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Chapter 7 Spell Power (Part 2)

Chapter 7 The power of spells (Part 2)()

"Brother Luo, aren't you going to bring a team here? Why haven't you seen me during this time..."

Luo Luo hesitated and didn't know what to say. He tried to talk to his teammates several times, but couldn't. In addition, Guo Twelve never came out of the underground laboratory, so he was happy and relaxed.

One day counts as one day, and ten days have passed before I know it.

Guo Twelve smiled slightly, huddled into his leather robe to avoid the biting cold wind, and stopped asking any more questions.

The whole journey was silent, and soon we arrived at Luo Jie's manor.

Luo Luo did not dare to go in to see Luo Jie, so he found an excuse to stay outside. Guo Twelve walked in calmly, with a Fu warrior leading the way.

Luo Jie was not in the room. The Fu warrior who was leading the way said: "I can only go here. Twelve Young Masters, please walk there by yourself. Someone will lead the way."

Guo Twelve nodded his thanks and walked forward without hesitation. After turning two corners, a fu martial artist stood there. When he saw Guo Twelve coming, he didn't say anything, but just motioned for him to follow. Soon he

Arriving in front of a stone house, there were two martial arts masters standing at the door. One of them said: "Master has ordered the Twelve Young Masters to go down directly."

Guo Twelve walked into the stone house. There was nothing inside, only a door, which was a downward passage. He knew in his heart that this should be the master's laboratory.

The passage was not long, and there were no protection or traps. Guo Twelve walked in. When he saw Luo Jie clearly, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

An extremely majestic man, naked to the waist, stood on a circular stone platform. Guo Twelve noticed that there were many runes inlaid on the stone platform.

What surprised Guo Twelve was not the majesty of the big man, but Luo Jie not far in front of him.

A silver book floated in front of Luo Jie's chest. It was about the same size as a large magazine, about two inches thick, and emitted a silver halo. Guo Twelve couldn't see the book clearly, as it was vibrating at high speed.

He could only see the size and color of the object, but could not see the specific content. Luo Jie solemnly touched the open page with his finger.

A faint red light flew out and hit the big man. The big man began to tremble all over, the runes on the stone platform under his feet began to rotate, and a faint green light extended upwards along his feet. Soon, the big man

Stop shaking and gradually calm down.

Guo Twelve observed carefully and found that the red light stopped at the collarbone of the big man. The bright red runes first floated on the skin. After more than ten seconds, they gradually imprinted into the skin, forming a small


Luo Jie pointed on the page again, and another red light shot out, hitting the big man. Guo Twelve already understood that this was the body refining talisman, and Luo Jie was refining the big man's body.

Guo Twelve waited for about two hours before Luo Jie ended the training.

The big man saluted Luo Jie respectfully, put on his clothes and left. Luo Jie clicked the silver book again with his hand, and the magical book closed. He opened his mouth and sucked in the book.

It suddenly shrank quickly and turned into a ball of silver mist, falling into his mouth.

Looking at the dumbfounded Guo Twelve, Luo Jie smiled and said: "Don't be surprised, this is the talisman book of the great spell master."

"Bird Talisman Book?"

Guo Twelve only came into contact with the basic information of the Talisman Master and did not know the methods of the Great Talisman Master. He was shocked when he saw the body-refining techniques of the Great Talisman Master for the first time. It was simply amazing.

Luo Jie smiled and said, "Do you know the difference between a spellcaster and a spellcaster?"

Guo Twelve shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Luo Jie said: "The difference between the two is that the talisman master does not have the natal talisman. Only by advancing to the talisman master can he have his own natal talisman, while the great talisman master... has the natal talisman book. Of course, the natal talisman

Books come in various forms, such as natal amulet scrolls, natal amulet books, etc., but they are essentially the same."

Only then did Guo Twelve realize that he was very lucky. There were many talisman masters and even talisman masters who had never seen the natal talisman book. He asked: "Is that uncle just now practicing body training?"

Luo Jie said: "I am helping him mend his talismans. The runes on his body are too messy. I will help him repair them. Well, he is not my follower. He was introduced by an old friend."

Guo Twelve knew that asking a great spell master to take action would cost a lot of money. This was recommended by a friend, otherwise the master might not be willing to take action.

"How have you been practicing these ten days? Hey! Haven't you started yet?"

Luo Jie was a little surprised. Anyone who got the secret method of the power of a spell would be tempted to start practicing immediately. However, this little guy showed no signs of practicing, which made him feel very strange.

"Yes, Master, I haven't started yet."

There is nothing to hide, Guo Twelve said calmly.

Luo Jie sat down cross-legged. He motioned for Guo Twelve to sit down as well, and then said: "Oh, tell me your reasons why you don't rush to start." The old man has a good temper and is very patient. At his age, his personality

He has long since calmed down.

Guo Twelve said: "Master, I think about it this way. No matter how you practice in the future, the first step... you must fully understand the content of the power of the spell. You can't start practicing just because you don't seem to understand it. The second step should be to firmly understand the power of the spell."

Remember and further understand the content, and the third step is to start practicing."

Luo Jie secretly admired that this child is really extraordinary. At such a young age, his thinking is so clear. He asked: "Do you understand everything?"

Guo Twelve said: "I have a lot of doubts and things I don't understand, so I came to the master for advice."

He took out a pen and paper and raised doubts one by one. He asked questions and recorded them. He did not dare to be careless in the slightest. There is no way to be careless in important matters of cultivation. Luo Jie admired his approach very much. This is what a true cultivator should do.

Possess an attitude that is serious and meticulous.

