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Chapter Eleven Stealing Eggs (Part 2)

Chapter 11 Stealing Eggs (Part 2)

The Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle ran so fast that it actually caused the air to explode, as if hundreds of trains were sprinting at the same time. The whining sound was so terrifying that it took only a few dozen seconds for a loud noise to be heard. The sea water washed ashore and overflowed the place where Guo Twelve and others stayed just now.

The three of them turned pale with fright. After a long while, Moniere said: "Level ten? I think... this guy is at level fifteen or sixteen! There is definitely more than level ten... It's so scary!"

Guo Twelve said: "It ran away... Oh my god, luckily it didn't know it was us, otherwise it would have been in big trouble."

The Eagle Demon, who is so bold, was frightened and said: "There is no way to fight it. I originally thought that such a big guy can run slowly, but who knows it is much faster than us... It's scary. Even if it flies into the air, it will roar." He can also shout us down! We can’t even run away..."

Guo Twelve jumped into the air and shouted: "Grandpa Nanshan!"

Qin Nanshan emerged from the ground, flew into the air, and burst into laughter.

The four of them met. Guo Twelve asked: "Grandpa Nanshan, are you not injured?"

Qi Nanshan was very happy and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to be so easy. The Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle never thought that the attack would come from the ground. It burned its soul all at once. Hehe, it's really good luck. It's a pity that I can't keep it, otherwise it will be destroyed." Make a fortune."

Guo Twelve breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that Qi Nanshan was injured, and the gain would outweigh the losses. He said, "Should we follow that big guy? Sea water can't extinguish the fire of the soul... Maybe he will be burned to death in a few days." Got it!"

Qi Nanshan shook his head and said: "It can't die. Unless it stays here and lets me continue to burn, it will definitely be able to get out of trouble. But without hundreds of years of cultivation, this Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle can't recover... Forget it. Twelve, don’t be too greedy, it would be great to have such a result... Let’s go see the turtle eggs.”

There was a huge pit with four snow-white eggs in it, each of which was seven or eight meters high. The Eagle Demon said: "I didn't expect the eggs of the Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle to be so big." Compared with the Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle, it was extremely huge. Compared with the human body, these turtle eggs are really small, but compared to humans, these eggs are also too big.

Guo Twelve looked at the four turtle eggs with a wry smile and said, "They can't fit in an ordinary Tibetan talisman bag." He approached the turtle eggs and touched them with his hands, only to find that the snow-white eggshells were densely covered with talismans. Countless silver runes as thin as ants are layered on top of each other to form eggshells, and you can't even see them if you don't pay attention.

Mo Nier smiled and said: "Here...only me and my baby can collect the turtle eggs and use the hidden soul talisman in the natal talisman to collect them. Haha, as for you two...there is nothing we can do."

Qi Nanshan said nonchalantly: "Give it to Twelve, I have no objection."

Noila Mo didn't care and said, "Baby, just take it."

Guo Twelve thought to himself that he had obtained it, which meant that his master and his wife had obtained it. If Grandpa Nanshan wanted to use it, it would not be a problem. So, he used the hidden spirit talisman in the natal talisman ball to collect four turtle eggs. Although he did not know it yet How to use it, but he knew that this thing was extremely rare.

After collecting the four turtle eggs, four pits appeared, which turned out to be four stone pits. There was a layer of black water remaining inside, emitting bursts of weird smell, which attracted everyone's attention.

Qi Nanshan frowned and said, "What a weird smell."

Mo Nier knelt down, touched the water surface with her finger, twisted it slightly, and put it under her nose to smell it. After a while, she said, "I don't know what it is. It smells very strange and is a bit sticky."

Guo Twelve also squatted down. He took out a very small detection stick, which was covered with charms. He got it from Li Ran. He inserted the thin stick into the water. After a while, his expression changed and he put it away.

After checking the stick, he immediately took out the talisman bottle and began to fill it with water from the stone pit.

Moniel wondered: "What is this?"

Guo Twelve turned red with excitement and said, "Yinfu water, but it still needs to be purified."

Mo Nier thought about it carefully and then remembered that this was a material for building altars, and she couldn't help but said happily: "This is a good thing, my dear, you should try to collect as much as possible."

A total of more than a thousand kilograms of hidden talisman water was collected, and Guo Twelve estimated that he could get at least ten kilograms of purified hidden talisman water.

Guo Twelve was very excited. This was one of the seven auxiliary materials for building the soul altar. He could not believe it so easily. No wonder professionals who have advanced to the level of Saint Master have to enter the secret realm to explore. This is truly the domain of professionals.


Guo Twelve stood up with satisfaction and said with a smile: "It's done!"

Qi Nanshan asked: "Should we continue to go to the sea?"

Moniere objected: "Forget it, after seeing the Heavenly Snake Tribulate the Turtle, I know that the mutated sea beasts in the sea are the most powerful mutated beasts. We are no match at all. If we are in the sea, even if you burn the talisman of your soul,

No matter how powerful it is, it will be difficult to burn the opponent... Let's fly along the coastline, maybe we can find something."

