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Chapter 888 Information about the Hell Lord, Nagato Yukis gradual recovery

Chapter 888: Information about the Lord of Hell, Nagato Yuki’s gradual recovery, and the universe’s information life form.


The dark demon penetrated the back of the dragon turtle's armor, and King Zhou burst out of it.

The death of the dragon turtle, the flames and thunder mixed with the hot blood, all poured on King Zhou!

The spiritual beings born from heaven and earth represent the national destiny of Dashang and usher in the end of life.

All the essence in it was taken away by the tyrant.


Everything was absorbed by the original demon's armor.


The next target, King Zhou burst out with extremely terrifying blood-black energy, spread his wings and flew into the sky.


What stood between King Zhou and Asmodeus was a twisted green gel.

Super big oval fat double faced hell lord.


"My king's power has never been so abundant."

On King Zhou's chest, a faint mixed light shines from the dark breastplate.

Emperor's heart!

The soul of the emperor gathered together, and all the power gathered and merged into the limbs and bones of King Zhou.

"With Emperor Ziwei's heart, heaven and earth are unified!"

King Zhou activated the ultimate state.

This is the unique skill that the tyrant cultivated with the help of the Emperor's Soul, the Emperor's Dragon Qi, and the Ziwei True Essence.

King Zhou can sense everything in the world

Forcibly attracting all the energy between heaven and earth to gather in itself and stand between heaven and earth.

He is the only King of Men.


There seems to be something connected in hell, and the absolutely crazy aura of depravity pounces on King Zhou!

In unprecedented good condition, the upper limit of terror in this new world continues to rise!

"Golden Body of the Demon!"

The spiritual image of the original demon is integrated with the physical artifact of the goddess, the armor of the demon.

King Zhou blossomed into an unbeatable golden body with unprecedented power.

Just like!

The real incarnation of the Great Demon!

at this time.

Whether it's Asmodeus or Satanish, as long as it's anything in front of you!

If you dare to block the destiny of the emperor, then...

"They are just destroying themselves in front of this king."

"Four eclipses of the devil!"

Flesh, scriptures, bones, soul!

Everything from the spirit to the body can be turned into the power of the Great Demon.

A terrifying attraction that devours everything.

King Zhou, who was originally a human, now possessed the divinity to fight against gods.

With the blessing of the divine weapon, and the miracle of a lotus being born.

Take Piaomiao City as the base.

With the Dragon Turtle's national destiny forcibly taken from the Heaven-Calling Dharma, King Zhou suppressed the great merchants in hell!


Terrifying thunder and flames, the aftermath of Dragon Turtle's death haunted King Zhou.

The energy of the great demon is like the tide of a whirlpool.

"Come here to me!"


King Zhou's armor became like a monster, and he fiercely grabbed a piece of green gel.

Then he violently pulled it away from his body!

The magic power of the Great Demon turns the vitality contained in it, the magic power of Satanish into black smoke!

Different from Yato holding the artifact with the accompanying sound, he wants to try to see if he can kill Satanish with his ability to cut through everything!


The ambitious King Zhou, with the help of Sakyamuni and the little Valkyrie!

The tyrant is serious about devouring the hell lord!

and replace it.

"My king's great businessman, my king's empire, my king's court song!"

"Right here!"

"On the scorched earth of hell, I will once again enjoy the endless destiny, so...become the nourishment of this king!"

The life force usurped by King Zhou, Satanish's power is like a terrifying torrent.

It was continuously instilled into King Zhou's body.


In the maelstrom of magic that enveloped the capital of hell, Satanish gradually manifested his body.

The huge head bowed slightly.


In other words, the vicious teeth have appeared in the abdomen, splitting into a mocking smile.

Satanish is a mysterious green shadow that appears in history!

More than once!

The gluttonous demon loves nothing more than lending his power to ignorant mortals.


Lead them to hell and become the green fat man's snacks on the dining table in the deep valley of hell!

And now...

Accepting the power of the Hell Lord so actively.

The soul is full of violence, full of ambition, and full of desire to devour everything.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The hollow sound echoed in the capital of hell.


Facing the nameless Martial God who pulled out a silver thread and scratched his body fiercely.

Satanish actually didn't care anymore.

He cares more about King Zhou and Piaomiao City.

Such a greedy little mortal, and a floating city with such a strong aura of space.

after all.

