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Chapter 81: The Power of Talisman Fire (Part 2)

Chapter 81 The Power of Talisman Fire (Part 2)

Guo Twelve couldn't help but become nervous. He knew very well that without the restraint of the Eagle Demon, he was still no match for that person based on his own strength. However, with his master and his wife guarding him, he was not afraid of failure, even if he failed.

There was no danger to his life, because the master would come to the rescue at any time. He began to let go of his hands and feet to attack.

The strategy he used was very simple, let the Flame Bird be the main attacker and contain the opponent himself. He found that the flames spouted by the Flame Bird could threaten the opponent.

The crazy master calmed down from the panic. He avoided the flames spewed by the flame bird and glanced at Dead Tree and Moniel. His heart felt cold. Five of the seven-person team were killed and one was captured. Only one person was left.

He is alone. This is because the other party intends to keep him and let him accompany the other party's disciples to fight.

Guo Twelve thought carefully in his mind. He suddenly recalled the Flame Bird and sat on the Flame Bird's back. The Flame Bird flew not only fast, but also nimbly. It was also surrounded by a large amount of talisman fire, which could resist the opponent's attacks. Therefore, he

He plans to use the Flame Bird to deal with the opponent.

The crazy master's eyes rolled around. Kumu said coldly: "Fight well with my apprentice! Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

Guo Twelve knew that the talismans he collected could hardly threaten the opponent. Only the Flame Bird and Sword Talismans were useful. Although there was also a Dark Winged Scorpion Talisman, the talisman here was so full of fire that he could not release the Dark Winged Scorpion.

The talisman fire on the ground can destroy the Dark Winged Scorpion, so only two talismans can be used. In addition, there is a teleportation talisman and a golden armor amulet, but against the mad master, these talismans are of little use.

After some calculations, Guo Twelve understood that the only thing he could rely on was the Flame Bird. After raising it in the Fuhuo area for so long, this ancient Flame Bird had become very powerful. As for how powerful it was, Guo Twelve himself didn't know.


The mad master had given up on escaping. He knew in his heart that if he didn't fight well, not only would he lose, but he would also be tortured to death by that cold guy, so he was ready to fight. And he saw that this child was very important.

, if you can kill this child, you can rest in peace even if you die.

Guo Twelve rode a flaming bird and flew around the circle. The flaming bird's tail feathers spread out a band of sparks and drew a beautiful trajectory in the air.

The mad master kept releasing protective runes, forming circles of rune light and shadow, spinning rapidly around him. He also circled in the air. The two looked at each other. The mad master's eyes were filled with despair and

Hatred. Guo Twelve was very calm, with a cautious look on his face. In addition to activating the golden armor amulet, he also had the golden thread of the sword amulet surrounding his body.

He drove the Flame Bird to launch the first wave of attacks. Guo Twelve knew that his strength was relatively poor and he did not dare to let the opponent attack first, so it was better to strike first. After circling twice in the air, he launched the attack first.

The Flame Bird chirped softly, and the flames on the ground seemed to be doused with gasoline. With a roar, the flames soared into the sky, hundreds of meters high in the air, and the billowing heat immediately set off waves of heat. The mad master suddenly found himself in the air.

The air was swaying unsteadily, and violent air currents impacted his flying posture. Surprised, he tried his best to steady his body. At this moment, the Flame Sparrow's attack arrived.

Flames followed one after another, and each flame formed a large-scale floating burning fireball, like a ball of burning clouds, quickly surrounding the Crazy Master. Above, below, left, right, front and back, they were all filled with fiercely burning flames. What was strange was that

, the colors of these flames are different, including purple, orange, blue, etc. The flames are beating like fire elves dancing happily.

Everyone's expressions changed, including Dead Tree, who looked surprised. Monie asked: "What is this?"

The mad master roared, and countless ice edges flew out. The ice edges immediately exploded when they came into contact with the floating flames, making a crackling sound, followed by an explosion. Amidst the roaring and crackling sound, not only did the flames not go out,

, instead, it was like adding fuel to the fire, emitting more intense flames and approaching the mad master.

The flame bird flapped its wings violently, and countless sparks flew out from the fire feathers and penetrated into the flames. When each spark flew out of the flames, it turned into a flaming arrow feather, whistling towards the mad master.

Poor mad master tried his best to resist the rain of arrows. Every time the Flame Bird flapped its wings, a shower of arrows fell on the mad master, like rain hitting banana trees. The crackling sound was horrifying.

After all, that man was a mad master. Although he was far inferior to Dead Tree, he was more powerful than Guo Twelve. Although he was in a very embarrassed state, he was still able to block the attack of the Martian arrows and gradually recovered from the confusion.

Guo Twelve knew that he could not let the opponent free his hands. If he allowed the mad master to free his hands to attack, he would definitely be defeated. So he boldly drove the Flame Bird, took the initiative to press forward, and at the same time issued the sword talisman, and two golden lights followed.

They sneaked over with a hail of sparks and arrows.

This move was very beautiful. The crazy master didn't expect that the arrow rain was also mixed with sword talismans. He suffered a big loss immediately. The golden light transformed by the sword talisman broke through the defense and struck hard on the shoulder. This time he almost almost

When his shoulders and arms were cut off, blood spurted out and turned into ashes in the hot fire.

The mad master couldn't figure out how his defense could be broken. In a panic, he was sent flying by another sword beam.