Guo Twelve agreed: "Yes, Grandpa Nanshan, I am a little afraid of this sea area now. If a powerful mutant beast appears, we will not be able to deal with it. In the sea... we don't know where to run.


Qi Nanshan thought for a while and agreed: "It is indeed too dangerous. Well, just fly along the coastline. Maybe you can find some good things."

Except for specific secret realms and looking for specific things, professionals generally run around when entering secret realms. No one knows what will be in the secret realms. After entering the secret realm, it feels like a lucky break. Some professionals go to more secret realms.

You will find very good things based on some clues. For more professionals, you may not find anything at all.

The four people left quickly.

Ten days later, the Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle returned to the same place. When it discovered that the eggs it laid were missing, it immediately let out a shrill howl and wreaked havoc near the coast like crazy. Any mutant rune beast that encountered it would be killed.

It kills.

As for the four culprits from Qinnan Mountain, they have long been far away from this coast and went deep into remote places. They did not know that the Heavenly Snake Tribulation Turtle came back to kill them. For them, this was just an episode and an experience in the secret realm.

No need to look back again.

There are dense forests near the coastline, which is completely different from the environment when you first entered this secret place. It is full of life, and there are incomparably rich plants and animals.

"It's indeed a peninsula. Hehe, it took us twelve days to fly out. This peninsula is really big."

The four of them stopped on a beach, and Guo Twelve said with emotion to the sea. Monie said: "Baby, this secret realm is a bit interesting. It doesn't seem to be an ordinary secret realm. Let's take a rest here and eat something before leaving.


The Eagle Demon volunteered: "I'm going hunting!"

Guo Twelve said: "Bring some seafood and I will cook it." The seafood in his previous life left a deep impression on him. Unfortunately, it was difficult to eat fresh seafood in an inland city. Now that he is at the beach, I can’t help but want to taste it.

The Eagle Demon plunged into the sea. Guo Twelve was busy setting up the stove, taking out pots and pans, chopping boards and knives. This set of kitchen utensils for cooking talisman food were all custom-made by him.

I took out the onions, ginger, garlic, and various side dishes from the Zangzang Talisman. As soon as they were prepared, I saw the Eagle Demon come out of the sea excitedly. He was holding a big fish more than three meters long and asked excitedly: "Twelve, how is this fish?"

Guo Twelve sighed and said: "Fish is not interesting...forget it, you don't understand even after I say it. I'll go and be back soon." When he got to the beach, he wanted to eat shellfish. As for fish, It's just a side dish, not the main course.

The Eagle Demon couldn't help but feel discouraged. He said, "Okay, I'll follow you, Twelve. Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it." The two of them went into the sea together.

Mo Nier smiled bitterly and said: "What are you doing? If you don't eat fish...what will you eat?"

Qi Nanshan didn't understand either, but he didn't say anything because he believed in Guo Twelve and knew that the little guy was so elusive that he must have some surprise for everyone.

What Guo Twelve was looking for were lobsters in the sea and sea clams on the sand. They were all strange things.

Even for fish, Guo Twelve only looked for fish that were about a foot long. He also collected a lot of jellyfish and other things, and caught a few conger eels, planning to grill them. Sea crabs the size of a face plate, Seven or eight were caught.

When he got ashore, Guo Twelve realized that he had caught too many things. But there was a hidden talisman bag, so he didn't have to worry about not being able to get it.

After cleaning up a little, Guo Twelve started cooking. Not to mention Eagle Demon's curiosity, even Moniel was surprised. She never knew that these things could be eaten.

Steaming, grilling, boiling, and frying made everyone dazzled. Within a moment, a strong aroma hit their nostrils.

The Eagle Demon twitched his nose, swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and said, "Why does it smell so good? I'm hungry!"

Guo Twelve was busy for more than an hour and finally finished the seafood meal successfully. But he still didn't know if it was delicious because the lobsters and crabs here were different from those he had seen in his previous life.

A large wooden table was set up with a white tablecloth and a lot of cooked seafood. Guo Twelve seemed to have returned to his previous life. He placed the condiments in the center of the table and said with a smile: "Okay. have eaten."

Mo Nier, Qi Nanshan and Ying Mo looked at a table of seafood, but no one dared to touch it. This was beyond their knowledge. They had never seen this kind of cooking method, nor had they seen anyone eating such shelled and armored seafood. The thing was too weird. Although it smelled very fragrant, the three of them didn't dare to touch it.

Of course Guo Twelve understood what they were thinking, but he didn't dare to eat it right away. He picked up a steamed sea crab with a smile, broke open the crab shell with force, and ate it without any ceremony, without even dipping it in the seasoning. Got up.

After taking one bite, he was stunned. Not only was it delicious, the meat was tender and smooth, and the taste was a little sweet. He had never tasted such delicious food.

After all, Eagle Demon was the brave one. Seeing that Guo Twelve started to eat first, he also picked up a sea crab, took only one bite, and started to eat it.

Everyone immediately became confused. After Guo Twelve finished eating a sea crab, he found that there was not much left, and he couldn't help shouting: "Leave some for me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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