Satanish has the ability to be a silhouette of time and space, and he can draw frames in time.

Yato and Reimu had already seen this in the Satanish clone before.

King Zhou!

This is a name that circulates in the real dimension and also belongs to the corner of historical fragments.

Everything about King Zhou was in line with Satanish's liking!


Lightning energy containing mysterious abilities swept across, wrapping Satanish's terrifying body!

at the same time.

It also wrapped around King Zhou who flew towards Satanish!

Satanish wanted to make his most special dish, and he followed the attraction of the Great Demon's power.

The Lord of Hell can be said to have immortal vitality and a steady stream of magic power from the hell dimension.

It rushed into King Zhou's body like a surging wind.

"Eat, eat!"

Whispers of Satanish.

Such a terrifying evil beast has noticed the power of the artifact from the little Valkyrie.

The king of humans with extraordinary courage, and the divine life that is integrated with humans.

Such a combination.

How much of the eternal physical energy of the Hell Lord can be accommodated?!

Satanish will wait and see!

He has an impatient temper, especially when it comes to food, but if it is for cooking rare delicacies.

After being nourished by the ultimate power, the super popcorn finally bloomed!

"Asmodeus, I have to cook all this myself in the end!"

"But it doesn't matter!"

"It's worth the wait, come on, celebrate our gluttony!"

"Lord Yato!"

"I feel like my whole body is sticky, so uncomfortable!"

Yadou received the call of Zhenyu.

To be used as a weapon by a god with sweaty hands is already a very difficult thing to do.


Yadou fell from the sky and slashed into Satanish's body with a knife!


It was as if the super-large slime had cracked open, and then slowly squirmed again.

Zhenyu felt like he was going to die.

What's even more outrageous is that Yato's knife didn't even attract Satanish's attention.

The demon of gluttony is feeding each other with King Zhou.

The rugged and primitive two-faced Green Goblin and the violent and dark bearded tyrant!

This is really a strange combination.

"Good news."

"He doesn't want to fight me at all!"

"Bad news!"

"Satanish is too big, the demon's body expands infinitely, and it is too difficult to split him!"

Yato has really come into contact with Satanish.

And felt the terrifying connection between the Hell Lord and the Hell Dimension.

He shaved off a piece of Satanish's flesh?!

From a visual sense, this is indeed the case.


Faced with a sponge as huge as the ocean, after tearing off a piece, there will still be more life volume than ninety-nine points and infinite ninety-nine points.

And the bit that was torn off is still recovering super quickly.



"It's also possible that he was eaten by King Zhou!"

No chance of winning!

Both Asmodeus and Satanish showed energy beyond specifications!

Yato's fighting wisdom told himself.

Without the restriction of energy of the same level, the connection between the Hell Lord and the Hell dimension cannot be severed.


With unlimited rebirth and unlimited energy, it is impossible to kill this guy!

"Supernova explosion!"

Boom, boom, boom!

While Yadou was thinking, new reinforcements were added to face Satanish.

Yato saw the blue tights and the logo with 4 painted on the chest!

"No, why would someone dress like this to fight?!"

Yadou fell down with a knife.

He looked up at the extremely huge Satanish and the flaming figure that appeared in front of him.

"Lord Yato, this is a rare thing for me to agree with you!"

"From now on, you are no longer a good-for-nothing god with the lowest aesthetics. The new guy is terrible!"

The true metaphor is to utter something while busy.


"Yadou God has never heard of this guy's name, but there is no need to worry."

"The famous superhero, the Human Torch is here to help you!"

The burning plasma flame caused a huge explosion of violent energy.

The Human Torch has also experienced interstellar travel.

He didn't attack Asmodeus. Why, it wasn't because the monkey was there.

Monkey is responsible for one, and Thunderbolt is also responsible for one.

"Wait until I take care of Satanish first, damn monkey, let's see how you still fight with me!"

You know.

The Human Torch dared to come to the hell dimension and was ready to face Mephisto.

at this time.

When it comes to actually facing Satanish, the Human Torch will never give in.

"I am different from a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."


"Your information is also recorded in the Fantastic Four's database, but we have never met!"

The Human Torch was completely free.

Here he doesn't have to worry about the beyond-the-limit disasters caused on the earth!

He has completely turned into plasma and vaporized all the energy around him.

This was enough for the Human Torch to stand calmly in front of Satanish.


