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Chapter 799 Reimu: Yes, who is the god of Hakurei Shrine?


This place is filled with every kind of violence imaginable.

Who has the bigger fist, who has the greater power, who has more territory, and who has the stronger control!

The person the demons are most familiar with is the King of Hell and the Lord of the demons!

And now!

The King of Demons, the Scarlet Devil, Mephisto is undoubtedly the most popular among all the Lords of Hell.


The existences qualified to talk to Mephisto are other demons who are also the lords of hell!

Most people are dissatisfied with Mephisto!

Among them, Satanish is one.

He never maintains a "human" form and pretends to be a cowardly existence in other dimensions?!

Satanish never does this kind of thing.

Be free to be a monster, a hell lord who loves to devour souls as food.

His hungry appetite shrouded hell.

"Mephisto...he didn't come to my territory. I didn't smell him."

With a bubbling sound, Satanish took a deep breath!


The breath that rolled back in the valley made those who were unconscious realize what was happening.

The evil beasts of hell wandering around suddenly lost their souls.

Became an aimless puppet.

Satanish devoured their "spirits" and allowed their bodies to walk on the hellish soil.

Existence like this.

There are so many in this hell territory that it is simply unimaginable.

And more.

They are the lower-level demons kept in captivity.


The word captive is absolutely correct, because the only value of their existence is their existence.

It is Satanish who enjoys them when he is hungry.

"Mephisto is not here!"

"But here comes his new trouble, a witch... maybe a little thing from some poor planet."

"She cost us a ton of desserts on the table!"

Abdominal skull.

The disgusting tongue curled up like a toad, emitting a green magical light.

And in front of you.

What appeared before the gluttonous Hell Lord was Reimu's magical image!

By the way.

There are also two sweets protected by Reimu, Yukine and Iki Hiyori, whose soul has left the body!

"Interesting gadgets on his body..."

The greedy mouth in the belly and a certain hunger burst out from the slender green eyes.

Snow sound.

This is an artifact blessed by the power of the gods.

Unlike the existence of hell, he has the smell of Yadou.


From the power of the nameless God of War among 8 million gods!

"You heard it."

"It's a god, Yato God. He told that miko, I really want to have a taste!"

If Satanish tastes it, he will not be satisfied with the sound of snow, and he will also have a rare chance of falling into hell.

The living Iki Hiyori!

What he wanted to eat was a god, the God of War that Yukine told Reimu.

at this time.

In front of Satanish, a seemingly savage two-headed monster was salivating uncontrollably and stretched out its strange tongue that sucked away souls.


Under the innate magic, the scene that happened before was actually displayed.

Incomparably real and lifelike.


It was as if Reimu and Yukine were right in front of him.


It's like a video tape, watching this movie in the theater, Lord Satanish!

Just following his will and looking back gently, he saw what happened before.

Being chased from Yukine!

Reimu falls from the sky, and then uses the Yin Yang Jade to destroy the chasing evil beasts!


The appearance of the witch caused a great rampage!

at last!

It's a gorgeous performance, with incredible mikos showing off their formations from all directions!

The sparkling Talisman offensive, followed by the gorgeous barrage rain from the sky!

The demons are gone!

By the way, more demons were attracted to the transformed hell valley.

And this series of things, the detailed dialogue between Yukine and Reimu!

Clearly and flawlessly presented in front of Satanish!


"Stupid food, she is not the one on the wanted list in the capital of hell."

"Miko Kikyo is the other one!"

Shaking his head and curling up his broad horns, Satanish laughed strangely.

The capital of hell.

A message sent from among the demons, a special poster created by the archdemon Asmodeus.

Regarding the wanted order for "One Hundred Million Treasures", this information was also obtained by Satanish.

Despite his rugged appearance, the great Lord of Hell is not stupid at all.

Although she is also a witch.


What Mephisto was looking for was the same one that appeared on his territory.

Completely different.

"Hoo ho ho."

"Asmodeus, I've wanted to eat it since early in the morning, and I feel hungry when I mention it."

The satanish in the abdomen once again expressed his hunger.

