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Chapter 8 Ao Kuang (Part 2)

Chapter 8 Ao Kuang (Part 2)

Guo Twelve pulled the Eagle Demon back again.

The flames on Qi Nanshan's body have spread to his whole body. It can be seen that he is in pain. His body keeps making various movements, and the color of the flames changes constantly. The black flames gradually turn into purple-black. The flames that were originally on the chest, abdomen and back

Black rune patterns also began to spread throughout his body.

Guo Twelve felt his scalp numb when he saw it. He suddenly remembered something and said: "Oops! If the whole body is covered with black runes, once a fight begins, Grandpa Nanshan will be naked! Will the opponent be scared away?


Eagle Demon laughed loudly after hearing this. Guo Twelve hurriedly blocked his mouth and said repeatedly: "Uncle Eagle Demon, don't disturb Grandpa Nanshan..."

The Eagle Demon couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of Qi Nanshan's black flames activated and his whole body naked when he started fighting. He knew that Qi Nanshan was the master he looked up to. He pushed Guo Twelve's hand away, his expression

She blushed deeply, and after a long while, she said: "Twelve, you are so damaged!"

Guo Twelve wondered: "How did I lose it?"

Eagle Demon said: "How can you say that to your elders?"

Guo Twelve said innocently: "I didn't say anything..."

The Eagle Demon held back his laughter. He just found a step for himself. His laughter just now was a bit rude. He said: "Forget it... uh, my God... I actually advanced!" He looked at Qin Nanshan in surprise.

A purple talisman fire bead actually allowed Qin Nanshan to be promoted again. In just a few days, he saw Qin Nanshan advance twice, this time directly from Saint Master to Great Saint Master. This was a big hurdle.

It was quite shocking to cross over so easily.

The black flames on Qi Nanshan's body gradually shrank and submerged little by little into the runes on his skin. The painful expression on his face also calmed down and he looked very comfortable.

After a while, the black flames rose again, and the runes on Qin Nanshan's body began to change little by little.

Guo Twelve and Eagle Demon looked at each other. After a while, Guo Twelve asked: "It's not over yet?"

The Eagle Demon smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that easy. Just wait."

Mo Nier said not far away: "Baby, come here." She stood alone behind a huge rock, feeling very bored. Guo Twelve said: "Uncle Eagle Demon, guard Grandpa Nanshan, call me if you need anything.


Eagle Demon nodded and said: "Okay, no problem, I'll guard it."

Guo Twelve came to Mo Nier and asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

Moniere said: "Baby, sit here." She spread out two thick fur cushions and asked: "He has been promoted again?" There was a trace of surprise and fear in her eyes.

Guo Twelve thought for a moment and immediately understood what Mo Nier was worried about. When he was forcibly taken away by Kumu, Qi Nanshan was at the scene. At that time, he was a senior great talisman martial artist and had no power to resist at all.

The consequence is death, no doubt.

But now that Qi Nanshan has successfully advanced to the junior level of the Great Saint Master, and has obtained the inheritance of the ancient black runeman who is known for his evil, Mo Nier knows how powerful he is, how can she be calm in her heart.

Guo Twelve shook his head and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, Grandpa Nanshan won't do it." He will never let Qi Nanshan hurt Noila Mo.

Mo Nier fell in love with Guo Twelve very much when she saw her. Guo Twelve is not a real child. He can clearly distinguish whether others treat him well or not. Even Master Kumu, although he is unsmiling, is very kind to him. He

No matter what, Qinan Mountain will not be allowed to harm them.

Mo Nier smiled bitterly and said: "The Black Talisman is really powerful... It's strange, with the Black Talisman's methods, how come they haven't developed... Judging from the development speed of your Grandpa Nanshan, one Black Talisman is enough to destroy a continent, but Why are there so few Black Talisman people?"

Guo Twelve said: "I don't know either. According to Grandpa Nanshan's description, the Black Talisman people... are a group that kills each other. Maybe it is for this reason that they cannot develop and grow?"

Moniere sighed: "We can only run rampant on our own continent. Once we come into contact with advanced continents and special races, we will not be able to do it."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "But if we often go to high-end continents to explore, our vision and strength will quickly improve."

Mo Nier said: "Yes, but this is also very dangerous. Just like the bastard before, if it weren't for your Grandpa Nanshan, we would be in misery. Hehe, that guy probably didn't think about it, thinking that even if he couldn't beat him, we would be in trouble. You can escape, but luckily you were beaten to death, otherwise... we would have had no choice but to escape back."

Guo Twelve said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to even escape back."

Mo Ni'er said: "It's really hard to get along in the high-end continent. We were hunted down twice just a few days after we came in. Both were inexplicable things."

Guo Twelve said: "Master, I don't know if I can find Master Luo Jie, but I must try my best to find him. In the wild... there are too few opportunities to find him. I plan to go to Xingzong's territory."

Mo Ni'er said: "This is not possible. If we go there... the possibility of being discovered is extremely high. Especially your Grandpa Nanshan will not be able to enter the Xing Sect's territory."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, but...if the two of us go, the risk will be much less."