And the next moment the thunderbolt arrived, the little girl appeared in the form of a stream of light.


A series of projectiles formed by photon energy appeared densely.

Then they all disappeared into Satanish's body.

The expected explosion of photon energy did not appear, after the dull flash lit up.

The energy attack thrown by Jade, the excellent little agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

All were eaten by Satanish.

"This is too bad!"

"He ate all my little gifts, which is different from what I thought."

Xiaoyu spread his hands.

This was the first time she met Satanish and the first time she came into contact with the real Lord of Hell.


Satanish looks so familiar, almost too familiar.


"What's your relationship with Yamanoha Tsuyoshi? He's just another big green guy I know."

"Are you related?!"

Xiaoyu's soul asked questions.

He should have followed Brother Monkey and rushed to Asmodeus immediately.


Mr. Butterfly has a big problem.

Last time, it was a small grudge from Mephisto.

Who told Mr. Butterfly to kill a clone of Mephisto, so...when the King of Devils comes, Mr. Butterfly will be the important target to be attacked.

During the Sanzhou battlefield, Mr. Butterfly was already seriously injured.

After forcibly entering the black butterfly state, they started fighting crazily.


It has always been suppressed by Yan Xiaoluo with the help of the spiritual power of the Yama Hall, and at the same time it was slightly nourished!

Most of the energy of the ghost army formation that Minotaur and Horse Face was responsible for was given to Lord Butterfly.


Black Butterfly is originally in a negative and taboo state with murderous intent in her brain.

After going on for such a long time, he was stimulated by the demonic energy of hell, and was hit hard by Asmodeus continuously!

And it penetrates at close range!

No more!

It's not like King Zhou was blessed by the demonic vitality of Piaomiao City and Hell.

There are also demon enchantments, crape myrtle star power, emperor's heart and dragon energy, and a lot of assistance.

Even... Sakyamuni and the little Valkyrie came.

The tyrants in history were in a super-enhanced state and were originally inherited from the original demons.

King Zhou was like a fish in water in the environment of hell.

And Mr. Butterfly is like Escanor, his whole body is about to be hollowed out.

The little king wrapped him in a green aura film.

Lao Hei and Lao Bai were nearby, and Yan Xiaoluo forced himself to extend Mr. Butterfly's life.


"The underworld has not yet been opened. Before Xiaoyue comes back, I will say nothing to cause trouble to Mr. Butterfly!"

It's too difficult.

Asmodeus has begun the war, and the battlefield like exploding stars has begun.

Satanish also gradually arrived.

Yan Xiaoluo wanted to help Mr. Butterfly to die, and it was completely impossible to spare his hands.

no way.

Marvel Girl is going to be there anyway, didn’t you see the Human Torch rushing up?!

Nagato Yuki was left to help.

Although I don’t know how it can help, at least I want to keep Mr. Butterfly alive!

Since entering the hell dimension completely, Nagato Yuki has been in a state of silence.

Enter a brand new world, a dimension full of scorched earth, and a database signed [Hell] has been created!

The Information Integration Thought Body is collecting information on Demonic Land on a large scale.

A chaotic battlefield.

Energy attacks unleashed by different strong men from all sides, launching a variety of absolutely unique skills.

It was so intuitively presented in front of Nagato Yuki.

She is using all her threads to load the calculations and record more data.

Especially Asmodeus and Satanish.

The information volume of the Hell Lord is exploding with information shocks like the destruction of stars all the time.

It's too powerful, too dazzling.

From Nagato Yuki's unique perspective, it's like being in the vast universe.

And two absolutely dazzling stars.

Information pulses are emitted in wave after wave, and these pulses are connected to places.

Hell dimension!

Just like directly observing a universe, the perspective presented by an onlooker is too vast.


For information life.

Huge information represents growth and endless food.

And now.

What was placed in front of Nagato Yuki was presented on this information table.

An unprecedented explosion of information!

The cosmic information life shrouding the galaxy is gradually reviving under Nagato Yuki's observation!

And at the same time.

There is also a certain sky demon who is recovering his strength. The demonic nature of hell is a great tonic!

This place is simply perfect for a demon lord.


Nishiki's human form unfolded the devil's bat wings.

"The uncomfortable parts of my body are gone. I really like it here more and more!"


"The Lord of the Sky, the master you need to serve, is back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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