Every time I wake up.

Feeling the loss of magic power in the territory, he felt as if he felt it himself.

I can’t stop wanting to eat something!

Asmodeus, the great demon revered by the demons, a big shot in the capital of hell!

For Satanish, it is just a target on the dinner plate.


Everything in hell, even the King of Devils, is a target he wants to eat.


Not just hell, there are other dimensions, wider spaces.

The hungry nation of Satanish, he wants to hunt everything and devour everything.

He is truly a gourmet foodie.

"Then go find him!"

"By the way, bring our snacks. I'm very interested in 100 million souls."

Communicate with yourself.

Satanish never needs other beings to give him any opinions.

Because two heads can always handle any problem well.


"Even though Mephisto is not looking for the witch in front of me, she... has such pure power!"

"I can't wait for dinner!"


Vomiting is a very ugly expression.

On the head of Satanish's abdomen, rows of teeth as numerous and dense as thorns spread out exaggeratedly.


He rolled his tongue like a fat worm and spit out a huge mouthful of thick phlegm.

Dark green and sticky!

However, the power of Satanish and the magic power of the Hell Lord contained in it are not at all lacking.


Like a meteor, it shoots straight into the sky from the underground valley, leaping towards the distance.

"The predation has begun."

"Let's join this party, Satanish, do you see it?!"

“We have our share at the table!”

The devil always likes pure existence.

Mephisto is like this, he always wants to make his soul collection more and more.

And the same goes for Satanish.

He always wants to taste "better" food!


Although the miko in front of me is not the one on the wanted poster, she is... delicious enough.


As a person born with the ability to master spiritual power, her purity is as attractive as ever.

It used to attract the attention of some big monsters, but now... a gluttonous hell lord is about to start his meal.

call out!


It is incompatible with the dark red background of hell, and the bright green is particularly eye-catching.


Like a shooting star, it passed by the endless flow of demons and rushed straight towards Reimu and the others.

"What is that..."

Yukine noticed this.

His mentality is now much more relaxed, these low-level demons have proven their worth.

He is absolutely no match for Reimu.

With this miko lady taking action, he and Iki Hiyori are in safe hands.


It's just that Yato will have to face more bills after that.

"have no idea!"

"But my intuition tells me that these demons must be causing big trouble!"

Reimu felt a familiar smell, it was trouble, and it was super big trouble.


The big green dumplings falling from the sky did not come from a certain place at high speed.

Generally speaking, it is a normal attack that moves very fast and slides across a straight distance!

In Reimu's mind, it didn't feel like this now.


Some kind of more special "zero time movement".

"Appear in an instant!"

"At a certain location I don't know, the moment after activating the ability!"

"It's already over our heads!"

Having come into contact with all kinds of weird guys, the miko of Gensokyo came to an incredible conclusion.

"The guy we're going to face this time has abilities that transcend time!"

Reimu looks up!

There was a look of thinking in his eyes.

"And... it fell at me?!"

This thought suddenly appeared in Reimu's mind.

Well, sure.

In this chaotic hell, the witch seems to be the target of being hunted.


Greater troubles and greater changes followed one after another.

at the same time.

Good news, the system prompt rang.

[From the hunger of Satanish, obtain a large amount of [White Jade]]

[From the hunt of Satanish, I got a lot of...]

[From Satanish...]

A lot of prompts started to appear.

The gluttonous Hell Lord showed extreme emotions and wanted to eat Reimu.

"Oh, this is really good news...at least I know whose trouble it is!"

Reimu suddenly realized.


I know the other person's name, but I don't know it completely.

"Satanish, who is this?!"

"Did you know?!"

Reimu asked Yukine.

Xueyin looked at the system panel at this time, looking equally confused.

"The devil knows!"

"Eat, eat, such a straightforward idea, how could such a monster exist?!"

This is much more exciting than the previous evil beast chase.

The opponent didn't even really appear, it was just an attack falling from the sky.

as well as……

Expressing thoughts about hunger brings a lot of [Jade].

Unlike these low-level demons, this is an absolutely powerful figure in hell.