Luo Jie explained in great detail, and from time to time he picked up the paper Guo Twelve recorded to see if he had remembered correctly.

There are many graphics recorded in the book "The Power of Spells", and Luo Jie needs to demonstrate them so that Guo Twelve can have a clear concept. It is difficult to grasp the essentials of the movements just by looking at the graphic records.

Time passed quickly. The master and the disciples were asking and answering questions. One taught seriously and the other learned devoutly. Both of them forgot to eat. It was not until Guo Twelve's stomach made a loud gurgling sound that Luo Jie realized that it was already evening. He

He said: "That's about it. Once you understand it, you can practice."

Guo Twelve rubbed his sore wrist, put away his pen and ink, arranged the paper for recording, and said: "Master, the apprentice is eating here. If you go back and eat... you will starve to death!"

Luo Jie laughed loudly and said, "No problem, no problem, I'll ask people to do more. Let's go and eat." He ordered a Fu warrior to ask people to prepare, and he took Guo Twelve's hand and walked out of the underground


Guo Twelve was very satisfied with today's harvest, and Luo Jie was also very satisfied. This apprentice was not only smart, but also very studious, so Guo Twelve got the talisman food again.

As expected of a great talisman master, the level of making talisman food was even higher than that of the Changye Ren family. Guo Twelve enjoyed the food so much that the taste of the talisman food was even more delicious than the delicacies from the mountains and seas in his previous life.

After eating the talisman food, Guo Twelve said goodbye and went home. Poor Luo Luo had two meals outside in order to avoid Luo Jie, and he did not dare to go back to meet Luo Jie.

Seeing Luo Luo's depressed look, Guo Twelve couldn't help but feel amused. However, he did not provoke this guy. Luo Luo was a powerful talisman martial artist and was not someone who could make jokes casually. He got into the carriage and took care of himself.

Read the text recorded today by yourself, then recall the original text, refer to and compare, and solve problems.

The next day after arriving home, Luo Jie sent someone to deliver four carts of basic materials and tools, saying that he wanted Guo Twelve to try his hand. Guo Twelve had not yet developed the power of spells, but the old man didn't seem worried at all.

Of the items in the four carriages, three were materials and one was special tools for spellcasters. Not to mention the value of the materials, this one cart of special tools alone cost more than 10,000 black talismans.

It's not that Guo Twelve has never met people in the market, but Luo Jie gave him so many things casually, which surprised him. This is the benefit of having a powerful master. In fact, it is also because he strives for his own strength and wins Luo Jie's favor.

Jie's appreciation was why he so generously gave him the materials so that he could concentrate on his cultivation.

These tools and materials can only be used after Guo Twelve has developed the power of the talisman. He put the things in the laboratory, took out the recorded text, and began to make a final summary. He already understood the content of the power of the talisman and how to practice it.

He knew it in his mind. The difficult questions had been perfectly answered after the great spell master's guidance. His current task was to sort it out again to see if there were any missing questions.

After a whole day, Guo Twelve was sure that there was no doubt, and he started practicing for the first time.

When practicing the power of a spell, you do not sit and meditate, but have a set of movements. This is a very weird set of movements. There are very few body movements. You only need to keep walking, and the direction of movement is strictly regulated.

The arms and wrists move the most, and with the movements of the fingers included, it becomes very complicated.

There are nine sets of basic movements in total, and each set has thirty-six postures.

The power of the spell can be generated after the first set of thirty-six poses is successfully completed. However, it is very difficult to complete these thirty-six poses. Because in addition to the thirty-six poses, one must be highly concentrated until

Only by forgetting oneself and reaching a state of no thought and care can one generate a trace of spell power.

Once a trace of talismanic power is generated, as long as you work unremittingly, the talismanic power will gradually become deeper.

The first set of movements can not only cultivate the power of talismans, but these 36 movements are also the most basic talisman control techniques - the 36 movements. The nine sets of movements are the 324 talisman control techniques.

, these are the basic techniques that spellcasters must master proficiently. Only by mastering these techniques can they further learn advanced techniques.

Fortunately, Guo Twelve memorized the contents of the entire book and memorized all the figures in his mind. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to practice according to the figures in the book.

Guo Twelve began to follow the same example. He did not seek to enter the state of selflessness immediately. Instead, he first became familiar with the thirty-six movements and practiced them repeatedly. It took him two days to fully master the entire set of thirty-six movements.


Although the movements were familiar, they were just movements and had not yet produced a trace of talisman power. Guo Twelve knew this very well, so after becoming familiar with the thirty-six postures, he stopped, rested, ate, chanted sutras, and slept until he felt like himself.

After feeling refreshed, I really started to practice the thirty-six postures.

The most basic thirty-six poses are not complicated. The slightly more complicated movements are just the movements of the fingers and wrists. Only after he was confident enough, Guo Twelve focused his attention and performed the movements over and over again.

Trying to achieve a state of selflessness.

Guo Twelve is not a child. He thinks like an adult and has more experience than ordinary adults. He has been a man for three generations, plus he was a lama in his first life. He has his own unique ideas about cultivation, so he quickly

He entered a state of selflessness and subconsciously performed the thirty-six poses.

It was as if he was confused and like feathers floating in the wind. The feeling was very strange. As he repeated the movements over and over again, Guo Twelve was immersed in a state of thoughtlessness. For eight hours, he worked tirelessly

The action can be done once every twenty minutes in the beginning, and only takes a few minutes in the end. As the concentration becomes more and more concentrated, a trace of magic power is produced unconsciously.

Suddenly, Guo Twelve stopped moving and was in a daze for a moment before he completely woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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