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Chapter 96 Treasure Land (2)

Chapter 96 Treasure Land (Part 2)

The tangled soul threads rising up look like dense aquatic plants in the water, swaying and swaying, looking very strange. The soul threads coming out here are denser than in the black fog area

Several times, the thick fog formed a sea of ​​fog, making it difficult to see the scenery ten meters away.

Guo Twelve announced: "We will stay here for six to eight hours. Everyone should take the time to rest, eat and practice. When the time is up, we will move."

Everyone agreed. Zhou Xiaoling reminded again: "The formation cannot be broken up. Rest in place according to the formation."

After sitting down, everyone began to eat dry food. In the black fog area, no one dared to cook food, because the aroma of cooking food would cause danger, so they could only eat various dry food and cooked meat.

Guo Twelve ate something casually and immediately took the time to practice. How could he relax in such a precious place? Among this group of people, he was the most diligent in practicing because he had soul scriptures to use. Even Zhou Xiaoling could not compare with him.

His cultivation speed.

Sitting on a piece of animal skin mat, Guo Twelve began to practice the incantation. Through the incantation, he can drive the surrounding soul threads. Every time he practices the incantation, a spectacular scene will appear. The surrounding soul threads are affected by the incantation.

The influence came quickly. At first, everyone was surprised, but now they are used to it.

Zhou Xiaoling was very depressed. When she was practicing, there would be no waves of soul threads coming in. She could only attract soul threads a few meters around her, while Guo Twelve could absorb soul threads within a hundred meters. The two were incompatible.

Same thing.

A large number of soul threads gathered together and completely wrapped Guo Twelve. Zhou Xiaoling quietly walked to Guo Twelve, sat down unceremoniously, and snatched the soul threads with Guo Twelve. Unfortunately, she did not have as perverted absorption ability as Guo Twelve.

But the benefits are also obvious. Practicing next to Guo Twelve is equivalent to practicing in the center of the Black Mist District.

Others had discovered this secret a long time ago, so as soon as Guo Twelve started practicing the spell, everyone would sit within five meters of Guo Twelve and intercept the incoming soul threads.

With Guo Twelve as a humanoid absorber, everyone in the team has benefited a lot. Moreover, everyone found that because Guo Twelve attracted a large number of soul threads, a lot of black mist dissipated in the air, and all the people in the team were

Hidden within it, outsiders would never be able to find them unless they came closer.

Guo Twelve's soul is like a hungry man, devouring soul threads crazily. He also has a big killer weapon, which is the various talisman fires floating in his soul. The talisman fires surround the natal talisman ball and burn it.

The impurities in the soul are then purified by the soul scriptures. This is something that others cannot do.

Soon, everyone was full of soul threads and left Guo Twelve one after another, walking aside to exercise and digest themselves. They did not have scriptures to cleanse their souls, nor did they have advanced talisman fire to burn the impurities in their souls, so they could only passively absorb it.

Its efficiency cannot be compared with Guo Twelve.

Zhou Xiaoling got up and inspected the surrounding environment. She only had one hour to practice in the black mist area, and it was useless no matter how much more, so her daily task was to practice for an hour. The conditions of other people were different, ranging from thirty minutes to less.

It only takes ten minutes. In fact, in the black mist area, one can increase one's strength without practicing.

As long as a master who enters the Black Mist Zone can keep himself alive, he can be promoted to a mad master after more than ten years. However, this place is too dangerous, and it may be possible to maintain a high level of vigilance for half a year, but as long as you are careless once, you will be

Completely finished. This is the weirdest and most terrifying place for cultivation.

Guo Twelve spent a long time practicing. He had to sit for at least three hours and then chant sutras for an hour. That means he needed four hours of practice, so he could advance from a junior mad master to an intermediate level in a very short time.

Crazy Master.

It is not only Guo Twelve's soul that is absorbing the soul thread, but also the beast talisman and insect talisman in the natal talisman ball. Guo Twelve himself does not know this, he only feels that the beast talisman, insect talisman and other talismans are all absorbing.

There are changes, the quality is slowly improving, and it is transforming bit by bit.

Four hours later, Guo Twelve let out a long breath and stood up with satisfaction. Eagle Demon said: "Twelve, you'd better sleep for a while. In a few hours, we should set off."

Sun Min'er, Peng Yuanwang, Lan Hu, Yang Qi and Xuan Ai are all fast asleep, while Zhou Xiaoling and Eagle Demon are on guard. Sleeping here is also a good way to restore the soul, but it is very dangerous and must be guarded by someone.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Okay, I'll sleep for a while." He also knew the benefits of sleeping, especially absorbing so many soul threads. Although it can be refined through soul scriptures, only sleeping can stabilize the soul.


Guo Twelve fell down on the animal skin mat, folded his body, and immediately fell into a deep sleep. Four hours of practice made him feel exhausted.

Zhou Xiaoling couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The Eagle Demon asked: "Ding Ding, what's wrong?"