Ah! Ah...

The roar suddenly sounded. Guo Twelve jumped up from the ground in fright. He heard that it was Qin Nanshan who was roaring, and hurriedly flew into the air to check. He saw Qin Nanshan rising into the air with a body of flames, roaring one after another, Every time he screamed, the flames on his body would rise, making him look extremely majestic.

Mo Nier also flew up. Her mood was very complicated. Qi Nanshan turned out to be an intermediate holy master like herself, but seeing him promoted to a junior great holy master, she was really filled with emotions.

The Eagle Demon also flew into the air. He retreated slightly, came to Guo Twelve, and said, "It seems to be done."

Qin Nanshan's roar gradually stopped. He sat cross-legged in the void. At this time, the flames were concentrated on his shoulders and head. He watched the hair that had been burned grow out of his scalp and extend upward along the blazing flames. , after a while, the hair grew to more than one meter long.

In the purple-black flames, Qi Nanshan's face looked extremely young. When the flames suddenly retracted from his body, he turned red-faced and white-toothed, looking like a young man. He definitely looked no more than twenty years old. The only thing that remained unchanged was He has a shovel-shaped horse face. His body is covered with fine black lines, which gradually disappear on the surface of the skin.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It's done!"

Qi Nanshan glanced at Mo Nier, and calmly took out his clothes and put them on. This time they were ordinary clothes, and he was confident that he would not burn the clothes again.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Qi Nanshan smiled and said: "I succeeded by luck. I didn't expect that a purple talisman fire could advance me. Haha, Great Sage Master... I never thought that I could become a Great Sage Master one day!"

Guo Twelve stared at Qi Nanshan's face. Qi Nanshan couldn't help but touch his face and asked, "What's wrong?"

The Eagle Demon also stared at him and said: "A fire... will burn a person until he is twenty years old."

Guo Twelve said: "Grandpa Nanshan, I can't call you grandpa anymore. You look... just like my brother."

Qi Nanshan took out a talisman mirror and issued a spell. The talisman mirror immediately expanded and turned into a large mirror as tall as a person. He looked left and right and said happily: "Call me brother, please call me from now on."

Brother, haha, hahaha!"

Mo Nier couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Narcissist..."

Guo Twelve said with a smile: "Then I will call you Brother Nanshan from now on."

Eagle Demon smiled and said: "I am Twelve's uncle, haha, then what should you call me? Uncle? Haha..."

The mood of the four people seems very relaxed. With a Great Saint Master, although they cannot walk sideways in the Star Continent, they can intimidate most professionals. Even in high-level continents, the Great Saint Master is the main master. Therefore, in the mid-level continent

Senior professionals generally have to be promoted to the Great Saint Master before they consider going to the high-level continent. Only in this way can they survive better and gain the favor of large sects.

Guo Twelve looked around and asked: "How is this secret place? We can't go out for a while. Let's stay here for a while. Well, I think thirty days will be enough. Grandpa Nanshan...

Uh, Brother Nanshan... what do you think?"

Qi Nanshan was in a good mood when he heard Guo Twelve calling him Brother Nanshan. He shook the long hair on his head, and the long black hair shook twice rhythmically, giving people a strange feeling. His head was full of black hair.

The hair seemed to turn into flames, but it subsided in the blink of an eye.

Eagle Demon said: "It's better to call me Grandpa Nanshan, haha!"

Qi Nanshan said with a bright face: "What? Are you jealous that I am young? Wait until you become the Great Sage Master too!"

Mo Nier said: "Not necessarily! Some people will become younger, and some people will become older. This is beyond my control. I have seen a Saint Master advance to the Great Saint Master. He was originally a middle-aged man.

After being promoted, he became an old man, with white hair and wrinkles on his face."

Guo Twelve was startled and asked: "Why is this?"

Moniere said: "I don't know. I heard from a senior that it seems to be related to the characteristics of the spell. What it is specifically, he was unclear."

Qi Nanshan also became curious and asked: "Characteristics? What characteristics?"

Monier rolled her eyes and said: "Every spell professional, the skills he is good at, plus his own preferences and developed characteristics, will eventually form his own characteristics... You don't even know this, right?


Guo Twelve looked like he didn't know. Qi Nanshan couldn't help but blush. He was already a Great Saint Master, but he was despised by Mo Nier. The Eagle Demon didn't care at all, and he didn't know what characteristics were.

Qi Nanshan not only became younger in appearance, but also began to become younger in his heart. He said with a smile: "I am from a low-level continent. It's not surprising if I don't know!"

Mo Nier gave him another big eye roll and said, "Twelve, let's ignore him."

Qi Nanshan had no choice. He could not fight with a woman and said: "Now that we have arrived at this secret realm, let's explore it. It's also idle to be idle..."

Mo Nier said: "Your Nanshan...that big brother talks so much nonsense!"

Guo Twelve had a wry smile on his face and couldn't say a word. Are these two enemies? Why didn't you see it before?

This chapter has been completed!
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