing, and he had completely inhaled all the hormones!

But how could he not be controlled by himself, how could he not become his own puppet?!


Exhaling gently, magic dust flew out of Doom's mouth.

And what is wrapped in these magic powers are the abnormal hormones that just invaded the body.

"No magic required at all."

"Your little ability is nothing compared to a truly powerful will."

"The so-called hypnosis is even more ridiculous."

Doom laughed.

He completely understood the purple man's ability, and he didn't even need to use magic power to truly resist.

Those so-called hypnosis, so-called mind transformation.

In front of the great soul that can control magic, and in front of the true will of Lord Doom, it has no effect at all.

"Be obedient."

"This psychic device will integrate your amplified ability into this demon gem!"

"Then by playing specific frequencies, more people can feel this spiritual power."

Lord Doom seems to have thought of an interesting scenario.

Through the information that can be obtained through his magic at this time, this little fragment can realize people's wishes.

And the price is to become a monster.


If people all over the world can have a chance to realize their wishes through this specific frequency.

So what happens on a world scale?!

at the same time.

With the ability of the purple man.

These new monsters will be controlled by this spiritual instrument again. When the time comes...


"That must be the scene of destruction that Doctor Doom likes."

"But the most important thing is that it's fun, and it can also cause some trouble for my old friends!"

"Maybe we can also meet some new friends."


Lord Doom is thinking about the future of demons that he is about to trigger.


An inexplicable feeling appeared.

The power of magic appears in front of the Lord Doom, and the scene is reflected through the purple light.

Big news in the world, the Fantastic Four are back.

The flame logo appeared in the sky, the cursor mark was left in the space, and the old friend whom Lord Doom liked was back.

"Human Torch!"

"Haha, your appearance must prove that Reed Richards is behind you. What is he planning?!"


Doom overturned the entire experimental platform in one fell swoop, and all the experimental blueprints drawn on it were scattered.

I no longer have any use for these things, and my previous desire to play house is now gone.


"I will leave this instrument under your care, and I will perfect it when I come back."

Doom was talking about psychic devices.

But in fact, he was completely fascinated by the appearance of the Fantastic Four, poor Zebdia Kilgrave.

It has been imprisoned and humiliated repeatedly, but whether it can really be put to use now depends on the mood of Lord Doom in the future.

"As you command, my lord!"

"Zola will definitely do everything for you."

The Valkyrie knelt on one knee, holding her golden spear in her hand, and swore an oath with a very serious expression.

She knew that His Majesty was leaving.

But no matter how long we wait, Zora will definitely help Lord Doom protect everything in Latovinia.


Lord Doom nodded.

The skylight at the highest point of the Castle of Destruction suddenly opened, and Doom was enveloped in the light of magic.

Soaring into the sky, he shuttled into the dark clouds covering Latvinia.

This time it's not a destroyer robot.

But the real Lord Doom, the real Doctor Doom, the real God Doom takes action!

"Human Torch."

"Arrogant boy, Lemuria, right? Doom is here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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