Zhou Xiaoling said: "I don't understand why Twelve can practice so fast. No matter how hard I try, I can't do it." She also has amazing potential and practices very hard. She is a disciple trained by the sect. However, compared with Guo Twelve,

She felt deeply shocked.

The Eagle Demon smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, you are also great. Haha, don't compare with Twelve. This kid... is called a little monster in our place, a little monster... normal people can't compare."

Zhou Xiaoling chuckled, and then she showed a hint of a little girl's expression, and said: "Hehe, the little monster is very vivid...Uncle Eagle Demon, Twelve is not a little monster! This is the first time I have seen this

This speed of cultivation... is a bit scary, and it is definitely not what normal people should have."

The Eagle Demon said: "Ding Ding, you can sleep a little longer and I'll be here to watch over you. It's really not easy for you kids to live."

Zhou Xiaoling heard the protective meaning in Eagle Demon's words, and felt a little moved. She said, "No, uncle, I just slept for an hour, which was enough... You can't protect her alone."

The Eagle Demon said: "Okay! Then I'll go take a look around for about ten minutes, so be careful."

Zhou Xiaoling agreed. She listened for a moment and said, "It shouldn't be anything. Uncle, you can go ahead."

The Eagle Demon quietly sneaked into the black mist.

Zhou Xiaoling sat down. She looked at Guo Twelve sleeping soundly and fell into deep thought.

Guo Twelve fell into a deep sleep, and earth-shaking changes took place in his soul. Under the nourishment of his soul, the quality of his natal talisman ball improved little by little. The colorful talisman fires strung together into chains of fire surrounding the natal talisman ball.

It emits extremely fine flames and burns the talisman ball. However, Guo Twelve has no idea about all these changes.


A dull roar sounded, and the sound waves passed through the thick fog and echoed in the air. Suddenly, everyone who was sleeping was awakened.

Guo Twelve woke up almost as soon as the roar sounded. He opened his eyes suddenly, turned over and sat up, and asked: "What's the sound?"

Zhou Xiaoling said softly: "Shh!"

The others also turned over and climbed up, shaking their heads sleepily and looking around. Just as Yang Qi was about to speak, Sun Min'er covered his mouth. He turned to look at Zhou Xiaoling with his eyes wide open. Everyone knew that Fatty Yang had a scary voice.

, if he were to say a word at this time, it would definitely cause trouble.


The voice became a little clearer. Zhou Xiaoling whispered: "Why hasn't Uncle Eagle Demon come back yet?"

Guo Twelve became anxious upon hearing this and asked: "Uncle Eagle Demon...what's wrong?"

Zhou Xiaoling whispered: "He went on inspection...he hasn't come back yet...Here he comes, uncle is back!"

The Eagle Demon quietly emerged from the thick fog. He raised his hand to signal for everyone to gather, and whispered: "Let's retreat! There is a mutated rune beast, I don't know what type it is... very close to us!"

Guo Twelve whispered: "Let's go in the opposite direction... That's where the sound came from, let's turn around!" After entering the black fog area, they had encountered similar situations many times, so no one panicked.

Zhou Xiaoling whispered: "Follow the battle formation and retreat!"

Ho! Ho Zhou Xiaoling exclaimed in shock: "It's broken, it's coming towards us. Let's go! Fly close to the ground!" She rushed out first and flew close to the ground at high speed. It is very dangerous to fly here and you must not fly at high altitudes.

, can only fly close to the ground, but due to its fast flying speed, it is easy to encounter mutant rune beasts, and it is impossible to escape at that time.

Everyone flew up one after another, and the Eagle Demon was on guard from behind. He whispered: "Be quieter!"

After flying close to the ground for a certain distance, Guo Twelve shouted in a low voice: "Stop! Stop!"

Fortunately, the fog was thick and the sound could not be transmitted far. After all, Zhou Xiaoling had reached the level of a fuwu mad master and had sharp ears and eyes. She slowed down, gradually stopped, and asked: "Twelve, what's going on?"

Guo Twelve said: "We are running in the wrong direction!"

The ground was shaking slightly, and the rumbling footsteps could be heard vaguely, and the roars were getting closer and closer. The Eagle Demon followed, and he said urgently: "Don't stop... hurry up!"

Guo Twelve said: "Fly this way, we seem to be on the route of the mutant rune beast!"

Eagle Demon knew that the little guy was smart and immediately said: "Okay! Listen to Twelve!"

Without saying a word, Zhou Xiaoling turned around and flew in the direction Guo Twelve pointed, followed closely by the others. Guo Twelve flew up close to the ground and said: "Uncle Eagle Demon, don't worry about what's behind, just follow me and fly."

After flying a certain distance, Guo Twelve's expression became very strange. He couldn't help but said: "It's strange...that thing has been chasing us?"

Zhou Xiaoling waved her hand and turned again.

After turning several times in succession, the footsteps and roars behind him got closer and closer.

The Eagle Demon shouted: "That's not right!"

Guo Twelve also said loudly: "It's useless... We have to find the reason!"

Zhou Xiaoling shouted: "Don't stop!"


This time the roar was close at hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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