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Chapter 83: Family Establishment (Part 2)

Chapter 83: Family Establishment (Part 2)

Noila Mo smiled and said: "Baby, don't be afraid, my wife will help you."

Guo Twelve said: "How do I build a family? Master, do you have any advice?"

Zhu Juan burst into laughter and said, "Twelve, you asked the wrong person, haha."

Kumu said: "Ask your master's wife, she has her own family."

Mo Nier said: "My dear, when you build a family, you need to divide it into inner and outer families. The outer family is placed outside the gate of Chenxiao Zong. The inner family is built inside Chenxiao Zong. All professionals are included in the inner family. Others are

Just put it outside and arrange it for them. From now on, the professionals will be selected from the outside family."

Guo Twelve was stunned: "Ah? We still need to divide it into internal and external families?"

Zhu Juan smiled and said: "This is necessary. The inner family is basically professionals, and the outer family is basically family members. The combination of the two is a complete family... Although the inner sect of Chenxiao Sect occupies a large area,

But we can’t accept everyone from the family, so we must have outside families.”

Guo Twelve said: "That's it, I understand."

Moniere said: "In the family... you have to try to improve the level of family professionals so that they can increase their strength as much as possible. When the family grows up, there must be at least a few mad masters in the family. If there can be a Saint

It would be better if you become a master, so that your family can gain a firm foothold."

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "Crazy Master... Holy Master... Master, I am the Great Talisman Master. The family I established does not even have many master-level professionals. When will there be a Crazy Master?"


Kumu said calmly: "Your master and master's wife are both members of the family, and there are only two holy masters. What are you worried about?"

Guo Twelve said in surprise: "What?"

Kumu gave another stiff smile and said: "The master has no family. If the apprentice builds a family, the master will of course support him. Is this so strange?"

Noila Mo also smiled and said: "It's okay. Master will find some masters for you to join your family and give you some support first."

Eagle Demon smiled with emotion on the side. According to Ku Mu and Monie's design, this family is very powerful. With such a master and master, Guo Twelve's family will definitely be able to grow.

Guo Twelve scratched his head. He didn't expect Master and Master to be so helpful. He said, "Thank you, Master and Master."

Deadwood said: "You also leave some people in Beifumen to help us collect resources here, especially some rare materials."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "It has been arranged long ago..."

Qin Han came in from outside and said, "Twelve, I heard they said you are back, and I just want to see you for something." He found an open space and sat down.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Senior brother, we are going to Chenxiao Sect soon. Senior brother will go too. I have reserved a place for senior brother to follow the Xumi Tao."

Qin Han was surprised and said: "Me? The quota of Xu Mi Dao?" He already knew the magic of Xu Mi Dao. As long as he can walk a certain distance on it, he can get the talisman inheritance. If he walks far enough, he can advance smoothly.

Of course he wants to give it a try, but this opportunity is hard to come by.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Well, this is a place specially reserved for senior brother. I have gained a lot of sect points, which can be exchanged for a lot of places to walk on the Void Path. This time I will go there, and the professionals who will follow me will only need

If you complete certain tasks, you will get a quota to walk on the False Path." He knew that quotas could not be given casually, and that one must make a certain contribution to be given such an opportunity. He would cherish the opportunity that he had earned through his own efforts.

He understood the truth long ago in his previous life.

Because Qin Han helps collect resources in Beifumen, and he is now temporarily managing the master's family, he has great power. There are many things that must be solved by him, so Guo Twelve must give a quota for his senior brother to be promoted.

Strength, this is something that benefits both sides.

"Thank you, Junior Brother. Haha, Junior Brother is my lucky star. It was also because of Junior Brother that I was promoted to the Great Talisman Master last time. This time I take the Void Path, which may allow me to go one step further and reach the Intermediate Great Talisman Master... Haha.

"He couldn't restrain the joy in his heart and smiled from ear to ear.

Guo Twelve asked: "How is the collection of Kongling Stone and Anluo Stone?"

Upon hearing this, not only Ku Mu and Mo Nier pricked up their ears, but even Zhu Juan straightened his back. Both of these items are very rare materials that cannot be produced in the continent where Chenxiao Sect is located.

One is the high-end materials needed for the talisman array, and the other is the materials needed for the advanced continent. Although their functions are not yet clear, they are of great value.

Qin Han said: "The first batch of ore has been transported. The Kongling Stone weighs 17,000 kilograms, the Anluo Stone is more, 24,600 kilograms, and some other materials. It is the sect's filial piety.

A senior."

A look of satisfaction appeared on Kumu's face. Zhu Juanxi smiled and said: "Xiao Qin did a good job, this is a gift from me." He took out two condensed Talisman Fires, one golden Talisman Fire and one

He handed the green talisman fire to Qin Han and said with a smile: "Put it directly into the natal talisman book. You can't use it now... This is a high-level talisman fire used to stimulate the fire of the soul.

Qin Han didn't understand the preciousness of Fuhuo yet, but he knew in his heart that with Zhu Juan's identity, what he gave must be very precious.