"Aren't you just that, a weak and cowardly little devil?"

Reimu showed a strange expression.


As always, he showed no sense of nervousness.


"I've said it several times, I'm a divine weapon, not a brat!"

Xueyin blushed, the boy was always eager to prove his abilities in some aspects.


Yadou is not here, what can he do?!

Go up and deliver it?!


"You just said...the other party's ability transcends time. What does this mean?!"

Very bad.

Being able to say such words from the mouth of a witch proves Satanish's ability!

It’s super awesome!

Coupled with the constant acquisition of [Jade], with these gains, will you die soon?!


Reimu didn't bother to explain it, and isn't it difficult to understand?!

Maybe time stops, maybe time goes backwards, maybe time speeds up.

Anyway, the guy who caused the trouble must have control over a certain range of time just like the maid in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

He's a troublesome guy.


Reimu didn't panic at all.

"So you're already scared?!"

Reimu said calmly: "What kind of divine weapon is it? It's really embarrassing?!"

"I'm not afraid of death!"

Xue Yin expressed loudly.

It was obvious that he was anxious. An anxious young man tried his best to prove himself.

"Hiyori is innocent, she is with other gods, she is safe!"

Xueyin clenched her fists.

"Before we meet up, I can't let anything happen to her body!"


Xueyin's expression suddenly became serious.

He addressed Lingmeng solemnly and walked up to Lingmeng's side.


"What's wrong? Didn't you see that I was studying?!"

Reimu stood on tiptoe and looked down at the huge hole she had made with her previous hand.

at this time.

Because the power of Satanish appears.

A strange magic has begun to appear, and the demons that were surging around seemed to be trapped in amber.


The adjective is like a small insect caught in the belly of a cordyceps.

The green light reflected from the sky shrouded this ominous demonic land.

Reimu, Yukine, and Hiyori didn't seem to be affected.

And the demons!

But suddenly I started to feel like I was being digested, like I was wrapped in some kind of mucus.

Then melt.

And... they mixed together and began to gather towards the green dumplings falling downwards in the sky.

It's obvious!

Something larger, more evil, more twisted and ugly will be born from this green.

"Playing house with the little miscellaneous fish is not a good way to solve the mutation."


"That's a more direct way to get to the point."

Reimu held the imperial coin, looked at the green light falling from the sky, and thought about it before putting the imperial coin away.

She didn't want to dirty her royal coins.

Getting closer.

That huge green substance that can be seen with the naked eye, if Yu Coin gets on it!


I'm afraid it's no longer possible to have it.


Looking at Reimu's nonchalant expression.

Xueyin thought, is this because she has absolute confidence in her own strength, and thus believes that she is invincible?!


Just like the willful Yato, sometimes he is just really heartless.


No matter what, Xueyin has her own decision!

"I am not a useless person, nor am I a little kid who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I am an artifact that serves the gods!"

"I will protect Iki Hiyori, this is what I promised Yadou!"


Yukine took a deep breath and said to Reimu.

"As a witch serving the gods, facing a powerful enemy, please let me witness the arrival of the god you serve!"

"As a price..."

"I am willing to become an artifact of the god you worship, so that I can exert my power and fight alongside you."

Xueyin made an extremely heavy determination.

He is an artifact!

He is the "snow weapon" given the name by Yato, and he should serve his god wholeheartedly.

And once contracts are made with other gods again.

If you have another "name", then... you will become a wild beast, a monster, and you will most likely end up being expelled.


If it's for the promise of protection, it's for Iki Hiyori's safety!

In order to meet Yadou again in this damn hell.


Not just watching the miko in front of me go up to fight!

"I know this request is very unreasonable, but... Reimu!"

"Please let me fight side by side with you and become colleagues who serve the same god as you!"

Xueyin lowered his head and expressed his wish at this time in the most sincere way.


Reimu was silent.

It was not because of the determined attitude of the young man in front of me that I was moved.



The spokesperson of the 8 million gods, Miss Lingmeng, took a breath of air.


He was deep in thought with a serious and solemn face.

"Who is the god that Hakurei Shrine serves?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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