Several people watched the mad master fall into a cloud of purple fire, and then heard him let out an earth-shattering howl, and the protective runes on his body burned. He was like a headless fly, scurrying around.

You must know that the surroundings are surrounded by fire clouds formed by talisman fire. This is fire refined by the Flame Bird. It is extremely powerful and extraordinary.

The flame bird chirped proudly, and it also plunged into the fire cloud. Guo Twelve was shocked, but he soon discovered that the fire cloud seemed to recognize him, and was surrounded by dancing flames, but it did not respond to him.

Threat. Those flames were quickly sucked into the feathers of the flame bird, and flew down in a circle. The surrounding fire clouds dissipated, leaving only a purple fire cloud, clinging to the mad master.

Suddenly, the purple fire cloud exploded, revealing the figure of the mad master. Guo Twelve couldn't help but be shocked when he saw it.

The mad master had been burned beyond recognition. His clothes and pants were completely burned, and all the hair on his body was burned completely. The mad master was completely naked. He looked around blankly and suddenly screamed wildly. Guo Shi

Er clearly saw a ball of flame coming out of the mad master's mouth, and a wisp of black smoke coming out of his nostrils.

Mo Nier was dumbfounded. She said: "Wow... the fire is so powerful! Barbecue..."

The Eagle Demon smiled bitterly and said: "It's cooked!"

Kumu said coldly: "Medium rare!"

Guo Twelve almost fell off Yanque's back. They were fighting to death here, but they were discussing how cooked they should be. He shouted: "Master... I won't fight!"

The mad master finally regained consciousness. He rushed towards Guo Twelve crazily and shouted: "Asshole! I'll kill you!"

Guo Twelve knew that if he continued to fight, he would probably be defeated, but if he wanted to escape, there was nothing he could do with the opponent's half-cooked body. The flame bird roared, and under Guo Twelve's command, it turned around

The head flew towards the dead wood.

Kumu laughed and scolded: "Little slippery man!"

Mo Nier suddenly took action, waved a thin silver thread, grabbed the mad master's neck, and shouted: "You dare to scold my dear? Go to hell!" The silver thread lightly brushed against the mad master.

A head flew out from the teacher's neck. The headless body flew in the air for a certain distance before falling into the flames on the ground.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but smile bitterly. He was a flaming bird breathing fire, and swords and talismans were flying around, but he still couldn't defeat the mad master. His wife sent out a virtual talisman at will and easily killed a mad master. This was the difference in strength.


There was still a Crazy Master in Kumu's hand, and he said: "Let's go!" He turned around and flew towards the resting tent.

Eagle Demon followed Guo Twelve and said: "Twelve, this bird is very powerful!"

The Flame Bird chirped dissatisfiedly. The Eagle Demon was surprised: "Hey, does it understand?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It should be, I think it is very smart." The flame bird's chirping suddenly became very proud. The Eagle Demon smiled bitterly: "Twelve, you are perverted enough, I didn't expect your bird to be so smart."

Very perverted!”

Guo Twelve's face was full of black lines when he heard it, and he said: "What do you call my bird... This is too unpleasant to hear, this is the Flame Bird!"

The Eagle Demon said nonchalantly: "I know it's the Flame Bird. That's how it was called in ancient times. According to the current name, it's a firebird. So I'm right, it's your bird..."

Guo Twelve waved his hands, knowing that he couldn't explain anything to this guy. Mo Nier was also beside him and couldn't help but laugh. Eagle Demon was still wondering: What's so funny about this?

When they came to the resting tent area, the dead wood fell to the ground, and he threw the captured mad master out and said coolly: "Little Eagle, you come to interrogate...ask them where they came from?"

The Eagle Demon agreed and walked up to the mad master. The guy was tightly held by the purple rune chain and could not move. He stared at the Eagle Demon desperately and tried desperately to struggle, but the purple rune chain was extremely strong.

There's no way to break free.

Guo Twelve took out a thick piece of animal skin, threw it to the ground, and sat on it without any image. He sighed and said, "We can leave when Uncle Fat Master comes back."

The Eagle Demon asked the man: "What is your name? Where do you come from?"

The mad master was very arrogant. He stared at the Eagle Demon with a pair of bull's eyes. After a long while, he said: "Junior, don't think that you are great because you have a holy master... When our people come, I will not let you go!


The Eagle Demon smiled, nodded, and said: "I believe that if I fall into your hands, I will indeed... be very unlucky, but... now you are in my hands, hehe, so you should be more honest.

, you answer whatever I ask... If you continue to threaten me, you should be very clear about the consequences, right?"

The mad master closed his eyes and said calmly: "Kill me!"

The Eagle Demon shook his head and said: "I know you look down on people, hehe, since you are so stubborn, then look at my methods."

Ah, the miserable howls one after another made Guo Twelve very irritated. He held his head and lamented: "Uncle Eagle Demon, besides beating... can you use any other means? Alas, either you block it

That guy's mouth... makes people panic!"

Noila Mo smiled and said: "Honey, how can you ask without fighting?"

Guo Twelve secretly muttered in his heart: "Violent Master!" He said: "...But the scream is too unpleasant!"

Deadwood returned to the tent by himself, he was too lazy to care about these things.

There were drops of sweat on Eagle Demon's forehead. He didn't expect that guy to be so tough, so he couldn't help but ask Guo Twelve: "Twelve, what can you do to make him talk?"

Guo Twelve suddenly showed a smile and said: "I have a good idea!"

This chapter has been completed!
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