Guo Twelve said with a smile: "This is a good thing. After you are promoted to a Saint Master, this thing will be very popular."

Qin Han couldn't help but was speechless. He was a junior great spell master. It would be difficult for him to reach the level of Saint Master in this life. If he wanted to reach the level of Mad Master, there might be a glimmer of hope. After all, he was too old. But this thing was a Saint Master.

The master needs it, which means that this thing is very valuable. If you really don’t need it, you can still use it to exchange for high-level real talismans.

After putting the talisman fire into his natal talisman book, Qin Han took out a dozen talisman-hiding bags and said, "All the ores transported this time are in them."

Deadwood stretched out his hand, and a string of purple runes were connected together, and he quickly rolled up the talisman bag. He inspected it for a while and said, "Very good." He took out four high-level talisman bags and divided the ore into four parts.

Said: "Each person has one share, and we will distribute it according to this from now on."

Zhu Juan opened his mouth to say something, but held back. Guo Twelve did not expect that the master would give him a share and put it into the natal talisman ball. No professional would have too much of this kind of mineral material.

Qin Han said: "Twelve, when I go to Chenxiao Sect this time, I have a few people who want to join me. I want to meet you and go there to see them together?"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go with you." He stood up and said to the master, Kumu waved his hand nonchalantly, indicating that he should go. Moniere said: "Don't go for too long, come back early.


Following Qin Han to the reception hall dedicated to Luo Jie, Qin Han said: "Junior brother, these are 10,000 kilograms of Kongling Stone and 10,000 kilograms of Anluo Stone." He took out several talisman bags and handed them to Guo Twelve.

Guo Twelve smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, senior brother." This was expected, and he would not refuse it. For the future development of the family, it is necessary to have a lot of money and materials, and Beifumen can be said to be his

the foundation of.

Qin Han called a Fu martial artist and gave some instructions. The Fu martial artist nodded and went out. After a while, several people came in. Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Chang, Grandpa Xu, long time no see."

Chen Chunzhai can be said to be Guo Twelve's benefactor. He brought Guo Twelve out of the Guo family. Chang Yeren almost became Guo Twelve's first master, but unfortunately he was snatched away by Luo Jie. Xu Zaikun taught Guo Twelve

Produced by Fu Dan. These three people are all respected by Guo Twelve.

Chang Yeren smiled and said: "Twelve, hey, what a pity... you are not my disciple..."

Qin Han smiled and said: "Forget it, if you accept Twelve, then it will really be a waste of his potential... Even my master can't keep him."

Chen Chunzhai was still a spell master. He sighed from the bottom of his heart. This child was simply amazing. In just a few years, he had grown into a great spell master. He was also a high-level spell master, many times higher than himself. He also heard that

I talked about the way of illusion, so I also had a thought in my heart, hoping that I could get such an opportunity.

"Twelve, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to still remember grandpa."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "I can forget anyone, but Grandpa Chen dare not forget. You are the one who took me out of the Guo family."

Chen Chunzhai smiled happily and nodded: "That's because you have enough potential, haha, no matter who you are, they will treat you well."

Xu Zaikun said: "The little guy didn't go to my place when he came back. Does he have something against grandpa?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Grandpa Xu, I don't dare to have any objections to grandpa. I'm just busy building the family, so I don't have time to come out."

Xu Zaikun opened his eyes wide and asked, "Do you want to start a family?"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, I want to build a professional family and move directly to Chenxiao Sect."

Xu Zaikun asked: "Can I join...?"

Guo Twelve said happily: "Of course! Grandpa Xu's Fu Dan is one of a kind!"

Xu Zaikun originally just said it as a joke, but he didn't expect Guo Twelve to agree immediately. He was so happy that he was a little embarrassed. He hurriedly asked: "How many people can I bring to join?"

Guo Twelve said: "My family and disciples can join."

The old man didn't dare to delay, so he stood up quickly and said: "I'm going to prepare, Twelve, please let me know when you leave! I'm going back first." He smiled with wrinkles all over his face, said goodbye to a few people, and ran away in a hurry.

He doesn't look like a steady Fu Alchemist at all, but more like a child who has benefited from it.

Chen Chunzhai hesitated for a moment and asked, "Twelve, can I join?"

Guo Twelve said: "Of course you are welcome."

Chen Chunzhai was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'll take advantage this time, thank you Twelve." Everyone knows that as long as you join Guo Twelve's family, you can enjoy the benefits of Chenxiao Sect, which is the Beibei Fumen.

A powerful sect, no matter what aspect it is, it cannot be compared to Beifu Sect.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Grandpa Chen, you're welcome."

Chang Yeren sighed. He couldn't follow Guo Twelve, because he still had important departments to be responsible for in the inner sect, and it was impossible to leave. After a while, he said: "Let my son go with you."

His son Chang Haoran is a magician. Guo Twelve once met him and said, "No problem, let him do it."

Suddenly someone outside the door shouted: "Twelve! Twelve!"

As soon as Guo Twelve heard the voice, his expression suddenly changed.

This chapter has been completed!
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